07 - Chin Chin, or Win Win?

Winning: a WooTae fanfic

Annyeong! I'm so sorry that I didn't update yesterday! ><
I go to church/I'm teaching sunday school this month so I had to sleep earlier in order to get up on time.
Please forgive me *90 degrees bow*.
I suppose you can expect me to not post on Saturdays in that case :P

Everyone needs a break, you know? :)

Anywho... finally, finally, FINALLY, Kangin enters the scene! Enjoy! :)

After closing the door behind me, I immediately got a bad feeling in my stomach.

Crap. The girls found out. I groan to myself. "Sica! I thought you said you were gonna cover for me!" I complain as the girls pull me to the living room and make me sit in the center. 
"Well you were gonna have to let them know sooner or later." she defends herself.
"Spill it! We need to know every single detail, 100%, absolutely EVERYTHING!" Yoona screams. The other girls are getting hysterical too. I cave in and tell them everything.

"Wow, a motorcycle and a leather jacket to match? So cool!"
"Awwhn, he packed you a picnic?"
"Did you feel up his back muscles while he was driving?"
"Pssh, a dozen roses? How boring!"
"Did you catch him staring at your s?"
"Babo! She was wearing a scarf! Good for you Tae, covering up your goodies..."

I sigh, exasperated with all of my sisters comments. They keep butting in with useless statements, except from Fany...

"Did he kiss you?" she asks.
"What about holding hands? Arm around the shoulder? your face?" she continues.
"Uhhh... I got a hug?"
"WHAT! That's it?!" all the girls exclaim, except for Tiffany, who looks relieved.

"There's something else... I panicked. When he didn't make any moves, I figured he didn't really consider today a date, y'know? I mean... he would have at least pulled ONE move if he was into me, right?" I say, completely flustered, looking up at my girls' faces. "So... when I was saying good-bye... I called him a friend." I finish lamely in a small voice.

"Omg, Taeyeon, are you stupid!?" Yuri shouts. "I can't believe you just put him in the FRIEND ZONE."
"Yah!" Hyo continues, "That was probably the worst thing you could have done at that moment. I bet you he was working up the courage to kiss you, too. Guys always kiss the girl when they grab them when they're about to run away."
"Shaddap, Hyo," Sooyoung says, giving her a smack on the forehead, "You watch too many dramas. But Yuri's right. You should have waited another second..."
"Well there's nothing I can do now, okay? I just have to live in the hole I dug myself." I say, defeated.
"Nonsense!" says Sica. "There's always hope, honey. You just gotta be more aggressive."
"Aggressive?" I repeat with wide eyes.
"You know, assertive. Take charge! Make the first move." 
"Okay, okay, I got this. I'll just text him asking for what, another date?"

Out of nowhere, Fany shouts, "That's probably the STUPIDEST thing I've ever heard in my life."
"Hey now Fany, back off." Sunny says, trying to defend me. Tiffany acts as if she doesn't hear her.
"Why don't you just leave him alone? He obviously only thinks of you as a friend. Just give up!" And at that, she runs to our room.

All of us just sit there in silence, completely stunned.


"Ouch, she said 'Friend'? Man, that's harsh..." Taec says, shaking his head.
"Word. You've been Friend-Zoned, my boy." Junsu adds.
"Please, don't make me relive it..." I say, rubbing my temples. "Trust me, I'm fully aware of how much this situation . What do I now? Just throw away my feelings out the window? Within ONE date, I've completely fallen for her!"
"I still don't understand why you didn't just kiss her..." Junho says
"Shut UP." I say, giving Junho a hard look. "I still haven't forgiven you for your dumb advice..." Nichkhun interrupts me.
"Wooyoung, be nice. Here's what I think of the situation. #1 - She called you a friend. She told you a whole bunch of things about herself that I'm pretty sure only her SNSD members know, right?"

I nod my head.

