Chapter 2

Fighting For...

The district of Dongdaemun-gu seemed to change overnight. In the following days, playgrounds that were full of life became empty as children rushed home before nightfall. Busy mothers kept a watchful eye over one another while never letting their children stray too far from their sight. Businessmen who would fill the bars after work hours finished their day drinking in the security of their home. Rumors of businesses being vandalized, random attacks, and threats toward certain members within the neighborhood had the community living in constant fear.

“It’s looking a little muggy out there” a young man watches a mother pull her child along the sidewalk, taking careful glances behind her back every few seconds. His friend scoffs at him, “Of course it does Jun, it’s suppose to rain tonight.” Jun looked up into the gloomy sky, absent of the morning sun. He then looked to the rushing people, who kept their heads down, “Im serious Minghao, it’s not just the weather.” Jun returns his focus to Minghao, who was  preparing to go into work,  “You be careful out there and I’ll come meet you after work.” There wasn’t much of an between the two, but Jun cared for his friend like a real younger brother. “Im good Jun…” came Minghao’s reply, he turned away slightly, embarrassed by the olders request. Jun looks at minghao, brown eyes filled with worry for his best friend’s safety in this increasingly unsafe neighborhood. Seeing the look in Jun’s eyes made Minghao sigh in defeat, “Kay I’ll see you later.” Jun heart eased and he smiled with a wave, “Alright see you.”


In the early hours of the morning the Gyeongdong Market was bustling with activity. Jun could hear all the bustling activity: the rattle of shutters, the dragging of containers, and the not so quiet quarrels between employees as they set up their stalls. The market was full of the delicious aroma of the smell of all the food being prepared for the day. It was a noisey bit of peace among the growing chaos that is consuming the district.

Although he had been hired for janitorial services, it wasn’t uncommon to find Jun among the different stalls busy helping wherever he could. Jun was walking past a stall, when one of the nice owners called to him. “Oh! Junnie can you help with this ginseng.” “I’ll be right there Mrs. Yoon.” He walked over to the stall with a smile on his face and carried the case to the front of the stall. He was thanked and he continued on his routine path, looking for somewhere to help. It didn’t take too long as he heard a voice of another worker, “Jun, could you help me stuff this tarp into the bin?” Jun folds and rolls the tarp as tightly as he could. It seemed impossible to him at first glance, but with a quite “I can do it,” he succeeds. Jun notices that one of the stalls, the one across the way, isn’t open. “Mrs. Jung, is Mr. Kwang not opening up today?” The two stall workers motion for Jun to get closer asking quietly, “Didn’t you hear about his boat?” Jun furrowed his eyebrows shaking his head no. She put her hand to their chest, before explaining, “Oh it was horrible. Those monsters set the old man’s fishing boat on fire.” Jun frowned a bit, confused with the situation. They continued to inform him about all that they had heard. Mrs.Yoon added in, “I heard it’s because he couldn’t afford to pay this new family off.”

Mrs. Jung quickly replied, “That’s worrisome, sooner or later they’ll be at our front doors. Oh how I wish the Lee’s still had control of this district.”

“The Lee’s?” Jun asks, trying to gain a bit of understanding about his home area.

The answer he received was, “Oh that’s right. You came after the gang wars.” Mrs. Jung nodded for Mrs. Yoon to continue, “For a while now this district use to be in Lee Dongseok’s domain.” She spoke the leader’s name quietly, so quietly Jun almost didn’t hear it. “But these families have some form of conduct and the ownership of these districts change from time to time.” She looked around worried, “Unfortunately the Lee’s don’t seem to be in control of this district anymore.” She shook her head, “It’s a shame because the Lee’s had such respectable members.”  She wiped down the counter with a smile on her face as she recalled a happier time, “I remember when y/n and few of the boys helped a few times at this market.” She turned to look at Jun, “They were always so helpful and they didn’t operate like typical mafia syndicates.” She continued to explain a time that has passed, “It was always the need of the population before their own.” The older women patted Jun on the shoulder and looked him in the eye, “Anyways, Junnie you should be careful. With a face like yours you’ll definitely attract some trouble.” He was quick to reassure,“Ah, I will Mrs. Jung”

He continued to finish up his work around the market. As he went through the motions, he count help but think about all of the things he learned. The present, the past, and the families incharge of countless lives. Just how did everything operate?


