Day One. (Continued)

Heechul's "Brilliant" Idea. [HanChul shortfic]


(Day one continued:)


A few hours have passed since Heechul's brilliant idea. It seems quiet, too quiet. 


"I'll get you to do this yet." His words echoed in my head. 


I got off the couch with a sigh then made my way towards the kitchen. How am I getting out of this one? I went through multiple ideas in my head, nothing seeming good enough.


"Hi Hangeng." a voice broke my train of thought as I entered the kitchen.


I looked towards where the voice came from. "Oh, hey Ryeowook. What's up?"


"Making a dessert for later." he smiled. "Is everything okay? You seemed sort of spaced out just then."


Should I tell him? I wondered. He's not really one to spread gossip, and probably wouldn't make fun of my situation.. I let the small debate run through my mind. 


Ryeowook looked up from the bowl he was currently throwing flour in, staring at me questionably as he waited for a reply. 


"It's Heechul." 


"Is he okay?" he asked seriously.


"Oh yeah, he's fine. It's nothing serious. It's just.." This is so embarrassing. "He wants me to do something and i'm not really sure how to do it. I mean, personally I don't really want to do it but you know what's he's like once an idea gets into his head. Not to mention he does it for me all the time, well sort of.."


The younger looked at me with a blankly before scrunching up his face. "Hyung.. I know I asked but I really don't want to know about yours and Heechul hyung's life."


"No!" I cried, mentally slapping myself. "No no. It's not something like that." So much for this being easy to talk to him about. "He wants me to write him a love song."


The uncomfortable look on Ryeowook's face instantly changed to one of amusement then intrigue. "A love song? Really?" I nodded. "That's so… mushy for Heechul. I'm really surprised. He's usually so… closed up about that sort of stuff."


"But a love song? Of all the things he'd want." I tried to stay on topic. "Any advice?"


The younger went back to making his dessert. "Well, if you don't want to do that for him, why not do something else? Make him his favourite dinner or something."


Leaning against the counter I thought the idea over.  The way to a mans heart is through his stomach, that's what everyone always says anyway. If I cook something special just for him, maybe this will help knock the idea of a 'love song' out of his mind. Heechul loves attention. He loves being adored, and loves when he knows someone is thinking of him. If I make him a meal, then that really covers all of the bases, doesn't it? Plus he's never turned down my Beijing fried rice before. "You know, maybe that's not such a bad idea." I said then got to work.



Heechul smiled as I led him to the living room later that evening. His eyes began to shine in the candle light as we sat on the couch and he eyed the dinner for two I had set on the coffee table in front of us. "Hannie.." he spoke softly. 


"I made us dinner, and told the others not to disturb us." I smiled before placing a soft kiss upon his lips. 


The elder ate happily with the occasional "mmm" and "delicious" escaping his lips. Everything seemed to be going smoothly; I fed him, he fed me. Our conversation was kept light and there was no mention of a love song, at least not until we finished eating. 


"So, are you going to sing to me now?" he sighed contently, sitting back on the couch.


I held in a sigh and decided to play dumb. "Of course, what do you want me to sing?" I tried giving him my sweetest smile.


He pushed me gently. "Don't tease. Sing me my love song."




"I just made you all of your favourites, fed you, and even made sure our romantic dinner was not disturbed. Is that not enough for you?"


"I never asked for any of that, Hannie. I asked for a simple love song. Is that too much for you?"


I glared at him as he re-worked my words and threw them back at me. Why, oh why, am I dating the man with the world's sharpest tongue? 


Heechul stood up and walked towards the door. "You'll clean this up, right?" he smirked. "Thanks for dinner. Let me know when you've finished writing, yeah?"



...God, he really is a princess.






Happy Friday! Hope you guys liked it. Thanks for reading~

Also, thanks to those that commented, subscribed. <3

You'll notice by now that the chapters aren't going to be extremely long.

But it's only a short story, nothing more. Better than a oneshot though, right? :)

Anywho, hope everyone has a great weekend, cheers!

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Chapter 5: zasewtsyuoqpokmanabgagvscsfsfvugvvgaawghwygwtwtwgvygwg is all i can replay i am paralis (paralize) by the plupiness i cant eben write my speling corectli kekeek ^_^
Chapter 5: *dies from fluffiness* OMG this was the cutest thing everrr!! I will forever love this ahh~ this was so cute I'm so happy people still write HanChul fluff!! Ahdjajhfskfks LOVE IT
monokalisto #3
Chapter 5: That's just so adorable and cute~ >///<
I love it~
Especially Heechul's stubborness... How can someone not love it?! Poor Hannie :D
Chapter 5: This was so sweet!! I love hanchul stories with a happy ending! Hangeng is so cute
brokajke7 #6
Awwww ^-^! That was so cute, and funny, and overall HAPPY! I definitely needed that after reading some sad angsty stories, haha. Thank you so much! I loved it :)
Hahaha...that's the way to make heechul stop reading this. Simple, slightly romantic, cheesy but adoable and full of love..
KaishkaKo #8
"Do you really think I could write lyrics that could live up to everything you are to me?"
^^^ sweetest line EVER ^^^
Really loved this story! I thought it was super uber sweet and it seems like how Hangeng and Heechul would actually be together!!! Love love love looooove it!!!!
heenimist #9
Whoa~ That was so sweet and cheesy and dramatic! Hankyung is the best! ^0^ Thank you for this shortfic :))
awww~ this story is so sweettt!!
really like how hangeng express he love towards heechul.
haisssh! i hope hanchul is real.
i feel sad after read rumors about hangeng dating. how will heechul react about this rumors. T_T

btw - love ur story!! ^^