
I won't say I love you (if you don't)

This is it... the end of the story... hehe... get ready for useless fluff.




“That good, huh?”


To the unassuming eyes, Jennie Kim looks like the model of high class and expensive taste. Her gaze locked and loaded in front, as if ready to take over the world, while purposely ignoring the noise spouting out from her bestfriend’s mouth. But to Kim Jisoo,  what she saw was the nanosecond quirk of a lip, before trying to maintain her so called reputation.


“It’s that good.” Jisoo confirms, seeing how Jennie wouldn’t say a word.


“Oh my God, unnie…”


Finally, she falters into an embarrassing squeal.


“Thank you- I’m just the VP here, but you can call me God too.”


Jennie finally turns around, but she’s too stupidly in love these days that she can’t even try to hide her smirk.


“See it? Right there? That glow, you can’t mistake that glow.”


“I don’t know what you are talking about.”


“Yes. You do. That glow. We should invest in a cosmetics product and bottle up this glow… we will call… Roseanne…”


“Yah!” Jennie’s squeal is anything but commanding. “I don’t kiss and tell.”


“How about make love and tell?”


Jennie turns away again, trying to hide the blush creeping on her face.


“You were only supposed to swing the bat, Jen but look at you, getting a homerun. You should have just taken the day off today.”


“And then what?”


“You know,” Jisoo places her arm around her best friend's shoulders. “Just hit her with that ddu-du-ddu-du.”


“I don’t think that is what the song means.”


“It’s open for interpretations. Make her whistle like a missile…”


“Shut up before YG throws them back in the dungeon again because of your interpretation.”


“I can see your right arm is quite tone these days.” Jisoo gives a few squeezes at Jennie’s biceps to prove her point.


Jennie and Jisoo step out of their private elevator and walking on their floor to people bowing down at their presence. Her eyes narrowed as she sees Lisa hovering over her girlfriend’s desk so early this morning. Her eyes went straight to where she was, her girlfriend already working harder than half of these people who are busy kissing their behind.


“Does Lisa ever work?”


“Chill, you already went on a rollercoaster ride on Chaeyoung’s body all weekend, don’t be getting jelly over my secretary like that.”


“Fine. Don’t start…” Jennie hissed at her VP, before putting on her President’s face, greeting everyone with a light bow but her stilettos hitting faster as she marches over to her secretary’s table.


“Good morning, boss.” Chaeyoung gets up from her chair. “I have your coffee in your office and your sche-


“Why are you wearing glasses?”




“You are wearing glasses.” Jennie points to Chaeyoung’s circle rim glasses.


“Oh, it’s nothing it’s just I woke up with my eyes all red, so I was-“ Chaeyoung stops, the heat flushing in her cheeks from Jennie’s intense stare rendering her speechless. “I-I’m okay, really. I have your folders on your desk for your meeting at 9.”


“Okay. Does it- ummm hurt?”


“My eyes? No- I told you, Je-“ she caught herself before it slips from her lips. It’s hard when she was her name instead of Ms. Kim all weekend. “I mean Ms. Kim. It’s okay, really.”


“So, Chaeyoung, other than your red eyes, how was your weekend?” Jisoo asked exchanging knowing looks with her secretary.


“Oh…” Chaeyoung starts exchanging looks with her boss. “It was pretty good.”


“It was just pretty good?” Jennie says, her voice laced with doubt. Chaeyoung didn’t sound like she just had a pretty good weekend, she sounded like she had the weekend to top all weekends. A weekend that will make the singer The Weeknd give up his name cause he ain’t worthy with the kind of weekend Jennie gave Chaeyoung.


Chaeyoung immediately picked up the confuddled tone in her girlfriend’s voice.

“I meant it was definitely-”


“The time of your life?” Jisoo adds.




“Like a weekend you can do over and over again?” Lisa is definitely turning into Jisoo 2.0


“I ummm…”


“Like when you open your eyes did you see like the whole galaxy?” Jisoo and her questions.




“That’s probably why her eyes got so red, boss cause the galaxy was too bright.”


Yup. Jisoo 2.0 right here.


