
Meanie One-Shots/AUs

Meanie AU:


Where Wonwoo confessed his feelings for Mingyu but got rejected. Wonwoo ran away and found himself in a bench at the park crying. Later on he was approached by someone Kim Seungcheol, Mingyu’s brother, but he doesn’t know it yet. 


Author’s note: I apologize for all the spelling and grammatical errors. Hope you guys like it though ><



Wonwoo was your average student who doesn’t like the spotlight and tries to finish his highschool years drama and trouble free. He was the quiet type but around his close friends, he can be very loud. 


Kim Mingyu, your all around guy. He likes to play different kinds of sports, is in the theatre club, broadcasting and in culinary. Boys and girls adores him. And Wonwoo is one of them.


The two haven’t officially met but interacted a couple of times. During their sports day, they were on same team for soccer. Mingyu asked him to pass him the ball, but then he is not bag of luck for nothing. When Mingyu called his name, Wonwoo froze. He did not know that Mingyu knows his name, so he stood still that the opposite team took that chance to steal the ball which they did, but Mingyu got steal it again. Throughout that day, Wonwoo is still wondering how does Mingyu knows his name.


Third year of high school was when Mingyu and Wonwoo started getting closer. Since they had some classes together and they were seat mates. They started talking more to each other. They got know what the other’s hobbies and interests. Wonwoo’s feelings was getting stronger and he can’t help falling more as him and Mingyu are close now.


Mingyu has been good to him. He will bring Wonwoo lunch or make him food from the school’s kitchen if the cafeteria food contains seafood. He thought Wonwoo how to play volleyball (as Wonwoo at it before). He will sometimes drop off and pick up Wonwoo, so they can go together. Their skinship was over the top too. They would casually hug, or Mingyu will put his arms on Wonwoo’s waist or shoulders. To others, they look like a couple and they will ask them if they are but both would politely decline. But Wonwoo was hoping they are. 


During those times, Wonwoo was debating if he should confess or not.


Senior year was when he finally came to a decision.


He will confess to Mingyu.


He knows the consequences if Mingyu doesn’t like him back, but he’s prepared for it. 


He’s scared but he knows that it’s okay to fear the answers but you can’t avoid them.


So he decided to take a shot.


He texted Mingyu to meet him in the school garden before going to his rehearsal for the school play. When school was done, the two was standing facing each other surrounded by flowers. 


“Wonwoo why did you call me here?” Mingyu asked as this was unusual of Wonwoo.


“Mingyu, I like you” Wonwoo confessed, blood rushing to his cheeks.


“Wonwoo what are you talking about of course I like you too” Mingyu said as he was confused on what Wonwoo just said.


“N-no Mingyu. I like-like you” Wonwoo said, his cheeks and ears are so red.


It’s been a couple of minutes and Mingyu hasn’t answered yet. Wonwoo was starting to get nervous, while Mingyu was shock. A couple of minutes again, then Mingyu spoke. 


“O-oh I didn’t expect that” Mingyu shyly smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. “But I’m sorry Wonwoo, I only see you as a friend” Mingyu politely rejected Wonwoo.


“O-oh” Wonwoo said as tears started to form. “Well haha it’s okay. I hope we’ll still be friends after this” Wonwoo said as he was trying to stop his tears from falling. 


“Of course, you’re my best friend” Mingyu said as he ruffled Wonwoo’s hair. 




Best friend zoned.


“Well you go to your rehearsal now, and I’m going to get home. Bye Mingyu” Wonwoo said as he left Mingyu there, not waiting for his response.


Mingyu on the other hand was confused. Wonwoo would usually wait for him, but then he realized that it might be hard for Wonwoo. He decided that after his rehearsals he’ll go to Wonwoo’s house with some ice cream.


Wonwoo started crying as soon as he left Mingyu. It was hard for him. He knows it’s better not to assume yet he still did. He thought that Mingyu will like him. But then he did not. He felt stupid. He didn’t even realize that he’s already sitting on a bench in a park close to his house. Good thing there was barely people, and no one will judge him from crying. 


Few minutes of crying, he saw a handkerchief in front of him. He looked up and saw a guy smiling sadly at him. He took it and wiped his tears with it. After a few minutes Wonwoo calmed down and started to talk.


“U-uh thank you for the hanky, I promise I’ll wash it thoroughly and return it to you” Wonwoo said “And uh i’m sorry you saw me in that state” Wonwoo apologised while looking down as he was embarrassed. He looked up when he heard the guy chuckle.


