trust in you

the only love i've ever known

2 months before 


“hey baby, why that frown on your pretty face?” 


jinsoul questions as she moves towards their shared bed. jungeun was already tucked in bed, laptop in front of her. jinsoul closes the laptop and pushes the ends of jungeun’s lips up, forming a forced smile on her girlfriend’s face. 


“has anyone ever told you that you look like an angry bird?” 


jungeun immediately breaks her frown and pins jinsoul down to the bed. she was obviously very offended by the remark. 


“jung jinsoul, i dare you to say that again.” 


“my girlfriend is an angry bird!” 


jungeun doesn’t spare a second and attacks jinsoul’s waist with her tickles as jinsoul tries her best to squirm away. 


“baby, please, stop, IT’S SO TICKLISH.” 


jungeun eventually stops soon after and jinsoul notices that she’s smiling now. a genuine smile. she takes a few moments to look at her girlfriend. 


it was summer so jungeun had opted for a sleeveless shirt, which was jinsoul’s, and short shorts. her hair had been done up into a messy bun with strands of blonde hair falling out from the tickle attack earlier. jungeun’s eyes were now looking at her lazily. it was almost jungeun’s bedtime which would explain why the girl was a little drowsy. jungeun had a soft smile on her face. it wasn’t a big smile but it was big enough for her cheekbones to appear. 


jinsoul feels a sudden wave of emotions hit her (literally in her feelings). 

she thinks jungeun is the best thing to have ever happened to her. 

she knows she’ll never be able to love anyone else like she loves jungeun. 

she wants to be able to love jungeun until death do them part. 


“jungeun, would you let me be by your side till the day we’re all old and wrinkly like raisins?” 


“are you... proposing right now?” 


“well no, it’s not really a proposal yet but i really do want to marry you because i’ve already thought about my future and you’re in every one of my plans.” 


jungeun swiftly leans down to capture jinsoul’s lips. it wasn’t one of those lust filled kisses or playful pecks. this kiss was slow, filled with nothing but love and unspoken words that they’d keep between themselves. 


“yes jinsoul, i’d love to be an old wrinkly raisin with you.” 


the couple share another kiss before jinsoul pulls jungeun down into her arms so that they’re cuddling now. jungeun turns her body to face jinsoul who’s looking at her with so much affection and she’s honestly overwhelmed in a good way. 


“i almost forgot to ask, why were you frowning just now? is everything okay?” 


jinsoul sees jungeun’s expression slowly fall as she lets out a small sigh. 


“well, you already know my family isn’t doing that well financially and something happened back home so... before i tell you, promise me you won’t be mad.” 


jinsoul looks in amusement as jungeun holds out her pinky for jinsoul. trust an adult to still believe in pinky promises but jinsoul takes it. she could never be mad at jungeun anyway. 


“i... i got a job. it’s just a part time tutoring job but the thing is it’s going to be in the evenings and will probably extend till late at night.” 


“baby, you could have told me earlier i mean i can support you! was getting a job really necessary?” 


“i already feel bad you’re letting me live in your apartment for free, so please just let me do this? it’ll only be until everything at home stabilises!” 


jinsoul imagines the coming nights without jungeun by her side and her heart wants to stop jungeun at all costs but she knows jungeun hates being overly reliant on others including jinsoul. it took months for jinsoul to convince jungeun to move in with her for free. knowing how hard headed jungeun could be, jinsoul reluctantly agrees. 


“come on soul, don’t go all pouty on me!” 


“how am i going to sleep without you next to me? how are you going to stay awake past your bedtime? baby promise me you’ll stay safe. also-“ 


jungeun quickly shuts her girlfriend up with her own lips and she feels jinsoul physically relax in her embrace. 


“god soul just trust me okay? i’ll miss you like crazy but we’ll get through this.” 


jinsoul looks into jungeun’s eyes that are looking softly at her and she’s assured. 


she trusts jungeun. 


she trusts their relationship. 


everything will be alright. 


a little soft throwback whew, i'll update more when i'm done with my exams!! also im really grateful for all the comments :') i'll reply to every one so yea leave some feedback suggestions or anything tbh alrighties hope y'all have a good week ahead!! 

extra note: i planned out the rest of the chapters already so we're looking at 3 more chapters before the ending! (maybe bonus chapters if necessary but most likely not...?) anyway im pretty excited for this :D

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hey_udroppeduruwu #1
Yebinx #2
Chapter 3: Yasss operation proposoul!!
KittenThief #3
Chapter 2: Omg this is hurting already!
Pls update soon, its really good!
Chapter 2: ugh omg im not even a loona stan but smth about lipsoul just makes me ship them
Chapter 2: gosh my heart is already broken...
OnceuHue #6
Chapter 1: this ing hurts khsadkhasbosdakhbkjsd
Yebinx #7
Chapter 2: And i trust you with this fanfic pls don't let me cry and let us (all the lipsoul shippers) have a happy ending for once in our lifetime. I'm speaking into the existence right now bc I've read every fanfic and most of them are anglsty, sad and no happy ending , which by the way breaks me everytime i read something. I TRUST YOU ! :) btw GOOD CHAPTER !!!!
Chapter 2: o o f that's cute

best of luck with ur exams :))