“I ummmm…” Why does Chaeyoung feel like her life is being put out in the open? But she sees the expression on her girlfriend’s face. How Jennie just has that curious look on her face that she is trying to mask, that is just too cute to deny. “It was the best weekend that I ever had.”


It was taking a whole deal not to smile at her girlfriend’s smug face. Jennie looks so proud right now that it won't surprise Chaeyoung if Jennie suddenly flips her hair in pride. It’s cute to see how Jennie Kim with her Chanel business suits, billion dollar bank account, still delights at victories of her ual prowess.


She turns to her girlfriend saying, “It was unbelievable.”


“Okay,” Jennie didn’t bother resisting her smile, flashing a gorgeous grin at her girlfriend. “I’ll be in my meeting, I’ll see you in a bit.”


“Yes, boss.”


Jennie turns around and flashes another one of those knee-buckling smile before turning back around.


Now Chaeyoung wonders, how can she function if her girlfriend looks at her like that?




He considers the thought of whether he should stop talking.


The moment the boss and the VP settled on their seats, the president didn’t waste her time on pulling out her phone. While he discusses financial reports, all he could see is the president scrolling through her phone. He rambled on, his lectures ending up on deaf ears as if he’s a parent trying to gain his teenage daughter’s attention.


But then he realized that this is good, being ignored means he is doing well that she’s not going to waste her breathe in telling him that he ed up.


He wonders what could be on her phone that made her boss not even look up once from it.


But he’s not going to complain… not. At. All.


He opens his mouth, ready to continue when he heard a sigh from the president.


And just like that, everyone in that conference room stopped breathing. If Jennie Kim stops breathing, they all better stop breathing too.


She raised a manicured finger, her face looking annoyed at the few seconds of interruption.


“You were talking about opening another main office in Su-on.” She finally looks away from her phone. “Now, go on, convince me why.”


Oh . She is still listening.


Jennie went back to her phone, scrolling through the websites.


What’s the cure for red eyes?




“Oh my God, Jennie Kim is just like the , man, the . She’s like radiating Big energy.”


“Lisa.” Chaeyoung almost spits out her drink. “You can’t be talking about my girlfriend so crassly like that.”


“Oooohhhh girlfriend now,” Lisa raised a brow at her, a greasy smirk plastered on her face “Not boss anymore. I see how it is.”


“You know what I mean.”


“You should be proud of yourself, dating someone with Big Energy.”


“Stop saying that…”


“But it’s true. It’s like one of the new lingos in social media these days. It’s the whole Ariana Grande thing. When was reading bout it on twitter; I’m like hmmm… my boss is the definition of this Big di-”


“Okay, you just said those words three times in the last five minutes. I get it.”


“Ms. Park?”


“Oh! Oh! Oh! Here she is.” Lisa nudges Chaeyoung, reminding Chaeyoung of high school where your bestfriend teases you whenever your crush is within a 20-mile radius.


“Oh, ummm… yes, Ms. Kim?”


“Come to my office.”




“Yeah?” Chaeyoung has a bright smile on her face, leaning on the door to close it behind her.


“Sit down on the chair,” Jennie commanded her, but seeing the pout in her girlfriend’s face, she added one word. “Please?”


“Hmmm? Why?”


“Cause I’m your girlfriend and your boss, now sit.”


Chaeyoung’s furrowed her brows before taking a seat. Then, her eyes drifted over at her girlfriend’s desk, smiling at all the eyedrop bottles lined up.


Chaeyoung reaches over to her girlfriend’s arm, gently rubbing circles on her wrist.


“I told you my eyes are fine. It’s completely normal.”


“No. It’s not. You wearing your contacts is normal. You waking up with irritated, red eyes isn’t. So, lean your head back.”


Chaeyoung sighs before tilting her head back, exposing that neck that Jennie is finding herself to be slowly obsessing over. She clears before leaning over but pauses when she sees a faint lovemark that Chaeyoung tried to dab some concealer over.




“Oh yeah, hold on.” Jennie shakes her head, try to shake images of before pulling Chaeyoung’s glasses off her.


“Just in case you are wondering, I do dig your whole glasses look.”




It turns out there are some things that the invincible Jennie Kim can’t do, like put eye drops in the eyes. With her shaky hand, the medicine drips on the bridge of Chaeyoung’s nose, on Chaeyoung’s eyelids, on Chaeyoung’s eyebrow.


