Park Sanghyun-Cheondoong

Beneath The Mask 


Sanghyun jumped nearly ten feet in the air when he heard a book slam on his desk. He saw that the book was merely inches from his face.

"W-what?" He gasped in surprise.

"Park Sanghyun, what do you think you are doing? And where is your tutor?" Mrs. Park, his mother, asked. She had a stern look on her face as she glared down at her son.

"M-mooom. I don't wanna learn anything. It's stupid! I'm gonna become an idol when I grow up anyways!" Sanghyun whined. His mother gave him a reprimanding look and pinched his cheek. "Ow!"

"Yah, Don't say things like that. Becoming an idol is not a good life. How did you even get into this idol stuff anyways? Your father would be disappointed if he heard about this silly dream you have." Mrs. Park scolded.

"It's not a silly dream, Mom! I'm gonna make it come true, just wait until I'm older." Sanghyun huffed, crossing his arms.

Mrs. Park sighed and ruffled her hair in frustration, smoothing it out again right away. "There's no need for you to become an idol, Sanghyun-ah. You need to learn the family business so you can take over Park Corporations after your father. Don't disappoint us like your sister does."

"Noona is not a disappointment!" Sanghyun shouted. His mother's eyes widened in shock at his sudden outburst. She had never seen her son snap back at her like that.

"That's it! I'm going to go get your father. Let's see how he'll react to a disobedient son like you." Mrs. Park said, turning on her heels and leaving the room.

Sanghyun wrinkled his nose and stomped his foot in a tiny tantrum. *I hate my parents! They won't let me do anything I want to do. They won't let me go to school and I have to have a tutor homeschool me instead. I wanna go and make friends. I wanna become an idol and get famous.*

He stormed over to the window and looked out. Right outside his window was a perfect view of the beautiful courtyard that belonged to the estate. On the other side of the house were the pool and a small garden. Sanghyun's father was the CEO of a large computer corporation, which is why they were able to live in such a grand house.

 Sanghyun was a spolied nine year old child with several staff always waiting on him. He could get whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it. The only thing he couldn't have was his dream.

*Sandara noona gets to do what she wants. She goes to school with her friends. She always goes to a modeling agency after school and designs outfits. She'll definitely become a fashion designer in three years when she turns 18. Why can't I do things like that, except with singing, not fashion.*

"Instead, Mom and Dad want me to learn about business. I'm only nine years old!" Sanghyun said to no one in particular. Suddenly, he heard screaming and loud noises coming from other parts of the house. They sounded strangely like gun shots.

Sanghyun's eyes grew wide and he ran over to the door. Cracking it open, he peeked out and saw nothing. *What's going on? What was that?*

He made up his mind to go out and check, but stopped when he heard the pounding of several pairs of feet coming down the hall towards his room.

Sanghyun retreated into a corner of the room, his entire body trembling in fear. Soon, the door burst open and his mother was there. She had tears streaming down her cheeks as she ran over to her son.

"Sanghyun-ah, hide under the bed, now!" She ordered. Sanghyun did as he was told and crawled under the bed. His mother kneeled down beside him and cupped his cheeks.

"Listen to me, alright? Don't you dare come out from under there until the police come and get you, okay?" She said. Sanghyun was too shocked to respond. He stared blankly at his mother as more gun shots thundered off and screams could be heard.

"Did you hear me?!" She shouted. Sanghyun flinched but nodded. His mother softened and kissed his forehead. "I love you, Sanghyun-ah. Your father and I have always loved you and always will, don't ever doubt that." She whispered.

For the time being, the mother and her son stayed in that position. The son, hidden under the bed, and the mother, kneeling right beside it. She gently his hair and hummed a sweet lullaby.

Sanghyun closed his eyes and focused on his mother's humming to calm him. He didn't want to hear anything other than that. He was terrified of every crack of thunder that came when a gun was shot. He felt uneasy because his mother was scared too. She was supposed to be brave, protecting, but seeing her cower in fear like this was unnerving to him.

Humming became the only thing that Sanghyun could hear now.