"Right," he continues, "So that means she likes to talk to you, and further more, she trusts you. #2 - she set aside time for you. Rumour has it that she's been cast for Midnight Sun, a musical. As the leader and lead singer for Girls' Generation, she must have a busy schedule for promotions. Plus, she works on that radio show, Chin Chin. Not to mention, she just picked up hosting Win Win with you. Therefore, she cares about you enough to squeeze in time to spend a whole day on an outdoor picnic when it's FREEZING outside."

I nod my head as he talks. It's true, she's the main character for the musical. She was telling me about the story on our date.

"Lastly, she contacted you even if you made a complete idiot of yourself. She had good reasons for not being able to come for the original date. But she wanted to hang out with you enough that she would reschedule. Don't you think that shows she likes you, even a little bit?"
"But Khunnie, she called me her friend. What am I supposed to do about that?"
"That's up to you to decide. Don't put any more pressure on her. Try not to be to obvious, but still let her know you're interested. Leave an opening, just in case she wants something more with you."
"A guy can't wait forever Khun." I pout.

"Well if you find that too tiring, you better think really hard about why you like her so much. Love isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. Is she worth waiting for?" I look away, thinking upon Khun's wise words. I look at the clock.

Chin Chin is on the air. That's when I get my idea.


"Next up, we have a request from an anonymous caller, dedicated to... waaah! Our very own DJ Taengoo! It's 2PM's latest single, Tired Of Waiting!"
I take my headphones off in surprise, and look at Kangin completely confused as the song begins to play...

Getting tired while waiting (you know?)
Gotten tired while waiting and
U Know, do you know how I feel?
Gotten tired while waiting...

I hear Wooyoung's voice through the speakers:

Going insane while waiting
And each day feels like a year
Oh as I wait, as I wait for you

"Yah, Taengoo, what's with that sad look on your face?" my co-host asks me.
"Weird, huh? I've never heard of someone dedicating a song to a DJ before. Usually it's a lover their trying to apologize to, or someone who they wanna break up with, or..."

I space out as Kangin continues to babble. Could it have been him? Is he trying to send me a message? No, I'm just thinking too much... But I can't help but wonder. So I decide to make a move. I text him:
Hey! Are you listening to the radio? Your song is playing :)

He replies:
Oh, I just tuned in... That's awesome! I guess the song is getting more popular, hm? Maybe it will become the next "Gee" ;)

I text back:
LOL, you wish! So, I was thinking... Before we film tomorrow, do you want to go for dinner? I know a really quiet place near the KBS building. It will be my treat :) I'll pick you up this time. Can you give me directions to your dorm?

3 seconds later, he says:
Hmm... well tomorrow is 2PM's episode, right? I don't know... but free dinner? How could I resist? ;) Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then. I can't wait :3

After receiving the directions, I squeal with delight. Luckily, we're on commercial. Kangin looks at me with a confused look.
"Tae, what was that all about? You look more excited than a little schoolgirl!" I try to compose myself, but it's too late.
"Ahh," he says knowingly, "I know the face of a girl in love when I see one. You're practically glowing."
"Oh be quiet, Kangin, you don't know what you're saying..."
"Come on, tell me, who's the lucky guy?"
"I can't tell you."
"Taengoo?" he asks sternly. "If you don't tell me right away, I'm gonna have to start tickling you." Knowing how intense Kangin's tickle attacks are, I sigh and give in.

"He's in 2PM." Kangin's nose wrinkles in disgust.
"When did you have the time to interact with those JYP minions?"
"Kangin! What are you saying? You're the one who has a crush on Sohee." He completely brushes me off and continues,
"Which one then? Junsu? Too old for you? What about Chansung? Nah... too young."
"Wooyoung." I say, barely whispering.
"Huh, who's that?"
"Wooyoung, you babo! Geez Kangin oppa, I should start calling you ajhussi."
"Whatever. My advice, is that you should just leave him alone."
"Omg, oppa you're starting to sound like Fany now! What's with you two being so negative?" Before I can continue, the prompter lets us know we're going back on air in 3 seconds.

