
The White King

Many years ago, the world was destroyed by a meteor shower. People had no will to live as their family members were gone and their houses were destroyed. Therefore, the Gods decided to come out with a system. They chose five people that would rule the world together. These people took their position as King of the five empires, and the rest of the humans were able to choose whom they wanted to follow.

The Red King was ambitious and dangerous. He was like a walking flame: you will get hurt if you go too near him. The Red King was fearless and daring and although people past the land of the Red Empire calls him ‘The Crazy King’, his people beg to differ. It was his craziness and passion that made his people feel alive again. 

The Blue King was the total opposite of the Red King. He was calm and very wise. The Blue King was in charge of the Blue Empire where the freshest seafood was. The Blue King came out with technologies that improved the living of the south. People had their own fishing port and fishing farm. There was even clean water that was free for all the people of the Blue Empire. 

The Yellow King, like the Blue King, was a calm man as well. The Yellow King was known for his kindness. He was seen smiling and laughing while farming together with his people. When the Yellow King was free, he would head to the village and played with the children that were not his. The Yellow King never made any enemies and because of that, the people of the Yellow Empire were not afraid of anyone attacking them, living a carefree life. 

The Black King was the most mysterious man among all of the Kings. Whenever the King have a meeting, he was not seen but they could always hear him. A merchant from the Blue Empire once went into the Black Empire and said that most of the buildings were black. The people in the Black Empire would wear a hood and hardly interacted with one another. But nevertheless, the people were living just as well as others. 

The Purple King was said to be very wise in terms of trading and finance. With the wits of the Purple King, the Purple Empire was soon the richest Empire and the largest trading empire. The Purple King was a straightforward man who always had money as his priority. Although he does not seem to care much about his people’s welfare, the wealth that he had was able to financially take care of them. 

With these five Kings, the Gods hoped that it would make the world a better place.

But as decades past, the Kings started fighting with each other instead of getting along. That included their future generations who succeeded the throne. Some looked down on the other party while some wanted to invade and conquer another territory. All of these unwise actions cause the Kings to fight a lot and that unpleased the Gods.

Therefore, the Gods decided to create one more King. This King would have the ability to neutralize all other Kings, hoping to bring the five of them together again. Because the other Kings took all of the territories, the new King had no place on Earth and had no empire of his own. The Gods had no choice but to let this King roam around with no place to go. It might seem cruel, but the Gods needed him. They believed he was the one with the cure for the world.

And they called him the White King.

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zero_ee #1
Chapter 13: I've just found this story and it's a really interesting story for me. Please please continue writing this if you can. Thank you ?
hi i hope you will still continue this story
Rb2012 #3
Chapter 13: Am sooooo loving the story . Looking forward for your next update
Chapter 12: We've met more characters and the companions might be expanding again - hopefully. Thanks for updating.
Yes, I was able to catch that episode of 100 Days My Prince before Dramafever folded. I was waiting for him to make a move -LOL! Any idea where I can watch the rest of the episodes? It's cruel to yank away Dramafever now that I'm addicted to it. ;^P
Chapter 11: The story is getting more interesting - more characters we know :^)
Try to stick to a sleep schedule. Avoid electronics an hour before bed and try to avoid stimulating food and drinks. The worst part about insomnia is that you start dwelling on it and it seems to intensify. I hope you find relaxing sleep soon.
Chapter 11: Try some tea if you're having problems sleeping. I've heard my friends say it helps.
Chapter 10: Yes! This continues to get interesting. Also, I love how he calls her little canary. Such endearment! ❤
Chapter 10: Only Kyungsoo can make her feel at peace after losing Jiwoo. I’m hoping they can gather the other pieces quickly and establish the White Empire. Thanks for writing :^)
Chapter 10: Yeayyyy she's joining them wohooooooo !!!
waiting for the update!:-)