“D-do you want me to do it?” Chaeyoung purses her lips to hide her smile after Jennie’s fifth attempt just failed.


“N-no, I got it. Hold on.”


Chaeyoung decides to let her girlfriend be, just letting her fingers the side of Jennie’s wrist.


“See? I got it.” Jennie said, her chest huffed in pride.


“Good job, boss.”


“It takes practice.”


“It does.”


“Better, right?”


Chaeyoung’s hand slides upwards, caressing Jennie’s arm.


“You have a meeting in ten minutes.”


Jennie was ready to call that meeting off.


“I know, this day is ing packed. I won’t be home until probably ten tonight.”


“I guess I won’t be home until then too.”


“Come give me a kiss,” Chaeyoung happily obliged and plants a sweet, tender peck on her girlfriend’s lips, careful not to smudge that red Mac lipstick.


“I’ll see you tonight.”


“See you tonight.”




Turns out dating a billionaire is not what fanfics and Instagram posts turned out to be.


It’s been almost four months, but they have never jet around the world on her private jet, (Jennie is probably the only billionaire without a private jet, reasoning out the rental of a hangar, gas, travel insurance ain’t worth the hassle.) It amused Chaeyoung how someone as young as Jennie could be so calculative when it comes to money.


Being whisk away to private islands or all expense paid shopping sprees, and exclusive dinners to five-star restaurants.


Instead, it was this…


It turns out after dominating the world; all Jennie Kim really wants to do is take a nap. And by nap, Chaeyoung means like four to five hours naps all throughout the weekend.


Jennie would take naps at the weirdest times, not caring about the time but more of in between episodes, it could be from 10 am to 4 pm or 2 pm to around 8 pm. Then, on they go with their or more specifically Jennie’s binge-watching.


Naps and a whole lot of binge-watching Netflix shows.


She still wakes up at 5 am to go to her yoga class, before coming back around 7:30 am to eat cereals and plop herself in front of her television.


Jennie is the picture of exquisite taste, just a few quality pieces instead of throwing away her money in bling bling or whatever young nouveau rich are into.


Her theatre room is the one place she definitely splurged on.


And just like everything else in her life, when Jennie is focused, she is FOCUSED. Even the shows she is bingewatching. Jennie has a penchant for those psychological thrillers. The way she dissects every character and scene, make Chaeyoung thinks that if the whole billionaire thing doesn’t work out, Jennie has a career with being a homicide detective for all the crimes she had solved. An adorable yet smug smirk on Jennie’s face as her deductions are proven right.


Chaeyoung made a mistake once of trying to ask a question during the middle of one of those psychological, French thrillers and ended up getting hushed.


But then, there are those breaks in between episodes and Chaeyoung would find herself being pulled by her girlfriend for a mini makeout session before stopping right on time for the next episode.


After dating Jennie, Chaeyoung realized that she’s gotten accustomed to naps too. Jennie doesn’t really just go on naps she tells Chaeyoung,


“I’m sleepy, let’s go to sleep.” Never “I’m sleepy, I’m going to sleep.”


It will be around 1 am or 2 at the latest where the shows ended and that’s when Jennie will have Chaeyoung. Jennie would ravage her girlfriend to the point where Chaeyoung’s knees would buckle the second she tries to stand up.


Their night or dawn ends with Jennie throwing a blanket over them before they slowly drift to sleep.


It was one of those nights or dawns when Chaeyoung could barely stand after Jennie’s tongue just tasted everything she could offer. They decided to just sleep on the couch instead of dragging themselves back to Jennie’s bedroom. She could felt Jennie about to succumb to sleep when her caresses in her arms got slower and Jennie burrowing herself in Chaeyoung’s arm.






“You know you could sleep around with the most beautiful women in the world, right?”


“I am sleeping with the most beautiful woman in the world.” Jennie corrects her.


“No, you know what I mean… models, idols, actresses but here you are.”


Jennie’s sleepiness faded as she hears the worry in her girlfriend’s tone. Her beautiful girl has her eyes cast downwards, her finger rolling lazy circles on Jennie’s arm.


