
run for your life, melos!

Yebin and Minkyung managed to make it to the track just before the race. Yebin only had little time to test ride Nova back at the farm and unfortunately, it didn’t go as great as they had hoped.

Nova was restless at the starting line, shuffling her feet as Yebin struggled to calm her. Yebin had insisted on using Melos’ saddle, but because Nova had a slightly smaller build, the saddle became loose every time Yebin tried to re-adjust. She wasn’t used to the helmet on her head nor the leather guards on her shins and arms either.

But Minkyung insisted.

Back at the stands, Minkyung shifted in her seat. If she herself felt this tense, she could only imagine how uneasy Yebin must’ve been feeling. Her nervousness had gone up tenfold ever since they stepped onto the track.

The audience was more energetic than yesterday though. Flags of various colours were being waved in the air, even grey ones, much to Minkyung’s surprise. But there were also endless murmurs from the people around her upon seeing Yebin with a different dragon.

“That little girl wasn’t ridin’ a blue dragon yesterday, if I recall.”

“Where’s the almighty Melos?! All my bets are on him!”

“What the hell is this, who is that? What do you mean she was yesterday’s champion? I don’t remember her!”

The murmurs went on until they were silenced by the blowing of horns. A flag rose to the air and as soon as it dropped, the dragons bolted out of the starting line. Minkyung jumped to her feet as everyone around her rose too in wild cheers.

“Run, Nova, run!” Minkyung exclaimed, watching the blur of azurite blue speed down the dirt track. She could hear it from the track too – Yebin’s voice.

“Run for your life, Nova!”

It rang out crystal clear despite the resounding clamour of the audience and the powerful pitter-patters of the dragons running on the track.

Nova sped down the track. She had always been one of the faster ones amongst their dragons, and the blue blur keeping up at the front of the pack was a testament to that fact. Minkyung held her breath as the dragons took off into the air, wings magnificently spread out and blowing the dust behind them.


Yebin held on for dear life.

Nova was far less stable than Melos; she was a disorderly flier and the taut muscles Yebin felt beneath her told her that the dragon was anxious. Nevertheless, Nova flapped her wings wildly, thrashing her body about, leaving Yebin to rely on her own muscles to keep herself balanced as they soared through the air.

As messy and tense as she may be, which Yebin expected from a completely unexperienced dragon, Nova was fast. She could keep up with the experienced racers, as long as Yebin kept her under her control.

But it was difficult; Yebin had never raced with any other dragon except Melos her entire life. At a particularly sharp turn, she almost fell.

The whole experience was entirely different. Nova felt different beneath her, despite the fact that she was using the same saddle she used on Melos. They only nearly swerved away from a collision with another dragon.

Yebin was aching. Beneath all the equipment Minkyung had her wear, she was aching. Her muscles hurt, and her bruises throbbed as if she was being repeatedly punched.

But the adrenaline kept her focused on the race, almost masking the pain. Yebin kept her eyes ahead. There were only three dragons in front of her.


Minkyung craned her neck when the dragons turned into the final stretch. The audience grew thunderous, muting the sound of wings flapping in the air.

She watched as Nova fought for for third place, climbed to second, and nearly catching the tail of the golden dragon at the very front of the pack.

And then they crossed the finish line. Flags raised into the air. Minkyung’s eyes scoured the stands as the audience became painted in yellow. 


Third place. Minkyung could tell Nova had burned out at the very last moment. She was nearly there – but not there enough.

Nevertheless, third place was a lot better than Minkyung expected, which was why she was grinning ear to ear when she found Yebin after the race.

“Yebin! Congratulations!” Minkyung exclaimed, running up to her and engulfing her in a hug, which the unprepared Yebin clearly didn't expect judging from her flustered expression once Minkyung broke apart from her.

Her rosy cheeks quickly faded away into an expression of disappointment. “I’m sorry.”

Minkyung laughed. “What are you sorry for? You and Nova did great!”

But Yebin only shook her head, keeping her eyes on the ground. “But this wasn’t the result I wanted. I’m sorry for troubling you, I’ve been an inconvenience,” she said apologetically with a bow, returning the helmet and guards with outstretched arms.

Minkyung’s grin fell from her face as she blinked at the girl in front of her. “...Hey, I know winning is important to you, but third place is far from last. You still get prize money after all!”

