Welcome Ho-

Don't leave me alone...

Weeks later...they back home..

Chaeyoung: *Holding Ha-Eun*

*Jungkook and the other members bringing the boxes in to make the crib, the changing station, etc (this is why you need to be prepared)

Namjoon: Jungkook..if you ed and you knew you were gonna have a child...you could have bought the crib...and set it up..

Jungkook: Well soorry...Its not my fault I was desperate...I didn't have it..

Yoongi; You hid them in my drawer...

Jungkook: Damnit..

(Time for a litle more drama, so lets bring back Ji-Woo..)

*Knock on the door*

RJ: *opens the dor, then quicky closes it..but is stopped by a foot..*

Ji-Woo: Helloooo....?

Yoongi: ..

Ji-Woo: *Opens door* I see you have everything set up...

Jungkook: What do you want Ji-Woo...

Ji-Woo: Look I need you back in my life.....I've been so lonely..

Jungkook: You cheated on me in 7th....

Ji-Woo: Well I messed up..Just understand I can't think straight...just.Cmon! *grabs his hand*

Jungkook: NO!! I have my family already!


Jungkook: I don't want to...I'm with my family and my wife Chaeyoung...wait....where is Chaeyoung

Ji-Woo: Hehe..

Namjoon: *notices the quiet laugh* ...the took her again..

Ji-Woo: Wow Namjoon...you so smart..

Yoongi: Your gonna regret your life right now..

Ji-Woo:  Oh No no no...because if you attack me...you don't wanna know what happens to Chaeyoung and her daughter...

Jungkook: NO!

Ji-Woo: Either you go with me and save her..or stay with her and see her DIE...

Jungkook: I w-wanna saay no...but I don't wanna risk the life of m-my family..s-so yes...

Hobi; Jungkook...don't....

Jimin: ing ....you just want him all for yourself...he isn;t your puppet...

Ji-Woo: I don't care...he's the only one I love.....so bye bye...ha ha!

*Ji-Woo walks out dragging Jungkook*

Jin: Oh no...

Taehyung: What are we gonna do!

Yoongi: We need more help...

Hobi: Umm *on the phone with the police* have you tried calling the police..

Namjoon: Oh...

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