“You know what the most beautiful place that I ever visited?”


“Ummm no.”


“Santorini. It was just breathtaking like it was a completely different universe, but you know what I felt after a few days?”




“I wanted to go home. I wanted to sleep in my bed. I wanted to eat Korean food; I wanted to see my pretty secretary.” Jennie cutely boops her forehead against Chaeyoung’s. “You’re… you’re that to me, Chaeyoung.”




“I could be with those beautiful people, but in the end, I belong to you.”


Chaeyoung smiles at her love’s confession before pulling Jennie for a kiss.


“I am yours too.”




“I’m planning three pools for the hotel. I was thinking for the infinity pool, you know how Marina Bay-“


Jennie says in her dreamy voice. Her voice is barely louder than a whisper that Chaeyoung wonders if she’s still awake until she feels Jennie’s fingers lazily raking through her hair.


Where are you going?”


Jennie pouts, watching as Chaeyoung slips off the bed, watching those long legs struggle to stay upright as she walks over to her bag.


“Hold on-“ Chaeyoung waves a notebook at her, before crawling back next to Jennie. “So, tell me about your pool again?”


“What are you doing?”


“I know you are smart, but you can’t just remember every detail that you plan for your hotel. So, I have to write it.”


“But you’re not my secretary right now,” Jennie playfully kisses Chaeyoung on her bare shoulder. “You’re my girlfriend.”


“That is your advantage of dating me, Ms. Kim. You get a 24 hour secretary and besides, as your girlfriend, I have to support your dreams.”


Jennie smiles softly, “If I end up dating the girl of my dreams, I think this hotel will be easy.”


She leans close pressing a thankful kiss on her girlfriend’s lips. “That’s the spirit.”


Jennie tugs Chaeyoung closer, pressing kiss after kiss after kiss, feeling invincible with every kiss.


She pulls away, pressing their foreheads together, it was almost 3 am, but that sleepy smile on Chaeyoung’s face was making her so weak.


The girl who makes her invincible is at the same time is her very own kryptonite.




After a few years…


“February 11 mark this day in history as South Korea will make its work as having one of the top ten- no- number one luxurious hotel resort in the entire world.”


It is taking Jennie her entire determination not to roll her eyes at the dramatic description of this reporter. Although it’s not that far from the truth, at least she could have made it sound less like a low budget commercial, begging for customers.


Their luxury hotel resort is a gamble no one was willing to take. But after putting her heart out and winning Chaeyoung’s affection, call her the ultimate cheeseball, but Jennie believes she could conquer anything. It also helps that Jisoo gave her that huge smirk and two thumbs up that got this plan going.


It was terrifying to venture out of being Kim Enterprises and make a name for her own. But if there’s someone who took all her uncertainties away it was Chaeyoung. Her girlfriend who is there, every step of the way.


“Other than the amusement park, one of the highlights of the hotel is having what is said to be the most beautiful Rose Garden not only in Asia but the entire world. Roses were flown from all over the world and designed by a world renowned artist. We heard that this is all your plan, Ms. Kim so out of all the attractions that you could choose to build, why a Rose garden?”


Jennie didn’t have to search far to find the girl she had been looking for. The birthday girl herself was a vision right there in the crowd. She’ll forever be the most beautiful thing in this world for Jennie. Chaeyoung returned to her black hair, reasoning out her hair was getting damaged, but Jennie thinks it’s to torture her. Chaeyoung had her black hair for a week now, and she and Jennie have one week worth of sleepless nights because of that.


“I’m just in love with roses; it’s as simple as that. It’s the most beautiful thing in the world for me, and I could just stare at it forever.” Her gaze met her girlfriend’s. “I could just fall in love with it over and over again.” Jennie purses her lips, hoping her smile isn’t as obvious when she sees that cute blush on her girlfriend’s face. “I hope you love it.”


The president could hear Jisoo snickering at her side, murmuring something along the lines of “cheesy er.” She would have knocked Jisoo’s teeth off if they weren’t on national television.


“We are privilege to go on this exclusive tour with the Kims themselves, so shall we begin?”




