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Of All The Odds

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I saw and could feel how nervous Sandara was. Her hands were shaking and sweaty even with the strong wind coming out from the car's air-conditioning. 


“Relax. They won’t bite.” I said as I held her hand after switching the gear. I placed them on my thighs and gently squeezed them. 


“What if they don’t like my dress?” She asked me. Silly. 


After work, we went home and took a shower. I told her that even if she stinks, my parents will love her but she insists on going back. She’s wearing her white sequinned dress— her “meet the parents” dress. 


“They’ll love it.” 


“What if they won’t like me?” 


I chuckled. “Who wouldn’t like you?” 


“There’s a possibility… that your parents won’t like me.” She flashed a wince at the thought. 


“They’ll love you,” I assured her. “My parents were nice. My mom will even adore you. For sure.” 


“I’m nervous.” She said. “Did you feel like this when you met my parents the first time?” 


“I met them at a company party for a new hire. And yes, I feel nervous and terrified.” I said. “Meeting your bosses and the parents of the woman you love, wiw, what a combination.” 


Sandara nervously laughed. “Tell me something to distract me. Now, what are your parents like?” 


“They’re cool. Laidback.” I simply said. But remember my mom's antics. “But my mom…” 


“W-What about her?” 


“She’s like… uhm, she’s emitting golden retriever energy.” 


My mom is so energetic I can’t even keep up with her. But she’s kind and for sure she will love Sandara. When she learned that I was starting to date her, she forced me to bring her into our home. 


“I hope she’ll like me.” She bit her lower lip. 


“Oh, she will babe,” I assured her as I parked my car in front of our house. 


I opened the doors for her. She’s now trembling which is so funny because she’ll just meet my parents. “Babe, come on.” I laughed at her. I kissed her lips to assure her that everything was going to be fine. 


“Maybe we should uhm, re-schedule?” 


I chuckled as I opened the backseat and got the things she bought— although it was very unnecessary. 


“We’re already here.” I laughed. “Come, mom will surely love you.” 


“How do I look?” She nervously asked me again. “Do I look presentable?” She’s flattening her dress as if it’s crumpled, and putting a strand of her hair behind the ear. 


“Beautiful, babe.” 


I saw her lips tremble and then pouted. Damn it. I’m also thinking of just screwing this dinner and going back to our condo and making love to her ‘till tomorrow morning. I’m getting greedy again. Not good, Ji. 


“Oh, they’re here!” I heard a voice from our house. 


“Shucks,” Sandara said. Her eyes widened which looked so cute.


“Nana?” I asked. 


“Honeybee!” She squealed. 


“Love! Don’t run, please!” Masaki ranted as he followed Nana. 


“Oppa! Sunbae!” Nana rushed towards us. “I’m glad you made it!” 


Nana suddenly hugged Sandara. I don’t know if they were friends back then but Nana seems like even if they’re not friends, she’ll do anything to befriend her. 


“Nana.” Sandara smiled. “Congratulations on your pregnancy.” 


Nana giggled. “Oh, this is my love and soon-to-be husband, Masaki. Oppa’s cousin.” 


“Nice meeting you,” Masaki said with a smile. “I’m happy you accepted my crazy cousin.” 


“Shut up!” I angrily said. I wrapped my arm around Sandara’s waist. “Why are you here?” 


“Of course for the food!” Nana shrieked. “Mommy said you’ll bring your wife so of course, we have to be here. I mean, did the two of you secretly marry or something?” 


Sandara’s wide eyes met mine. Oh, . Mom really. 


“No. She’s still a Park. And I won’t be an marrying her without telling her family or mine.” I simply said. 


I really need to talk with my mom! She’s jinxing it again! Just like when I told her I like this girl named Sandara Park back in College. 


“I thought you were already married. Like duh, just get married already.” Nana said while pouting. “Anyways, let’s go. I swear Mom’s cooking is the best.” 


Sandara held me by the arms as we walked inside. 


“Still nervous?” 


She pouted and shook her head, yet her cold fingertips said otherwise. “Your cousin. He’s an actor right?” 


“Yeah.” I simply replied. I eyed her and saw her blush. Damn it. “I’m more handsome and intelligent than him. He might be richer than me—“


Sandara pinched me in the arm. “I don’t have a crush on him or something. I’m just shocked. It’s my first time seeing an actor. Wow. The visuals.” 


