
Fear of falling in love.


"Miyeon you are going to get us in a lot of trouble!!" the girl with short hair yelled after her friend.

 Stubborn as always, Miyeon waved at Soniya and went straight for the stairs so she can search for Taemin at a different floor. The second floor seemed really empty at that time. The only thing “interesting” seemed to be the birthday party of the guy she had met.

“He wasn’t even that good looking, nor friendly…” she said to herself and stopped for a moment to look at the endless doors which were at the third floor.

Biting her lower lip, she started walking slowly while listening careful at each door. From some came songs she had never heard before and others seemed empty. When she was at the last door, she placed her ear on it and listened carefully. There was no sound coming from it so she just sighed and looked down really sad.

“Where are you…” she whispered to herself and looked at the door that was in front of her. 

Staring at it hopelessly, she smiled weakly and walked back to the second floor, decided to attempt the party anyway since she had a ticket from Soniya. The party hadn’t started yet when she walked inside the room but the fans were already placed at their spots. The number of her seat was seven, right next to Soniya’s whom was six.

Without saying any word, she sat down next to Soniya whom seemed to be a bit concerned about her. Miyeon’s face expression was obvious that she couldn’t find Taemin so she didn’t ask about it anymore. Instead, she came up with an idea and wrapped an arm around Miyeon’s neck, tapping her nose so she could look up at her.

“Why don’t we ask Sehun oppa about it? Maybe he knows since he is Taemin’s roommate…” Soniya suggested.

Blinking confused, she placed her hand on Soniya’s chest and sketched a smile.

“You’re kidding, right? That guy wouldn’t tell us anything!”

“Maybe he would if we spread it in the room and everyone insisted for him to reply to it!” she said and turned to speak with a girl from behind her.

Five minutes after Soniya kept on spreading it inside the room and assuring everyone that Miyeon was the girl that Taemin had saved, everyone seemed to stare at her and some even tried to start conversations. Most of the attention was on her and it was hard for her to hide since she was on the first row next to the window.

With a smirk, Soniya wiggled her eyebrows at Miyeon and crossed her legs like a real proud lady. She looked exactly like those arrogant, rich girls that would appear in dramas once in a while and it made Miyeon giggle of her dorkiness.

“You kid…” Miyeon giggled and everyone suddenly turned to look at the door from where young men started walking inside.

Miyeon didn’t recognize anyone else apart of the Sehun guy whom she had met earlier and also hit… She suddenly blushed remembering of how she hit him without him doing much to her but it was more like a bad habit of her…

Whenever someone or didn’t say something she liked then she would hit that person. Not very hard though! Sehun was the one that sat in the middle with another guy that looked more attractive than him in her opinion.

“Finally something nice at whom to stare!” she said and paid attention to the guy with fuzzy hair and very adorable smile.

They all introduced themselves and in the end she found out that his name was Kai. She liked even his voice a lot. Everything about him seemed really adorable and after ten minutes Miyeon woke up with Soniya hitting her elbow because she kept on staring at Kai with “hungry eyes”.

Embarrassed, she puffed her cheeks and looked outside the window, trying hard to not turn to look at Kai. He only looked in her way once but she didn’t really seem to have caught his attention in any way. That was the pain of looking average and not like those idol girls with tons of make-up and wonderful clothes and hair…

Sighing she looked at Soniya whom decided that it was time for the “big question”.  Miyeon thought that Soniya was going to ask it but apparently, she turned back to whisper something to a girl that was behind her and the other girl made a sign for someone from the back to ask.

The strong bound of fan girls was incredible sometimes…

“Sehun Oppa, can you tell us please if you know anything about the incident between Taemin and the girl from Han River? We all already know you two are roommates!”

The question seemed to have caught him off guard because the surprised from his eyes was visible. For a moment Miyeon thought that he froze and stopped breathing but after a few seconds, Sehun cough and sketched an ironic smile.

“I am sorry, he didn’t tell me anything about it!” he said and bowed his head.

“Do you think Taemin oppa can clear her? She is right there!” another girl said and pointed her finger at Miyeon, making her feel embarrassed.

Like an instinct, she slide a bit on the chair and made herself tiny while everybody from the room turned their heads to look at her, including the EXO K members.

One good thing about it was that the good looking guy – Kai – finally seemed to notice her. The curious way he looked made her blush madly.

“Aigoo…” she screamed in her head and slowly waved her hand at the EXO K members since she didn’t know what else to do.

“Hello!” the guy whose name was Chanyeol said and waved both of his hands at her while smiling widely.

Bowing her head, she smiled at him and tried to avoid any contact with the other members.

“Are you pretending?” Sehun asked in a cold way. He didn’t seem to want to hide his cold side to the fans; probably because everyone seemed to see him a bit cold.

“Ah, I don’t know from where they came up with this…”

“Her name is Lee Miyeon!” Soniya said loud to Sehun.

“And mine is Oh Sehun!” he said with a lot of irony.

“Oppa don’t be mean!” some fan girls said innocently from the back of the room.

