A Quick Defeat

My Best Ex-Friend

I popped my head up and came face to face with his perfectly tousled brown hair, a smirk working its way on his lips.

“Leah! I knew it was you!”

“Oh, hey.” I tossed up a half-hearted peace sign before slipping off the barstool, my eyes glued to the exit door.

So close.

My exit is so close.

But of course, dreams never come true.

I felt his grip on my arm and all of I sudden I was jerked forward in a manner that I’m sure gave me a serious case of whiplash. He had his arm wrapped around my neck and was ruffling my air as I struggled out of a headlock.

“Same old Leah! Always so adorable.”

Jin caught my pleading eyes and I mouthed a “save me” but the petty guy just flicked his gaze away and back to his smoothie. I made a mental note to reduce his tip in half.

My body was once again tossed up around like a rag doll and this time Taehyung pulled me into a hug so tight it would make even a corpse gasp for breath. My dead eyes twitched while he kept chattering on.

This couldn’t be reality.

This was some nightmare, surely.

My mind blue-screened and all I could do was stare straight ahead at the horrible painting on the café wall. A simple picture of just a goat and a flower.

Maybe it was the onsets of a panic attack, but the flower started to seem more and more lifelike as I stared it down, its petals looked like it was waving back to me.

Oh, poor innocent, little flower it was about to make the biggest mistake of its life. It was about to trust the little goat and let him into to its world.

Little did that flower know that the goat will do what all goats do and betray the flower, furiously digging up the soil with its hoofs and then ripping the little flowers friends out by their roots, munching them to death in its little drooling goat mouth.

And then out of nowhere instead of taking responsibility for the wild ravaging of the garden, the goat will disappear, leaving that flower in the middle of the night by itself. The flower will cry but then start to slowly rebuild its garden from scratch. Yet in just a few years later when the flower begins to move on with her life, the little goat will once again show up at her gate.

Run little flower. Run while you still can.

My strange vision faded away when I’m freed from the death grip and can finally take a breath of fresh air. I pulled back to face my assailant. With shining dark eyes and an adorable boxy smile that flutters even the most callused lady’s heart, he gave me his brightest wink-smile combo. “It’s been awhile but I’m back. You still remember me, don’t you?”

Of course, I do.

 “Welcome back you little goat.”

Jin and Taehyung glanced at each other. I used their confusion as the perfect fog to cover up my fast exit. But when I looked up there was Taehyung blocking the door. If I escaped it would be too easy and he would never stand for letting me have an easy life.

“You’re as unique as ever.” He said.

That was an insult. Underhanded, but most definitely an insult.

Jin just waved his hands at Taehyung. “She’s just a little out of it today. Not only did she have an accident with her silverware but now she’s worried about finding a roommate.”

“Oh?” I saw the slight lift of Taehyung’s eyebrow and I prayed to the stars that he is spared the rarity of having a good idea. But I forgot that I have the luck of a flea.

“Actually, I’ve been looking for somewhere to stay. So that’s perfect”

“Don’t even finish that thought. I’m not opening up my house to just anybody.” I shook my head in absolute denial. Never, ever will I let this guy into my house.

“But I’m not just anybody. We’re friends.”

The nerve of this guy.

“Nope. I don’t have any friends.” I proudly proclaimed.

“Come on Leah. I’m planning on getting an apartment soon, so I’ll only need to stay with you until it’s ready. A month tops.”

A m-month. Living in the same house as this guy. “No, thank you. ”
But just as Taehyung opens his mouth again, probably with some smart comeback, my phone started vibrating with a call.

“Hello?” My landlady’s squeaky voice answered back. My brows furrowed as she starts talking about my rent. A matter I thought we already discussed a while ago.

“You’re moving the due date to next week!” I could tell that Jin and Taehyung are listening in, those little gossipers, so I lowered my voice to a whisper. “I thought you said because Karen moved out, I could have until the end of next month to pay you back. No. I understand your son’s computer camp cost more than you thought but it’s just going to be hard to get a hold of that money, last minute.”

This day just couldn't get any worse.

“No, I get it. That’s fine Mrs. Pier. I’ll figure it out. Goodbye.”

“So,” Taehyung stood there with his arms folded and a devilish sparkle in his eye. “Anything wrong. I’d be glad to help.”
Jin nudged me in my side but I kept shaking my head in denial. Somehow this guy always gets his way. It’s been like that since I first met him. I just couldn't believe I had to surrender only five minutes after standing my ground. The image of my nearly empty bank account flashed in my head as a reminder that I have no choice. Just think of the money, Leah. Just think of the money.

“Two weeks max and payment upfront.” I murmur under my breath.

“That. I can do.”


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Chpt 8: Why is Taehyung so confusing? Why do I take so long to update my story? The world may never know.


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Chapter 10: what happened to tae actually?
does he still in love with her?
Chapter 8: That bipolar brat, gets all jealous one minute and tries to set her up the next. Glad to see you updated my the way!!
Chapter 7: Daw! Taehyung is jealous! That's so cute!! What a block though, didn't even give them time to talk and get to know each other. Guess I would do the same though, not even going to lie lol. Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 6: Welcome back! Thanks for the double update! I feel bad for Leah, because it must be painful to live with him and all of the memories they once shared. Hopefully things will work out for them!
Chapter 4: I'm curious on what really happened between those two. Obviously it wasn't a friendly breakup, and I'm surprised Taehyung isn't affected by it the way that Leah is. Thanks for writing!