I pouted. This greedy monster inside of me is at it again. 


“You might meet more at his wedding. Next week.” 


“Really? Then I need to—“


“Welcome darling! I’ve been waiting for you my whole life!” 


I sighed as I spotted my mother spreading her arms as she walked towards us. She’s exaggerating again! Sandara held to my arm tightly looking nervous. I chuckled. You shouldn’t be nervous, babe. 




“My daughter-in-law!” Mom immediately went to Sandara and hugged her, she didn’t even bother to look at me. “The moment I saw you before, I knew you’d be my future daughter-in-law.” 


“Mom!” My face felt hot. Mom looked at me, eyebrows furrowed. Really, her emotions were like a roller coaster. 


“What? So you won’t marry her?” 


“J-Just… let’s just get in,” I said while pouting, dragging Sandara inside. 


Mom just laughed leaving me and Sandara. I sighed. I told her to calm down and yet…


“Your mom is so energetic,” Sandara said with a giggle. “Just like you. Back in College.”


“Am I that energetic? I think I’m cool though. Cool and charismatic.” 


“Cool. Yeah, right.” She rolled her eyes. “You’re so annoying before.” 


I laughed at her. Sure, I am annoying Sandara. Because she’s so studious and uptight before. Maybe, unconsciously, I am annoying her to get her attention. And if she looks at me, she’ll always have a pissed expression which makes me somehow… happy. Weird. Like, come on! College is fun. She should enjoy it and not just study. 


“But you like this annoying little fella huh.” 


Sandara blushed as she looked away. I put my hand on her waist. “I’m so glad you saw me during enrollment.” 


My parents were glad to finally meet Sandara. Dad is amused to see she’s really beautiful. He even asked Sandara if she was really sure she was dating me. Even suggested buying a motorcycle helmet so Sandara wouldn’t change her mind if someday she hit her head on a wall and realized I was not a good choice. 


Dad adores her. So as Mom. 


“Now that you two are back together, I am really hoping that you’ll really end up together.” Mom said as we ate the dessert. 


Nana is silently enjoying her food while eyeing us. She’s just really here for the food. 


“Mom.” With a threatening voice, I said. 


I love my mom but in times like this I want her to keep her words to herself. As much as I want to rush things— I can’t. I’ve learned my lesson. The hard way. It cost me 8 years. 8 painful years. 


“I don’t want to pry but 8 years is already long.” She added. 


“I told you, we never dated before. And we just started dating now.” I replied. “Mom just leave it to us.”


I don’t want to rush Sandara into making decisions. Not in front of my family. I don’t want her to feel pressured and just say ‘yes’ because of them. 


“Fine, fine. But I really love Sandara to be my daughter-in-law.” She said while giving us an assuring smile. 


The dinner went well. Minus the fact that Mom and Nana kept Sandara to themselves. And I was stuck with Dad and Masaki which is not fun considering I want to be with my girlfriend. 


“Feel free to visit us,” Dad said as we bid goodbye. “And again, welcome to the family Sandara.” 


They gave her tight hugs and kisses. I just know Mom and Dad really love her. 


“Yes, D-Dad. M-Mom,” Sandara said with a shy smile. Babe, the time will come when you’ll be comfortable in calling them Mom and Dad. 


The ride home was accompanied by comfortable silence. Sandara is giggling while looking at the pictures on her phone.


“I can’t believe Nana and Masaki’s love story,” she commented. 


“Yeah,” I said nervously. 


Today, I’ve decided to propose to her. After seeing that my family and her family approve of our relationship, I feel like there is nothing wrong with proposing. I just said earlier that I don’t want to rush things again, yet I want to properly want an assurance that I’ve been wanting— the assurance of marriage. 


I am scared she might reject me but I just want to give it a try. I know that she loves me and I love her too and I know marriage is the new step we need. Might be too fast considering we just started dating. But as I’ve said, time doesn't matter. It will still be the same if I propose to her now or later. 


I sighed. “What’s wrong?” She asked, looking worried. “Is your tummy hurt?” 


