TINA: How and when did you decide to be a fanfic author?
AMARA: It was around Halloween back in 2010 I believe. I wrote a 2Min fic (SHINeeTaemin x Minho) & I had only started reading fics that summer. I came up with the idea for “My Little Vampire” & wrote it. That was the first time I had written a story that was shared online. I had written a couple other stories before that but didn’t share them online, only with a friend or two. I wrote a drabble about a Canadian tv show called Instant Star back when I was in 8th grade. After that, I think the following year, I wrote an original story. It was still short but still had multiple chapters. I don’t know if I still have that story, I know that I don’t have the Instant Star fanfic. But the other story, I think I still have – it became rather dark thanks to my friend’s suggestion.

TINA: What made you to sit down and actually write something?
AMARA: The idea just creates an urge& a need to write it.

TINA: What is the first fanfic you completed?
AMARA: I don’t know if the Instant Star fanfic was complete, I think it was just too short with little substance. So the first fanfic I completed would be the 2Min fic.

TINA: How did you get your idea for your first fanfic?
AMARA: I don’t……….know. I’m actually really self-conscious about that fic & have considered deleting it but for some reason, it’s the most widely read fic that I have so I’ll just keep it up.

TINA: Have you had any prior experience of writing before your first fanfic?
AMARA: Yes, as stated above.

TINA: Have you ever plagued by doubts on your storyline?
AMARA: Yes, my first attempt at a series was an absolute mess & I knew it was going to be a mess yet I still posted it. I felt so bad for the readers of that fic because it was absolutely *the worst thing I have ever written.* I actually did end up deleting it a couple years later I think. Trust me, no one would miss that one. It was a trainwreck.
For my current Neo fic, I have had doubts due to certain subject matter planned for it. This will be my darkest fanfic & also my most challenging fic. I wondered whether the readers would get upset or disturbed by some of the content. I’ve also added onto the plot that deviates from the original plan & because of that, it complicates when I can reveal what. Wording is very important in that fic as I want to give hints throughout but not give away the shocking reveals that should be in the . As the author, I know how important each hint is & how much it is giving away. But the readers may not even notice the hints or may interpret them differently. The lack of comments on the most recent chapter (after having gotten quite a few comments on the previous chapters) makes me worried that I gave away too much & now they aren’t anticipating the rest but there is so much more to the fic that I haven’t hinted at enough to have ruined the yet.

TINA: How did you promote your fanfic to readers?
AMARA: I don’t really have a promotion method outside of tagging & just hoping that people venture into the tag to give my fic a try. I certainly welcome people to add my stories onto recommendation lists if they like them enough to do so.

TINA: Have you ever been anxious about how the readers receive your story?
AMARA: Yes, I have…….for probably a lot of my fics. I always try to add some new element to the that could either be celebrated or be ‘too far’ for some readers. is what my stories typically revolve around & after a while, it can feel like you’re getting really repetitive with the techniques used. That makes me especially nervous for my Neo fic as one of the main characters (Hakyeon) is an incubus so naturally there should be in almost every chapter. I think the fic may get to around 20 chapters before the bonus chapters. It’s intimidating to think of the getting boring or repetitive for the readers. I know the next chapter will have tentacles………….I haven’t worked out much of the plot outside of that for that chapter though. lol

TINA: Thoughts on how you felt when you see the first comment on the first story? Do remember who is the first commenter?
AMARA: It was almost eight years ago, so I don’t really remember. I was probably a mix of excitement to see a comment & also surprised that someone actually took the time to not only read the fic but to comment on it.

TINA: How do you prepare yourself before writing a fanfic?
AMARA: I wait for inspiration to hit. I need an idea to build off of. Most of my fics were designed to be one or two chapters so there isn’t much to really worry about. I have only had three series fics, the first is deleted, the second one became a series unintentionally due to inspiration as well as to some extent requests, & the third one is a work in progress.

TINA: Do you work out plot line or do you prefer to see where your ideas or inspiration take you?
AMARA: I typically prefer to have a plot or basic idea to start with. The rest is filling in the blanks. My current Neo series, is……I guess my first legitimate attempt at an organized series fic (in which I knew from the beginning that it was a series & the intended ending.) I have certainly played around with some important details that can have big impact on the plot but I am trying to stick with the originally intended ending then have bonus chapters after that.

