Theme Park Madness

The Pink Neon

It was 07:19 AM when Nayeon first look at her phone as soon as she woke up. She still felt a bit sleepy but she also has an urge to take a peek into the guest room where Sana slept. When she came out from her room, it was quiet and a little bit gloomy as the sun hasn't reached her window just yet. She then gently knocked the door of the guest room, but she got no answer from the inside and just assumed Sana was still sleeping. She then turned her back and was about to make her morning cereal before she suddenly got another urge to peek inside the room. She knew it would be weird if Sana caught her peeking the room whatever she was doing inside, but she braved herself and did it anyway. She opened the door only to see an empty and cleansed room as if nobody was sleeping or even went inside for days. Nayeon then checked the bathrooms, and every single room in her apartment but she still unable to find her. She then sat on her sofa and again thinking by herself. "So this is it? She just left me like that? Didn't even leave a message or a number I can contact? At this point I'm not even sure if she really worked in that strip club, so why bother going there again? I should have known this would happen, just how silly I am to hope someone that acted nice to me for a day could really be someone important for my life." Nayeon then could feel the warmth of the tears that came down from her eyes into her cheeks.

Unable to hold her mixture feelings of dissapointment and anger, Nayeon furiously threw the television remote in front of her to the wall. She then stood up and about to go to her room until she heard a knock on her door, a loud one. With full of doubt, she then walk slowly into the door while weeping her tears and runny nose. She opened the door, it was Sana waiting on the outside.

"OH FINALLY THANK YOU FOR OPENING THE DOOR!" Sana shouted cheerfully as if she just freed from some sort of prison.

"S-Sana? I thought you go home already," Nayeon seems a bit confused.

"What? Of course I won't, that's pretty rude," Sana denied Nayeon's accusation. "I was trying to make a breakfast for you but your fridge is empty, so I went downstairs to buy from nearby food stall and when I wanted to go back, I couldn't open the door because I don't have the keycard with me so I waited here until I heard a sign of you waking up," she then laughed a bit at herself.

"Why don't you just use your phone and call me?"

"Umm.. you knew that it was stolen right? I don't have any kind of communication device right now so... yeah I could just wait, I'm sorry, I think the food is probably cold already," Sana showed the food she bought. "Hey, did you just cry? What happened?" Sana finally noticed as she walked a bit inside the apartment.

"Oh, it's nothing, I was walking then I hit the bottom of the table with my toes, nothing to worry about," Nayeon lied.

"Then, what was the loud noise? Pretty sure that's not your toes hitting the table," Sana gave that unconvinced stare.

"It was... ummm..."

"Hey, it's the remote isn't it?" Sana pointed at the broken remote. "Did you just throw that thing? Because no way it would be that broken if it fell,"

Nayeon kept her silence, didn't know what to do or say and there was just silence for several seconds.

"Look, don't expect me to be truthful to you if yourself hiding something from me," Sana gave Nayeon a serious look.

"I... I thought you just left me..." Nayeon finally spoke up while turning her head to the left.

"Awww, so sweet of you for saying that, I take it as a compliment, come here," Sana spread her hands offering Nayeon for a hug.

Nayeon was incredibly reluctant but she hugged her anyway. She felt so comfortable while in Sana's hug although both of them just met 2 days ago. The only time she got hugged someone was a long time ago, exactly 5 years ago, when Jeongyeon hugged her during her birthday and she never hugged her anymore since Jeongyeon thought Nayeon was uncomfortable by her action. "Why am I like this? Why am I so weak against her?" Nayeon thought.

"Now come, let's eat before the food gets even colder," Sana released her hug and she tucked Nayeon's hair behind her ear. Nayeon was extremely blushed by Sana's action and quickly go to the bathroom to wash her face.

Both of them ate their breakfast afterwards, the food was indeed quite cold yet still delicious. Suddenly Nayeon remembered she will go to the theme park tomorrow with Jeongyeon and her girlfriend and it would be very awkward and annoying for Nayeon if she just third-wheeling on the theme park, so with full of nervous feeling, she tried to ask Sana to join them.

