The Other World

She just looked at the girl, she know she wouldn’t want that.. she wouldn’t want this girl to leave her side.. well not now!! Now that she’s already comfortable with her. So she started thinking again “…how come before this she would just say anything she felt like?... well even though.. I don’t want to be abandoned by her..” she thought to herself.

“The hint during our conversation?” she voiced out to the girl. Then started talking to herself again “That’s probably..... well… the fact that she’s  a real human unlike the others in the class…. And she also knows about this world.”

“I see.. just go look for someone else.. I got it.. the answer..” hyejin said making the other girl froze.

“The answer is this.. so basically just like us, there are other human who had died in this world.”

“99 points”…

“Still not good enough?” she ask..

“I told you, This is the other world after death, so who else is left?” the girl said still looking dead serious.

“Who else..? just dead people like us right?”

“Idiot!! Who makes it possible for dead people to come into the next world?”

“ehh..? no way..”

“Go ahead and say that no way..”


“Finally 100 points,!!” the girl wink making hyejins heart skip a beat,, then the girl added “You really are an idiot” while smiling.

“So God.. really does exist!? In this world? Where!? Did you meet him?” she ask looking so amaze.

“Well.. I haven’t met Him.. But He definitely has to exist. The being who created this ed up world with a school for dead people.” The girl walked towards her looked straight to her eyes then sat at the bench near them “Even if we call Him “GOD” He’s probably not an existence similar to what we know.” The girl looked at the sky and continues talking “But I think that somewhere nearby           there is a power that’s pulling the string from behind the scenes.”

Hyejin sat on the other side of the bench crossing her arms “Oh.. I see now”…”So.. the others who are not human.. what are they?” hyejin said trying not to stutter as the wind blows and she was able to smell the girls perfume.. it was soothing. Then she whispered “this is nice” with a small smile on her face.

“They’re decorations who are living their school life together with us” the girl said not even giving her a glance. “If you talked to them, the conversation will just be blunt… you can try being friends with them, but their just a group of fakes with no personality..” then the girl smiled “The way to tell them apart from human is,.. the one who act unnaturally are human.. and the others are them” the girl looked at her  “Like you.. when you came flying off the roof.”

Then hyejin laugh “Yeah!.. there’s no doubt about that you kicked me off.. that’s why.. haha” she stop laughing then looked back at the girl beside her “So I got 100 points,.. D-did I finally become your partner?“ hyejin said while stuttering.. she’s too nervous that the girl might refuse her.

“Well..yeah!.. although I’m worried about it” then the girl looked away

“Well in that case.. how about we introduce ourselves… what’s your name?.. I’m uh.. I’m Hyejin” she reached her hand smiling at the girl.

“Wheein” that’s all she said and reached hyejins hand.

“Ehhh…?? It’s the same as my mom’s,!!! that’s yucky!! Do you even have a nickname?” hyejin said while looking at her with a look saying it’s gross.

“Well I don’t know about your circumstances but I’ve always been called Wheein up to now!!”

Hyejin looked at her with a serious face “Ohhh!! I know.. then I’ll call you wheenni or wheepup starting now!!..ok?” she said pointing a finger at wheeins face. And wheein looking surprise turned red and looked away. Then looked back at her when she was able to compose herself. “What the hell!! You have the worst kind of taste” she shouted but deep inside of her she felt that she liked it.

Hyejin started laughing; she is amazed on how this girl can look so cute all of a sudden. “hey!! Don’t shout.. It’s alright.. It’s cute, isn’t it?  You can call me hyejinnni if you want” after saying those things wheeins face turned red.. then started shouting again “Like hell’s will I accept that you idiot.”

Hyejin just kept on laughing and ignore wheeins tantrum “So what are we going to do, wheeinni?”

“D-don’t call me that.. don’t call me wheeinni..!!” she replied..her face was still red, holding both of her hands infront of her legs while looking down. “It’s obvious, were going to search for GOD” she continued..

“Search? Even though we don’t know where He’s at?”

Wheeins face suddenly turned serious “Well that’s why well smoke him out, we’ll create  a situation where he can’t  help but come.”…..

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Lol, I don't know why I'm even writting I'm not even good at this, hahaha,!! Sorry guys... 😝


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