Chapter One

The One I Saved
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Jongin POV

I was walking around the forest close to where I had set my traps. I am a wolf hunter, well my family is, I hate catching wolves so whenever I see one or any animal in a trap I free it. I hear whimpering coming from in the bushes, I quickly rush over towards the area when I am near the whimpering stops. I don't halt in my pace I start to run. When I reach the area I am met with a beautiful red wine coloured wolf stuck in the trap with ten others surrounding it, some of them are biting the trap trying to free the wolf. I notice my best friend Sehun in the mix of wolves. None of them sees to notice me yet as they are too busy calming and trying to free the wolf.

I slowly make my way forward but step on a small patch of dead leaves, they crumble and crunch under my weight. I freeze in my steps and the wolves turn towards me and start growling. Sehun and another wolf stay quiet, the others stand protectively in front of their, what I am presuming, pack mate. "I'm not going to hurt you guys I have come to free your friend," I say they freeze momentarily and slowly go and sit either side of the trapped wolf.

I take that as I can free the wolf. I slowly approach the wolf not knowing if the others will attack me or not. I know Sehun won't but I dont trust the others. As I am half way getting its paw out I hear a shout from my grandfather and my father "Jongin, where are you! Get here now boy!" I hear my grandfather shout. I move even quicker, soo

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Chapter 7: Super interesting plot, I really liked your fic ^*^
Chapter 7: I hope you write more~ ^^
Chapter 7: This is sooooo goooodddddd
Lolypop123 #4
Chapter 6: Aw that's it?!I need more Xd