Hyung problem or faith?

Fear of falling in love.


Angry, he took an umbrella and burst outside of his apartment, cursing repeatedly because of his roommate whom never agreed with his decisions. Everything he wanted was for his things to not be touched or for him to ask for permission to use them but no! Every time he wanted to go out, he had to sneak into his wardrobe and take some of his pants or shirts... he was actually very surprised that he didn't even take his own underwear! Imagine? Nop.. it would have NOT surprised him!

His roommate was such a mess and it bugged him a lot because he was also a hyung! As an older person, wasn't he supposed to take care of him? Scrunching his nose at the thought of his roommate, he opened the umbrella and started walking down the streets while calming himself down. 

Tonight he wanted to rest well because he had to wake up early and practice hard for an upcoming performance but it was absolutely impossible with such a nuisance as Taemin! It made him roll his eyes and sigh of why SM would ever mix them! 

''It would be easier to please EXO and SHINee fans if the maknaes lived together and showed how close they were!!'' he imitated Lee Soo Man and scoffed of him.

''Why couldn't it be Kai?! They are such great friends! Why me out of all.. why couldn't they make Kai the maknae instead of me! Why do I have to live with Taemin when everybody from the company knows that we don't agree with many things?!'' he kept on mumbling to himself and threw a hand in the air, really annoyed! 

Cursing into his mind, he tried to think about the good opportunities of living with Taemin! Well, it wasn't like he knew to cook but at least he was very tidy! He really liked that Taemin knew to keep the house very clean and apart of that, Taemin would always treat him with food but why on earth couldn't he just ask for permission to borrow his stuff?

If it had happened only once or twice then he wouldn't have made such a big fuss but Taemin kept on repeating this thing for already two months and every person has a limit! This was his! THE LIMIT. 



There weren't many people on the street so he was very thankful because he didn't have to worry that somebody would recognize him. Not many people knew where they lived also because SM didn't let them stay in the same dorms like everybody else!

Sometimes Lee Soo Man could be so annoying... he was grateful for everything he had made for the artists, for trying to give them schedules when others would struggle hard to obtain even one or for being like a second father but sometimes, he just wished for ONCE to understand what was in that man's head.

Not that he wasn't a genius but... he couldn't make any connection to ''genius'' and him living with Taemin!

''Okay, you helped me a lot with dancing... I am grateful hyung, I really am but... hyung why can't you agree with me for once! Why do you always have to take my stuff without asking and why can't you just learn to share the practice room we have in the apartment! It's just one... little practice room! Ah hyung! Ah... HYUNG WHY ARE YOU ANNOYING ME WHEN YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO TAKE GOOD CARE OF ME!'' he complained and looked around to see where he was.

It surprised him for the moment to see that he had already arrived at the Han river so he turned his head to the right and stared at it unimpressed. It wasn't like it would have been the first time seeing the river like that so he sighed and looked down at his feet, still trying to clear his mind from all the nonsense. 

Suddenly, he heard somebody shouting and he turned back to see if a fan was shouting for his name or something like that. Meeting fans in such a state wasn't a great idea! He feared that he would shout at her to leave him alone and he wasn't the type of guy that would treat girls badly unless he was pushed to do it...

He knew that many people saw him cold or mysterious but he was actually the opposite.  All you had to do was to give him a chance to know him. 

his lips, he looked around to see from where the sound had come and he frowned when he saw somebody taking steps closer to the edge of the river. 

It surprised him so much that he stopped from walking and just stared at that person to see what she or he was doing. He wasn't sure if it was a guy or a girl because he wasn't really close to it. Taking another step, he tried to see better and his heart suddenly skipped a beat when the person jumped into the water.

He felt like a chicken! It shocked him so much that for a second he froze and his umbrella fell from his hand; falling on the ground and being dragged away from him because of the wind. Looking after the umbrella and at the spot where the person had jumped he didn't know what to do first so he just closed his eyes and took a deep breath before running as fast as he could thru the pouring rain.

Jumping into the water in that state was like murdering yourself. When he was there, he kept on looking in the water, hoping that he could see anything. It was so dark outside that he was absolutely sure that he had arrived too late. First, he took his phone out from his pocket and threw it on the wet grass, just in case he might need it later and after taking his jacket off as well, he jumped into the water.

Lee Soo Man would have probably killed him with his own hands if he knew that he was risking his life for a stranger but he didn't want to regret it later... he knew that he would think ''What if I jumped? What if I could have done something... What if that person was alive now because of me?" ... one million questions would have crossed his mind and he knew about it very well!