TINA: When and how does your inspiration or muse come to you?
AMARA: Usually while I am sleeping or just randomly daydreaming.

TINA: What is the weirdest place you were struck by inspiration for your fanfic? Did you write the plot?If yes what is the title of the fanfic?
AMARA: I don’t know truthfully. My fic writing has been rather sporadic over the course of several years.

TINA: How much research do you do for your story?
AMARA: Typically, I don’t really research anything. I’m not a J.K. Rowling kind of writer. My writing is more simplistic& comes off more conversational.

TINA: What is the easiest part of writing?
AMARA: When you catch that wonderful streak of just having every word you type come out the way you wanted or better.

TINA: What is the hardest part of writing a story?
AMARA: Trying to avoid being repetitive or building plot around when you have no idea how to plug a plot in. Also giving hints without giving everything away.

TINA: The writer’s worst nightmare the dreaded writer’s block.
When is the worst writer’s block you ever had? How did you overcome it?
AMARA: Yes,……………usually it just meant that I’d get back to it when I’ve had time to think over what I want. Let my brain wander a bit or just get back to it when I have inspiration.

TINA: Any useful tips on how to overcome the writer’s block?
AMARA: Daydream your story in your head, play out different scenarios or dialogues that can hopefully give you the spark you need.

TINA: Have you written any collaboration with other author’s? If yes name of the fanfic.
AMARA: I have roleplayed before, though it isn’t a traditional fanfic – it is still fanfic-esque. I’ve had many roleplay partners. But at the moment, none of them are active with me. L We’ve written a lot of great content & a lot of it is no longer accessible sadly.

TINA: How do you describe your writing style? Do you think you have your own personal writing style?
AMARA: Simplistic& lacking detail particularly in regard to scenery. I don’t go the novel route of giving every detail about hair, makeup, clothes, and the décor of rooms. I think we all have a writing style but whether any of our writing styles are unique to only us – there’s billions of people in the world, there is overlap.

TINA: How do you think you have evolved creatively throughout the years? Do you notice any change in the way you write?
AMARA: There is more plot &/or character development. Maybe less spelling & grammar errors………but only maybe. In one of my older fics I wrote “exactually” & no, I don’t know what I meant either or how I tried to write both actually & exactly at the same time. That typo is still there, among other typos because I find them entertaining.

TINA: How important are readers and their comments?
AMARA: It depends on how precious a story is to me & how invested I am in what I wrote.

TINA: I have been a silent reader for few months before taking the steps to comment..
Any words for silent readers?
AMARA: If you haven’t seen any comments for the most recent chapter on a fic & it was published a few days ago or longer then please comment even something as little as “looking forward to the next update” to encourage the author.

TINA: Do you read other yunjae fanfics? If yes name of the fanfic you loved?
AMARA: I’ve read so many. I have recommendation lists with a bunch of fics (though some are no longer available.) A few recommendations I have are from livejournal.
Interspersed: Case ed, What May, & Under Me Quite So New (this is a series that I believe was never completed but it is amazing!)
Xenobia4: Fan-Fact or Fiction? (this one will you up.)
Hydraheiress: Split (never completed.)
Bexy31: Bait Bus

TINA: Are you friends with any other author’s?
AMARA: I think I used to be but I haven’t really interacted much with people in general over recent years due to various reasons.

TINA: How do you make your stories standout when there are heaps of other stories with similar plot lines?
AMARA: I try to have something stand out. As my fics revolve around , this usually means use of an uncommon prop, combination of props, or a different position.

TINA: Has anyone stole your story and published under their name?
AMARA: A few years ago, I found out that two or three of my YunJae fics had been translated into Thai. I was credited for the original. I had never been told, I just randomly did a Google search for one of my fics& found one of my first YunJae fics in Thai. I was very flattered that someone liked my fics enough to take the time to translate them to share with other people. I would have liked to be informed about it just because that was pretty damn cool!I am open to letting people translate my work, I’d love to hear that people enjoy my fics in another language & I’d love to link to them.