“No it’s okay, I understand. Sometimes we just need to release the feeling we’ve been holding for a long time.” The guy said as he smiled. “I’m Seungcheol by the way” Seungcheol said as he extended his hand.


“Wonwoo” Wonwoo took his hand and smiled shyly. 


“Why were you crying anyways, if you don’t mind me asking” Seungcheol asked as he was confused.


“Ah no it’s okay. I need someone to listen to me anyways. Uhmm I don’t how to start, but there was this guy I like for a very long time since freshman years. Throughout my freshman and sophomore years, we barely interacted. During our junior year we got closer. Then this year I decided to confess. I thought he will like me too, but he didn’t. I know it’s not good to assume yet I still did.” Wonwoo sadly smiled as he said those words. Seungcheol rubbed Wonwoo’s back, as he continued talking. “I thought I was prepared for the heart break, but I’m still not. I don’t think it’s a thing we can all prepare for. I asked him to still be my friend, and he said yes. I know things are going to be awkward now” Wonwoo finished as he was shedding tears once more. 


“Wow I’ve never experienced that before, but I really can’t tell you what to do but, I hope you know that everything takes time. Don’t force yourself to move on quickly. Let it happen slowly, the more you force it the more it will be harder for you. And since you asked him if you guys can still be friends, be friends with him. Don’t affect the friendship you guys built. Healing will take time” Seungcheol said as he patted Wonwoo’s head. Wonwoo on the other hand was speechless.


“Wow, I’ve never realized those before. I guess you’re right. I was planning to avoid Mingyu, but then our friendship will go down the drain. So I’ll follow what you said. Thank you so much Seungcheol, I owe you one.” Wonwoo said as he smiled, a real one after crying. 


“No problem, but give me your phone number so we have a way to contact each other.” Seungcheol said as he gave his phone to Wonwoo, who typed in his phone number.


“Well it’s getting dark now, we should go home.” Seungcheol said


“Yeah you’re right, I didn’t even realized it.”


“Do you live near here? Maybe I can drop you off” Seungcheol offered


“Ahh no it’s okay. I bothered you a lot already. Thank you though. And yes I live around here, how about you?” Wonwoo asked.


“Yes I do too. Well let’s just leave together. Come on.” Seungcheol invited Wonwoo, which the latter agreed on.


When they got out of the park, they split up as they live on opposite sides but not forgetting to text each other.


When Wonwoo was a couple of steps away from his front door, he saw Mingyu sitting on the porch. He keeps looking at his phone and is frowning. 


“Where is Wonwoo? He left the school before me and he still not here” Mingyu muttered as he keep looking down at his phone to see if Wonwoo will text or call him. He didn’t even realized that Wonwoo is in front of him and heard what he said.




Mingyu suddenly looked up and saw the person he’s been waiting for.


“Wonwoo!” Mingyu exclaimed as he hugged Wonwoo, who froze. “Where were you? I’ve been waiting here for you” Mingyu asked he pulled away from the hug.


“U-uh I was in the park. Met a friend their and did not realize the time” Wonwoo explained.


“Ahh was it from our group of friends?” Mingyu was suddenly intrigued.


“Uhm no. I just met him today and I guess we just hit it off” Wonwoo shrugged, missing the frown on Mingyu’s face. “Anyways what brought you here?” Wonwoo asked as he was wondering why Mingyu was there.


“Oh right! I brought ice cream! Let’s have a movie marathon!” Mingyu suggested. But in mind, he actually just wanted to know more about Wonwoo’s new friend. Hoping that Wonwoo will talk about it. He was only supposed to drop of the ice cream he bought to make Wonwoo better, but he felt like he needed to know more. 


As they were on their second movie, Mingyu finally started a conversation. 


“So Wonwoo, tell me about this new friend of yours” Mingyu started the topic.


“Hmm well first off his name is Seungcheol” 


“Wait- Wait Seungcheol?!” Mingyu looked at Wonwoo with a shock expression. 


“Uhmm yeah, he lives around this area too.” Wonwoo was wondering why Mingyu reacted that way. 


Mingyu was suddenly asking himself if he ever told Wonwoo about his brother, Seungcheol. Then he realized he didn’t. Mingyu suddenly cursed under his breath.


“Something wrong Mingyu?” Wonwoo asked as Migyu suddenly became quiet. 


“U-uh no. You can continue now” Mingyu said as he reminded himself to ask Seungcheol about it later.


“Okay. Well we just talked about stuff, exchanged phone numbers and that’s pretty much it.” Wonwoo said as he didn’t really want to tell Mingyu that Seungcheol found him crying about his confession.