"Umm.. sorry, but I think I can't... I need to work, remember?" Sana frowned.

Nayeon knew Sana really wanted to join from her speaking tone and her pure dissapointment, but she also knew she took responsibility of the owner's debt as she ran the place now. "How about this, I will pay all your debts and buy you a new phone with two conditions," Nayeon said and suddenly surprised by what she just said. "Damn it Nayeon what did you just say?! You can't take that back if she accepted!" She angrily said to herself.

"Hahahaha, I don't think that's necessary, I can do this by myself, and I don't want to burden you with what supposed to be my responsibility," Sana looked nervous yet tried to look relaxed.

After they finished their meal, Sana was about to leave Nayeon's apartment and before she left, she gave Nayeon her full adress in case Nayeon wanted to meet her again.


07:38 PM, Nayeon was reading a book about business management on her living room sofa out of her curiousity. She skipped class today, because she knew her brother would visit her today and she had a favor to ask to her brother. Few minutes later, there was someone knocking her door pretty loudly that Nayeon quickly closed her book and went to the door.

"Sana? Hi," Nayeon greeted as she opened the door. She could see from Sana's face that she was sullen and she knew exactly why, she just pretended not to know anything.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HI?! WHAT IS THIS?!" Sana said loudly while showing a new famous branded expensive handphone. 

"Umm.. It's a phone? Why?" Nayeon still act as if she didn't know where that handphone came from.


"Oh? Someone bought it for you?"


Nayeong giggled because she didn't know what to answer and at this point it's just stupid for her to deny it even more. She asked Sana to enter her apartment first before she started shouting again. Just after she closed the door, Sana reached her pocket to get a piece of paper.

"Hey, what is this? What do you want?" Sana said while showing the paper which apparently a check to Nayeon's face. "Nayeon, please, you can't do this, this is just too much, the phone, the check, what are you giving me next? A house?"

"Oh you want a house? I think I can manage it," said Nayeon jokingly. Nayeon then sat on her sofa and gave Sana the gesture to sit down beside her.

"Not funny," Sana said rudely while sitting down beside Nayeon.

"Okay then listen to me, sometimes you just need someone to help you, this world is harsh, okay I know that was a common saying but I'm serious. I just want to help you. I want you to know you have someone you can rely on.  I..... trust you," Nayeon paused a bit.

"How do you trust me? I just met you two days ago! You don't even know if I actually told you the truth about myself!" Sana still looked upset.

"Well, if you lied, you could just take the money and the phone then run away, I think that amount of money is able to give you a new identity as well as a new life. But you didn't, you came here instead." Nayeon argued.

Sana was thinking for a minute, then she said "Alright, how about this, I pay my debt to the loan sharks, then I will give you back the rest because this is just way too many."

"Sure, but only if you keep the phone," said Nayeon to Sana who apparently forgot about the phone.

"But..... alright," Sana forced to accept the offer, knowing Nayeon would be too stubborn if she refused.

"So, you coming with me tomorrow?" Nayeon asked.

"Whe-" Sana then stopped a bit, "Oh, yeah, the theme park.... I don't have any choice do I?"

"You always have a choice," Nayeon smiled. "Though I know I'm not the right person to say it."

Nayeon then offered Sana to dinner together, but she refused. Sana said she wanted to sleep and rest for tomorrow, but Nayeon knew she just unable to see Nayeon "treat" her anymore, not today. After Sana left, Nayeon went back to her room and her brother was waiting for her inside, reading one of Nayeon's book.

"Is that her?" He asked.

"Yes," Nayeon said plainly. "I-I don't know how to repay you," Nayeon stuttered.

"Well, that was certainly not a debt, consider this as your early birthday gift," he smiled as he walked towards Nayeon.

"Isn't that a bit too much for a birthday present?" Nayeon asked.

"Not if that can make my sister smile again," he then kissed Nayeon's forehead. "I need to go, I have to make some reasons to the investors to cover your "birthday present."

