Chapter 12

Apocalypse - Big Bang - DISCONTINUED

Chapter 12

-No One's POV-
Everyone sat around the fire in absolute silence, still adjusting to each other's company. The fire crackled and its light reflected off of their faces. Finally, Zelo let out a long sigh. "Aish, are you guys always this boring?!" He stood up and started randomly tutting to entertain the others without success. "Zelo, you pabo... Stop making a fool of yourself and sit your down. Let's tell ghost stories," Himchan said, pointing to the log that Zelo was previously sitting on. He pouted and waddled back to his seat next to (-----).
"Now, I hope you guys don't get scared easily. This is my favorite scary story!," Himchan said with a sinister smile. "A long time ago...."
-your POV-
"..... so then he crept up behind Billy and.... CUT HIS SKIN OPEN SO HIS GUTS SPILLED EVERYWHERE AND THEN EVERYONE DIED." Himchan clapped, showing that the story was over. There was an awkward silence in the air as Himchan stood there with his arms outstretched, mouth agape and eyes open. "Dude, that was a lame story. No offense..." DaeHyun mumbled. Himchan sat down. "It's okay to be scared, y'know. There's no point in trying to be brave. He's coming for you~," he said in a singsong voice, creeping slowly to SeungRi. "RAAAH!" he yelled, making the maknae fall backward in shock. Everyone laughed as SeungRi struggled to get back on his seat. "Y-yah, that wasn't funny!" he pouted. SeungRi walked over slowly to you and laid his head on your lap, pouting. "I was scared, (-----)." You looked down at him and ruffled his hair. "It's just a story! There's no need to be scared." GD scoffed. "Yah, Ri. Get up. You're making a fool of yourself." SeungRi stuck his tongue out at the older and DaeSung stood up. "Hyung... It's not okay to treat him like that. We're all scared, and not from Himchan's story," He walked over and sat next to you, placing your hand in his. "We need to find out what to do now that we're probably the last people on earth." You nodded in agreement and gave his hand a squeeze. Suddenly, there was a loud rustling noise and groaning coming from behind you. You, SeungRi, and DaeSung stood up in alarm as YoungJae and Zelo grabbed guns and aimed it at the rustling bushes. "Ughh..." YoungJae cocked his gun, ready to fire.
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Great chapter ^_^ keep updating unnie I love this story
ilikekpop #2
Ooooh. Can't wait for the next chapter :)
OMG! u should've told me u were writing something like this!! You have made me like...the happiest girl right now! im so glad my story inspired yours <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
ilikekpop #4
"YongGuk, where were u my whole life?" XD I LOLed at tht part haha
ilikekpop #5
No damnit! I wanna know who it is TT.TT
I love big bang
this is so cool~~! ♥
ilikekpop #7
Yup, it was Daesung's b day ^^ Good chapter (:
ilikekpop #8
AWWW Daesung! X3 hehehehe i like it so far, keep updating when u can^^
@callme_sirius: LOL maybe it's because i'm psychic ;D
callme_sirius #10
i have been having so much Zombie Dreams And yes its quite similar to this Im scared :LL