“A-ah okay. Well I got to go now. Bye Wonwoo see you tomorrow” Mingyu said as he kissed Wonwoo’s forehead out of reflex. Both of them just stayed still realizing what just happened.


“W-well bye Mingyu” Wonwoo greeted as Mingyu ran through the door, embarrassed of what he just did.


When Mingyu got home, he saw Seungcheol seating on the couch watching some TV.


“Hey hyung” Mingyu greeted as he sat on the couch.


“Hey Mingyu. How was your day?” Seungcheol asked.


“Mhhmm it was fine. Someone confessed to me today” Mingyu said as he looked down. Him and Seungcheol are really close, so it was okay for him to tell about these kind of things. 


“Really?! Who was it?! How’d it go?!” Seungcheol asked excitedly questions after questions.


“Hmm it was my bestfriend.. The guy I keep telling you about.. Well I rejected him..” Mingyu said as he looked down.


“Oh, what was his name again? You never told me his name” Seungcheol pried. 




When Seungcheol heard the name he was suddenly hit by a truck of realization. So the said bestfriend was Wonwoo, who met today in the park. Who was also crying on his confession. 


“O-oh Wonwoo. The name sounds familiar” Seungcheol said as he doesn’t want Mingyu to know what happened to Wonwoo. So he feigned innocence first. 


“Yeah. I just came from his house and he said he was at the park and met a friend. The funny thing is the guy have the same name ay yours hyung” Mingyu said chuckling.


“Oh yeah, that’s why it sounded familiar! I met Wonwoo earlier today. I must say he is cute and charming” Seungcheol said as he was remembering what happened today. As he was remembering he missed the frown on Mingyu’s face. 


“You’re the Seungcheol?!” 


“Well duh how many Seungcheols do you know?” Seungcheol asked.


“I was just shocked. And you said he’s cute and charming” Mingyu said as he teased his brother while elbowing him. “Do you perhaps like him” Mingyu asked but it left a bitter taste in his mouth. And he had a weird feeling in his stomach. 


“Haha no, that’s too soon” Seungcheol said as he felt his phone vibrated. Which also caught Mingyu attention.


“Who’s that?” He asked as he saw his brother smiling.


“Wonwoo, he was just saying thank you for today” Seungcheol said as he was looking down on his phone. “Well I’ll go fo my room now. Bye Mingyu” He said as he went up to the stairs, leaving Mingyu. Mingyu was frowning why Seungcheol looked so happy. He looked at his phone to see if Wonwoo messaged him too but nothing. He felt a pinch in his heart. 


He’s not jealous that’s what he keeps telling himself.


The next morning, Mingyu woke up late as he slept late because he was thinking about Wonwoo. He rejected Wonwoo as he was scared that they might break the friendship they built. He likes Wonwoo too, but fear came to him first.


He heard loud noises downstairs in the living room, he figured it’s just Seungcheol playing his games again. He fixed himself up and went downstairs. 


When he was at the stairs he heard two voices. Seungcheol is with someone, that made him curious. When he reached the last stair he saw Wonwoo rejoicing as Seungcheol frowning.


“Yeay! I won again!! You at this game hyung” Wonwoo said as he sticked his tongue out. He also realized that Seungcheol is older than him. 


“No I don’t, you’re just good at this game. Let’s play a different game” Seungcheol pouted as this was the third round he lost from Wonwoo. 


“Aww hyung you’re so cute haha.” Wonwoo said as he laughed at Seungcheol’s face. He was about to pinch his cheeks but they heard someone coughing behind.


When Mingyu heard what Wonwoo said, he knew he needed to step in. He didn’t know why, but he felt the urge to. 


“Mingyu?!” Wonwoo was shocked when he saw Mingyu. He was wondering how the two know each other.


“Uh hi Wonwoo” Mingyu awkwardly said as he rubbed the back of his neck. 


“How do you two know each other” Wonwoo asked as he was looking back and forth at Mingyu and Seungcheol.


“Uhmm we’re brothers.” Seungcheol butted in.


“Mingyu you have a brother?! You never mentioned anything about it” Wonwoo looked at Mingyu intensely.


“Well I keep forgetting to tell you about it but at least now you guys know each other hehe” Mingyu awkwardly laughed. 


“You didn’t tell me Mingyu was your brother” Wonwoo said as he looked at Seungcheol.


“Well I thought you didn’t know Mingyu and you didn’t tell me it was him you were talking about yesterday” Seungcheol whispered to him. “And Mingyu just told me your name yesterday, so your the bestfriend eh~” Seungcheol teased, which got him a glare from the two. 