Nayeon gave him his coat that hanged near her then accompanied her brother to her apartment's door and she saw her brother walked away for few steps. Nayeon then walked fastly and hugged her brother from behind. Her brother seemed a bit statrled as Nayeon hugged her from behind was one of the thing he could never expect.

"Thank you," Nayeon whispered.

"It's okay, when I said I'll do anything to make you happy again I mean it," he turned around then patted Nayeon's head and wiped Nayeon's tear from her cheeks. "Hey, don't cry, I thought that present was supposed to make you happy, not sad."

Nayeon wiped her tears and tried to hide her red face.

"Promise me to have fun tomorrow, okay?" he then kissed Nayeon's head and walked away.

Nayeon didn't say anything and just saw him walked into the elevator and he waved at her before the elevator door closed.

"I promise," Nayeon whispered.


"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Jengyeon shouted at Nayeon's ear. "You gave someone you only met two days ago a top brand handphone and a check worth a hundred or even more than my lifetime savings?! Are you mad or something?! You didn't even tell me you met her!"

"Do I need your approval for meeting someone or to give something to anyone I'd like to give?" Nayeon asked bitterly.

"Well duh! How many people you've actually been talked to for these past few years huh?! What if you got scammed? Don't even come to me if you got scammed because of this." Jeongyeon finally played that card.

Nayeon knew Jeongyeon lied about that and that she would react this way. She knew that Jeongyeon only worried about her because she didn't want what happened several years ago happened again to Nayeon.

"How much money you have spent for me then?" Nayeon asked back.

Jeongyeon couldn't answer that question as it's almost Nayeon that treated Jeongyeon everytime, and many of Jeongyeon's things were actually from Nayeon. "Well, if you trust her that much then where is she now?" Jeongyeon finally spoke up after pausing a bit.

Not long after Jeongyeon's question, two girls was seen to moving towards their direction, one of them was Sana who started to ran towards Nayeon as soon as she spotted Nayeon. She wore a red long sleeved v-neck t-shirt and a pair of jeans with a pair of white sneakers. Her long straight hair looked fell so smoothly as she ran. The woman beside her who apparently also ran into her direction wore a white shirt with an orange baggy pants with a pair of canvas shoes.

"Ah! Jihyo-ya!" Jeongyeon shouted while waving into the girl who ran beside Sana.

Sana slowed down as she approach Nayeon, Nayeon waved and smiled at her and she waved back. Nayeon said nothing but Sana laughed as soon as she in Nayeon's hearing range then Nayeon's waving hand turn into a gesture to high five Sana. However, instead of high five Nayeon, Sana held Nayeon's hand, and yes, Nayeon blushed. The moment she tried to find Jeongyeon, she saw her hugging the stranger that was walking with Sana earlier. "So that's Jeongyeon's girlfriend," Nayeon said to herself. After Sana and Nayeon greeted each other, Nayeon saw Jeongyeon dragged her girlfriend to her direction.

"This is Jihyo, my girlfriend," Jeongyeon said proudly. It didn't surprise Nayeon at all on why Jeongyeon said that so proudly, who wouldn't be so proud to have a girlfriend with a beauty in a Goddess level?

"Hi, my name is Im Nayeon," Nayeon greeted Jihyo stiffly.

"Hey you don't have to be that stiff!" Sana protested to Nayeon's action.

"You both know each other?" Nayeon asked.

"I was lost at the train station so I asked her for direction to the theme park and turns out she also going the same way so she asked me to just follow her and you know the rest," Sana explained. "You are Jeongyeon right? Hello, I'm Sana! Glad to finally able to meet you! Nayeon really talked a lot about you," Sana turned into Jeongyeon.

"Oh, hi Sana! Yeah I'm Jeongyeon, what did she talked about me? I'm really curious," Jeongyeon shook Sana's hand.

"Okay can we discuss that later,? I wanna enter the theme park I'm done waiting out here," Nayeon complained.

"Alright jeez, what's with the fuss, just relax we're going in," Jeongyeon then led the way to the enterance.

