Day Four.

Heechul's "Brilliant" Idea. [HanChul shortfic]

Day four: current day (where story begins)



"You're not still sulking are you?" 


Heechul slouched more as he replied. "I don't know why you won't just do this for me, Hannie." 


I sighed and walked across the room. "Heechul, it's been three days. Just let this go already."


"Hmph." he huffed, sticking out his bottom lip.


He refused to look at me as I sat next to him. "Stubborn as always…" 


After a few minutes of silence I tried again. Taking his hand in mine I looked directly at him. "Have you even thought about why I don't want to do this? And I mean really thought about it, because you know claiming that I don't love you is insane."


Finally he looked at me. "Hannie, lots of people are willing to do this stuff for the ones they love. Even people we know; Look at Eunhyuk and Donghae! How obvious can you get with "I Wanna Love You"? They're always singing that to each other. Hyukkie even came to me a while back saying he was going to ask if they could make it a duet for our next tour. Why? Because he loves Donghae and wants to surprise him; he knows how happy it will make him. And Donghae writes songs just for him too, you know. He showed me this one song… It was incredible. Hannie. The entire song is about how much he wants to be with Eunhyuk, how beautiful he thinks he is, and how he's never letting him go." he paused, taking a breath. "…I don't like feeling jealous of what they share."


"You amaze me every day, Chul-ah." I smiled. "I really do understand what you're saying and it's incredibly adorable, but can I explain my side?"


Heechul nodded.


"I love you more than anything in this world. You know this, and you know i'm willing to do just about anything for you. But to me, every love song sounds the same in the end. They tell listeners exactly what they wan't to hear. I don't want to just feed you words to make you happy for now. Even if I was willing to do that, I couldn't. There will never be words good enough to express how I feel when i'm with you. No such lyrics could say how truly spectacular you are. Heechul, i'd rather spend every day for the remainder of my life telling you everything I love about you. I'd rather hold your hand or make you dinner; Anything to be with you. I want to take care of you, support you, and be there for you in every way possible."


"Hannie…" His voice came out in a whisper.


"You see, Eunhyuk and Donghae do sing and write for each other, and I agree that it's beautiful, but don't you see? I want to say more then the same words over and over." I leaned forward, swiftly stealing a kiss before continuing. "Heechul, you're the most amazing person i've ever met. There's so much beauty that fills you inside that it's overflowing to the outside. Anyone that meets you will learn you're moody, stubborn, and a downright tease, but it thrills me that i've been fortunate enough to see the other side of you. The side that's sweet, loving, and full of passion. Do you really think I could write lyrics that could live up to everything you are to me?"


For once, Heechul had no way to reply. He sat completely still, his face blank though I could tell his eyes were searching mine. Finally, the most beautiful and bashful smile spread across his face. My heart began to race as he pressed his soft lips against mine. This is how it feels to be in pure bliss I thought, smiling into our kiss. 


"I can't believe how lucky I am to have you." Heechul said tenderly. "I love you so much."


"I love you too." I smiled, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders. 


"Don't ever write me a love song, okay? Stay with me just as you are. Now c'mon, we've got some business to take care of." he said, standing up and walking to the door. I stood there staring at him with a questioning look. Heechul gave me a blank stare. "Hannie, we haven't had in days. Need I say more?"


I grinned as I hurried to catch up. Finally, things were back to normal.



For now, at least.






Well, there it is! I hope I haven't disappointed anyone. 


Comments are so very welcome!

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Thanks to all of you that read, commented, and subscribed.

I can't express how much it means to have support from each and every one of you. (:


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Chapter 5: zasewtsyuoqpokmanabgagvscsfsfvugvvgaawghwygwtwtwgvygwg is all i can replay i am paralis (paralize) by the plupiness i cant eben write my speling corectli kekeek ^_^
Chapter 5: *dies from fluffiness* OMG this was the cutest thing everrr!! I will forever love this ahh~ this was so cute I'm so happy people still write HanChul fluff!! Ahdjajhfskfks LOVE IT
monokalisto #3
Chapter 5: That's just so adorable and cute~ >///<
I love it~
Especially Heechul's stubborness... How can someone not love it?! Poor Hannie :D
Chapter 5: This was so sweet!! I love hanchul stories with a happy ending! Hangeng is so cute
brokajke7 #6
Awwww ^-^! That was so cute, and funny, and overall HAPPY! I definitely needed that after reading some sad angsty stories, haha. Thank you so much! I loved it :)
Hahaha...that's the way to make heechul stop reading this. Simple, slightly romantic, cheesy but adoable and full of love..
KaishkaKo #8
"Do you really think I could write lyrics that could live up to everything you are to me?"
^^^ sweetest line EVER ^^^
Really loved this story! I thought it was super uber sweet and it seems like how Hangeng and Heechul would actually be together!!! Love love love looooove it!!!!
heenimist #9
Whoa~ That was so sweet and cheesy and dramatic! Hankyung is the best! ^0^ Thank you for this shortfic :))
awww~ this story is so sweettt!!
really like how hangeng express he love towards heechul.
haisssh! i hope hanchul is real.
i feel sad after read rumors about hangeng dating. how will heechul react about this rumors. T_T

btw - love ur story!! ^^