

The city was overwhelmingly visual, vibrant even in its underlying decay. Sights pull eyes in every direction at the same time as they dull the senses. A spectacle as much as it’s a soul- distraction.

Amid a neon corporate hellscape and brewing rebellion, Sooyoung struggles to reconcile with Jinsoul.



day 9 of quarantine. i have only seen the sun through a window. i stare at a screen for 8hrs. 

this is based on one of the yvesoul prompts i got on cc: "6) Yves is a jaded mercenary marksman. Jinsoul experiments with underground tranquilizer serums" what can i say, ye ask and ye shall receive a small something. thank u to that anon, whoever you are, ily. i'm sorry it's angsty, but 2020 has been a boring dystopia

hmu ♡‿♡ twitter, curiouscat pls


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gainer #1
Omg I’ve missed your work so much! Glad you are back T-T