I smiled at Sandara. Am I being selfish again? Sure, we both love each other but I want to have this assurance. Will I cage Sandara if I propose to her? Will it change everything? And if she rejects me, will I be able to show that I am fine? Will I be fine? 


“Nah. I’m fine.” I’ll be fine. Whatever happens. 


I held her hand and kissed her knuckles. This hand of hers feels empty. Maybe a ring will do. 


“Babe, where are we going?” She asked when she noticed that I was driving to a different route. 


I smiled at her and squeezed her hand. “I want to show you something.” 


She nodded and smiled. 


How did I deserve to have her in my life? I mean, the universe is really in our favor, in my favor, right now. Everything is falling into the right places. My family, her family. We both matured in those 8 years of being away. We both stayed in love despite having no communication and assurance. From being just classmates, now we are here. Sandara is the sweetest and kindest woman I’ve ever met and loves me despite the things that happened. 


I parked my car in front of my house, the house I created for her. Silly how I built this house for her, not even caring if she’s happily married or what. Am I that confident that she will come back for me? That the universe will lead her back to me?


“Who’s house is this?” She asked as I opened the doors. 




“M-Mine?” She asked, shocked. fell open as we entered. 


There’s a picture of her hanging on the wall— a picture of her during college, her graduation picture in law school. She might even cry if she knows that this is the same layout she created during college of her dream house. 




“I know we just got back together.” I started, there’s a hint of nervousness in my voice. I held her hand and I saw how her eyes glistened. Babe, don’t cry. I promise I won’t make you cry. And if you’ll cry, you’ll cry because of happiness and joy. You’ll cry because you’re happy with me. 


“I know we had a rough start, you hate me because I am smarter than you, and I dislike you because you are uptight and strict.” 


Sandara’s lips trembled. Maybe she realized that I was about to propose. Damn it. 


“Then one day, I just can’t seem to get you out of my mind. I start to see the tiny details about you. How your lips twitch every time you find something I did displeasing to your taste; how you look at me with disgust every time I change the girls I date. I hated you because of your guts and at the same time, I find it amusing. God knows how much I regret being so playful, making it hard for you to believe that I really like you. 


And lo and behold, the consequences of my actions— when I confessed to you, you upright rejected me. The disgust in your face, the horror, it hurt me so much yet I know you have all the right to feel that. If I were to choose, I wouldn’t date me or believe in my own words either. They sound so fake. That I suddenly fell in love with the girl who isn’t even my type; the girl who hates me and the only girl who can talk bull at me face to face. The girl I thought would be just my classmate.” 




“I was selfish. I want you for myself, Sandara. I did everything so I could be with you. I… I even failed my final exams so you can get what you really want. And I was hurt because, despite all of the things I did, you still left me.” 


Sandara is now sobbing. I cupped her face and wiped the tears falling. 


“Babe, I can’t seem to love anyone other than you. I don’t even know how did it happen. I was so sure you were just part of the girls I would meet. Just a mere classmate. But then I realized that I like you, no scratch that, I love you, and a life without you is not living at all. If… if you want, would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?” 


I didn’t even kneel. There’s no candlelight or flowers. No extravagant gestures or preparation. It’s just us in the house I built for her and my sincere feelings. I slowly grabbed the ring from my pocket and reached for her hand— slowly slipping into her finger the ring that I bought. 


Sandara just kept on sobbing. I hugged her and hushed her. 


“Babe…” I whispered as I hugged her tight. “I-If you’re not ready, y-you can always say no. Maybe I was rushing things. And—“


“No…” Sandara cried. “No!”


I stiffened but then sighed. I feel hurt, yes, but as I’ve said, I will be fine. This relationship will work only if I compromise, right? Right now, Sandara doesn’t want to—


“I’m supposed to be the one who’s proposing!” 


I pushed her to gently to see her face. Even with a crying face, she’s still the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. 


“W-What do you mean?” 


Sandara wiped her tears as she pulled out her necklace and I saw 2 rings. I looked at her as I felt my eyes watered. My breathing hitched. 


“B-Babe?” With a trembling voice, I asked. 


“Before I went to the U.S., I… I purchased this ring as a sign of my p-promise that I will stay loyal to you despite the distance and uncertainties.” 


I saw Sandara slowly removing the ring from her necklace. She put them together and I saw that the stone is formed into a heart-shape. Our names were even engraved on it. 


