The Other World

“It was you who kicked me off the roof, wasn’t it!? I could have died” hyejin screaming

The other girl responded calmly “Oh my, weren’t you going to check if you really did die or not?”

“It’s surprising I’m still alive after falling from that height! It’s a miracle” answering the girl..  , hyejin realizing what the girl just said started shouting again. “What are you talking about!?”…… “Who the hell are you!?” as she continued.

While hyejin was still shouting a nurse peeked at the curtain infront of her bed, “Hey! Why aren’t you kids in class?”

What are you talking about?” hyejin still screaming responded at the nurse.

On the other hand the other girl standing infront of her responded calmly “Uh.. yes miss we’re going now” smiling at the nurse. Then the nurse left, leaving the other two looking at each other. Then the other girl started talking again holding her head looking annoyed, the calmness on her face disappeared. “ Oh maaann,!  You’re even dumber that I thought”

“What are you saying? Is this a test of courage? What kind of test of courage is this?” hyejin answered

“Well I thought you at least notice” the girl replied then asks her to go outside for a talk. Both of them started walking and ended up on the same rooftop where she fell earlier. As they settled on the bench that was resting at the end of the rooftop, hyejin started asking ‘So…..? what am I not noticing?” then the girl sitting beside her stand up and stood infront of he, crossing her arm at her chest trying to look as serious as she can “This place”…….”Well this place is the world after death” the girl said not blinking an eye, looking right straight through her.

“HUH?” the only word that came out from , “I-i don’t get it” she continued.

“You must have some memories of you dying”  the girl responded

“DYING?” she uttered, still confused of what she just heard. She was staring blank at the floor,,… then she remembered the truck that hit her. When she was able to remember what happened tears started falling from her eyes.

“Finally! An expression of understanding” the girl stated while looking at her crying face.

“No! I don’t’ understand a single damn thing, I’m still totally confused.”……”And who are you anyway?” she responded looking at the girl with a lot of questions in her eyes.

“I am a human, same as you” the only reply she gave her.

“Do I look like an idiot? Aren’t the others also human?” she responded with more confused face.

“Well for starters, since you’re new here, for you to understand what’s really happening, you can do one thing” the girl said while pulling the brightest smile on her face.

“What is it?”

“Join me” the girl extended her arm at her while smiling

She just looked at the girls hand and looked back at the girls face “Nope! Why would I?”

The smile on the girls face disappeared and started to look annoyed again. “Wait a minute…. Are you serious? Just try and use your head a little… I can help you understand things you don’t know from this place” the girl said while shaking her head

“When I just think of joining with this girl, it already drives me nuts” she thought to herself, “You just say whatever you want don’t you?” she told the girl looking for an answer.

“Well then try to think about what this world is” the girl replied.

“S-shi-!”..”Alright!” she started thinking, still not taking her eyes away from the girl cause she can’t help but adore the girl looking so cute while throwing some tantrums infront of her. Then started talking “Well let’s see, so you are human.. and that talk earlier got you mad? Right?” she said trying to tease the girl, then the girl frowned but she continued while laughing “So that means there are others who are not human here?”

“25 points!” the girl shouted while making thumbs up

“Ya! I didn’t ask for your points! You idiot.. give me the answer already!” hyejin rolling her eyes

The girl just started jumping and trying to make faces at her “Just keep answering until you get a 100 points! Don’t disappoint me”  then sticking out her tongue.

“Are you serious?” she replied with wide eyes open. So then hyejin started thinking again looking at the girl “So let’s see, she’s a girl…. And a pretty girl at that.. wait,, I shouldn’t be thinking this way” she shook her head then started talking to herself again.“Her aggressiveness attitude is totally different from the others in the class.... And um I kind a like it.. wait.. what am I thinking… hyejin stop thinking nonsense.. you have to focus”

“uhh” she said, then it light a bulb on her head  “no way…. So the other students aren’t human?”  she added

“50 points”

“And the teachers aren’t human either?”

“90 points”..”And the rest?” the girl looking at her waiting for the last answer she’s going to give her and looking so amuse.

“So that’s how it is.. I get it!!” hyejin said  while her eyes wide open, placing her left hand on .

“And the rest are monsters!! And they’re just wondering around outside the school” hyejin said with a proud face putting her fist at the sky like she won a game

The other girl fell from where she stand, then she kneeled down holding her head with both of her hands, her head hurts with the stupidity hyejin has. “AHHH just as I thought….. she’s a moron..!!.” then she stand up and walk away from hyejin “I’ll just go look for someone else..Good-bye” waving her hand not looking back at hyejin.

“Wa-wa-wa-wait!! Forget what I said!! We got this far… so you can’t just leave me hanging.. just tell me already” hyejin said trying to catch up with the girl grabbing her shoulder.

The other girl turned around and looked at her then raise an eyebrow “Then answer.. I just gave you a huge hint!” she said looking dead serious “If even that doesn’t help, then this time……….” The girl looked away “It’s goodbye for sure.”

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Lol, I don't know why I'm even writting I'm not even good at this, hahaha,!! Sorry guys... 😝


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