The whole day, the three decided to hang out. They played games but Mingyu always loses as he doesn’t really know how to play. Then he will glance at the two who’s really getting along well. The two will sometimes will hug as another victory but Mingyu will glare at them and will strike up a conversation. 


As the days passed, Wonwoo and Mingyu are still close as they kept their friendship. Wonwoo’s feelings are still there while Mingyu is suddenly regretting that he rejected Wonwoo. 


Eversince Seungcheol and Wonwoo met, they always try to hang out. Mingyu notices this and he can’t help but feel jealous. Not jealous of their friendship but he finally realized that he should’ve took the chance because Wonwoo might not be his anymore. 


One day Mingyu decided to ask Wonwoo to hang out, just the two of them but Wonwoo declined saying that Seungcheol asked him to go somewhere. He was pissed that Wonwoo picked Seungcheol over him. He decided to go to the mall to cool off his mind, but he saw Seungcheol and Wonwoo in a restaurant being all smiley to each other. During that time he really wants to take Wonwoo away.


Which he did.


He went in and took Wonwoo away. Wonwoo was asking him to let go but he didn’t listen. He brought the two of them to his car and drove to the park. When they got there, he took Wonwoo.


“Mingyu what’s your problem. We left Seung-“ Wonwoo was cut off when Mingyu kissed him. Right on the lips. At first he wasn’t responding, but later on he did. Mingyu pulled away first and looked directly to Wonwoo’s eyes.


“Don’t mention his name”


“Why? He’s your brother” 


“I know that but I just don’t like you seeing with him. This may sound selfish but I just want you to myself. I know I rejected you when you confessed but I did that because I was scared on what will happen to us if we-“ Mingyu was cut off when a pair of soft lips landed on his.


“You’re talking too much” Wonwoo said as he smiled. “Were you jealous?” Wonwoo asked smirking.


“Yes” Mingyu whispered.


“What? I can’t hear you” Wonwoo teased.


“I said yes” Mingyu said a little louder.


“Mingyu you have to be lou-“ Again Mingyu kissed him.


“I said yes, I’m jealous” Mingyu said as he pouted.


“You big baby, why would you be jealous? 

I only see Seungcheol as a big brother”


I’m jealous because I like you too Wonwoo!” Mingyu confessed that made Wonwoo stunned. 


“Wh-what?” Wonwoo asked not believing what Mingyu just said.


“I said I like you Jeon Wonwoo. As I was saying earlier, I rejected you because I was scared that we will ruin our friendship if we ever break up.  I can’t lose you Wonwoo.” Mingyu said directly to Wonwoo, making Wonwoo’s heart flutter. “But then Seungcheol hyung had to come and I didn’t want to lose you. So here I am” Mingyu said. 


Wonwoo smiled and hugged Mingyu tightly.


“You have no idea how happy I am” Wonwoo said as he pulled away from the hug. 


“So Jeon Wonwoo will you be mine?” Mingyu nervously asked.


“Of course Kim Mingyu, as long as you’re mine too” Wonwoo softly smiled


“What were you doing with Seungcheol hyung earlier?” Mingyu asked as they were sitting on a bench hugging each other. 


“Hmm I was just accompanying him before his date comes” Wonwoo said.


“His date?! He’s dating someone?!!” Mingyu asked shocked and hold Wonwoo’s shoulders gently.


“Hmm yeah, Jeonghan hyung. He’s my cousin. I kind of hooked them up” Wonwok explained how it happened. 


“But hyung never told me any of this.” Mingyu sulked.


“Well hyung said you were avoiding him” Wonwoo informed him.


“I wasn’t!” Mingyu lied. Wonwoo looked at him raising one eyebrow. 


“Okay fine I was. I was jealous remember~” Mingyu sing song.


“Of course you were you big baby” Wonwoo said as he pinched Mingyu’s cheeks. “But you should apologize to him okay?” Wonwoo said.


“Aww you look so cute” Mingyu said as he squished Wonwoo cheeks together, making him look like a fish. “Of course I will, I’m at fault” Mingyu said.


Mingyu apologized to Seungcheol and which the latter forgave him and laughed at his reason. Jeonghan and Seungcheol were also together. 


They have some ups and downs but they can manage it.



“Wait how did you know my name before? We didn’t have any classes together right? 


 “Oh that. We actually bumped onto each other during the first day. You dropped your stuff and I saw your name on your schedule. After that I just wanted to be close with you” 


Really?! You were that guy?! I always wanted to be close with you too since I had a crush on you for a long time now” 


 “Aww you’re so whipped for me”


“Shut up” 








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wonuisacutie #1
Chapter 1: awwww this is so cute!! ❤❤