Smiling, he looked away from Miyeon and waved his hands in a “don’t worry” way.

“Please don’t take it wrong but I don’t know the name of the girl and I don’t remember it being mentioned either. There was only a photo which wasn’t very clear and…” for a moment he almost froze after remembering that night.

He tried to remember the girl’s face but it wasn’t very clear. With wide eyes, he looked again at Miyeon and he was feeling like he wanted to throw a bucket of water on her to see if there was any resemblance that way. A lot of girls from Seoul had hair and body like her so it was a bit hard for him to recognize after just that… Also he didn’t get to see her face too clear since it was covered with her hair and she was also all wet…

“I think you should just forget about it!” Sehun said to Miyeon and smiled at her; smile that looked fake from Miyeon’s point of view.




 The surprise party didn’t last long after that. Sehun replied to three more questions and did some funny things with the other members just to make fan girls’ hearts to melt. When the manager made a sign to the members, they all said good bye and bowed to the fans while thanking them for attending the surprise party.

Besides all that, Sehun had received a lot of presents and he couldn’t carry them all but fortunately the other membered helped him out. Of course, the fans didn’t know that the members did that only because that way they could have chosen one gift from it too. Sehun didn’t mind it since he had pretty much everything he wanted and he could always give them from the gifts that might not impress him too much. Most things he had received were clothes and letters or DVDs with movies he hadn’t seen before and CDs with some American singers which he liked a bit.

They didn’t debut for a long time so fans didn’t really get to know what he liked and what he did not but he still appreciated everything. Going back to their practice room, Sehun threw all the gifts on the floor and asked the manager if he could be taken home first since he had all those gifts too.

The manager gave him the permission and after they all made sure that the fan girls were out of the building, they went at the back of the building and placed everything inside the car. A few fans saw them there and were ready to go to announce others that were in front but Su Ho placed a finger over his lips indicating them to keep it a secret and they all listened very well after he smiled at them.

Fan girls seemed to have a weakness to his smile and the other members themselves agreed that he was really adorable when he did it. Sehun didn’t like his smile that much. Actually, he thought he looked much better with his cold image rather than being all smile but whenever he got the chance to show his warm side, he wouldn’t hesitate much!

The members wished him a Happy Birthday once again and Sehun thank them for everything before going inside the car.





At the dorm, Sehun called Taemin to come downstairs to help him along with the driver and he came straight away. He didn’t want people to suddenly gather there and besides, not many knew where they lived, which was a good thing but if they saw Sehun caring his gifts inside the building…

It took them a few minutes to get them all inside the building from where they would take it themselves to their own dorm. The driver still had to take the other members to their own dorms so he couldn’t afford spending much time there.

Sehun thank him and bowed before he started with Taemin to continue caring his gifts inside the dorm. It made Taemin really excited to see that his dongsaeng received a lot of attention from others and he also announced Sehun that there were other gifts for him too but which were still at SM. He didn’t get to know about them since he left right after the party but he could always take them the next day or just call someone from SM and nicely ask them to bring them to their dorm.

Sehun was really happy because of it. He loved to receive presents and Taemin hoped that he wouldn’t make a big fuss in case he wanted to put his hands on some… He knew that Sehun hated when he used his stuff without permission and he tried hard to change that about himself…

When they got everything inside, Sehun went to the bathroom to wash his hands and thought about what had happened at the surprise party. Taemin wanted to hear about it but he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to tell him everything or not. After thinking better about it, he took a deep breath and went to living room.

“Hyung, I need to ask you a favor…”




Sorry for mistakes! I didn't get to re-read it yet orz

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Oh my, is her friend's bf TAEMIN? NUUUUUUUU! I pretty wish not! lol I'm so pathetically possessive. XD
@flymouth oh thank you!! :D ah i will try to write something now hmmm
The poster is neat and perfect btw! ^^
Whew, I'm glad that I got it wrong! lol Ooh, Sehun seems to be snappy. XD I'm so Taemin-biased, I keep wishing in the back of my head that he'll meet Miyeon and live happily ever after but there's Sehun in the poster and acts as the lead and all... Bye bye Taemin. lol Will be waiting here for the next update! :D
KPopChikk #5
wow you always have ways to get me so drawn into your stories noona @q@
@flymouth noh.. you didn't get the plot right ㅎㅎㅎ
Ooh, so that's how it is. Oh no!!! Miyeon will think that Taemin is her savior and like him but when she discovers Sehun is the real one, she'll leave Taemin and dump him. NOOOO! AUTHOR NO! lol I'm overthinking too much. XD
@natsuella yes ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
ahh the han river, we meet again...
KPopChikk #10
NOONA!!!!~~~ OMFS I LOVE IT SO MUCH, YOU NEVER DISAPPOINT ME ;U; iiMissed reading your fics so much&now that i'm reading this new fic, the missing pieces of my puzzles has come back<3 Noona... daebakk!!!~ >u<)b update soon please! *bbuing bbuing* ;3