The entire afternoon was spent with Jennie and Jisoo swarmed by the media as they gave an all-out exclusive tour of their luxury resort. Every news channels and lifestyle magazines and some famous YouTubers and bloggers (since Jisoo reasoned out social media is the thing now) were trailing them, knowing when the Kims are involved the whole country sits down and watch.


Although the country identified more with Kim Jisoo and her quirky charm, still the whole nation is still enamored by the glamorous and mysterious Jennie Kim. They view her as indestructible after she was drag to the mud over a couple of scandals concerning her CEOS, she still rises and now Lord over people.


If it were up to Jennie, she would have ditched this whole tour and instead walk around the place with her girlfriend. But knowing that Chaeyoung was right there, trailing behind them was better than nothing. It was much harder than she thought not to look back.


But then she remembers who she is and without hesitation turns back to smile at her girl.




It was like stepping inside a page of a fairy tale book.


The incessant buzzing of the media died down into breathless awe the second they stepped inside the rose arches. Jennie has been hands-on in every detail of the hotel, but the rose garden was her plan.


Jennie thought of her girlfriend at every step and half step of the way. She remembers her girlfriend’s love for Disney movies, remembers what her cousins said of how she always dreams of finding her princess charming.


She wants this place to be Chaeyoung’s fairytale story.


They enter through rose arches and walks in a maze of rose bushes of every color possible.


Lisa who usually has the energy of an entire youth football team for once was walking in silence, mouth hanging as she looks at the place. She turns to her bestfriend, nudging her in the ribs before whispering.


“People get a bouquet of flowers on their birthdays, and you get an entire rose garden.”


Chaeyoung just responded to her bestfriend with a jab on the side.


The silence has now slowly built up into murmurs, with everyone saying how this is like the perfect place to fall in love, before congratulating Jennie for her awesome job. She just bows politely, before finally daring to steal a glance at her beautiful girlfriend.


It was a mistake that she’s willing to make over and over again.


A mistake to look at her girlfriend because she knows there is no chance in hell she could ever look away. Not when Chaeyoung’s eyes just glow and her gorgeous lips are parted open in a silent gasp.


In the middle of the picturesque scene is a marble fountain, with these words inscribed on its side.


I will forever be yours…


“From which fairytale is that from?” A reporter piped in.


Jennie locked eyes with her princess before she answers.






“It got a safari and an amusement park. This place is so awesome!!!!!”


The adorable five year old starts shaking with excitement, this place is nothing but paradise to kindergarteners.


“Okay, okay Yoongie, I know you’re excited, baby. But you have to stay calm, okay? We are gonna go to all of them.”


Eunae felt a slight tug on her shirt and turns to see her youngest one.


“I want to see the animaws,” Seohyun whispered to her mommy Eunae.


“Yes, of course, my baby.”


“You guys are staying here with us for the whole weekend.” Chaeyoung was smiling the entire time, seeing how her three favorite nieces (until her Wendy unnie gives birth in a few months) are just the picture of excitement. Her whole family came when Jennie personally invited them for the opening of the grandest hotel in East Asia. Her Wendy unnie and Irene unnie were enjoying the air conditioners inside, with a baby coming their way, Irene wants to make sure her wife is as comfortable as ever.


Chaeyoung had to “work” on her birthday, but Chaeyoung made sure she had all day tomorrow to take her nieces around.


“Oh, my Gosh, babe!” Seulgi squeals is a pitch higher than her own kids. “They have a white tiger here! Can we see that first?!”


“Okay, love. That’s enough… the girls are watching.” Eunae warned her wife whose excitement is worse than their five-year-old girls.


“It’s so good to have connections.” Yeri points out.


“Wow. You work with Jennie Kim? Isn’t that scary, unnie?” Saeron, Yeri’s pretty girlfriend asked.


The entire family gave Chaeyoung a teasing look before she looks away, a blush dusting on those squishy cheeks.


“No. Not really. She’s quite amazing.”


“Oh speaking of the devil.”


Joy tilts her head on the side, and Chaeyoung had to calm herself from smiling too much.

“Hello, Jennie unnie. We were just talking about you.”


She looks expensive that was Saeron’s first thought when she saw Jennie Kim. She felt she’s going to get charge a fee just because she looked at her.


“Hello, you’re Yeri’s girlfriend?”