However, the sound of the humming was drowned out by more thundering gun shots that sounded closer than before. And soon enough, the door burst open. Mrs. Park nudged Sanghyun deeper under the bed and stood up.

 It all happened in a flash to Sanghyun. One second his mother was standing by the bed, then the next she was on the floor, dark red blood pooling around her.

The ones who had shot her began to ransack the room, opening up Sanghyun's dresser and looking for anything of value. They grabbed whatever item that seemed to be worth a large sum of money.

Sanghyun's heart nearly jumped out of its chest when he saw a pair of feet right in front of his face. The feet were by his mother's head and they moved to push her body over like a rag doll.

"Should we check under the bed?" A gruff voice asked. Sanghyun's eyes widened and his breathing accelerated. His chest tightened in fear.

 "No, there's no need to. It's just a brat's room, there wouldn't be anything under there but toys."

After hearing that, Sanghyun almost let out a sigh of relief but just managed to catch himself. Who knows, maybe they could hear something as quiet as a sigh.

And just like that, the sound of footsteps leaving the room told Sanghyun that the men were gone. He could see his mother's face right in front of his own now, it was pale and lifeless. Her eyes were closed, making it seem as if she was only sleeping. Sanghyun wished that that was true.

Staying true to his mother's last wishes, Sanghyun remained under the bed until the police came. However, they came too late of course. Once they had gotten there, everyone in the household had been slaughtered. The entire house was robbed of anything of value.

Sanghyun was found last after all the other rooms were checked. His mother was taken away but Sanghyun ran after her corpse, tears falling endlessly.

"Mom! Dad!" He cried out, seeing both of his parents' limp bodies being carted away. A police car stopped in front of the house and Sanghyun's older sister, Sandara, rushed out.

She had tears cascading down her cheeks too as she engulfed her younger brother in a tight hug. The siblings sobbed together, clinging on tightly as the police tried to direct them into one of the cars.

Something seemed to happen to the siblings' minds as they both looked at each other, sending a mutual message that no one else could understand. They were thinking the same thing and they couldn't let their fears come true.

*If the police take us, then they'll bring us to an orphanage. Then, we'll probably get separated if one of us gets adopted and the other doesn't. I've lost my parents today, and I'm not going to lose my little brother. I'm almost sixteen, I can take care of the both of us.* Sandara thought.

With a determined look in her eyes, she grabbed Sanghyun's hand and ran away from the police. They chased after them, calling after them to stop.

"Come on Sanghyun!" She said. Sanghyun ran as fast as he could but his short legs weren't helping. Sandara bit her lip in frustration and carried Sanghyun on her back instead.

They siblings ran and ran until they couldn't hear the police behind them anymore. Sandara's legs were aching and she had no idea where they were. But, that didn't matter at the moment. All that mattered was that the two sibling were together for now and they wouldn't be separated.

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sequel is posted! I hope you all enjoy it :) and please check out my new fic Ride the Wind too ^.^


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Chapter 5: The beginning and the description of every member is just so genius. i'm so happy i found a worth reading fic!!
and i'm so happy that there's a sequel!!!!!! \\\(>w<\)
sweet-suzy #2
I LOVE THIS STORY!! Oh my yonngyukkie! I love how you put in so many stars... Just dropped them in randomly!

Lovely story, amazing storyline, superb vocabulary, just truly phenomenal! Loved every bit of it!
hellopanda23 #3
Hhhhahsbsb I just started reading this. I am not done yet but :( he is gone!!! It was funny. Kind of. I didn't want him with her but I didn't want him goneeee. (don't want to spoil it for ppl who read later)
Sophiaa #4
Well done! A great story i enjoed so so much!
leficklerabbit #5
yayyyyyyyyyyyy~!! :D SEQUEL! :D I LUVE YOU AUTHOR! <3
kayytran #6
OMG! It's the end! This story was really good, I enjoyed reading it (:
ItzJaeKay #7
Ahhh it ended
Haha they are all together
But I wonder who is the guy that she will love and marry later on
leficklerabbit #8
How can I only find this fic NOW?
Subscribed... So if you have a sequel POST THE LINK!! :D