
Will you?

He should've known this would happen. Should have been aware of the fact that she would not listen, she never does and should have been prepared for the way he would react.

But he took it all too casually and now he's paying the price for it.

Hell is about to break loose, he can see it in the way the man infront of him stands rigidly, every muscle in his body alert, the creases on his forehead, the thin line of his lips.

Yes hell is about to break loose.

He is too emersed in his thoughts, trying to come up with something to prevent the brooding disaster that he doesn't notices when the taller male starts walking, out of their hotel room and it's too late of a realization that hits Hakyeon on finding him gone.

"!" Hakyeon runs after him but the other person has murder on his mind. 

"Why the did you not listen to me you idiot," he cursed trying to catch up to the person walking away from him.

He told her to post pone showing up, he told her to delay her match. The idiot woman didn't listen! And now there's hell to pay.

"Listen up hey!" He screams in an attempt to stop the male who, unfazed keeps striding away.

"Would you stop and listen to me for a second!" Yet another failed attempt.

He considers asking the others for help but really it's no use. He couldn't prevent it forever. Now that his dongsaeng has seen her, there is no way he would stop. 



She walks down the ring, the cage already in the air. Her hair are a mess and she's sporting some new bruises but it isn't so bad. The match had been fun, she hadn't expected Daniel to give her the fight he did, almost snatching away the victory from right under her nose. Had that punch connected to her nose, she wouldn't have been able to get up for a few days at the least.

The loud cheers of the audience die down as she makes her way backstage. A fuming Rogan is already waiting for her there with a towel and ice pack.

"I ing told you to be careful," he chides and a smile breaks out on her face. The older man is like a father figure, someone who is always there, always.

"Sorry," she accepts the towel, "it was too much fun. I got swayed."

The ice pack is on her face with more pressure than necessary, an intentional act.

"Yeah right one day you'll end up dead if you keep getting swayed."

Honestly she has come to enjoy the scolding, it's a reminder of his presence and she can't imagine her life without it. So she gives him another smile, the dull ache in her cheek reminding her of the solid punch she received minutes ago.

"I won, isn't that what matters?" She takes the pack away from him.

"No, it isn't," his answer is instant, without hesitation.

"That's what you have taught me Rogan," she counters, remembering all the times she couldn't get up after the beating and his voice kept on demanding.

"Either you win or disappear!"

"Zia!" He scolds, his voice stern.

"Rogan, I can take it. I am tougher than that."

"You don't have to do this to yourself Zia, why are you so bend on hurting yourself? What have you done wrong?" He never asked her that question before but this time he finds himself unable to stop. 

He has known her for years and he is no fool. He knows very well that there is a reason why she is here of all the places that she could have ended up in.

"I.. .You....," She doesn't get to finish her sentence when there is commotion outside. 

A desperate voice calling for someone to stop and listen, begging almost.

A name is called out in desperation but it falls to deaf ears.

Rogan turns to the door when it is banded open and a male enters, ice blue hair and ice cold face.

There is a whisper behind him along the lines of, "Looks like my mistakes came to catch up," the ice pack falls to the ground as the male approaches them, another one, shorter, darker and more desperate one bursts in after the ice prince.

A failed attempt it is as he tries to stop him companion but he has already reached the woman.

"Oppa," and all Rogan can do is watch in confusion.


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