TINA: What does yunjae represent to you?
AMARA: Forbidden love in a homophobic society that still somehow likes skinship among men.

TINA: Why are we obsessed with Yunjae?
AMARA: Because they were insanely adorable together & at times, seemed really legit. SM also made it very canon with the Dangerous Love drama.

TINA: Why is that Yunjae in stories can do anything and we support them?
(Ex: affair, , homewrecker)
AMARA: I think the forbidden aspect of YunJae lends itself to the darker genres of fanfics. That &YunJae are extremely attractive. It’s scientifically proven that we give more leniency towards attractive people so I think that is a helping factor in this. With each new taboo subject you venture into (especially when written very well) it can lead you down the rabbit hole to find even more taboo or darker genres. As for , in particular, I think it’s because we know that in reality that YunJae aren’t related so we can like glaze over that detail in fics, especially if written well. It’s hard to stop reading a fic when the author did a great job.

TINA: Tomorrow headlines Jaejoong confirms he is in a relationship with a girl. How do you feel?
AMARA: Still questioning whether is gay or if he is biual/panual. Lavender marriages do exist so homouality isn’t ruled out. But also, GIRL RUN FOR YOUR ING LIFE – THE FANS ARE GOING TO GO NUTS! She needs to be really strong for the storm that will come her way. The akgaes, the sasaengs, the antis – I’m seriously scared for them.

TINA: Asian celebrities often get married in secret and hide the fact they are indeed married..So one member of TVXQ is in that married status. How do you feel?
AMARA: I think that for Jaejoong………..that would probably be safer. I see how some of his akgaes, antis, & extreme shippers are – his relationship/marriage news is going to be a blood bath.

TINA: How real is Yunjae and how much is in fact Fan service?
AMARA: My shipper heart wants to say more real than fan service. But I don’t really know. I didn’t get into the fandom early enough to see YunJae in real time a lot. So there is a lot of YunJae that I missed out on. But I think that at the very least (if they’re both not straight) that they had crushes on each other.

TINA: Do you think Jaejoong is gay?
AMARA: I’m like 98-99% sure he is gay. I just have so many questions, some can be explained by cultural differences. Others, I think are harder to argue. If he is somehow 100% straight, I would be so shocked………& still skeptical. Sorry Jaejoongie. But at the very least he is bi or pan.

TINA: When Yunjae comes out publicly……..
AMARA: YunJae shippers will rejoice, other shippers will go nuts, TV2XQ/JYJstans will riot, & Korea would go crazy because of homophobia.

TINA: Does yunho look gayer than Jaejoong?
AMARA: It’s really hard to beat an arrow of tattoos with male names leading towards one’s . So yeah, I’ll say Jaejoong looks gayer. I also think that if I were a gay man, Jaejoong would be the one I’d go for. As a bi woman, I’d go for Yunho cause I am less positive on his uality. I think that he is bi on pan whereas my perception of Jaejoong is that he is gay.

TINA: Do you think they meet secretly and still friends or even lovers?
AMARA: Yes, I think they still meet secretly. I don’t know about lovers, I can dream though. But with their reunion in the army, they were too natural& easy-going with each other’s families to have not been in contact or on friendly terms since 2010. Family members are very protective, if there was ill will felt by either Yunho or Jaejoong then their family would have reflected that in how they interacted with the other.

TINA: I heard Jaejoong song Nine is for Yunho even though he denied it?What do you think?
AMARA: I have seen that theory too, I’m not sure how I feel about it as I haven’t looked into for a long time. I just recall a few years ago that Jaejoong said he had never written a song for/about a woman. So why not write songs about Yunnie/Changmin/DB5K.

TINA: What is about Yunjae that makes you sacrifice your time and energy upon writing fictions..
AMARA: Well, I haven’t written a YunJae fic in quite a while. But sometimes, when you get an idea for a fic – it’s hard to not write it. If it’s a great idea or entertaining to read/write then naturally you would share it.

TINA: Your future plans for fanfics?
AMARA: At the moment, I don’t have plans for a YunJae fic. I’m current working on a Neo fic (VIXX ship: N x Leo.) In one of the chapters, I have Hakyeon (a shape-shifting incubus) transform into Jaejoong for Taekwoon. I’ve considered a possible YunJae bonus chapter once the originally intended storyline is finished.

TINA: Thoughts on homouality?
AMARA: I support it whole-heartedly!

TINA: What do you think of people who think homo uality is a sin and a disease which can be cured?
AMARA: Only religion calls it a sin & not all religions share that thought. As for it being curable, good luck with that. *sarcasm* Of all the things that people should actively try to find a cure, homouality is really just so far down on that list& shouldn’t be on that list at all really. Actual diseases that kill people are important & those cures are priority above all else. Homouality is not deadly, it doesn’t need a cure.

