Meeting Key

Country Meets Korean

*Sam’s POV*

“What the…”

Who the heck is this guy, and WHAT IS HE WEARING?!


Is that a girl’s shirt? And… is his hair colored?! Wow…

*Key’s POV*

I got off the plane with a smile on my face. I was ready to take on America! I scanned the crowd for this family that I’d be staying with. It was the smallest airport I’d ever seen. My plane from Korea had stopped in New York, where I got on a connecting flight that took me here.

As people began to clear out, I started getting worried. Would I ever find the family? Then I heard someone call my name.

“Kim Kibum!”

I turned around to see a man, woman, and a girl who must’ve been their daughter walking toward me. Panic started to set in.

Oh. My. Gosh. I’m going to be living in a hick town.

“Hello!” The woman greeted me, giving me a tight hug that almost made my eyes pop out of my head. “I’m so glad you made it here safely! I’m Patty Talmar!” She shouted.

“Honey, you don’t have to yell. He understands English. Isn’t that right?” said the man. “Oh I’m Burt Talmar by the way.” He extended his hand to me.

“Hello Mr. Talmar, I’m-,”

“Oh you can call me Burt.”

“Okay, hello Burt, I’m Kibum, but you can call me Key. I would prefer that actually,” I told him.

“Hi, my name’s Samantha, but you can call me Sam. I thought your name was Kim.”

I looked over at the young girl, who I estimated to be about my age. She could be really pretty, but she sure didn’t embrace it. Her jeans were all ripped (not in the fashionable way) and her plaid shirt was an eyesore. The only nice thing was her wavy blonde hair, and her deep complexion.

“That’s my last name. We say our last names first in Korea,” I explained.

“Ohhh…” She looked confused, but didn’t bother carrying the topic any further.

“Well, let’s get you home so you can rest. I’m sure the jetlag from a 14 hour trip is something awful,” Burt said.

We walked off to find the baggage claim.

“Okay, which bag is yours?” asked Burt.

“This one…this one… this one… this one…” I began picking my bags off the conveyer belt.

*Sam’s POV*

What the heck; did he bring his whole country with him?!

In total he had eight bags with him. We each carried two out to the car.

“Oh, there’s no room for my bags,” he said when he saw the truck.

“Of course there is; they go in the back.” My dad began to throw the bags into the bed of the pickup.

“Careful!” shouted Key as my dad picked up one of the smaller bags. “That has all my hair products in it!”

A wild expression passed over my dad’s face for a split second. As he placed the bag gently in the back of the truck, I forced myself to hold in my laughter.

Key and I rode in the back of the cab while my dad drove and my mother rode shotgun.

“So, you live on a farm?” Key asked turning toward me. “Like with chickens?”

“Haha oh, there’s more than chickens there,” I laughed.

“Gah, I hate chickens.”

Kim; Kibum; Key; whatever I end up calling you; if you hate simple little chickens, you’ve got a real surprise waiting for you back at the farmhouse.

“What’s that smile for?”

I hadn’t even realized the grin forming across my face.

“Oh, nothing,” I turned to look out the window.

This is going to be interesting. 

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lockeycharm26 #1
Chapter 40: Sequel plssss !! Iloveyourstory author nim!!
Chapter 40: Loved this! It was good.
Soo glad they made their way back to each other. Like seriously.
I liked Minho && all but she belongs with Key! :p
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #3
Loved it cause I am also a country music fan and horses are awesome! I think u should right one more chapter where she explains to Minho and her family.
ahhhhhh I love it? is it the end? Need a sequel! <3 <3 <3
I love it!Can you please do a sequel? ♥
i loved it. I wish you would do a sequel. <3
:O MINHO?!?! Aiigooooo...he kissed her...and she no no no no. Sam, this IS NOT how this will go!!! You LOOOOVE Key! He loves you! You must go to him!!
Shineegirl101 #10
No Sam! you must go back to Key!!! find him and love him!!!

really amazing story BTW ;D looking forward to updates everyday ;D <333333