All four of them then proceeded into the theme park, when they first enter, Nayeon and Jeongyeon were debating on which attraction they should take first, Nayeon insisted on riding the roller coaster but Jeongyeon disagree because she thought it's a bit too early for that. Sana and Jihyo just watched them debating and after few seconds into the debate they got bored and decided to get some popcorns for themselves. Nayeon and Jeongyeon's debate took quite awhile that both Sana and Jihyo already went into the horror house. 

"If you guys still arguing, me and Jihyo will just go by our own," Sana threatened Nayeon and Jeongyeon as soon as she met them.

"I-I-I'm sorry," Nayeon lowered her head.

"Hahahaha so cute!" Sana then leaned into Nayeon while circled her arm on Nayeon's waist. "Let's go to the VR area, I just read the brochure, there's a new theme for the VR since last week."

Jeongyeon seemed to be impressed that Sana able to defeat Nayeon's stubborness. Then the four of them walked into the VR area, Jeongyeon and Jihyo in front and Sana and Nayeon were right behind them. Nayeon saw Jeongyeon and Jihyo were holding hands and then she looked at Sana who apparently held her arm while walking. Why is it feels like a double date? Me and Sana are supposed to just fourt-wheeling them. On their way to the VR area, Jeongyeon turned her head several times to see Nayeon and everytime after Jeongyeon turned her head back, she told Jihyo something and Jihyo also turned her head to see Nayeon and Sana then both of them giggled after Jihyo turned her head back. Nayeon's face was getting red as she tried to ignore them and just looked somewhere or talked to Sana about something. Once they reached the VR area, they lined up into the queue and waiting for their turn. Inside, the room was enormous and there were a lot of seats. The new theme of the VR was about sea adventure and it was as if they were diving into the sea and watched the a lot of sea creatures they never seen before up close. Safe to say that all of them enjoyed their first attraction and they proceeded into the next attraction which triggered the debate between Nayeon and Jeongyeon again. The debate wasn't as long as the previous debate because this time they decide that they need order to choose the ride, Jihyo got to decide where to go first, then Sana, Jeongyeon and Nayeon got the last.

Each of them suggested two attractions, Jihyo chose the pendulum ride and water ride, Sana chose the swing ride and haunted house cart ride, Jeongyeon chose the water ride and the drop tower, and Nayeon chose roller coaster and ferris wheel. When queueing for the pendulum ride, Nayeon looked so nervous and Sana noticed it, she asked whether Nayeon is okay or not and of course she lied. She felt nervous because that time was actually her first time going to the theme park extreme rides. She could handle roller coaster (barely) but she never wanted to ride the others because roller coaster was enough for her. All of the sudden, Sana held Nayeon from the side, and somehow she felt comfortable and feel safe when Sana did that, she still scared but she felt a lot better. All four of them had a lot of fun from those rides and decided to take a break after Jeongyeon's drop tower. Nayeon herself almost vomited after finished the pendulum ride, but she needed to look strong in front of Sana and Jihyo although Jeongyeon secretly knew Nayeon couldn't take it anymore and seemed to have enjoyed Nayeon's suffering. Sana seemed to know that Nayeon couldn't handle the ride and that was exactly why she was on Nayeon's side all the time with a wishful thinking on reducing Nayeon's suffering. Nayeon seemed able to hold for several rides, however, the drop tower was finally able to make Nayeon reached her limit. 

"I'll go to the toilet first, you guys just wait around here okay," Nayeon then ran as soon as she finished riding the drop tower. Her body finally gave up and she had to vomit because she couldn't hold it any longer. Took her about five minutes until she finally went outside the toilet, she then tried to contact Jeongyeon on her whereabouts and apparently she didn't listen to Nayeon when she said to wait around the drop tower area and just went straight to buy ice cream. It was already evening and the sun was about to set, the orange sky made Nayeon think about what happened today, she had a lot of fun with her friends and it was not a feeling she could feel every day in her life. Just a few steps from the toilet, Nayeon heard a familiar deep voice called her name and she knew it wasn't her brother. Nayeon was too afraid to turn around and just froze on her standing spot. A man walked from her left side and stood in front of her, the man who betrayed her years ago and caused her a deep trauma, her ex. 