Getting acknowledged is the headstart that Saeron needs.


“Oh my God, hi! I’m Saeron!”


“Nice to meet you, I’m glad all of you guys could make it for the opening.”


“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”


“We are looking forward to seeing the Rose garden.”


Jennie responds by clearing , which had her girlfriend rubbing circles on her back.


“You okay?”


“Yeah.” The billionaire turns to the smiling triplets; the enthusiastic brightness was too contagious that had Jennie smiling back. “Hi girls,” She gets down on one knee. The resting face that she is infamous for disappeared as she looks at the three girls in front of her. “I’m so glad you guys are here.”


“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Yoona always the easily excitable one starts yelling. “I want to ride the rollercoaster!”


“Oh, your auntie Chaeyoung loves it too.” Jennie turns and smiles at her girlfriend. “How about Yuri and Seobaby what do you two want to see?”


“I want to go to the rides!”


“Oooohhh and you cutie, what do you want to go see?”


Seohyun looks up to her mama Eunae as if silently asking for permission before her mama smiles sweetly at her.


“Tell Ms. Kim what you want to see, baby.”


“I want to see the giwaffes and the ewephants.”


“You know what? Since you and your unnies are such good girls, I think you guys can go help feed the animals if you like.”


Seohyun’s face brightens up at the thought, nodding happily at the thought of being close to the animals.


“That’s so nice, say thank you girls.”


“Thank you!”


“Okay, one big hug from my babies and I will see my teddy bears tomorrow for breakfast, okay?”


“Yessss…” the three said in unison before giving their favorite aunt their biggest hugs.


“Are you ready?”


“Yes boss, bye guys.”


The family watches the two walked away, the young executive didn’t waste any time in wrapping her arm around Chaeyoung’s waist which got Saeron tilting her head in confusion.


“They look really close.”




“You know there are other attractions to our hotel than your girlfriend, right?”


Jennie finally tears her gaze away from Chaeyoung and to her bestfriend next to her. Even with the drink in front of her, Jennie could still see the evil smirk playing on Jisoo’s lips. She was right though, Jennie made sure that every corner of their hotel has a conversation starter, but none of them is a match to how beautiful Chaeyoung looks in that red dress.


People have been swarming her and Jisoo all throughout the party, showering with praises and inviting them for dinners (some wishing it could be more). Both girls just answered with a polite smile, for Jennie it was tough to pretend that she’s interested when her girlfriend looks like a Goddess.


It was one of the things that Jennie both love and hate about her girlfriend. Chaeyoung has no idea how stunning she is. Her girlfriend has always been the perfect date to galas and formal dinners with how professional she is, but even if she keeps these pesky admirers in an arm’s length, still they go out of their way to steal a touch or blatantly leer at her girlfriend’s body.


But the crowd in this party is much wiser, they knew better than to try anything with the “rumored” girlfriend of Jennie Kim, in front of Jennie Kim. They could watch the goddess in a red dress, but to try anything is asking for death.


But not everyone seems to have gotten the memo.


It’s always those younger guys who try but ultimately fails.


But that doesn’t change the fact that it irritates the hell out of Jennie.


Like this idiot right here who is getting awfully close to her girlfriend. He is dapper enough, someone who strikes her as one of those nouveau rich with his impeccable suit and perfectly coiffed hair, Jennie won’t be surprised at all if he drives a Lambo.


“It’s actually her birthday today!” Lisa announced excitedly.


“Oooohhh…” He winces dramatically; he is charming enough that his expression looked cute than ish. “Your boss made you work your birthday? That’s harsh.”


Lisa and Chaeyoung just exchanged knowing looks, both trying not to smile at the fact that hotel is purposely opened for Chaeyoung’s 30th birthday.


“I…I don’t mind really. This pretty much feels like a celebration.” Chaeyoung answers politely, without trying to give away any other hints.


“Well, how about this?” The man didn’t seem to receive the memo. “How does sushi sounds after-“


“Ms. Park.”


“Okay, here we go,” Lisa grumbles next to Chaeyoung, earning an elbow on her ribs.


Jennie was probably half the size of the man, but that doesn’t unfazed her at all. She glares at him from head to toe, daggers shooting from those narrowed eyes to get him to almost piss on himself.


