
Even After the World Ends

The two enjoy the remainder of their day in the sun, drinking the cool water in the lake and feeding each other the sweet fruits from the trees. They lie out on the grass, Kihyun using Hoseok’s chest as a pillow, as they point out shapes in the clouds.

Eventually, though, an unearthly purple streaks across the sky, and they know it’s time for them to leave. They depart from their special oasis, hand-in-hand.


“It’s a shame that place is going to get trashed when they find out about it,” Kihyun mutters as they meander through the trees. The sun is almost finished setting, but there’s plenty of light for them to find their way back in time.

“We could just… not tell them,” Hoseok suggests, recognizing the crestfallen pout tugging down Kihyun’s pretty lips. He’d do anything, break any protocol, to keep such an expression off Kihyun’s face. Kihyun glances at him, eyebrows shot up in surprise. The expression quickly morphs into a smirk, though, and a teasing light overtakes his eyes.

“Honestly, hyung,” Kihyun jokingly chastises, “you’re such a bad influence. I’m starting to reconsider being in a relationship with you, if you’ll drag me down such a life of crime and rule-breaking.” Hoseok’s mouth flops open and closed, not recognizing the tease for what it is. He quickly takes it back, saying that he’d only been thinking of Kihyun’s happiness and he’d do anything for the younger, but then Kihyun bursts out in a laugh and tells him he was only joking.

“N-Not funny, Kihyunnie,” Hoseok pouts, though his grip on Kihyun’s hand tightens.

“Sorry, hyung~” Kihyun coos, nudging his head against Hoseok’s shoulder. “You’re just so easy to tease, and so cute when I do… I can’t help it.” Hoseok’s pale skin bursts into a bright pink, and Kihyun makes an adoring sound as he reaches up to pull at Hoseok’s cheek.

Hoseok’s just about to complain when they break through the tree line, the wall of the compound towering before them. The two stand there for a moment, holding each the other’s hand and staring up at the top of the thing that’ll supposedly protect them from the Infected when they come. Hoseok’s been up there a few times for guard duty, and it really is beautiful up there, especially at this time of day.

Suddenly, he gets an idea, and he’s pulling Kihyun along before the younger even has time to think.

“One more thing,” Hoseok explains, a bit breathy due to his own excitement. “Let’s just do one more thing, and then we can call it a night.” He looks back, as if waiting for agreement from Kihyun, and the younger only nods.

As if he ever has a chance as far as Hoseok is concerned.


Hoseok and Kihyun step out on the top of the wall, gray cement under their shoes. The walkway is just wide enough for two people to walk side by side, the guard rail along the sides reaching up to their waists. The wind is faster up here, and it rips at Kihyun’s hair and clothes. Hoseok seems unphased by it, but Kihyun stands a bit closer to the older to keep from being blow off. The sunset spans across the horizon, the beautiful oranges and scarlets meeting the ground darkened landscape.

Kihyun can’t help but smile despite the wind, the scenery utterly beautiful.

“Even though I hate heights,” Hoseok says into Kihyun’s ear, his eyes never leaving the horizon, “I love coming up here. It’s gorgeous… just like you.”

Kihyun glances up at Hoseok, smiling at the older and completely proving his point.

Hoseok dips his head down, and they share a warm, lasting kiss that leaves their lips tingling with energy. Kihyun sighs in contentment as he rests his head against Hoseok’s shoulder, reaching over with his free arm to loop it around Hoseok’s.

The older tilts his head to touch his cheek to Kihyun’s soft hair, and he just enjoys the view.

Everything’s so… perfect. It’s the first spring after the end of the world, and it’s such a heartwarming thing to know that, even after the world ends, he’s able to find love and a reason to live. Though things may completely fall to , they always have a way of coming back together. Things will be okay, just so long as the sun sets and rises every night and day like it should.

There’s trees at the end of the yawning landscape, Hoseok realizes. He squints curiously, surprised he hadn’t noticed them before.

Then, the wind picks up, and a strange smell fills his nose. Kihyun stiffens beside him and pulls away, as if he can smell it, too. It smells faintly of rotting meat…

Hoseok gulps thickly, panic setting in his heart. He separates from Kihyun for just a moment to look into the nearest telescope. He focuses it on the horizon, growing deathly still at what he sees.

“Hoseok?” Kihyun asks, his voice tense. He knows what Hoseok must see, but he needs confirmation, because sometimes his mind goes to the worst possible solution automatically and what if it isn’t actually what he thinks for once?

Hoseok gulps thickly, stepping away from the scope, and Kihyun knows the answer just from the shattered light in Hoseok’s eyes.

“I need to report this,” is all he says, reaching forward to grab Kihyun’s hand. He pulls the younger back towards the stairs they’d just climbed to get up here.

Kihyun glances back at the dark cloud of figures coming towards them, threatening everything Kihyun holds dear.

The smell fills his nose again, only stronger this time. It’s unmistakable. It fills every major city in the world, as that’s where the plague had hit worst.

Infected. A horde of them. Heading straight for their little haven.


A/N: Aaaaaand, that's it~!!! I hope y'all liked it!!! ^^*

Don't worry, y'all, I will be continuing this so you won't be left out on that cliff hanger for toooooooooooo long, lol. I'll update this with sequel news once it's up ^^*

Find me on Tumblr @ reeleev.tumblr.com (or my writeblr on Tumblr @ ontothenext-draft.tumblr.com) or on Twitter @ ReeLeeV1 <3333

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