You're Too Far Away

It's Worth It To Get Hurt Because Of You

It has been days since Yoseob came back to the dorm. The only one who knew where he was are the managers and of course Doojoon. The other members were worried not only for the visual maknae but also for the rapper. Junhyung didn't leave his bedroom for anything else apart from his schedules. He doesn't eat properly anymore and Hyunseung now leave his meals by the door, much to his discontentment. Kikwang and Dongwoon remained silent throughout everything and always ensured to not have too much fun in the dorm, although they've tried to cut the tension by playing Winning Eleven, but to no avail.

To be honest, Yoseob is in a place where every member knows. He went back to his house and was greeted warmly by his parents. He has been helping out at the restaurant over the past few days, to the delight of the customers and his parents. Since his schedules were all cancelled by the managers, he have ample time to just relax and banish all troubling thoughts from his mind. One day, while Yoseob was washing the dishes, his parents called him to the living room where he saw BEAST on television. "Seob-ah, sit down and watch! You can wash the dishes later!" his mum said before pulling him down to sit.

The members looked exhausted and there was a tinge of sadness in their faces and in the air but they still managed to shoot a smile every once in a while to the host and the cameras. No one would have realised the fake smiles or the a-second-too-late smile, but Yoseob did, because they are s, his brothers. He can see even the slightest bit of tremble in Dongwoon's hands when they were asked where Yoseob was. He knew them inside out and he realised then, that he's hurting more people than he intentionally wanted to. His eyes wandered automatically to Junhyung, whose eyes are covered by his trademark sunglasses. Junhyung's smirk was half-sincere and his hands were balled into fists most of the time, or they were clutching his knee tightly. Yoseob realised that the rapper was wearing the sunglasses that he had bought as a birthday present for the older and that the older was wearing his scarf. Shaking his head, he paid closer attention to what was being said.

"So, you guys are missing one member today, right?" the host asked. Doojoon smiled before replying, "Yes, Yoseob is not here today due to certain reasons and we're already missing him. The group feels really incomplete and we don't like it." The host nodded and said, "Fans said that BEAST's brotherly love and teamwork is amazing. Even artists such as Infinite, B.A.P and others are envious of your teamwork and closeness. What did you guys do to have this level of closeness and teamwork?" Yoseob could see that the members were stunned for a second and did not know how to answer the question (only he knows that it was a later reaction than normal) before Hyunseung replied, "I guess it helps that we were all friends before debuting and also because we connect on a deeper level due to us having similar experiences before debut. People always say that those who understand each other's pain and past will be able to connect better, emotionally. We also have our own chat on Kakao and we will always have some time together before bed to just lay out our opinions and feelings about the day. Our honesty with each other helps us to bond more and it shows in our teamwork when we are performing. It's not some miracle."

The host nodded and smiled, "Ahh, the beauty of friendship among the BEAST members is really something not to be messed with. So, what will you be performing for us today?" Dongwoon slowly raised the microphone and said, "Since Yoseob-hyung is not here, we've decided to perform the song "Good Man" and "Rise & Fall" just for him. Yoseob-hyung, are you watching this?" The host continued on, "For those who didn't know, BEAST sang "Good Man" for their variety show MTV B2ST while Yoseob sang "Rise & Fall" during one of their radio shows. Without further ado, BEAST!" During the performance, the emotions of each member could be felt and Yoseob watched them with tears slowly running down his cheeks. Every single time the camera shows Junhyung, Yoseob would close his eyes and whimper softly. Mr & Mrs Yang just looked upon their child and know that there is something that he didn't tell them when he reached home. But, for now, they will let him be.

After the performance, Yoseob quickly stood up and told his parents that he is leaving for a while. He slammed the door shut and walked out into the chilly night. He went towards the park close to his home and sat down on one of the benches. Trying to gain his composure, he took out his phone only to be greeted with the notification showing him that he has 1200+ messages and calls from his band members. He unlocked his phone and saw his wallpaper of all the members and him, having fun in the playground. Sniffling, he clicked on the phone to record a new audio message. After sending it, he stood up and wiped his tears away, before walking back home.

