
Kiss Me Like That
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"And that's a wrap!" The director stood up from his seat after watching the last scene taken from the monitoring screen. He pulled two thumbs up toward the band members still standing on their blocking position at the stage. Everybody started to clapped hands, whistling and giving hi-fives to each other. They"ve had finished a full day work quite pleasantly. No technical trouble, no delay, everybody focused and put their best effort. At this point they're very optimistic that the end result would be a satisfying one.

"Thankyou for your hardwork," "Well done everybody" "It had been great, thankyou" The band members, the dancers and the filming crews bowing one to another, shake hands and sometimes gave hugs as a farewell. The members went into the wardrobe room to get change.

Minwoo took a seat next to Junjin, asked him for a bottle of water, "Pass me the water, will you Jin ah?"


"Thanks. How come you don't look tired at all? How do you do that, making your face shining, dashingly handsome like that all the time? Aaw! I think i hurt my eyes!" Minwoo was joking around with Junjin, shielding his face with the palm of his hands,

after mimicking Minwoo for a second, Junjin explained, "The dance was quite light. For me the hard part was maintaining the y look on the face. You know, the acting part."

Andy joined them with a cotton pad in hand, cleaning the makeup traces on his face, "Yeah, hyung. I sometimes put more like a stern look instead. I hope i didn't ruin the mv!" He reported to Minwoo almost apologetic.

Junjin pulled up Andy's face by the chin with his thumb, "Let me see your stern look." Andy can't helped laughing. "Naah, he couldn't have had ruin the picture even if he wished too. He's way too cute."

Minwoo shook his head, added "Waaaay to cute."

"Well i don't know about you guys, but i'm pretty confident we'll make a good mv." Dongwan joined them also. "We always look cool when we are all together. The six of us."

"Well we know he has an uncurable severe narcistic syndrome, but i'd say he's not so wrong this time." Junjin's statement earned him a slight push on his shoulder from the now blushing Dongwan, and he tried to further explain himself, 

"Yaah! I was just saying, everybody did a very good job making the mv. Every body's part was interesting. Every single scene was meaningful. Just as i imagined it would be, even better."

Andy consoled him, "Yeah hyung, we feel the same. It was a promising shoot we took today."

"Nice choreography MInwoo, as always!" Dongwan made a toast with his bottle of water,

and Junjin shouldered him back, adding "And thankyou for picking that Hopper's Nighthawk picture as the setting background Dongwan hyung, it turns out really great on screen."

"It was, wasn't it? I figured it would make a romantic ambiance with an edgy taste, but in a really cool and classy way. And i must admit, the result was beyond my expectation! You know what Jinnie? Sometimes i'm myself can help but amazed by my own artistic sense."

"I know hyung. It is simply uncurable." Junjin shook his head and shrughed his shoulders making a give up gesture, and everybody laughed again,

"But by the way, where is our leader? We need to congratulate him as well!" Dongwan circling the room with his eyes,

"Oh, he's still got some paperworks to do. He didn't finish it last time, like i asked him to," Minwoo took another gulp,

"So you punish him?" Andy inquired,

"No. Not punish Andy ya, simply set him straight, it's his responsibility anyway." Minwoo smiled understanding his maknae's worry.

"Don't worry too much Andy, Hyesung hyung texted me he's with Eric hyung helping him out. They'll finish the job sooner since there are two of them right? He'll make it to pub for a drink with us this evening." Junjin tried to cheer Andy.

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Chapter 1: OMG!!!!!!... i had just found out that writting is a lot of fun, now you guys made it zillions times much better by giving sweet and thoughtful comments... i'm sooooooo happy!! I simply lost words! Honestly part of me got excited but also a bit worried, since now i realized that you DO pay serious attention to my writting kekeke... i will surely take into mind of your pointers... hopefully i can always keep writting, and just maybe (wish me luck!) gets a little bit better with your kind supports, but still enjoyable for myself kekeke... and you sweet guys reading. Again : Thankyouuuuu!!
Soo since you politely asked for a review I took my time to read it again and give you a proper one, we don't want halfhearted things right?^^ Let's start off with some constructive criticism-
I would advise you to change the format a little, to make the paragraphs shorter, it would be more pleasant to read.
And there are some situations where it isn't clear who does or says what (no easy thing to write when there is a bunch of six dorks together^^), making that a bit clearer would be a hint of mine. And so you don't always have to use their names only (in that case it can get exhausting rather fast and it's very hard to find the balance there, I myself struggle soo much with it ugh-xD) you can use descriptions of them too.

And I guess english isn't your mothertongue? Mine neither. So I, as a fellow writer, can advise you to read over a chapter before uploading it (after some time again helps too) to eliminate 'slips of the pen' and find a prettier phrasing for some sentences (or parts of them). That makes it nicer for the readers and you yourself can be more satisfied. Letting someone beta it - simply read through it and point some things out (or change them immediately) that could be done better or should be corrected - helps. I'd love to help in that case if you want - you can dm me if you'd like.:3

A scene I particularly liked was the end in chapter one when syung reenters the room and so on; As well as the one after the mv filming were the members sit together, very nice! And I have to say that I feel like Ricsyung are very natural around each other in the scene before the 'coaching' (hehe) and in the office scene, a thing I really adore when it comes to Ricsyung fics. Also during the last chapter it seemed like they've got closer on a physical level before, as it's already been said before I'd be nice to read some more about that~ ^^

And now to my personal conclusion: I think the story was very fluffy and hilarious, nice to read, I'm interested in more! Your idea was amazing, very lovely. And I love how you weaved together the storyline of each chapter and overall with the titel. :33
Keep writing!! <3
turyka #3
Chapter 4: So cute and fluffy... Love how you manage to write the storyline and ending with the title of the song.ʕ•ٹ•ʔ
story w/ a pre quel? Kekeke... sounds exciting! Noted! I will sure think of it. Glad you enjoyed the story, thankyouuuuuu!!
Chapter 4: I think i want pre quel with story.. maybe?? I really enjoy flluff or romcom story of you..just keep it up!!
Chapter 4: Hahahaaha another ricsyung writer XD thank you so much for writing this fic. It was fun and hilarious i enjoy reading. Hope to read more from you XD new follower here