"I think it has been several minutes, I'll go find her," Sana said to Jeongyeon.

"She maybe just taking her time, don't worry," Jeongyeon answered.

"I know both of you have been friends for a long time and already bickering like a couple, but wouldn't it be better to show her that you worry about her sometimes?"

Jeongyeon didn't answer directly, she took her time to think and said, "Alright, let's go find her then," Jeongyeon then sighed.

It didn't exactly take a long time to find her because Sana spotted her first just in front of the toilet, with a man in front of her. Sana couldn't see the man's face clearly but she didn't need a second look to see that Nayeon was shocked while looking at that man's face. Sana then pointed where Nayeon was to Jeongyeon and Jihyo.

"Oh ****!" Jeongyeon suddenly shouted a bad word from behind Sana after she spotted Nayeon then she ran full speed at Nayeon's direction. Not knowing anything, Sana followed Jeongyeon but unable to match her speed.

"HEY! WHAT THE **** DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!" Jeongyeon shouted at the man right in his face.

"I-I-" the man tried to say something but Jeongyeon grabbed Nayeon's arm and dragged her away from the man. "Nayeon-ah, I'm sorry!" The man shouted when there was finally some distance between him and Nayeon.

"You should be!" Jeongyeon shouted while keep dragging Nayeon away from him.

They finally sat on a bench a bit far from the toilet to make distance from the man. Jeongyeon told Sana and Jihyo that the man was Nayeon's ex-boyfriend whose action traumatized Nayeon until this day. Nayeon was crying and Jeongyeon tried to comfort her by letting Nayeon cried on her shoulder while patting her head it, was quite clear that Jeongyeon was trying her best to comfort Nayeon. Both Sana and Jihyo can only watch them and unable to say anything and after several attempts to comfort Nayeon, Nayeon finally calmed down but still hugging Jeongyeon.

"C-Can we go home?" Nayeon finally spoke up.

"Sure, let's go," Jeongyeon then stood up along with Nayeon.

"Ummm...." Sana tried to speak. "Why don't we go to the ferris wheel first before we go home? I mean it's only fair for Nayeon to ride the amusement ride she chose, the rest of us already ride our choices."

"I honestly think that's not a good idea," Jeongyeon refused Sana's suggestion.

"I-It's fine," Nayeon surprisingly agreed.

Because Nayeon agreed, then the four of them went into the ferris wheel. Nayeon didn't say anything along the way to the ride, she held Jeongyeon's arm all the time even when they were queueing for the ride. The ferris wheel could fit four person in each pods, and when the four of them was about to enter, Jihyo suddenly said something unexpected.

"Ummm, Nayeon-shi, I think you should go into the pod alone with Sana, me and Jeongyeon will be right behind you," Jihyo said.

Sana was totally shocked when Jihyo said that. Does she know? Sana thought to herself. But anyway Sana didn't refuse and so did Nayeon although Jeongyeon protested. Inside the pod, Sana entered first and Nayeon sat across her instead of beside her. Sana was quite dissapointed but she knew Nayeon was still unable to regain her usual mind. Sana looked at Nayeon's face but Nayeon was just looking at the window with a blank face. The higher the pod was, the more awkward the situation. After reaching the peak, Sana moved to Nayeon's left side and tried to talk to Nayeon.

"Nayeon-ah," Sana called her.

Nayeon didn't react immidiately, she slowly turned her head to Sana and said, "Yes?"

Sana was having a mild shock as Nayeon never talked to her this way and this just proved that Nayeon needed Jeongyeon more than her, however, her will to prove it wrong was very strong that she kept making eye contact with Nayeon.

