Whinny Wonwoo

Meanie couple drabbles


“That’s it for today, thank you for your hard work! You may now rest!” Their manager said as he closed the door of SVT’s dorm.
“At last~! I will have a power nap!” Jeonghan said while dragging Jisoo to their shared room.
“I’ll take my beauty rest, Sol-ie let’s leave these losers alone,” Seungkwan and Hansol went to their shared room and closed the door.
“I’ll take a shower now,” Seokmin said and got in his room, Chan followed shortly after saying, “wait for me hyung!”
“Don’t wake me up,” Jihoon closed his room door and the other two leaders made their way into that room.
“I’ll have quality time with my baby~,” Jun said and carried Minghao bridal style to their room.
“I’m tired hyung, I’ll go first,” Mingyu yawned and was about to walk away but Wonwoo grabbed his wrist.
“Gyuuuuu~ I’m hungry~” Wonwoo whined 
“There is food in the ref, if you don’t want that eat cereals,” Mingyu wriggled his wrist to get out of Wonwoo’s hold.
“Gyuuuu~ I want your foood~ please cook for me~” Wonwoo whined again
“Please stop whining, hyung I need to sleep,” Mingyu yawned then after.
“But your hyung wants your cooking~” Wonwoo continues to whine
“You are being childish hyung, I thought I was the childish one,” Mingyu said
“No buts hyung! I am exhausted please understand!” Mingyu was irritated and tired so he slammed the door.
“I just want you to feed me and be sweet to me...” Wonwoo was about to cry but he then thought of something .
“I’ll just ask a friend of mine to bring food here so I’ll not be lonely~” Wonwoo hymmed while typing a number on his phone.

It is weird that Wonwoo the sloth was not tired after their schedule. Well, his part was shot first and so he rested the whole time. Junhao was next after him so that explains their energy to have a “fun” time together.

“Hmm~ please buy burgers and fries on your way here!...... you’re the best~!” Wonwoo said on the phone before ending it and going into his and Mingyu’s shared room to take a bath.
When he entered he was surprised that Mingyu was still awake; when the younger obviously said he was tired.
“You’re still up?” Wonwoo asked as he was picking out clothes from his closet.
“Yeah, you’ll bath? Can I join?” Mingyu asked
“I’m in a hurry sorry, my friend is coming over,” Wonwoo said as he entered the bathroom and locked the door.
“Done~” Wonwoo said as he came out of the room
“Who will be coming here? I.M-hyung? I haven’t seen him in a while now,” Mingyu asked
“Oh my! I was surprised! Why are you still awake? Aren’t you tired? Go to bed now,” Wonwoo said while drying his hair in his bed
“I’m resting now, so who will be coming over?” Mingyu asked again
“Kogyeol,” Wonwoo said as he hanged his towel in and went out because he heard a doorbell.
“There he is, we will eat and talk and play. Sleep now Mingyu, goodnight,” Wonwoo kissed Mingyu’s forehead and closed the light in their room.

“Wonwoo! I haven’t seen you in a long time!” Kogyeol hugged Wonwoo, and Wonwoo told him to shush since the members are sleeping.
“Sorry sorry, so I bought food for us and I found this new game! I looked into the reviews and all of them are positive,” Kogyeol said while sitting in the coach.
“Really? Let’s play it then, just don’t be sooo noisy since they are really tired,” Wonwoo said and started inserting the game in their ps4.
After 2 rounds of playing Wonwoo’s stomach growled.
“Oh I forgot! Here, your favorite~” Kogyeol handed a burger to Wonwoo
“You’re the best~” Wonwoo started munching on his burger while Kogyeol was eating fries.
“Gimme someeee~ ahhhh~” Wonwoo opened his mouth asking fries to Kogyeol.
“Okay here, ahhh~” Kogyeol fed Wonwoo plain fries.
“Add ketchuuuup~” Wonwoo whined
“Did I already tell you that you’re cute when you whine?” Wonwoo crimsons at that comment
“Yes, so pleaseee~?” Wonwoo opened his mouth and Kogyeol fed him fries with ketchup.

After they were done playing and eating Kogyeol told Wonwoo that he needs to leave, but before he left he kissed Wonwoo’s forehead. They were that close so yeah.
Wonwoo waved Kogyeol goodbye and locked the dorm’s door.

“So what was that?” Mingyu cornered Wonwoo.
“What ‘that’?” Wonwoo asked thinking what he did, “We just played and ate,” Wonwoo said.
“He kissed your forehead,” Mingyu’s jaw clenched.
“That was a friendly kiss and how did you even see that?” 
“You just closed the lights in our room and you didn’t close the door. If you can’t see me that doesn’t mean I can’t see you. He even fed you and called you cute! You were almost cuddling with him!” Mingyu said in gritted teeth.
“We are friends Mingyu, it was normal,” Wonwoo tried to get away from Mingyu and the latter was not going to let that happen.
“You’re not purposely making me jealous aren’t you, hyung?” Mingyu said with venom dripping of his mouth.
“I’m not, so Kim I’m now tired let’s sleep,” Wonwoo pecked Mingyu’s lip and placed hus hands on Mingyu’s nape.
“I should have just cooked for you...” Mingyu mumbled while they were already in bed ready to sleep.
“Yeah~ You should listen to a whiny Wonwoo~” Wonwoo said and kissed Mingyu’s neck.
“Goodnight~” Mingyu kissed Wonwoo’s forehead.

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