Friendly Competition

Beneath The Mask 

As if by some unknown pact, all five guys stood by the school gate at the end of the day and waited for Minah. Students filed on by them, some of Cheondoong’s fan girls would shyly smile and wave at him. Mir’s fans would wink at him and try to get his attention. However the boys paid no heed to them all.

There was still a tense air between them. Nobody said a word. Himchan walked by with his best friend Daehyun. He gave Joon a smile and a wave, glancing warily at the other guys. Youngjae also walked by moments later, calling out to Cheondoong.

“Cheondoong! Are you going home now?” He asked. Cheondoong waved at him. “I will. I’m just waiting for someone right now.”

Youngjae nodded in understanding and left. Mir looked up when he heard rapid footsteps approaching him. He knew exactly who it was, so he stepped over to the side as a head of curly blond hair crashed to the ground where he had once been standing.

“Ow, damn it Mir! Why did you move?!” Zelo snapped. Mir chuckled and nudged Zelo with his foot. “Because you were going to tackle me, idiot.”

Zelo grinned and stood up, brushing the dirt off his uniform. He finally noticed the four other guys standing around and raised an eyebrow. “Who are they?”

Mir glanced around at them and smirked. “They’re nobodies.”

Seungho’s face twitched in irritation. *This guy still has the nerve to call us nobodies?* Zelo noticed how the guys were all giving Mir looks that could kill. Gulping nervously, he waved goodbye to Mir and dashed off.

Once Zelo was gone, Seungho strode over to Mir. “What the hell was that about?” He spat. Mir grinned and his eyes narrowed back at Seungho. “What? Did I hurt your feelings?”

Seungho growled angrily and raised his fist in the air, poised to strike. Mir stared back defiantly, ready for the blow. Then, a hand came out and grabbed Seungho’s arm. The pair looked down to find Minah eyeing them.

Reluctantly, Seungho let his hand fall to his side and he backed away from Mir. Meanwhile, Mir smiled at Minah and hooked his arm through hers.

“Let’s go friend. I’m gonna take you to all the best places in town,” he said. Joon immediately protested, pulling Minah away from him.

“No, she’s coming home with me!” Joon shouted. Mir shot him an angry look. “And then what? You’re just going to do homework and go to bed like good little kids? Live a little, will you?” Mir scoffed.

Minah slipped away while the two argued over whether or not she should be allowed to ‘live a little’ as Mir put it. She started walking away when G.O, Cheondoong, and Seungho came up beside her. The four of them walked off as the bickering pair continued to quarrel.

“How was the rest of your school day, Minah?” Cheondoong asked. Minah shrugged, indicating that it was the same as always. “What about you, G.O?”

G.O flinched; surprised that he was being addressed. He twiddled his finger, trying to formulate an answer. “I-it was alright,” he managed to stammer. Cheondoong noticed his discomfort and didn’t probe any further.

“Seungho, what about you? Anything interesting happen in school?” Cheondoong asked. Seungho replied in the same way that Minah did, with a shrug.

Finally, Joon and Mir realized that the others had left without them. They sprinted off in pursuit of them, shoving each other along the way.

“Stop following me! Go home!” Joon yelled. “I’m not following you!” Mir snapped back. The pair was too caught up with pushing each other that they didn’t know how quickly they were catching up to the others.

The two of them crashed into the others, knocking all of them to the ground. All six of them sat up, disoriented. Then, Joon and Mir began to laugh loudly. Seungho shook his head, the smallest smile on his face. Cheondoong merely chuckled softly. G.O’s face broke out with a wide smile. Minah just scoffed in order to hide her laugh.

The two troublemakers realized what had just happened and abruptly stopped laughing. They looked away awkwardly from each other.

*I just laughed with that stupid jerk.* Joon eyed Mir and slowly stood up. As G.O was helping Minah up to her feet, all six of them heard a high pitched shriek.

“Oh my God! It’s Cheondoong oppa!” One girl screamed loudly. Cheondoong’s eyes widened and he started running.

Minah ran off after him and grabbed his hand. “This way,” she said, tugging him down an alley. The other guys were right on their tail, followed by a herd of Cheondoong’s fan girls.

They sprinted through a maze of alleys and eventually lost the fan girls. Minah finally came to a stop in front of her apartment building. She quickly let go of Cheondoong’s hand, her cheeks flushing.

He smiled warmly at her and thanked her. Joon panted for air and looked up at the building. “Oh, let’s go inside Minah,” he said, gently tugging her away. “Let’s leave them behind and spend time as best friends!”

They got into the elevator and five seconds later, four more people piled in. Joon glared at them and hooked his arm with Minah’s. “I never said you guys could come too,” he said flatly.