TINA:  Thoughts on others stealing your work?
AMARA: If someone reads one of my fics& wants to tweak it to their liking (say they had a different ending in mind) or want to change the pairing – I am okay with that as long as I’m informed about it. I would like credit for the inspiration or a link back to the original. Outright stealing the fic as is with no alterations, that would be irritating…..but at the same time, I’d question why mine. I’ve seen so many better authors out there, it would make more sense to steal a better fic. I haven’t exactly made any masterpieces.

TINA:  How do you manage your time between your daily activities and updating stories?
AMARA: I try to update when I have a lull in my schedule. So with any luck I can get to writing that tentacle chapter this month. lol

TINA: Do you have any favorite time of the day to write stories?
AMARA: Night time, when everyone is asleep. So like 11 to 4.

TINA: Your favorite genre to write?


TINA: What is the inspiration behind the fanfic “TURN IT UP-MY TURN”?
AMARA: The lack of JaeHofics is how this one came about. Seeing so many people that thought Jaejoong was only a power bottom.

TINA: Inspiration and thoughts behind the fanfic “TRICK OR TREAT”?
AMARA: Pop rocks. I still want to try this & have since learned that there is popping candy marketed specifically for use during s. I was not aware of that when I wrote this fic so it was nice to see that I didn’t defile candy that would be impractical for this use.

TINA: Few words on the jaehofanfic “M TO S”?
AMARA: The frozen light saber pops picture was the inspiration for this fic. This fic showcased the masochistic Jaejoong attempting sadism in order to get Yunho to accept him as Yunho was hopelessly addicted to Changmin’s harsh treatment.

TINA: Tells us about the fanfic “INSTANT GRATIFICATION”? how much research have to done for this fanfic
AMARA: The video that is referred to by Davey Wavey on youtube inspired that fic so that was my research. I had been subscribed to him at the time so it was in my subscription feed anyway. It’s a glorious video from him.

TINA: Few words on the fanfic “DR.FEEL GOOD”?
AMARA: The title comes from Rania’s debut track which I still believe is the most solid kpop girl group debut ever – too bad Korea shamed the out of them. I can’t remember if Yoochun was part of the original plan or I decided to add him in while I was writing.

TINA: Few words on the fanfic “REALISTIC INTIMATION”? Inspiration behind the fanfic
AMARA: The inspiration from this fic is a result of a few different series….ss. Dollhouse (American tv show, that I’m even re-watching this week), Absolute Boyfriend (the manga), &Chobits. This was the first fic in which I felt that I had made some improvement in my writing. Going off of my inspiration sources, this triple shot was supposed to be emotional & sad to some extent. But this was my most misunderstood fic & it irked me quite a bit because I got so many comments saying that the of the story was funny. That part wasn’t intended to be funny at all so it was a little upsetting that so much of the audience viewed it in a drastically different way from what I had expected. There were some readers that did interpret it as I planned so at least it wasn’t a complete loss.

TINA: Of all the stories you wrote,is there any fanfic that has a very special place in your heart..if yes name of the fanfic and why
AMARA: My most recent fics like Realistic Imitation, the YunJaeMin mini-series, & my current Neo fic. They’re special to me because they show my improvement in plot &/or character development. They are just better in comparison to my older fics that were even more simplistic & lacking detail. Realistic Imitation was the first that showed improvement. The YunJaeMin mini-series had more creativity & showcased the fun of writing fics. My current Neo fic, is my first legitimate attempt at a series & I have big plans for it. The middle part has less direction but the & end are sure to be the best writing I’ve ever done. I’ve already written out some of the & it’s just so damn good. It’s detailed, it’s emotional, the character development is beyond my previous work, the twists & turns I have planned – I’m already feeling confident that it will be a really great fic. I hope my readers won’t mind the darker parts & really focus on just how the story/characters developed. They’re in for a wild ride & I’m so excited to write it.