"I know it was traumatizing for you, the whole experience," Sana took a deep breath. "But trust me, don't ever run from your past no matter what happen because it will just ended up in vain. No matter how fast you run, your past will catch up, looming and waiting for you in the future then it will strike you at the times you can never expect. I learned it when my father ran from his past instead of facing it, and his past caught up and it cost him his life. So what I want you to do, is just face your past, you are not alone you ha-" Sana stopped before finished her words. Without anyone talking, both of them was just staring at each other's eye, unconsciously, Sana's head started to move towards Nayeon's and before she knew it, she gave Nayeon a slow peck to her lips. Nayeon didn't resist, instead, she just remain still on her spot.

"Wh-What are you d-d-doing?" Nayeon asked stutterly.

"Helping you," Sana answered while her head moving slowly towards Nayeon's head again.

This time, it wasn't just a peck. Sana kissed Nayeon on her lips as if they were already a couple and again, Nayeon didn't resist. They seemed to be enjoying it as they did it for a long time.

"Ummm.. excuse me ladies, but the ride is over," someone said while opening the door of the pods.

Both Sana and Nayeon was so embarrassed that they face turned red and ran into the exit gate as fast as they could. They laughed at themselves after they reached the exit gate and in just few seconds, both Jeongyeon and Jihyo already beside them. Seeing Nayeon felt better, Jeongyeon was just being Jeongyeon, she teased Nayeon once she knew she could get the joke. Nayeon, who seemed to feel better, countered Jeongyeon's tease witfully. Without wasting anymore time, the four of them went into the parking lot outside to Jeongyeon's car.

"Alright, I'll drop Nayeon first then I'll drop Sana," Jeongyeon planned.

"What about me?" Jihyo asked.

"We still have unfinished business ma'am, you're not allowed to go home yet," Jeongyeon tease. "Come on, get inside the car."

"I think I'll pass," Sana said. "Just take Nayeon to her home safely, I'll take the train instead,"

"What? Why?" Nayeon protested while walking to Sana.

"You need to go home fast and besides, Jeongyeon was surely pretty worn out and I just don't want to make her tired even more since she has "unfinished busness" with Jihyo," Sana laughed.

"Then I'll go with Sana to the train station," Jihyo with her unexpected statement again.

"Wait, what the hell Jihyo?" Jeongyeon genuinely confused.

"Well, I came here with Sana and why not leaving with her?" Jihyo made Jeongyeon even more confused.

"I don't get it.... but why?" Jeongyeon still confused.

"Why not? Don't worry I'll go to your place to finish our business, I'm just taking the train that's all," Jihyo said.

"Well, whatever, as long as you intend to finish our business I'm cool," Jeongyeon then entered the car.

"Now what?" Nayeon turned her head to the bottom left.

"Now, you go home, take a rest, then I'll visit you tomorrow," Sana said.

"Why don't you just call me tonight? You have a phone now,"

"Sure, now go,"

Nayeon surprisingly hugged Sana before she went into the car. Jeogyeon the car's engine and ready to go. Nayeon opened the car window to let her and Jeongyeon gave the last goodbye wave to Sana and Jihyo. After they left, Sana finally can ask Jihyo the question she was wondering about.

"How did you know?" Sana asked.

"Easy, the way you look at her? The way you clinged at her? and please, I don't need to mention that you kept putting your hair behind your ears everytime you talked to her eye to eye." Jihyo answered.

"Then why now you didn't go with them?"

"Well, I want them to have their moment, like I know Jeongyeon won't just dropped her in front of her apartment if there were only two of them. Although they both seemed to bicker a lot, I kinda envy them sometimes, it's like they know what in each other's mind. Besides, if Jeongyeon is watching over Nayeon currently then who'd watch over you beside me?" Jihyo then laughed while walking towards the train station.

On their way to the train station, a shadowy figure came from their behind and stood before them. It was a man, he was as tall as common basketball players but his body was muscular, Sana was unable to spot any hair on his head and he wore a brown leather jacket but she could spot a scar on his neck although it didn't looks like a tedious scar. His face was pretty grotesque and Sana could see some rotten teeth when she smiled. When Sana looked behind, there were two more shady individuals standing behind them and she knew she would be unable to escape, not this time.

"Which one of you are Minatozaki Sana?" The man asked in deep voice.







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