Mir smirked in response and hooked his arm through Minah’s free one. “So, it’s not up to you is it? It’s Minah’s decision.”

Joon’s bottom lip stuck out in a pout and he looked at Minah. “Tell them to go away, Minah.” Minah rolled her eyes and shook her head. Mir grinned in triumph. Joon wrinkled his nose and turned away from Mir.

Cheondoong just scratched the back of his neck, wondering why he decided to follow Minah. It was more of an impulse thing.

G.O shifted from one foot to the other awkwardly, not understanding his decision to follow Minah. *I hope she doesn’t think I’m weird for following her.*

Gazing at Minah, Seungho smiled softly. His feet had moved on their own and dragged him into the elevator but he didn’t mind it, he just wanted to spend more time with Minah.

Once the elevator stopped Mir and Joon both tugged Minah with them and headed towards her apartment. She didn’t really want anyone following her home but she knew it was too late now.

Yanking free from Mir and Joon, Minah took out her keys and unlocked the door to her apartment. Joon shoved past Mir and opened the door first. He stuck his tongue out and went over to sit on the couch.

Minah sighed and stalked past them, going into her room. Mir tried to follow her but she slammed the door in his face. Joon laughed loudly and Mir glared at him.

Cautiously, Cheondoong entered the apartment. He didn’t know what to except or whether or not he was welcome. Coming in after him was a curious Seungho. His eyes scanned over everything in the apartment, trying to see if he can piece together who Minah was. There wasn’t anything that seemed out of the ordinary. There were no family pictures at all.

The last one to go inside was G.O who was literally trembling from head to toe. He had never gone into someone else’s apartment before, much less a girl’s.

Joon peered out at him and smiled. “What’s wrong? You can come inside,” he said. G.O shakily took a step forward and suddenly lost balance when someone hauled him into the room.

“Why the hell are you so slow?” Mir snapped as he practically chucked G.O onto the couch. G.O’s eyes widened and he scooted as far away from Mir as possible.

“Hey, don’t scare him. What kind of a friend are you?” Cheondoong said. Mir shot him a look as he propped his feet up on the coffee table. “Since when was I friends with him?” He questioned.

“Since today, idiot,” Seungho spoke up. A growl came from the back of Mir’s throat as he threw a pillow at Seungho. “Don’t call me an idiot.”

The door to Minah’s room opened and she came out. The boys could see her seething with anger. “I let you come to my apartment, so can’t you at least stop fighting,” she snapped.

She stormed off into the kitchen while the boys shot each other accusatory looks. “It’s all your fault,” Joon said, pointing at Mir. He scoffed and gestured towards Seungho. “He’s the one throwing around insults.”

Seungho’s lips curled up into a snarl as he stared Mir down. The two held each other’s gazes and the four other boys could see the sparks flying from their eyes. It seemed like Seungho was about to grab Mir by the collar until Minah walked back into the living room. He slipped his hands behind his back, looking like he was just admiring the décor.

Minah eyed all of them suspiciously though, wondering if she would have to kick them out soon. She was surprised with herself that she even allowed them to come inside her apartment. Seeing those five guys sitting in her living room seemed to make the usually empty apartment more cozy and homely.

She set down the tray of drinks that she had been holding and took a seat beside Joon. His smile reached his ears as he scooted over to her and protectively wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

“See, you should thank Minah for being so kind to you guys. But you can’t touch her,” Joon remarked, giving the other guys and warning look. Minah rolled her eyes and pinched Joon’s hand. He yelped and pulled away, his lips automatically forming a pout.

This caused the other guys to laugh amusedly as they all went over and grabbed a glass of juice. Mir and Seungho both reached for the same glass and when their hands touched, they sent one another a murderous glare. In that one second of time, Cheondoong quickly snatched the glass from them, grinning mischievously.

“What the hell?!” Mir snapped. Cheondoong took a sip of juice while raising an eyebrow at him. “What? It’s not my fault you two are so slow,” he replied simply.  A dark scowl appeared on Mir’s face as he grabbed another glass.

There was a long break in conversation while everyone was preoccupied with taking small sips of the juice. The atmosphere had an awkward, uncomfortable air to it as the newly formed group of friends glanced between one another wondering who would start up the conversation.

Clearing , Minah stood up and took the tray and the empty glasses back into the kitchen. Joon, who had been fidgeting in his seat for a while now, gestured wildly for the guys to huddle closer. The others exchanged looks with one another before leaning in to hear what Joon had to say.

“I think we’re making Minah uncomfortable. We should do something to make her feel secure around us,” Joon said. Mir’s eyebrows raised in surprise.