The storm was so bad that he could feel how it was dragging him down, almost impossible to go to the surface again. His lack of air was also becoming a burden and it caused him to open his eyes and try to see around. It hurt him at first and wanted to immediately close them back but he couldn't. It was so dark that it was impossible to see if something was around or not. In the end he decided to move his hand  around and see if he could touch anything before going back to the surface. 

He really needed air... it was getting so bad that he felt like he was drowning for good. Swimming deeper, he kept on searching for that person with his hand and when he touched something, he felt so relieved that he swim even deeper, grabbing the hand with both of his as he tried hard to swim back to the surface.

It was so hard tho. The person seemed really heavy and he didn't have much power because he was out of air. Closing his eyes, he almost opened his mouth and let the water drawn him when he realized of what he was about to do and started harder to swim and save themselves. He knew that it wasn't time for being lazy or letting lack of power take over him because otherwise, he wouldn't be in the practice room in the morning and he wouldn't have to listen to Taemin's nags once in a while or eat the delicious food he would order for him almost every day... 

He almost nodded to himself thru the water while swimming to the surface. When his head was finally out of the water, he desperately gasped for air and quickly pulled the person's head outside of the water as well.

The hair was covering the face of the person so he pushed it off to not cover the lips and nose. Without looking anymore at the person, he started to swim closer to the surface and pushed the person outside first, being sure that it was already a dead corpse... 

It made him shiver only thinking about it...

Despite that he was trembling badly because of the cold water, he quickly searched for his phone and called the ambulance to the location where they were. 

Five more minutes seemed to be an eternity for someone who was struggling to be alive... Turning to look at the person, he widened his eyes when he saw that it was a girl around his age and he quickly placed his ear on her chest, listening carefully if her heart might still be beating.

Because of the pouring rain, he wasn't sure if he heard anything so he put his hands on her chest and pushed twice before opening to breath in it. Never in his life has he ever thought that he would have to save someone, especially from such situations! The only thing he had ever saved was a puppy and that was by preventing it to cross the street during a red light.

''Ah, stay with me! Come on, open your eyes! Breath!!'' he kept on mumbling as he pressed on her chest and breath into . 

After one minute, he almost gave up and was sure that the person was dead. Closing his eyes, he covered his face with his palms and tried hard to not cry. For a moment, he was feeling like the world was against him and that somebody would have given him a task that he failed hopelessly.

''Please!'' he shouted at the girl whom was lying lifelessly on the ground. ''WAKE UP!'' 

No matter how much he would shout at her, he knew that it wouldn't bring her back to life so he started pushing his hands on her chest until the girl suddenly coughed and water started to come out from . With wide eyes, he pushed himself back and started trembling even worst as he watched carefully how the girl was coughing and gasping for air. 

The situation shocked him so much that he didn't even heard the sound of the ambulance... he didn't even realize for the moment that somebody had grabbed his hand and pulled him up from the ground, asking if he was feeling okay. 

All he did was to look at the girl how she was gasping and how a man suddenly placed something above so she could receive air. The moment she slowly opened her eyes was when a smile of relief had finally formed on his face. 



sorry for my english orz

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Oh my, is her friend's bf TAEMIN? NUUUUUUUU! I pretty wish not! lol I'm so pathetically possessive. XD
@flymouth oh thank you!! :D ah i will try to write something now hmmm
The poster is neat and perfect btw! ^^
Whew, I'm glad that I got it wrong! lol Ooh, Sehun seems to be snappy. XD I'm so Taemin-biased, I keep wishing in the back of my head that he'll meet Miyeon and live happily ever after but there's Sehun in the poster and acts as the lead and all... Bye bye Taemin. lol Will be waiting here for the next update! :D
KPopChikk #5
wow you always have ways to get me so drawn into your stories noona @q@
@flymouth noh.. you didn't get the plot right ㅎㅎㅎ
Ooh, so that's how it is. Oh no!!! Miyeon will think that Taemin is her savior and like him but when she discovers Sehun is the real one, she'll leave Taemin and dump him. NOOOO! AUTHOR NO! lol I'm overthinking too much. XD
@natsuella yes ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
ahh the han river, we meet again...
KPopChikk #10
NOONA!!!!~~~ OMFS I LOVE IT SO MUCH, YOU NEVER DISAPPOINT ME ;U; iiMissed reading your fics so much&now that i'm reading this new fic, the missing pieces of my puzzles has come back<3 Noona... daebakk!!!~ >u<)b update soon please! *bbuing bbuing* ;3