“I didn’t even expect to finish within the top three considering how different my circumstances were today. I was only able to finish so high because of Nova. Thank you,” Yebin told her, still refusing to meet her eyes, “but I’m sorry about my own performance. A dragon like Nova deserves a better finish, if only I did better.”

Minkyung scoffed, confused at how Yebin was speaking to her. The taller girl dropped her shoulders in disappointment, but Yebin only gave her yet another bow she never asked for. Nothing about this felt worthwhile. It was like all Minkyung had done had been for nothing.

Yebin spun on her heels without a word, ready to walk away, when she felt a hand grabbing her own. Minkyung’s last shot.

“You look so shameful, I can’t stand it… Is winning first really the only thing that matters to you?” Minkyung muttered. When Yebin failed to reply with anything, a sigh fell from Minkyung’s lips. She let go of her hand. “Okay. I get it. Have a safe trip back home.”

She didn't get it, not at all, but she was too upset to face her any longer. Without a second glance towards Yebin, Minkyung walked over to Nova, leading the dragon away.

Seeing the older girl turn away from her, Yebin blurted out, “…Wait!”  

Minkyung had no time to turn around because Yebin appeared in front of her in a flash.

“There’s something I want to ask you,” the younger girl said, a tinge of desperation in her tone as if she had been dying to ask. “Why did you help me?”

Minkyung thought for a moment. She didn’t really know to explain the compelling desire within her to extend a helping hand. In a way, she did it for herself, but that sounded too selfish for her liking. She just didn’t want to feel useless anymore.

“I felt like it,” she answered, but she can tell that that was an unsatisfactory reply for Yebin. “I’m not a nice person. Usually. That’s what other people tell me anyway. But you’ve inspired me to be kinder.”

Suddenly, Yebin grabbed Minkyung’s hand, shoving a pouch of coins into her palm.

“You’re one of the kindest people I’ve ever met,” Yebin muttered, “please, take my winnings from today and yesterday. I’m afraid this is the only way I can repay you for everything that you’ve done for me, but you deserve much more.”

Minkyung blinked at her. “…These are your winnings.”

“But a chunk of it I didn’t win with my dragon. It doesn’t feel right to keep this money. Please take it.”

Minkyung sighed. “Give yourself some credit, will you?” she said, her voice softening, “Nova has never raced in her life and yet you got her to third amongst all these experienced racers. Keep your winnings.”


Yebin. Keep them.” Firm and resolute. “Don’t you need the money?”

Yebin parted her lips, but no words came out. Minkyung smiled. That was just as telling as a spoken response.

“See? You do need it.”

But the younger girl just kept shaking her head, pushing the pouch towards Minkyung. “Please take them as a sign of my gratitude.”

Seeing Yebin so insistent, Minkyung stared at the pouch before finally taking them from Yebin’s hands. 

“…Who are you racing for?” she asked. “Tell me.”

Yebin shuffled on her feet. When she glanced up, Minkyung was gazing at her expectantly. The way she looked at her made it hard for Yebin to keep quiet. So she let it out. 

“Melos isn’t my dragon. He's my best friend’s,” she finally uttered out. “But we’ve known each other ever since we were young. Since Melos was always with us, I’ve always felt like he was mine as well.” Yebin glanced over at the ash grey dragon.

“Recently, my friend fell very ill. But our village doctor…” Yebin sighed, “he lacks conscience and refuses to help anyone without payment, even if they were dying in front of him. But my friend’s family is very poor. Even worse, they’re already indebted to the doctor; they owe him more than anyone else in our village. None of them could afford to get ill, but then… well, my friend’s always been an unlucky one.”

Yebin let out a bitter laugh, though nothing about her situation was funny. Minkyung frowned, overcame by sympathy. The words just poured out of Yebin’s mouth like water from a fountain, as if she had been waiting all along to share her story with anyone who was willing to listen. 

Yebin explained that her friend’s parents wanted to sell Melos to pay for the treatment.

“But my friend would rather die than lose Melos. So she urged me to run away with him. My last words to her before I left was that I’d do everything I could to help her,” Yebin said, “and it turns out I’m quite good at racing, so I figured…if I win enough races, I can help pay for her treatment and hopefully, pay off her family’s debts as well.”

