chapter one

I Remember You

It was the end of summer. August 1999. My mom and I pulled into the driveway in our car that smelled of her perfume, my mom at the wheel, me slouched down in the passenger seat, pressing SEEK on the radio with my big toe, singing along though I couldn't carry a tune. I was just back from eight weeks at a camp, and I remember how I felt then: free.

Jin was mowing my neighbor's lawn. I must've known who he was, because I remember thinking, There's one of those guys from school. By "those guys" I mean the populars. I knew Jin was one of the member of a dance group. I knew he was a year ahead of me too. He'd be a senior when school started,

I remembered that Jin had his shirt off, and I remember that getting out of the car with my bag over my shoulder, I was trying not to look at him. I didn't want to so obviously not to look either. I liked to think of myself as someone who didn't freak out every time a guy took off his shirt.

But I guess I did look. I remember he was wearing dog tags and that they were tossed over his broad shoulders. I remember how light the lawn moved seemed in his hands, how deeply tan his skin had become over the summer, how he was scowling at a clump of grass growing right up against my neighbor's fence. I knew that clump; it was impossible to get down on our side of the fence as well.

Jin caught me watching him and looked down at the mower, then back at me. Then he let out this smile that had a lot of information in it, including 1) we both knew he wasn't going to mow that clump of grass down, 2) he was someone who smiled at people he didn't even technically know, and 3) people always returned his smiles. Which is exactly what I was doing then.

Did he nod? Did I nod back? I don't know

Did he nod? Did I nod back? I don't know.

As soon as I got into the house and passed by a mirror, I thought, Oh great. Greasy hair. Red bandanna. Was that dirt where I'd though I was tan? At camp, there was a layer of sap and sand and generally nasty woodsiness everywhere. Even the showers were slimy and smelled of mold, and I remember wondering if the force of scum was obvious, if Jin had seen.

Now I think back to Jin with the lawn mower - there was actually a whole crew of landscapers doing the bushes and edging, laying mulch - and I wish I'd never gone inside. I wish I could freeze time, go back and take a picture, write it all down, the way I'm trying to do now. Had he shaved, or was the line of stubble he got at the end of the day already there? Had he bunched up the T-shirt he wasn't wearing and tucked it into the back of his shorts? I remember that his chest and back were shining, but like I said, I was trying not to notice. They didn't belong to me then. They would.


I woke up on the first day of school to good first-day-of-school weather. A sky you could bounce a quarter off, my mom would say. A chill in the air to let you know Halloween was one calendar page away. Stepping out the front door to catch the bus, I was thinking, I approve.

My fingers flew on my locker combination. I wasn't gushing, "Omo, how are you?" to everyone I knew or even half knew. That wasn't my style. But I was glad to be back.

Second-period, physics, I was slipping into a seat in the front row next to Jung Hoseok, who I used to be friends with in middle school and still hung out with at the newspaper, and I turned to scan the room for my best friend, Shinhye. She'd been away at the end of summer and I didn't know her schedule. I didn't even know if we have the same lunch period.

But Shinhye wasn't sitting in any of the rows behind me. Instead, I found myself face-to-face with Jin.

I saw him, felt my cheeks go hot, and turned back around. I thought that would be that. But during class, I kept hearing him drop his pen - he was spinning it across his fingertips like a top and every now and then it would go flying. When it hit the back of my chair, I reached down, picked it up where it had landed, and passed it back to him. Jin mouthed, "Sorry," I whispered, "That's okay." That was the first time we spoke.

Back then, Jin had long hair that he cut it short, it was unbrushed. Our school made all the boys wear button-down shirts. I got a glimpse of a chain and remembered his dog tags.

The year before, I'd written a newspaper article about how all war is wrong and is a sign of truly civilized nation a position of neutrality. A lot of my teachers liked that piece and for a week or two afterward would mention it during class or speak to me about it in the hallway. So I took it as fact: people like Jin, who glorify the military by wearing dog tags even when they aren't actually soldiers, are perpetuating a problem.