“B-Before I left you that night, I was sure that I would give it to but I became a coward. I-I got scared of the thought that you might fall out of love with me because of the distance; I got scared that y-you will find someone else while I was in the U.S. I wasn’t able to give this to you, despite my feelings, because I know I’ll be unfair to you. 


Ji, babe, I love you so damn much that I realize that my academic dream is nothing without you. I graduated Summa, I became a lawyer. But, was I happy in those times? The happiness I felt was superficial. It didn’t reach in my heart. I felt that something was lacking. I should be happy because I have achieved so many things, right? That I proved to everyone and myself that I am good. That I can be great. I should be happy I’ve achieved the things I’ve been dreaming of for the longest time, but Ji, I was not. 


I was happy when you were there with me; I was happy because I-I worked hard along with you. I am happy that you’re always there for me and agree to my whims. And now, I won’t be a coward again. I still have my dreams, I do have a lot, but this time I want to achieve it together with you. Because babe, you are part of my dream. 


I dream of a life with you. I dream of a happy, stressful, full of challenging life with you. And together, we will overcome it, and not let go our each other.” 


Her sobs and laughter are audible I can’t help but kiss her lips. Damn it. Babe, we will achieve those dreams together. 


I let go of her lips and I pressed my forehead to hers. 


“I love you,” I whispered. 


“I don’t want to regret another painful year without you. I won't abandon my dreams and I won’t and can’t abandon you either. This isn’t about me choosing who will I abandon this time. So, I will choose my dreams, and above that, is you. I can do that, right? I can achieve my dreams and be with you right?” 


I nod. I will do everything so you can achieve your dreams, babe. 


“Ji, babe, please, marry me.” 


Sandara, with cold and trembling hands, slid the ring on my finger. Ah, I am the happiest man right now. No words can describe how much happiness I am feeling right now. 


“I love you,” I whispered as I kissed her. Yes, Sandara, I will marry you. 


I will never forget how it all started— the moment she looked at me, I cursed at the thought that she looked a bit pretty in a matter of split seconds. And how rude she can get whenever I get grades higher than hers or how she blatantly calls me names yet she accepts all the Iced Coffee or cookies I gave to her. 


I will never forget how I realise how fragile she is no matter how strong she tries to portray. She shed tears because of small things and sobs because of her 3 mistakes during exams. 


I will never forget her long straight her, innocent eyes, pale skin, and small figure that caught my attention despite seeing how different she was compared to the girls I used to date. And her eyes, although innocent, will always look at me with judgment whenever I date a new girl back then. 


I will never forget how your lips felt and tasted the very first time I kissed you. How your smell lingers after being so close to you. How your touch can give me a wildfire of emotions. How I feel whenever we make love. How I feel whenever you cry. 


Every time you cry, I bleed, babe. When you cried while telling me you’ll be back, I was more than willing to believe in your lies so you wouldn’t cry again. I am more than willing but I was so mad, so mad at the thought despite me changing for the better, you’ll still leave me. 


Babe, why are you crying again now? Are you regretting this? I hope not. Because you have no choice but to marry me. 


I watch Sandara as she walks down the aisle with her Dad. Our family and friends were gathered to witness our wedding. Finally, after a year of waiting, I will marry the woman that I love. 


“Please take care of my daughter, son.” Judge, or should I say, Dad said as he patted my shoulder while handling Sandara’s hands. 


“I will, Dad.” 


“Stop crying, babe…” I said as I took the veil to wipe her tears. 


“I’m just happy.” She whispered. “I am finally marrying you, Jiyong.” 


Babe, I feel the same. If you are happy, then I am happy. And now, together we will pursue your dreams. Together. As one. 



“It will only take one moment, Ji. Just one to realize if you found The one.” Daesung said while drinking. We were still in our second year in University and we were starting to explore clubs, alcohol, and smoke. Typical college s. 


“What the…” I said as I shook my head. 


“It will only take one moment for you to realize that you really, really love someone and that someone is the one for you. And the rest of the girls you’ve met? It will just be a distant memory. You might remember the girl, but not the feeling. Because the moment you realize that you love that specific girl, the shallow feelings you have for the other girls will be nothing compared to your feelings for that girl. It will be overwhelming and will make you crazy. It will be extremes of the extreme and lows of the lows.” 