“So you’re doing this all for your friend? That’s…really admirable,” Minkyung murmured. Without hesitation, she stuffed the pouch back into Yebin’s hands. “You need this more than I do.”

Yebin staggered back. “But–“

“I’m not accepting it, so quit trying to force it back into my hands. How could I keep this after hearing about your situation?”

The younger girl was stunned to silence, staring at the pouch in her hands.

"Why didn't you just tell me earlier?" Minkyung asked. 

"In the time it takes to explain, I could be running towards another race. I know it doesn't seem like a long story, but when someone is dying, time feels a lot more precious. I can't afford to waste anything." 

"That's why they say you just come and go..." Minkyung murmured, recalling what Siyeon had told her earlier. "Thank you for telling me. I'm sorry if I've held you back, I wish there was more I could do to help you and your friend.”

At this, Yebin’s eyes shot up as she shook her head adamantly.

“No, no, don't, you’ve helped me more than enough. You offered me warmth…in food, shelter, and disposition. I wish more people were as generous as you,” she said. Taking a step forward, she looked at Minkyung in the eyes. “Because of that, I’m indebted to you. From this day forward.”

Minkyung blushed, flustered at Yebin’s sudden declaration.

“Don’t say that, how am I supposed to react…” she murmured shyly, “…Are you leaving immediately?”

Yebin nodded reluctantly. “I have to. There are no more races left in this village until winter passes again. I have to keep moving and race as much as I can.”

Minkyung understood her situation, but at the same time, she was struck by concern for the young girl. 

“At this rate, you’ll pass out from exhaustion. Besides,” Minkyung frowned at the purple blotches littering Yebin’s arms, “you’re still injured.”

Yebin shook her head. “Like I said, I’m restricted by time...I get anxious every time the sun rises. My friend grows more ill with every passing day. I have to return home in time because she’s waiting for me, you know? I promised her and she believes in my return. So I have to prove my worth.”

There were moments where Yebin’s own desires and selfishness almost got the best of her, with the temptation of running away with all the money she had in her possession clawing at her conscience, to purchase the nicest land she can be offered and settle down and live her life in comfort. It was so overwhelming at times that Yebin almost gave up.

But Yebin knew that the thought of giving up and betraying her friend would plague her for the rest of her life. No amount of money nor abundant of a lifestyle would heal her from a lifetime of regret. Her perseverance was driven by a steadfast devotion to an unwavering friendship.

Minkyung found it astoundingly admirable.

“You know, you’re more deserving of respect than most adults.”

Yebin let out a sheepish smile as she shook her head.

“That’s far from true. But now you understand why I have to keep running,” she turned to her dragon, stretching out a hand to caress the side of his head. “Melos, too, knows what’s at stake. He’ll keep running on, don’t worry about him.”

Minkyung chuckled as she watched Melos curl into Yebin’s touch.

“I know Melos is strong. He’s raised like the dragons in my father’s care,” she said before turning her attention back to Yebin. “But you…humans are more vulnerable creatures than dragons. You’re dedicated and persistent, but sometimes, even that can act like a mask to genuine trouble. Don’t push yourself too hard.”

“Don’t worry about me either. Melos and I have each other,” Yebin replied, giving her a wide grin. Minkyung couldn’t help but smile, compelling her to reach over and ruffle Yebin’s hair.

“It was an honour to meet you, Yebin.”

“I should be saying that to you,” Yebin murmured shyly. “Thank you Minkyung, truly, for all that you’ve done for me. I’ll repay you one day. I promise.”

Minkyung laughed. “Don’t make such promises, you’re already carrying a heavy one on your shoulders. If you promise more than you can handle, it’ll be difficult for you to fulfill them.”

“I won't be able to leave this village comfortably without expressing my gratitude to you.”

“A thank you is enough, really! And more so, you opening up to me. I’ve gained a new friend in you.”

But Yebin just continued to shake her head. Minkyung wasn’t surprised; Yebin was a tenacious one, after all. In the short time they got to know each other, Minkyung could tell it right from the start.

“I promise I’ll make it up to you one day,” Yebin spoke to her with so much resolute and so piercing of a gaze that Minkyung couldn’t meet her eyes.

“You’re too stubborn for your own good,” Minkyung sighed, “but fine. You can promise me one thing.”

