05 - Lovesick

Winning: a WooTae fanfic

Hello again :)
I almost wasn't going to post another chapter today, BUT, assuming that there's at least ONE person who is actually waiting for the next part, I felt guilty :P

Hope you enjoy :3 

-- wootae13 <3

I wake up with dreams of Wooyoung still fresh in my mind.

I smile to myself, thinking happy thoughts as I get breakfast ready. Today, I decide to make chocolate chip pancakes with fresh yogurt and fruit. I usually don't have time to prepare a fancy breakfast for my sisters/they don't have time to eat it, but today, none of us have schedules.

In the middle of flipping a pancake, I hear some girls come into the kitchen.
"Good moo~oorning!" I say in a sing-song voice. Hyo, Yuri, Seohyun and Sunny take seats around the table.
"Somebody sounds cheerful today... what's up with the good mood? You're usually a zombie at this time." Hyo replies sleepily, rubbing her tired eyes. I smack her lightly on the arm with my spatula.
"What did you say about a zombie? Just be grateful I'm making you breakfast. And I dunno... I'm just happy."

Within 5 minutes, Jessica, Yoona, Sooyoung and Tiffany join us.
"Mmm, smells good Tae" Sica says, hugging me from the back.
"They'll be done soon, go sit down!"

I put a pile of pancakes on each plate and hand them to my girls.
"Omo, it tastes so good, Tae-noona!"
"Well we all know the secret ingredient is love, right Tae?" Yuri teases me. I can't help but think of Wooyoung, and begin to blush. Turning away quickly, I ask,
"So girls, what are your plans for today? Nobody has any plans right? How about we go on an outing or something?"

They all agree at once. After cleaning up our breakfast dishes, we pack a basket with food, change into warm outfits and head out. We decide on taking a walk in a nearby park. Since it's 9:30 on a Tuesday, we figure everyone will either be at work or school, so we won't attract too much attention. Halfway to the park, I realize that Fany isn't wearing a scarf.

"Fany..." I scold her. I take off my scarf and wrap it around her neck. "You're gonna catch a cold if you don't dress properly." She gives me a distant look and gives me a fake smile. I can tell because her eyes didn't sparkle like they usually do.
"Thanks unnie." she says, and walks ahead.

We arrive at the park, and find it completely empty. Sunny and Hyo immediately run for the swings. Seohyun sits on a bench and pulls out a book from her bag and starts to read. Sooyoung and I sit underneath a tree and chat while the rest of the girls play tag. We chat for a bit. Sooyoungie falls asleep on my shoulder while I sing her a lullaby. A couple minutes later, I fall asleep too.

Someone nudges me awake.
"Come on! Time for lunch!" Yoona calls. Sooyoung looks at me and asks,
"Aigoo! That was a nice nap. What time is it, unnie? I left my phone at home." I take my phone out of my pocket and flip it open. Nothing happens.

"Waaae?! Soo, my phone isn't turning on!"
"Did you charge it last night?"
"It was full battery..."
"Check the battery then, maybe it's not in properly."

I turn the phone over, and slide open the back. Empty. The battery has disappeared.

I finally figured out our date. It took me a really long to choose though... I wanted something private, but not so private that it would be awkward. At the same time I wanted somewhere public, but it might attract too much attention. I thought about bringing her to a movie, but we wouldn't be able to talk, and one of my favourite things about Taeyeon is that she can hold a really good conversation.

Then it came to me: a picnic near the Han River!

People pass by there everyday, so it's not like we'd be all by ourselves, and it's easy to find a spot where it's not too crowded. We'll be able to talk as much as we want. Plus, picnics are considered pretty romantic, right? If anything, we can hang out under a tree so it will be less likely for anyone to notice us. We'll just look like a normal couple...

A normal couple. Is that even possible for us? I'm not trying to be cocky, but 2PM has gotten pretty famous, and EVERYONE knows who Girls' Generation is. I try not to worry about it too much, and remember Junsu's advice from last night: you can't worry about something that hasn't even happened yet.

As soon as all the guys are awake, I brief them on my plan.
"You know Wooyoung, you really don't have to check with us about every little thing. You can keep some things to yourself." Chansung says with a serious look on his face.
"Oh shut up, Channie" Junho says, smacking the back of his head playfully. "You just don't wanna hear any details because you're still scared of girls. Don't worry maknae, you'll catch up to your hyungs one day."
"What are you saying, Junho?!" Taec shouts. "As if you've even had any experience. Stop acting as if you actually know what you're talking about." At that, everyone laughs. In our trainee days, JYP told us that we weren't allowed to date. But after our debut, he didn't really mention it...