“So, you actually noticed? I thought you were too stupid to notice anything,” Mir said. Joon’s jaw dropped open, a look of hurt flashing across his face. “I’m not stupid!” He retorted. Mir merely shrugged his shoulders and leaned back.

“I have an idea. How about I take Minah out on a date so then she won’t be uncomfortable anymore? She only feels that way because you nobodies are here,” Mir continued, ignoring Joon completely.

“No, absolutely not!” Joon protested. The others nodded, agreeing with Joon whole heartedly. “There is no way we would leave Minah alone in your clutches,” Cheondoong added.

“What’s wrong with me? I’m not a bad person,” Mir responded although the guys could see the smirk on his face that said he knew he was bad.

“How about a friendly competition?” Cheondoong suggested. The others glanced at him curiously, wondering what this ‘friendly competition’ was. “W-what is it?” G.O stammered. He wasn’t necessarily sure of his abilities in any kind of competition so he couldn’t help but feel worried for what he might have to do.

“Hmm, oh I know! Whoever makes Minah laugh first gets to spend Saturday with her this week.”

The motley group of acquaintances all contemplated the idea. They heard Minah turning off the sink, indicating that she had just finished washing the dishes and she would walk out soon. Without another thought, they agreed to have their friendly competition.

Seconds after the decision was made, Minah came out into the living room. Her eyes scanned over the guys, noticing the sudden change in mood. Joon had a big grin on his face and she instantly knew that something was up.

“What were you guys talking about?” She questioned.

The first person to tackle the competition was the one who suggested it. He had been devising up a sure-fire method to get Minah to laugh for a while now. Since he was an idol, he also had variety show experience under his belt albeit he wasn’t very good with variety shows.

Breathing in deeply, Cheondoong prepared his plan. He could feel his palms growing sweaty and he had trouble looking into Minah’s eyes.

“M-Minah, what’s the difference between roast beef and pea soup?”


“Anyone can roast beef but no one can pee soup.”





“What? I don’t get it,” Joon said, scratching his head in confusion. Everyone turned their attention on him now and they saw his expression change into one of understanding. “Oh! I get it now, you can’t pee soup, like, oh I see.”

Mir slapped his forehead and rolled his eyes. G.O smiled sympathetically at Joon. Seungho shook his head slightly.

Cheondoong bit his lip anxiously when he realized there was still no reaction from Minah. She merely crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head questioningly. “What is this all about?” She asked. The boys didn’t answer her and this time Joon stepped up. He pulled Minah over to the couch and made her sit down.

“Okay Minah, PikaJoon is going to make you laugh!” He exclaimed excitedly. Minah didn’t respond as she waited for Joon’s attempt at making her laugh.

in a big breath, Joon opened his mouth and belted out the highest note he could hit. This only made everyone in the room cover their ears and send dirty looks at Joon. He pursed his lips, realizing that his first idea hadn’t worked.

“Okay, wait. I’ve got more ideas,” he said. He began to make random faces, giving Minah a full aegyo blast.

Of course, Minah had seen it all before so she wasn’t fazed by it. The other guys cringed in disgust and looked away.

“Ugh, stop the aegyo,” Mir complained. Joon’s eyebrows furrowed and he plopped down on the couch beside Minah, pouting. “You guys are mean.”

By now, Minah pieced together what the boys were trying to do. *They must be having some kind of competition to get me to laugh. Well, they’re going to have to try hard. I don’t think I’ve laughed freely for a long time.*

Cracking his knuckles, Mir went up next. Minah shifted away, anticipating the worst. He pushed the coffee table out of the way and sat down on the floor in front of Minah.

“I’m going to show you my English skills. This always gets Zelo to laugh,” Mir said. Leaning forward slightly, Minah waited for Mir’s ‘English skills’.

With a look of utmost confidence, Mir let out a string of all the English words he knew. “Herro, middle school, high school. ENGRISH! Everybody rice eat! WAAFFFUURRR!!”

The room was silent for a second before Joon and Cheondoong both burst out in laughter. Joon was sitting crossed-legged and clapping wildly as he laughed. Cheondoong clutched his stomach as he doubled over in laughter.

G.O laughed softly, not wanting anyone to hear him laugh. His shoulders moved up and down as he silently laughed. Seungho choked back his laughter but a wide smile still cracked on his face.

Still expressionless and silent, Minah bit the inside of her cheek to keep her laughter at bay. Mir stared hard at her, waiting for her to crack.

“Come on, why aren’t you laughing!?” He protested. “Everyone else always laughs when I speak English, although I don’t understand why. I’m really good at it.”