The members just entered the dorm when Doojoon's phone rang that special ringtone that he has for Yoseob. Upon hearing it, Doojoon immediately called the others and they sat down, not even bothering to clean up first. "Oh, it's an audio message?" Doojoon said before clicking on it. "Hey g..guys. I s...saw the perf...performance... You all were great, it looked as though you guys don't need me anymore huh? *chuckles softly while sniffling* Maknae-ah, your high note was a little bit sharp just now but you did great. How........... How have you g...guys been? Hyunseung-umma, are you feeding them well? Remember to buy J.....J....Jun......Junhyung's coke okay? H....He... needs them to get inspiration. D...Do...Do you know how much I miss you guys? I miss you guys, s.... so much. *sighs* I'm sorry for my outburst. I didn't mean to hurt anyone and I was being so selfish. Only when I saw you guys on stage just now, then I realised that I'm hurting more people than I ever wanted to. Kiki-ah, what was that half-eye smile just now? I can totally see through it. I didn't mean to make you sad, Kiki-ah. Doojoon-hyung, your smile was a little bit too late wasn't it? You don't have to worry about me hyung, I'm fine. Maknae-ah, did you realise how badly your hands were trembling? I'm sorry Woonie. I'm sorry for being a really bad hyung and a bad example to you. Hyunseung-umma, you may think that you were showing your normal 4D look but I can see the turmoil in your eyes as you battle with your emotions internally. I'm sorry, Seungie-umma. I really am, but you don't have to worry, okay? And Jun......Junhyung....Junhyung-hyung. Your half-sincere smirk, your balled fists and the too much tapping of your feet during the show. A.....Are you o.....k? Don't bottle your emotions up, hyung. If your hands are in fists because you are pissed at me for not showing up, then by all means do punch something. If your half-sincere smirk is because you are angry at me for not showing up, then smile for the fans before scowling at me for the whole day. If you're tapping your feet to see when I will arrive, do stop it because.......... I...... won't. Junhyung-hyung, I'm really sorry. BEAST-ah, I'm sorry for being such a burden and a kid. I won't be like that anymore and I will be back soon. Take care of yourselves okay? I've remembered to place your medication and your daily necessities for your washing up on the foot of your bed, so go and wash up now before sleeping okay? I love you guys, I really do."

The members were stunned before moving towards their respective shared rooms. True to his words, Yoseob placed everything neatly on their respective beds. He even placed a new bottle of strawberry shampoo and conditioner for Hyunseung, new facial wash for Dongwoon and others for the rest. Junhyung picked up the body wash that Yoseob placed for him and realised that it was the one that Yoseob said smelled really nice before pestering him to use it everyday. However, the older didn't care and threw away the bottle, making Yoseob sulk for approximately a week. Junhyung looked at the other items and smiled when he saw that the younger even managed to get his favourite shampoo and toothpaste. Going into DooSeung's room, Junhyung sat on Doojoon's bed, after realising that all the members are in there. Hyunseung was on the verge of tears while holding his shampoo/conditioner while Doojoon just stared into space.

"He.... He called me Junhyung-hyung. Not Jun, not Junnie, not even Junhyung. He called me..... Junhyung-hyung. I've really messed up, right?" Junhyung asked s softly. The members looked at their rapper sympathetically. They can neither nod or shake their heads instead they just gave him a group hug and Hyunseung his hair, encouraging him to let it all out. That was the last straw for the usually-tough-rapper and he broke down in the arms of s, in the middle of the night, crying for the boy that is too far away from him.



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ILBYJH712 #1
Chapter 3: Make junnie coma and let yoseob suffer...every fanfic that i read it will be always junnie rhe obe who suffer...i don really like it..hhmm..
ra7oom #2
Chapter 3: WOW!!!
Great story
I hope u complete it 'til the end :)
I'm anticipating the next chapter :P and wondering about the endinb ;)
Good luck in writing and thank u :3
Update soon :) plz :3
I'm so dead curious XD
Yuki_IS #3
Chapter 3: Please update...hurry up..
Chapter 3: Pleasee update soon :D
I love this story <3
helloimlxs #5
Chapter 3: :O AND YONGGUK APPEARS!!! Yoseob and Yongguk~~~!!! >w<
Please update soon!!
Chapter 3: Aww come on junhyung. Just tell yoseob that he's all yours already. And yoseob just kiss him already and everything will be fine! XD
Chapter 3: just a little note eonnie. Yoseob is older than Yongguk(same age as Gikwang, I think).
My feels for the two~
but it's hard being a banglo shipper, like me.
Seob... you're hurting Jun again...
Please you two. Make up already! Jebal TT TT
kami_wings #8
Chapter 3: It's so hard imagining Yongguk being lovy dovy with Yoseob cuz of Zelo, but can if it's just bromance! ^^
Besides that, it looks like Junhyung and Yoseob need a heart to heart talk.
And thank you for making this into a multi-chaptered story! Was pinching my arm to see if I was dreaming or not. keke! ^^
junseoblove #10
Chapter 2: SEQUEL, PLEASE!~