Frequently Asked Questions

NCT RP Twitter

Q: Can I send you my username to you directly?

A: Yes, if you feel more comfortable with that. Just post a comment on my account and put it on private


Q: Can two members date if they are both 20 and over but have only been in the chat for a week?

A: No. I have a three week time limit so that everyone can get to know each other


Q: Do I have to stick to a certain pairing for member dating?

A: No, it is entirely up to you and is why I say there is a three week time limit. You will all have different personalities that shine through in this rp and will most likely not have the same chemistry that the real members do 


Q: Why do I have to be active on twitter?

A: You must be active to make friends in real life, and that is the same logic I am using for this rp


Q: Why do I need to add a name to my account?

A: This is for me to keep track of which members are currently taken and which ones need to be filled


Q: Why do I need to make my username clear?

A: Again, this is for me to keep track of which members are taken and which ones need to be filled


Q: Why must I live in the US to apply?

A: For everyone to be active it is best if everyone is in a time zone that is relatively the same


Q: Can you explain the exception for time zones?

A: If you are living outside of the US time zone but would still like to apply then you may. The two rules that I strongly encourage you to take note of are rules 1 and 3; those will determine whether or not you are accepted

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