“Ms. Kim, hello. Ummm, this is Mr. Park Chanyeol.”


“Yes,” He finally speaks up, “I’m Park Chanyeol from the PCY Entertainment group.”


Usually, that’s the only thing he needs to say to have girls at his mercy, but the pint size executive looks at him like he’s wasting her time.


Chaeyoung stiffens when Jennie wraps her arm around her waist, the man unconsciously swallows his lips before shaking off any images in his mind.


“I see.”


“So, he used to be a member of this boygroup and now he produces and has his own label.” Chaeyoung politely adds, but her girlfriend doesn’t look the least bit interested and starts running her hand along Chaeyoung’s arm.


“That’s interesting.” It wasn’t. “Yes. So, if you’ll excuse us, it was nice to meet you, Mr. Park.”


But this man is more foolish than he seems, apparently not catching the drift even when Jennie already wrapped her arm possessively around her girlfriend. He is still out there in the field, trying to hit the homerun with this goddess in a red dress even if he’s already given three strikes.


“Oh, before I forget, I would need your business card for-“


“Lisa, give him your business card.” Jennie cuts him off, leaving his mouth hanging.


“Ah! Yes, boss.” Lisa scurries to pull a card from the back of her phone and hands it to him.


“If you want to contact my secretary call Ms. Manoban first. Then, Ms. Manoban if he tries to contact Ms. Park, transfer the call to me and I’ll see if it’s important enough.”


The poor guy was left stammering, struggling to piece together words to counter.


“Ah! Yes, Boss.”


“Let’s go, Ms. Park.”


Lisa and the boy just watch the two disappeared as they round a corner.


“I-ummm… better go.”


“I think that’s a good idea.”




“Is he your boyfriend?”


Jennie asked as soon as they’re away from wary eyes. The two finally a little secluded area around the corner from the hotel lobby before stepping out to the gardens.




“He seems like your type.”


“I said stop.”


“You two would look cute together.”


“Stop.” Chaeyoung presses her lips on her jealous girlfriend’s cheek, her kisses trailing lower, nibbling playfully on her neck. “You’re one of the most influential women in Asia, you are worth 3.3 billion, and you are one of the most eligible bachelorettes in the world, and you’re acting like a little kid.”


“So, he’s not your type?”




The two walked along the lawns until Jennie leads Chaeyoung to another pathway leading to the Rose Garden. Chaeyoung still looks blown away from the fairy tale-esque grandeur of the place, and Jennie thinks she’ll never get tired of looking at her expression.


“Happy birthday.”


Chaeyoung turns away from the rose arches and turns to her girlfriend. Away from the limelight and away from everyone else, Jennie isn’t holding back in that gummy smile while in her hand a familiar envelope that already has Chaeyoung chuckling.


“You did it.”




“All this.” Chaeyoung spreads her arms, trying to emphasize the magnitude of how far her girlfriend can dream. “Your dream is right in front of you now.”


Jennie has her gaze on the girl, who used to be just a dream but is now standing right in front of her. Chaeyoung's smile only meant for her to see, and she couldn’t help but agree more.


“Yeah, everything. D-do you like it?”






“I love it.” Chaeyoung takes a step closer, melding into her arms before their lips met once again.


Jennie smiles before her lips quirk playfully, “That’s not all you’re getting.”




The executive pulls something from behind her back and when Chaeyoung saw the envelope, she couldn’t help but burst into a chuckle.


“C’mon, open it.”


Chaeyoung narrows her eyes playfully at her girlfriend as she opens her gift.


“A Starbucks Gift card?” Her smile widening as she reads the card’s sign. “I love you a latte?”


“Yup. I pick it myself.” Jennie said, her chest huffed in pride. “That’s 25 dollars worth of tea for you.”


“Oooooohhhh.” Chaeyoung pushes herself up to kiss her girlfriend on her lips. “You spoil me too much. Oh, there’s a Starbucks in the hotel lobby, you want me to get us something?”


“Well, it might not work though.” Jennie pulls her closer, before burrowing her face in the crook of Chaeyoung’s neck. “That Starbucks is under the hotel so… it doesn’t take Starbucks card.”