"Hey guys," I say with an unsure voice. "Do you think SNSD is allowed to date? I heard that SM can be pretty strict about that stuff... maybe I should just call it off. I don't wanna pressure her, you know?"
"Well Wooyoungie," Khunnie says in a calm, wise voice, "If she's not allowed to date, it's pretty clear she doesn't care. I mean, she said yes last night. In fact, she even offered you a date. Isn't that confirmation enough?" I give Khun a grateful look. Our Thai Prince always knows what to say.
"Okay guys, here I go..." I quickly text a message:

Hey Taeyeon! :) How are you? I hope you're doing well. 
So for Thursday, I was thinking that we could maybe have a picnic next to the Han River. I can pick you up from your dorm at 11:30am. Does that sound good? Let me know :)

After reading it through about 5 million times, I hit send.

Now, all I can do is wait.

Immediately after we get home, I furiously begin to search for the battery.

Wooyoung was supposed to text me about our date, but how can I check my messages if my phone won't even turn on? As I look in my room, I begin to sniffle. Soon after, I sneeze a couple of times. I didn't want to disturb the girls' relaxing day, but I seriously can't find it. After searching for a couple hours (and going through a whole box of Kleenex... I swear, my nose is a waterfall!), I finally cave in and ask them for help.
"Honeys, have any of you seen my phone's battery anywhere?" I shout into the hallway.

For the next couple hours, all nine of us look under every couch, on top of every table and check all the garbage cans in the house. While we search, I start to get a headache and begin to sneeze more often. Then, the coughing comes. Everytime I cough or sneeze, my headache throbs even more. At one point, I give up. Every minute that passes, I feel even worse. Jessica eventually gets me to lie down.

She tucks me into my bed and puts a cold cloth on my head.
"Taengoo... what did you wear today? You were the one reminding everyone to bundle up before we left the house." she asks me gently.
"Well..." I reply, trying to recall what I wore. "Let's see, I had my hat, jacket, scarf... oh wait. I gave it to Fany since she forgot hers at home."
"Oh Taeyeon..." She says in an exasperated voice.
"What was I supposed to do Sica, let her freeze to death? You members are my responsibility!"
"Tae, even if you're the leader, you need to take care of yourself too. If you're not 100% healthy, how can you take care of us?"

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Seohyun enters.
"Tiffany found it! It was on the desk hiding between the computer and the wall." she holds the battery in her hand. I almost jump out of bed to grab it, but Sica pushes me back down. 
"You're not going anywhere!" she says sternly. Seohyun hands me the battery. I quickly put it in my phone and press the "On" button while Jessica tries to shove a thermometer in my mouth.

"You have 1 new message. From: Wooyoung. Open or Delete?" Open, open, OPEN!!!

I'm pretty sure I'm grinning like an idiot as I read the text because Sica and Seohyun look at me like I'm a crazy person. As I'm about to reply, Sica pulls the thermometer out of my mouth.

"Aigoo!!! You're at 103*C! Go to sleep now!" The two of them kiss me on the cheek and leave me alone in my room. Aish, with a fever this high, it's gonna take me a while to recover.

With a heavy heart, I text Wooyoung back.

I've been waiting 8 hours. EIGHT hours!!! What's up with that? Every time I complain to my brothers, they hit me and tell me to be patient. And after 8 hours, this is the response I get:

Hi Wooyoung. I'm so sorry it took me so long to reply! I was having problems with my phone today, it's a long story...
Anyway, about Thursday... I'm SO sorry! I caught a really bad cold today, I don't think I can recover by then. Plus, the girls won't let me out of my bed, so... I'm so so so sorry! 
Can we please reschedule?

Kim Taeyeon... are you serious? I'm so pissed right now. I don't know what to think. I don't even know how to reply.

So I don't.


Chapter 5 - END

OOOOOOUUUH WOOYOUNG GOT MAD! Lol, I can totally picture him reacting in that immature way too :P
I guess Taeyeon gets to know how poor Woo felt all day waiting for her to reply...

What do you think? :D Comment please please please!
Thanks for reading :) <3

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Khairol #1
Chapter 23: Next please...
sarcastic_miss #2
Chapter 1: Your story is DAEBAK ! WooTae hwaiting ! Been reading it again and again. :)
Koreanlover13 #3
Chapter 1: you won't delete this right? i want to re-read this sotry over and over again!
Chapter 22: i'll wait you for update this story ^^
nice story XD
Chapter 22: update please. :D
Chapter 18: tiffany is acting like ____ here. it hurts me in a way.:'((
Chapter 4: why is it always tiffany? :( hmmm
Chapter 2: weee!! I LIKE! :D
woobaby_2pm #9
Chapter 22: Oh your story is just great!
Please update soon!!!!
Chapter 22: i loved this story update soon