This comment made Seungho laugh loudly while Mir shot him a dirty look. After everyone had calmed down, Seungho decided to take his turn. “Sorry, I don’t have any clue what to do to make you laugh,” he stated simply. The boys made sounds of protest.

“What?! You have to try,” Cheondoong said. Seungho glared at him and the others, making them shut up.

Now, everyone turned their attention towards G.O who was shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He twiddled his fingers and stared into his lap. Sweat beads rolled down his forehead as he felt the heat of everyone’s stares.

“I-I’m not a v-very funny person,” G.O muttered dejectedly. He felt a pressure on his shoulder and looked up into Minah’s eyes. He could see the soft, sympathetic look in them and slightly relaxed. “It’s okay. You don’t have to do it if you’re uncomfortable.”

Gaining courage, G.O shook his head. “No, I’ll do it.”

All five of them waited eagerly to see what the introverted, adorably awkward boy would do. He began to make weird faces and got up, dancing in a strange fashion.

A/N: Let's ignore Joon(okay, I was wrong before, it is Joon NOT Rain. I'm so stupid OTL) in the third gif and focus on G.O. XD

Minah felt something bubbling up inside of her. It was light and fuzzy, crawling from every part of her body and up . Her face cracked with a wide smile that no one could see. Then, came her laughter that they all could hear. The sound was pleasing to the ears, like wind chimes softly tinkling in the wind.

All five guys stopped what they were doing and just listened to the beautiful sound. Minah’s entire body shook with laughter as she clutched her sides. The boys had an identical smile on their faces, overwhelmed with the joy of hearing Minah laugh.

Once she calmed down, she glanced at all the star-struck boys. She realized they were all staring at her so her cheeks flushed. “W-what?” She said defensively.

Joon slid over to Minah and grinned brightly. “I haven’t heard you laugh in so long!” He cheered, throwing his arms around her. Minah squirmed around for a moment but eventually let him be.

“Good job, G.O-ssi. You won the competition,” Cheondoong congratulated. This made Minah’s ears perk up. “Competition? Then what’s the prize?” She demanded to know.

Joon let go of her and fidgeted nervously. “Umm, the prize is…a date on Saturday. With you.”

Minah’s eyes grew wide as she looked at all five guys. “You guys used me as a prize?” She said, anger seething from her voice. They gulped nervously and nodded. Shooting out of his seat, Mir waved to them all and sprinted for the door. “See you later, losers!”

Cheondoong apologized before glancing at the clock and taking his leave. Joon pouted and frantically apologized before escaping back to the safety of his apartment. Giving Minah a soft, apologetic smile, Seungho left too.

G.O was the only one left now. He stared down at his lap again, twiddling his fingers. “I-it’s okay i-if you don’t w-want to go on th-that date with me,” he mumbled before dashing out the door in a flash. He pressed his hands on his cheeks feeling them heat up as he ran down the street towards home.

*I can’t believe I could have a date with Minah. Well, I will only if she says yes, which she probably won’t. But, I wouldn’t mind either way. At least I got to hear her laugh today.*

Sighing heavily, Minah shut the door to her apartment and sat on her couch. She didn’t know how tiring it would be to have friends, especially five guy friends.

*They had better not set me as the prize for another stupid competition. Although I wouldn’t really mind spending Saturday with G.O-ssi, he’s nice unlike that bastard Mir.*

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sequel is posted! I hope you all enjoy it :) and please check out my new fic Ride the Wind too ^.^


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Chapter 5: The beginning and the description of every member is just so genius. i'm so happy i found a worth reading fic!!
and i'm so happy that there's a sequel!!!!!! \\\(>w<\)
sweet-suzy #2
I LOVE THIS STORY!! Oh my yonngyukkie! I love how you put in so many stars... Just dropped them in randomly!

Lovely story, amazing storyline, superb vocabulary, just truly phenomenal! Loved every bit of it!
hellopanda23 #3
Hhhhahsbsb I just started reading this. I am not done yet but :( he is gone!!! It was funny. Kind of. I didn't want him with her but I didn't want him goneeee. (don't want to spoil it for ppl who read later)
Sophiaa #4
Well done! A great story i enjoed so so much!
leficklerabbit #5
yayyyyyyyyyyyy~!! :D SEQUEL! :D I LUVE YOU AUTHOR! <3
kayytran #6
OMG! It's the end! This story was really good, I enjoyed reading it (:
ItzJaeKay #7
Ahhh it ended
Haha they are all together
But I wonder who is the guy that she will love and marry later on
leficklerabbit #8
How can I only find this fic NOW?
Subscribed... So if you have a sequel POST THE LINK!! :D