The Other World

On the afterlife school, Wheein was sitting at the principal’s office, when the doors suddenly open. “YA! YOU’RE LATE!”-wheein

Oh sorry bout that wheeinny. Well you see this girl got lost in the dorm” said hyejin

the strategy meeting has already ended” wheein said and looked at the girl who just arrived  “and why are you wearing that uniform?

“eh?” hyejin looked at herself, then looked back at wheein  “wait a minute” putting both of her hand up as a sign of surrender.

hyejin almost couldn’t see her eyes as wheein smirk, then tried to fake a smile while speaking “Feeling brave today, aren’t you hyejinni?” then she shouted making hyejin frozen on her position “GO CHANGE AT ONCE YOU MORON!” wheein said trying to keep her cool.

Then hyejin run as fast as she can to leave the room pulling the other girl along with her “WHOA! This is bad!! I was half asleep and I put on the wrong uniform” she said while laughing. While the other just look at her with confusion but didn’t say a word. She just run along with the one whose pulling her.

“Whoa!! I thought she was gonna kill me” –hyejin

“……….. really?” –moonbyul ask

“Na!, haha I’m just kidding” she replied while still laughing”

“well I was thinking that you also have a normal uniform hyejin ssi” – moonbyul added.

Hyejin chuckle “mm? you look like you want to say something”

Moonbyul still confused, stopped walking then faced hyejin “that’s right, I don’t know if I should tell you about that”

The other girl stopped then looked outside of the window in the corridor “Sure I do, I known am wearing a normal uniform, but umm well you know, this is the kind of uniform wheein and I wore since the beginning”

Moonbyul just looked at her while leaning on the window as the wind blows at the girls hair making her more attractive as she is now.

You see.. wheein and me… Oh no… I mean all of us in MSS see’s this world as a war front” she then closed her eyes “Our first meeting was like this” she then suddenly smile trying to remember the their past.


On a busy street hyejin was walking home from school, she bought her favorite chicken from her favorite restaurant and manage to buy some apples as her mother texted her to buy some while on her way home.

It was late afternoon, hyejin was heading home with a bag of apples on her chest as she hug carry them and a chicken on her left hand, she was excited to go home because she can smell the chicken and cannot wait to eat them all up, when suddenly a kid run through her while she was crossing the street then the bag of apples that she was carrying fell on the ground.

The kid turned around and shouted “SORRY” then turned back and started running again. Hyejin just smiled then started picking up her apples when she heard a lady shouting “LOOK OUT” but by the time she looked up, the truck was already there and it was too late to move.

BOOM! The loud noise that everybody heard, all the people on the street looked were the sound came from and saw a girl lying on the street covered with blood, all of them went to the girl’s body to check on her even the truck driver was shocked and run towards her then shouted “CALL AN AMBULANCE” the other nosy person looked, and tried checking her pulse then later shook his head then said that the girl is already dead…………


------ as hyejin was lying on the street she suddenly open her eyes, then jumped from her position, “huh” “” still confused and tried calming herself down “ok hyejin relax, hhmm.. let’s see….I was pretty sure that there was a truck..” then more to her shock she saw that she’s wearing a different uniform, different from the one that she’s wearing earlier.”huh? why am I wearing this uniform now?” then she tried to look around and the placed made her look more confused.”huh? wtf?”

While on her confusion a girl stood infront of hyejin, looking straight down at her as she was still sitting in the middle of the street.  Hyejin looked at her and made an awkward smile “hello?” she was actually starstruck as the girl was such a beauty. More like an angel, her blonde silky hair,  her pale skin that looks so fragile her brown perfect eyes, nose and lips.

She was stuck up for a moment; she had never seen a human as beautiful as the one who’s standing in front of her right now. Hyejin thought to herself “Who’s this? Is she a student? Why are we wearing the same uniform? She looks morelike a student council president” hyejin was thinking a lot off thing when the girl started talking to her.

“Get up! The class is starting” said the girl.

Hyejin looked confused as while looking at the girl “huh? What are you talking about? Where am I?” but the girl started pulling her heading to the schools direction “Hey!!! W-wait….”

The girl was able to pull her inside of the school, she was confuse “Hey! Miss wait..” “Y-you’re mistaking me for someone else” hyejin tried her best to pull her arm off from the girl but it was useless, then started shouting again “ W-wait I am not a  student in this schoo…….” She was not able to finish her sentence when the girl threw her inside of the classroom then left.             

She stood infront of the class as she was trying to compose herself, everyone was looking at her. “Oh” the only word that came from . Then the teacher looked at her.


“You’re late hyejin!” said the teacher.

Out of her sense she replied “Whoa! I’m sorry there was ju…. I.. um… huh?” When suddenly she realized what she was saying. She looked at everyone in the room. “huh?” she was so perplex and confuse when one of the student started talking “what’s wrong hyejin” followed by the teacher in front of her “go and take your seat, quickly” hyejin still not knowing what’s happening around her just followed the teachers command, she just thought to herself “whoa! This is weird.” Not blinking an eye she was just standing in front of an empty chair. “Somehow, yes this is really weird as ” she thought.

One of the girl sitting beside her spoke “you’re late again hyejinni” while smiling at her then added “why are you spacing out?” She didn’t talk back she just sat on the empty chair staring blank at her desk thinking “who are they?” “what’s happening?” hyejins head starts hurting from all of the confusion, so then she jump from her seat shouting “this is all weird!.... what’s going on?” then she run outside of the room.

She was talking to herself while running at the school corridors “Unknown people call me by my name like they know me for a long time and they even have my seat prepared for me at a matter of fact” she kept on running not noticing the people she’s bumping into “How come I woke up in some unknown school!! Wearing this unknown uniform?” she run straight to the roof top, hyejin held her knee panting when she reach the edge of the roof top, She started shouting again “What did the world turn into!?” then she stopped when she suddenly thought of something “Is this a dream?”  “What did the world outside turned into!?” she started asking herself again “w-wha-just what is this place?”

Then she heard a girl talk behind her “Here you go” just when she was about to turn around to look who was talking she felt a foot kicking behind her. The girl just kicked her from the back making her fall from the roof top. She screamed to her lungs out “Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh” closing her eyes before she reach the ground. She was too afraid to die because she just came from the rooftop which is on the 7th floor.

When she half open her eyes, she saw nothing but white lights, she started rubbing her eyes when she realizes what happened, she jump from her position having her eyes wide open when she notice where she was. She was lying on a bed and it looks like she’s inside of the schools infirmary room, just the time when she heard a girls voice next to her. It was the same voice she heard at the roof top before she fell. She turned to look at the girl who was smiling brightly next to her showing her cute dimples on her cheek.

“oh! You’re awake now?” the girl kept on talking “I know what you want to say” she kept playing with her hair while hyejin was just looking at her then started talking again “That’s right, that exactly as you think.” Hyejin still no saying a word the girl continued. ”I know even without you saying it”

Hyejin was just sitting there trying to appreciate the persorn infront of her. The girl is petite, pretty and her dimples made her more pretier. she was starring at the girl from head to toe still mesmerized, and while looking at the girl she suddenly realized what the girl did to her before she fell from the roof top. She got furious and started screaming "HEYYYY!!!"

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Lol, I don't know why I'm even writting I'm not even good at this, hahaha,!! Sorry guys... 😝


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