The fire in Yebin’s eyes was replaced by a distinct twinkle that brought out a soft chuckle from Minkyung.

“Go win races. Go save your friend. And only once all is well in your village,” Minkyung said, as Yebin nodded her head at every word, “come back here for a visit. I’d like to see you again. And bring Melos too.”

Yebin felt a blush coming up her neck as she chuckled, rubbing her arms to hide her sheepishness. But then her piercing gaze suddenly returned as she nodded her head.


They exchanged grins as Minkyung held out her hand. Yebin took it in hers, giving it a firm shake that ensured Minkyung that she would keep her promise.

Minkyung walked over to pet Melos and the dragon’s eyes closed at her gentle touch.

“You’ve worked hard,” Minkyung told Melos with a smile, “you’ll always be one of the best dragons I have ever seen, Melos.”

Minkyung and Yebin bid farewell. The younger girl waved to her wildly as she and Melos walked off, a wide grin spread across her face. Minkyung realized that with such a smile, no one would be able to tell how heavy of a burden Yebin carried on her shoulders. She was a young girl forced to mature too quickly due to such unfair circumstances, but she fought through it like a true champion.

Mimicking Yebin’s memorable custom during the starting dash, Minkyung shouted after them jokingly, “Run, Yebin! Run for your life!”

Yebin turned around in surprise. Laughing, her walk slowly turned into a jog and then faster into a run as Melos scampered beside her and Minkyung’s shouts echoed behind her.


Minkyung knew she’d come back one day. That Yebin would save her friend and then she’d give Minkyung a visit. It would all happen in due time.

She knew Yebin must keep running and why. The girl was on a mission and although there was a lot of uncertainty, Minkyung hoped that at least there was something certain ahead of her that Yebin could look forward to – in particular, Minkyung and the hope she ignited within her.

Minkyung, too, felt like something within her had changed. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to tell her father most things that had transpired in the past few days. But at least she knew within that she was different from the girl her father had walked out on.

Both her and Yebin’s efforts would be rewarded. The gods would see to it. Minkyung was sure of it.

And so she shouted at Yebin to keep running. All at the same time, she too told herself the same thing.

a/n: finally. i hope this was a good read! comments are always appreciated and my cc is always open :) 

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Chapter 3: Congratulations on your 4th minkyebin fiction!
This story is something else, with that open ending, and layers of moving adorable passages, your skill and emotion are overflowing, making me and I'm sure other readers too, wanting more of your various workpieces, I'm guessing you're eager to explore more genres of writing.

Keep up the great work!
(Big hug for my favourite author)
Jun_2388 #2
Chapter 3: omg yebin you're really the kindest person on entire world goshhh i found myself insanely smiling on this and i can't control myself to stop coz this story do have poor affection scene but it shows the emotion too well without needing all of those and i can't help but smiling for the entire story XD
Thanks for this wonderful story author-nim! Im looking forward for ur next stories!
LeoNeymar #3
Chapter 3: This story is really good. Can you write and epilogue where Yaebin comes back?
cCyrus123 #4
Chapter 3: I'm soft rn thank you
exquisitemyoui #5
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Yaebin was indeed tenacious yet astoundingly admirable. Minkyung being inspired by the latter's perspective is remarkable. Despite of me wanting more of this, still satisfied and contented with the open ending. I'll look forward to your future stories. You're such a talented author. Thanks for writing.
Chapter 3: This story is so well written! Your character development is interesting as well, and the open ending is perfect for Minkyebin. The possibility after the goodbye scene is so great that an opening ending feel enough for me. And Yaebin background story kinds of explain the title throughly, too. I feel satisfied after reading your story, like it perfect just like that, no more, no less, thank you for writing this!
exquisitemyoui #7
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Like how observant and kind Minkyung is. It's kind of refreshing of how Yaebin is the one who's mysterious. The logical conversation of the two as well. Nova, another interesting character. Thanks for the update.
cheesencheeze #8
brilliant, as always. I will never get enough of your works. thank you
evylrss #9
Chapter 2: Oh god I'm so soft right now
Thanks for updating ?
Itsme27 #10
Chapter 1: I love melos! Havent even seen him but i love him!
And i love how you write the story from roa's pov
I need to know what's next!!