

In which a young girl meets a foreign scholar in South Korea, 1967.

In the midst of the war, peace, broken radios, and the ever present color, yellow;

How does a bystander like Bomi find her place in this particular, strange corner of the world? //

The days passed on like this;

school ended and us kids would rip off our uniforms. The boys hung outside with proud, square grins-arm slung around a dazed girl, and in the other hand, they held cold glass bottles of  Cola we bought from the corner store Sunny's.

We lived in a small town. So, there was really only one functioning radio that would play three to four songs consecutively, but we all danced each time to the relaying tunes. On other days, we'd wait for updates on the war; and a certain silence would plague us for a moment or two until one of us was brave enough to lift a fragile hand to change the station. We'd nod our heads slowly to the beat and lost ourselves to the tunes that sung of love and unity. It was the best kids like us could do at times like that.

Truly, we beloved that love--only love could heal the battle wounds that scarred themselves against the worlds surface

and I believe that certain love, saved even a young girl like me in the summer of 1967.


I met Namjoon when I'd just turned 22 in the late spring.

He was of Korean lineage but had been adopted by an American soldier who was doing relief help during the Korean war.  There was an unsettling warmth that seeped into my soul on that very second. No, I had not yet suspected the love I would have for Namjoon, at the time. but it was a certain paradoxal knowing that held on within me. I think it was the way he held his books in such a fashion; fingers curled gently over the ridges, gently skimming through the words, eyes fluttering like the beat of a butterfly's wings.  It was in a simple yellow bookshop just down the road from Sunny's; warm and worn. 

Namjoon was brilliant like a flash of momentary sun. That summer was the best i'd known-- i'd found my lover, my soulmate, my best friend, and strongest confidante


but like most lights, they are momentary and flashing -blinding in their wake after the warmth of a certain brilliance one is left to reaquaint themselves with cold winter.


Namjoon, Namjoon

are you well?



AUTHORS NOTE: Hello! Fluorescents here. I'm well aware that I already have a ton of ongoing (unupdated) stories, but I couldn't resist writing a new story to help sate my love for part of the 'Kim' line.

Please pay close attention to dates, as I am writing some chapters in a "written letter" format. The story is told from present time and past time, so i'll try to be cohesive enough so my lovely readers could get the storyline rolling. As I always do, the forewards to my stories are a prologue?/ chapter tease to the story. 

Taehyung is essential to the storyline, but you'll see more of him further down. 

Here's a little teaser that I was too lazy to incorporate: You'll be seeing a soldier namjoon, taehyung is related to namjoon and tries to help Bomi find him again. 





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