But when I passed his pen back, he held my eyes the way he had when he was mowing the neighbor's lawn, and in that moment, something happened. To me. I felt like Jin saw me - he saw right through the surface that dance group jock in dog tags would normally stop at. He saw through debate and the newspaper, the exterior of my high school life. He saw past the fact that I'm pretty enough, I guess, and that the kids respect me, and that I'm friends with Park Shinhye. This may sounds stupid, but I believed Jin saw the person I am inside.

By that mean the person I am when I cry at black-and-white movies with eomma, the person I am when I read comics in the sun on the front porch afterschool. When I'm dressed in the Seoul University sweats appa sends me from Seoul. When I stay up late talking with Shinhye on the phone. When I laugh so hard I snort milk out of my nose. The part of me that was there when I was three/ten/fourteen - the inner core that will stay the same forever.

As Jin's fingers closed around the pen, I held on for just a second too long. I felt weirdly alive, like I'd just breathed super-cold air.

I let go of the pen and turn back around. Hoseok was writing "Homework = 20% of grade" in his notebook, and I dutifully copied his words. I even mimicked his handwriting.

But then I snuck a peek behind me. Jin was staring. At me. Still.


The next time I spoke to Jin was at lunch a few days later. I'd come in late, so there was no line, and I hurried to the counter, only to find him ahead of me, holding a tray. Except for the lady serving the food, we were alone, but I didn't say hi or "How do you like physics?" I was too cool for that then. I probably let my hair hang in front of my face so I wouldn't look like I was hoping he'd notice me. Jin was drumming his fingers on his tray like was practicing a piano solo, and I assumed he'd do his music, he'd get his food, and then we'd go our separate ways.

But he turned to me, and the way he spoke, it was like he was picking up a conversation where it had left off. "What are you doing in regular science anyway?" he said. "I thought you were in all the smart-person classes."

How did he know what classes I was in?

"I barely passed chemistry," I admitted, too startled to give up anything but the truth. "My advisor thought I wasn't going to be able to handle honors physics."

"Sheesh," he said. "Why would you want to?"

And because he didn't sound like he was asking that question just to make me feel better - he sounded like was genuinely contemplating it himself, and maybe for the first time - I laughed. A little too much. "For college," I said. "You've heard of college, right?"

"Yeah," he said. He drummed on his tray some more, and then he looked me in the eyes so hard I thought he was angry. Had I made him mad? Had what I'd said come off as arrogant when I'd meant it to be funny? "I've heard of college." He was still looking at me, as if he were daring me to let go of his gaze. I didn't. I couldn't, even if it was kind of scary.

And then he was gone, whistling, and I was left to decide between hamburger and burrito, not wanting either one.


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arnicutie #1
Chapter 30: Please make it a happy ending just like your other stories..
arnicutie #2
Chapter 17: I like it so much! Please do more jinzy stories..
Chapter 2: I don't know if you're aware, but this story has been uploaded to a copycat site, without giving you credit. It's happened to me and a friend of mine too, and many other hardworking authors.
Chapter 14: It took me an hour to read all the chapters. Some of the parts were too precious i keep on reading them again and again. But then suddenly Jin is breaking up with her? Though I could make a guess through his weird action and constant headache.. is it because he starts to dream again? That he could see the future again? I'm scared for him.. he must feel miserable and alone on the inside. Wish someone could help and be there for him.. pushing Suzy away is not a good choice. He needs someone.. and now I'm left hanging T.T thanks for an amazing story once again. Can't wait for the next chapter~
Wait what!? I'm so late not to know that you already upload a new story! This is going to be good like the rest of your story T.T I'm going to catch up later. So exciteddddd
MissSpring #6
Chapter 7: Omg! They kissed! Hewhew. I'm waiting for the next update!
MissSpring #7
Chapter 6: Omg!! What is it that he want? What is it??! I need more TT hewhew