And that moment? 


When I saw Song Mino’s arm resting comfortably on Sandara’s shoulder. Something inside of me awakened, like a beast who was sleeping soundly inside of me woke up, and wanted to rip Mino’s filthy hands. I got so angry that as I grabbed his arm, I imagined so many ways how to amputate that filthy arm. . 


“What the actual are you doing?” I growled. 


I am always calm and yet just that moment changed everything. My views about Sandara, my opinions about other girls, my whole being. Indeed, it will only take one moment. . 


I am in love with Sandara Park


The girl who I thought would be just my College classmate; the girl whom I thought amazing because of her intelligence. Damn it. 


Sandara, an academic monster who stands 5 feet 4 inches girl, managed to change me. I who likes slender girls with long legs fell in love with this girl who’s cute as a button and loves Iced Coffee. I, who doesn’t give a about grades and class standing manages to act normal, and put in wrong answers during exams just to make Sandara’s goal come true— and that is to graduate with the highest grade in the class. 

Loving her has indeed pushed me to the extremes: the extreme high when she loved me and the extreme low when she lied and left. 

“You may now kiss your wife…” the priest said. 


We looked at our friends as they clapped their hands. I removed her veil, revealing her beautiful crying face. 


I kissed her thoroughly in front of everyone. I don’t care about her dad’s loud and awkward coughs as we share a long sensual kiss. 


Sandara Park, let me scratch that, Sandara Kwon. How beautiful it sounds. 


Destiny really allowed us to meet again after 8 long years. And even if destiny won’t allow it, I will defy destiny for you. 


“Uhm, everyone we have just one thing to announce.” 


I smiled at her. “Hmm?” 


“Actually today is a double celebration for me and Jiyong,” Sandara said, my beloved wife, while giggling. 


From now on, I will hear her giggles from morning to night before I sleep. I can now sleep comfortably with the assurance of her with me by my side for the rest of our lives. 


“Today, we celebrated our wedding day and also today is the day I will announce something.” 


I looked at her. “What is it?” 


She leans her head on my shoulder. “I am 3 weeks pregnant!” 


Everyone cheered to her announcement and I was left silent, slowly processing her words. 


What? Pregnancy? She’s pregnant? 


My lips trembled when the information kicked in. I looked at Sandara who was smiling widely at me. 


“You’re gonna be a dad!” She enthusiastically said. 


Damn it. I wiped my tears as I kissed her. Babe, you are really full of surprises. 


My love for Sandara surpassed all the hatred I felt, the past that hurt both of us, the lies that tore us apart, and the insecurities and uncertainties after being apart. 


And now that we are one, we will face everything together. Her achieving her dreams and I will gladly support her. 


Babe, now that I have you, I have everything I need.


I love you, Sandara. I love you. 



Against all odds, I got to marry the girl of my dreams. And that girl is Sandara Park, no, Sandara Kwon from today onwards. 





x o x o 


Thank you for reading!✨ 

I really hope u enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this one :) 

See you at “The Trouble is You” and “To Fall Again”. 
And to my future stories! 

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Janaky011203 0 points #1
Chapter 35: Thank you for this beautiful story. They are destined to be with each other. Against All Odds. I just hope this story will come true. Daragon forever.
Chapter 35: SC jebal
18 streak #3
Chapter 35: Dropped by to upvote the story only
JiSandara #4
Chapter 35: Destiny...against all odds.
Congratulations authornim!👏
Looking forward to more exciting & melodramtic stories🥰
18 streak #5
Chapter 35: I liked the story, and enjoyed every chapter ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 14 streak #6
Chapter 35: Heavens!!! I finally finished reading this chapter 🥺, I definitely enjoyed this story a lot, it reminded me of the phrase that says "If you love someone, set them free, if they come back to you they are yours! If not they never were. Beautiful story, thanks for sharing
bernie20 #7
Chapter 35: Thank u so much. I enjoyed reading this story ❤️❤️❤️
Looking forward for new daragon stories to come...
Chapter 35: special chapter please
18 streak #9
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting,
I will start reading it <3
Chapter 34: Authornim I read whole fiction in one go and now I want to see their happily married life and kids too ❤️🥰