TINA: What do you think we should do to make the world accept homouality?
AMARA: Have a debate that breaks down each excuse & embarrass the homophobes for their simplistic thinking. (Gays can’t have kids naturally so they can’t marry = infertile couples can’t have kids either should they be forced to divorce and unable to adopt children, elderly can’t conceive but they can still marry, etc) It may take decades or centuries for some cultures, but I think that eventually homophobia will be rare & homouality will be accepted. Each generation that grows up accepting non-heterouality will influence the generation after them.

TINA: In the future your kid comes out to you. What will you do?
AMARA: Smile & ask them when they realized it. Cause seriously, coming out to me shouldn’t be hard. If they kept it a secret from me for years, I’d feel like I let them down in not making it known to them that I’d accept them.

TINA: Pride or love?
AMARA: Love.

TINA: Love to me is…………
AMARA: Fragile in its vulnerability.

TINA: Do you believe in love at first sight?
AMARA: No, that is lust.

TINA: What are your views on yoochun' scandal?
AMARA: I believe he is innocent. I’ve personally witnessed a case before with someone I knew that had multiple accusers that were lying. It’s sad & infuriating but some people will use a traumatic crime accusation for nefarious reasons. There are things that do not add up & it leans more in his favor than against if you followed the case closely.

TINA: Since junsu has been public about his relation with a girl has yoosu ship sunk?
AMARA: Because Junsu is my ultimate bias, my brain was like “what” the entire time he was with Hani. It never really sank in, just enduring confusion. I was never really as into the YooSu ship as YunJae or HoMin ships. To me, they’re just friends that if anything at most fooled around with each other (making out.)

TINA: How did you react to the news of “Yoochuns” upcoming marriage?
AMARA: Truthfully, I was scared for him because marriage is a big step & it felt like such a rushed decision amidst a time of great struggle due to the scandal. I feared that he either wasn’t thinking through the decision enough or that he was possibly being taken advantage of in his vulnerable state. Right now, I am hoping for the best. I really just want him to be happy, I’ve been so worried about him because of the scandal. If Hana makes him happy & their relationship is healthy then that is all that matters.

TINA: I have read somewhere that Jae and chun are looking more like lovers than friends..what do you think?
AMARA: I’m not really into the JaeChun ship. I’ve read some interesting JaeChun fics though. I think they have a deep connection & maybe after leaving SM – JaeChun might have been a real thing.

TINA: Are we deluding ourselves by making these OTP’s?
AMARA: Sometimes. We can read too much into something because we are looking/hoping for it. But at the same time, at some point it becomes pretty ridiculous to not even consider it a possibility. There are certainly gay idols, there’s hundreds to even thousands of idols – obviously, there are going to be gay members. Whether they’re in the same group or not – or even romantically/ually interested in each other is another issue to consider of course.


TINA: Opinions on plastic surgery?
AMARA: I think fixing one insecurity is reasonable especially if you are very honest with yourself about that insecurity & the reason(s) for ‘correcting’ it. But if you lack the honesty about it then you are likely to fall victim to getting more work done which can create a long vicious cycle especially if you get faulty surgeries that then need to be fixed.

TINA: Do you think jaejoong’s in famous beauty had help from the plastic surgeon?
AMARA: Over the years, I’ve gotten better at noticing plastic surgery……..but mainly for the girls. I don’t spot it well for guys, the girls seem to so frequently go for the same look. I will say that other idols certainly do get surgery to look like Jaejoong. I don’t
think Jaejoong got any but I can’t really tell.

TINA: Why should we be obsessed with pop idols when they don’t even know we exist?
AMARA: They provide a happy outlet for us, a distraction from whatever is dragging us down in our real lives, it’s natural to seek this sort presence in our lives. Most people are obsessed about something be it books, movies, video games, singers, anime, sports, etc– it’s something that brings us joy. It is natural to want to seek out more of what makes us happy & because we get to know these idols so well through their activities – we get attached.

TINA: Still sailing in yunjae ship or has it sunk..
AMARA: After their army reunion, YunJae is very much alive.

TINA: What other ships are you interested in ?
AMARA: TVXQ HoMin/ChangHo? VIXX – basically all the ships. But Neo in particular (the contrast between them is adorable) & then RaKenVi (cause Ravi & Ken ship themselves together lol.)


Dearest Amara,
           First of all let me start by saying..I so loved your name..Thank you so very much for accepting my invitation and giving us this interview so we can see the face behind those fanfics more intimately..All the very best in your future and in your ongoing fanfics..
                              With Love,

To read Amara's fanfics please check out her AFF account TOHOSHINRI



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Chapter 3: Thank you for the interview, it was a lot of fun! ^_^