It looks like our argument will have to wait for another day, because after we sign off, Kangin leaves without even saying goodbye. Aissh, what's up with him?

I get home late. Everyone is already sleeping. I collapse onto my bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

The next morning, I report to the girls about our second date. We all have different schedules today, and luckily, I'm the only one left at home. I haven't had alone time in so long. The time for our date approaches. 4, 5, 6, 7 o'clock. I'm supposed to pick him up before 7:30, so after checking my hair and outfit one more time, I head out the door.

Thankfully, the directions Wooyoung gave me were pretty straightforward. I make it there in 10 minutes. I'm kind of nervous, going to 2PM's dorm. Either way, I have to do it. So I knock with as much confidence as I possibly can.

The door opens, and Nichkhun's face pops out, eyebrows raised. As hot as I think Wooyoung is, there's no way I can deny Nichkhun's angelic face. He's just so pretty.

"Hello." he says with a polite smile. "Please, come in."

I enter the house, slightly bowing. I'm surprised at how clean their dorm is. Cleaner than ours, in fact. The rest of the members are sitting at the dining table, playing cards. They all greet me hello.

"Welcome to our home, Taeyeon-sshi!" Junsu says. "Wooyoung is still getting ready, he'll be out in a minute."

I can hear them talking through my bedroom door, but can't make out any words. I swear, if they make me look stupid... someone's gonna die, and I have a feeling it's gonna be Junho. I hear Taeyeon's laugh. I pray that it's not because they just told her an embarrasing story about me or anything. I finish changing as quickly as possible and run out into the hallway. Of course, Chansung left his motorcycle helmet smack in the middle of the hallway. I trip over it, and fling forwards, landing on my face. Of course, the boys burst into laughter. Surprisingly, Taeyeon rushes to my side.

"Omg, Wooyoung are you okay?" she asks in a concerned voice. I hear the guys in the backgroung making catcalls. Uggh... can this get even more embarrassing? Taeyeon helps me up and stretches to her tiptoes, reaching for my face to see if I have any bruises. She brushes away my bangs and carresses my chin. Her soft hand feels so good on my skin -- until she touches a sore spot. 

"Oww..." I say under my breath. She quickly pulls away her hand.
"Omo, I'm so sorry!"
"No, no, it's okay." Even though I have a slight headache, I wish she had held her hand there a bit longer.
"You're gonna need some ice on that, or else it's gonna turn into a huge bump."
"Don't worry about it! Come on, if we don't leave soon, we're gonna be late!" At that I remember we were still under the guys' watch. I look over at my brothers and it's pretty obvious they're doing their best to hold their laughter in. I roll my eyes at them as I direct Taeyeon to the door.

"It was nice to see you all." she says to them, bowing in their general direction.
"Come over any time, noona, we expect to see you here more often anyway..." Junho says, snickering at the same time.
"Huh?" Taeyeon asks, with a bewildered look on her face.

Before the moron can say anything else, I push her out the door.
Finally, we're alone.

Chapter 7 - END

Lol, sorry for that lame ending xD I realized that it was starting to drag on, so I decided to stop before it got too boring. I promise a more exciting chapter tomorrow! :)

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Khairol #1
Chapter 23: Next please...
sarcastic_miss #2
Chapter 1: Your story is DAEBAK ! WooTae hwaiting ! Been reading it again and again. :)
Koreanlover13 #3
Chapter 1: you won't delete this right? i want to re-read this sotry over and over again!
Chapter 22: i'll wait you for update this story ^^
nice story XD
Chapter 22: update please. :D
Chapter 18: tiffany is acting like ____ here. it hurts me in a way.:'((
Chapter 4: why is it always tiffany? :( hmmm
Chapter 2: weee!! I LIKE! :D
woobaby_2pm #9
Chapter 22: Oh your story is just great!
Please update soon!!!!
Chapter 22: i loved this story update soon