Minghao was busy running around the shop, trying to finish the things he needed to do in order to close. The bell on the door rang out, alerting him to the presence of customers outside the door. He headed to the door and saw two men. They stood at the door speaker, demanding to be let in. After a few minutes of silence the men began to bang on the door this time calling out, “Hey! Kim, open up! Give us the cash you owe us!” Minghao hears the name of his boss being called but he is the only one at the shop. Minghao knows it’s not Jun, and since it is after hours he tried to ignore it, but the banging continues. Not knowing anything else to do, Minghao opens the doors and is faced with two thuggish looking people. “Where’s Kim?” demands the taller of the two men. Minghao kept the door mostly closed, answering with his body behind the door, “I’m sorry my boss isn’t in.”“Great” the other says sarcastically, before turning to the first guy and asking, “Who does he think he’s dealing with?” The taller one turns back to Minghao, taking off his sunglasses, “You know what kid, I’m tired of playing these games with your boss.” He kicks the door open and reaches his hand out and grips one of Minghaos shoulders “If he’s not going to pay, you are.” It was unexpected, this was something he never encountered before. His shocked state didn’t give him enough time to react as the thug brings up one of his fist back and releases. His fist making contact with his gut, knocking ever ounce of air out of Minghao’s lungs. Falling to his knee, Minghao struggled trying to make his body remember how to breath.


It was getting quite late, and Jun had yet to hear anything from Minghao. Usually he was already off by now and Minghao always had his phone but it was strange that he wasn’t answering his calls. Jun pressed the call button once more only to have the automated tone of the operator explain ‘The individual you are trying to reach is unavailable….’ “That’s weird,” Jun said aloud to himself as he began to pick up his pace quickly heading to Minghao’s workplace. The conversation from earlier that day only fueled his worry as he saw and heard nothing.

Arriving at Minghao’s work Jun finds the door wide open with Minghao’s phone on the ground. Jun felt his stomach drop, knowing immediately that something was wrong. As he passed through the door he heard crash at the far end of the shop. He frantically looked around to find two men looming over a roughed up Minghao. Without thinking Jun ran to Minghao’s aid shoving the man standing directly in front of Minghao into the opposite direction, colliding with the second. He takes his stand between Minghao and the two men steadying his breathes trying to collect himself, and chances a glance back at Minghao. He gives a quick smile, hoping it reads ‘I’m here now.’ He turns back to the two men, not necessarily wanting a fight, but raising his hands in front of him ready.

“What the hell?” the taller of the two grabs Jun by the collar lifting him off the ground slamming him against the garage doors. Struggling against his grasp, Jun’s hands pulled at the thug’s, attempting to free himself as the tightening around his collar only increased with every passing second. Giving up on trying to pry his hands off, Jun wraps his arms around his assailant’s bringing up his legs giving a hard kick to his stomach. The thug staggers back in pain releasing Jun from his hold.

“You little…” Jun turns to his left seeing the other thug, his right arm raised, making contact with his cheek. Jun stumbles against the wall trying to avoid the continuous swings coming toward him. With his back against the wall and his attention on the oncoming attack, Jun doesn’t see the piping along the floor, causing him to slip, falling to the ground.

“Gotcha now punk!” The thug reaches for an iron pipe, bringing it over his head.

Jun rolls to his side, bringing a kick to the thug’s lower legs, swiping him off his feet. The thug lands on the concrete floor with a thud, groaning in pain.

“Jun… get away,” Jun hears Minghao struggling with the second thug. Hoisting himself up, Jun rushes toward Minghao. Seeing him coming, the thug focuses on Jun, lifting his leg to a high kick. Jun catches his leg, bringing his own kick to the thug’s ribs. He pulls at the thug’s leg, leaving him in an unbalanced split, then jumps into the air, delivering a hard kick, hitting the thug across the face. The thug hits the floor, the force of the dead weight causing Jun to feel a slight thump from the impact.  

Jun slumps over with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. He can see Minghao off to the side, trying to pick himself up off the ground. Jun walks to Minghao and pulls an arm around his neck to hold him up. “Thanks…” Minghao said quietly. It was easy to see he was tired, but glad. Helping each other, the stumble sightly into the chilly air. The start in the direction of home, hoping nothing else unfortunate would happen tonight.

“Wait!” a voice calls out, trying to grab the pair’s attention. Jun turns quickly, making sure there wouldn’t be anymore trouble.

Two figures come from around the corner. They approach Jun and Minghao quickly, trying to catch up.

“That was amazing.” The shorter of the two said, eyes lit with an excitement Jun didn’t yet understand. The taller, and the more foreign looking of the two, nodded his head in agreement. He turned to look around them making sure there was nobody else around. “We are looking for someone like you. We’ll not exactly like you but you’ll do….” the shorter continues excitedly, grabbing Jun’s hands. “We are looking for someone who could help us get this district back.”

“Who are you guys?” Minghao cuts in, asking the question that was on Jun’s mind.

“Oh.” Seungkwan composes himself and shakes Juns hand, in a business-like gesture, “I’m Seungkwan” he then points to his companion, “This is Vernon.” He stood a little taller as he said proudly, “We are members of the Lee family and we would like for you to join our organization and assist us on gaining our districts back.” They both bow, waiting for an answer.

Without hesitation, Jun replies, “I’ll do it.”

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it's so nice to see fic about jun
he's my bias and it has been long time since
I found a fic of him