TINA:  Still writing or have you stopped now?
AMARA: I am still writing. In recent years, I did more roleplaying but recently my rp buddies have been inactive. The Neo story I am working on started in our rp but we ended up losing everything because my partner’s rpfacebook account got deleted by facebook. She has not really tried to continue writing with me since then. We had written so many great stories together. I had really wanted to see that storyline through along with our serial killer AU. The incubus plotline that I worked up in my head just kept begging to be written so I started writing it as a fic. I don’t think my partner would have liked the intended direction so I think it was for the better anyway.

TINA: Any future yunjae fanfics you are working on currently?
AMARA: I have considered a YunJae bonus chapter in my current fic. I’m not sure if I will do it but it’d be nice if I could.

 All ABOUT .....


TINA: Tells us why are we so interested to read taboo topics when it comes to yunjae?Ex. ,cheating,home wrecker etc.
AMARA: YunJae is already a ‘forbidden’ couple so that seems to encourage more taboo subject matter. From the homophobia in Korea to the SM vs. JYJ issue –it gives fans an entry into darker/taboo genres. That & with how immensely popular YunJae has been as a pairing – of course fans would seek more as they’ve already read so much content. They want to see something different so they start looking into the more extreme side of fics. Especially when you find a fic by a great author, it’s hard to turn down a story when it is written so well. I think I ventured into more taboo genres thanks to be_ddelusionall on livejournal. The amount of content released from them is pretty insane especially because they’ve been active for over ten years I think. They’ve dabbled into a lot of taboos & done it well so I couldn’t keep myself from reading because their track record for good content is amazing!

TINA: How difficult or easy is writing ?
AMARA: I fear techniques getting repetitive or boring…………or are just not pleasing in real life. I have no experience with myself so I have no ing idea what actually works in practice & what just sounds good in theory.

TINA: Do you blush or get embarrassed while writing ?
AMARA: No. I’ve been doing this for several years from fics to roleplaying – I’ve written hundreds of scenes by now.

TINA: How do you write the scene? What is the inspiration?
AMARA: Dirty daydreams. Really envision it in your head. Each move, the smirks, the pleasured gasps, the shudders, &breathy moans.

TINA: Have you ever watched GV(gay videos) before writing a scene?
AMARA: Yes, I have………….for scientific/mechanical/anatomical reasons.

TINA: Has any family member or friends have ever walked on you while writing a scene?
AMARA: I have literally written while sitting on the couch with my sister’s ex-boyfriend. My laptop was facing the wall behind me & he was on the other side of my laptop watching tv. He didn’t know what I was up to. I was on a time crunch to finish that fic. (It was the one I ended up deleting.)

TINA: Thoughts after writing your first ever scene?
AMARA: That was almost eight years ago, I don’t remember.

TINA: What is the secret of writing a scene that turns on your readers?
AMARA: Showing the characters enjoying themselves. I’ve noticed that can often be missing from . Men in both straight & in gay are not very vocal. They’re a little more vocal in gay . But the key to writing good is the reactions from the characters, finding that sweet spot for the given situation. A needy & desperate submissive needs to be portrayed that way in a situation where they are really eager. Know the mood that you want &how much reaction or type of reaction is appropriate for the scene.

TINA: It is so heart breaking when u see your favorite authors deleting their journals or accounts,taking away the chance to reread some of your favorite stories..and having those wonderful stories lost..Have you anytime in future have plans on deleting your journal?
AMARA: I don’t have any plans of deleting my account or content. I try to put it on other sites to keep it safe just in case something happens to the site. I also have my fics (with the exception of my current Neo fic as I haven’t added it yet) on my livejournal by the same name as this account. I also created an archive of our own account (vixxshinki) but I haven’t added my fics on there yet. It is very sad to no longer be able to access fics& I hate not being able to access some of my favorites anymore. I was going to recommend a couple of fics in this interview but they were gone or the author is denying access (one author was constantly
changing the security status of her fics which made it very difficult to read them.) So outside of the trainwreck of my first series that very few people cared for anyway, I won’t delete my other fics.

TINA: Any words for the readers?
AMARA: Hope you enjoyed my babbling& maybe I’ll see you make a visit to my work. Happy reading if you do~ Sorry for gushing about my Neo fic so much, I am just excited for it & it’s been a while since I’ve been excited like this to write a fanfic.



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Chapter 3: Thank you for the interview, it was a lot of fun! ^_^