“Are you just saying that so we could stay here all night? Or are you for real?”


“I don’t know. Why? what do you have in mind?”


Chaeyoung waves her Starbucks card at her girlfriend, before mischievously saying. “My Treat.”




Her page was filled with greetings from friends, acquaintances and people she had no idea who. But she appreciates each one of them, that they took even a few minutes to greet her. She replies thank you to most, but stops when she stumbles upon those are you married now questions. Instead of feeling perturbed all she had to do was look at her girlfriend sitting by the corner booth, cheek on her hand just staring so lovingly at her.


Chaeyoung’s smile grew before tucking her phone back in her back pocket. She takes their coffee cups and slides into the space next to her girl.




Chaeyoung curls herself perfectly to fit Jennie’s embrace, smiling at how normal this is, with their steaming cups of coffee, Bossanova music playing in the background and the smell of coffee beans wafting in the air.


“You okay with this, boss?”




“Staying here. The opening of J hotel is said to be the party of the decade.”


Chaeyoung looks up from the crook of Jennie’s neck and smiles at her girlfriend.


“I'm perfect right here.” Jennie presses a kiss on Chaeyoung’s hair, as she whispers. “You are everything that I’ll ever need.”


“Ohhh me?”


“No. The coffee.”


Chaeyoung elbows her girlfriend in the rib, earning an ow and a chuckle from her. Jennie leans over, trying to appease her pouty girlfriend with a kiss but Chaeyoung turns at the right time to capture those lips.


“Happy birthday, Park Chaeyoung,” Jennie greets her once again, tangling their fingers together.


“Thank you, Jennie Kim.”


“Anything else you need?”


Chaeyoung smile softly at the question, her girlfriend who opened a grand hotel on her birthday, created a rose garden for her, had an amusement park cause she knows she loves those thrilling rides, and a safari because Chaeyoung coos at every animal in the world.


It was overwhelming, too much for her heart to take because if they ever asked Chaeyoung what she needs, she’ll tell them only this girl right here.


“No, you’re all I need.”


Jennie smiles, that gummy smile playing on her lips as she gazes back at her girl. Jennie Kim who has the world in the palm of her hands, who is worth more money than most people could imagine in their lifetime, Jennie Kim who found her perfect place right here, in her arms, right in the corner booth of this Starbucks café.


Chaeyoung returns her smile, giving her a peck on the lips before saying those three words, Jennie thought she could only hear in her dreams.


“I love you, baby.”


Jennie was over thirty yet everytime Chaeyoung says those words, she feels like a teenager again. She guessed it’s because they’re older, which is why they don’t really go I love you, I love you too every second of the day. But hearing I love you just do crazy things to her heart.


Those three words have that effect on her, and she wishes those three words are enough to express how much she’s continuously falling for Park Chaeyoung, but it can’t.


Those three words are just three words, when Jennie can write an entire love story of how much she loves Chaeyoung.


But now, after her girlfriend just said those words, Jennie smiles back before she confesses those words only meant for Chaeyoung to hear,


“I love you too, Chaeyoung. Love you so much.”




First... thank you so much to everyone who decided to check out my first attempt at a Chaennie fics. I really appreciate all these comments that I have received and yes I do plan to make more Chaennie since right now they're dominating in my ships. So, please do anticipate it.


Once again, thank you so much! It's been a really fun fluffy ride. 

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thehotmonkey #1
Chapter 5: ahhhh love it
Chapter 5: i love this story more than i love my life pls
Movelisa #3
Rereading again. This story is just that good
Chapter 4: I hadn't read blackpink fanfiction in a really long time, but I'm glad I found this one. You did a great job
saturnkid #5
Chapter 5: this chapter is my favorite one. i always come back here to read when i have free time (and now i do have a lot)
aglaonema #6
Chapter 5: ❤️
Chapter 5: I had not read this part. I have the feeling that you plan another chapter, where they will get married ... well, it can be.
I love that your chapters. Thank you author
Chapter 3: A year ago, I read this story, but I can not remember which author wrote it. And I really looked for it for a while, because it was so cute that I wanted to reread it again.
I remember it was the first first fic that I read from Chaennie
Thank u author !