TINA: Before we begin the interview what do I call you with
Author:  Amara works for me J

TINA: Hi AMARA....Welcome to the interview........

TINA:  Any special reason behind your journal name or aff account name. if yes what and how did u come by it ?
AMARA: Tohoshinri is the name of the ‘psychology corner’ of Tohoshinki’s Bigeastation radio program that they did as five. They did fun little psych quiz scenarios. I’ve always had an interest in psychology&Tohoshinki is love so ‘tohoshinri’ was very fitting for me to use.

TINA:  Where are you from?
AMARA: California.

TINA: Age relationship status partners and kids..
AMARA: Younger than DBSK’s maknae. Single crazy cat lady. Do cats that think they’re dogs count as kids of some sort?

TINA: What is your occupational status as if right now?
AMARA: Student.

TINA: Birthday ?
AMARA:  Late April.

TINA: What is your favorite past time or what do u do in your free time?
AMARA: Watch a lot of youtube& if reading for school didn’t take me so long then re-watching a lot of my old favorite tv shows.

TINA: Favorite color/s?
AMARA: Favorite general color: blue. Favorite specific shade: teal. Favorite to wear: black.

TINA: Favorite food and favorite country cuisine?
AMARA: Pasta because it is so versatile, coming in different shapes & sizes that you can season or top in various ways. My favorite country cuisine is Japanese though I still have not branched out very far for that.

TINA: Favorite movie/s. why?
AMARA: Lover Come Back, Move Over Darling, All I Wanna Do, Ten Things I Hate About You, Bring It On, & Mean Girls.
          Lover Come Back is an old movie from the 60’s with Doris Day & Rock Hudson. It’s a pretty funny movie with a lot of dirty jokes surprisingly (given the era in which it was made, you’d think it wouldn’t be.) Rock Hudson was a gorgeous man, seriously he has one of those faces that make you think he surely would be famous & he was. The movie has some running background characters that appear throughout the film & make jokes about what they see from the main characters. Overall, the jokes in the movie are just solid. It has been my favorite movie since I saw it at my grandparent’s house in middle school during the wildfires. The three main actors appeared in a few different movies together & they were so spot on. I don’t want to give away too much but I do highly recommend it to people – if they are able to find it.

          Move Over Darling is another Doris Day movie though originally Marilyn Monroe was supposed to star in the movie but she died… The premise of the movie is that a married couple were on a plane that crashed & got separated in the process. He assumed she was dead after not having found her for years & he started dating another woman in hopes of bringing a mother figure in for his young children. He has her declared legally dead so then he can remarry but on that very day, his wife is brought back after being rescued by sailors. Lots of misunderstandings result from this between the wives & so forth. It is another funny movie due to the communicative trouble.

          All I Wanna Do (also known as Strike!) is a movie about a group of girls attending an all-girls boarding school & how they help each other to strive for their goals. Their ambitions in life/adolescence differ. They learn that their school might become co-ed which divides the friends as some are for co-education & others are not. The era that the movie is set in was a time where women had less options in American society. They were still very much expected to just be pretty housewives. There are a lot of dirty jokes in this movie too, that’s a running theme with my favorite movies……….that probably says something about me. Lol.

          10 Things I Hate About You – great cast, great jokes. Also, has dirty jokes. I identify with Kat, I think I started childhood hoping to be Bianca but I ended up becoming more like Kat which I don’t mind at all. It comes with its issues though. This one would probably be easier to find online. The other three aren’t as easy to come across I think.

         Bring It On, this inspired a brief stint in cheerleading……in elementary school. Another movie with a great cast, great jokes – yes, dirty ones too. This is really popular & should be easy to find online with a little searching.


           Lastly is Mean Girls, which is probably the most memed movie so I doubt I really need to discuss further on its greatness.

TINA: Favorite book and favorite Author/s. why?
AMARA:  I had this vampyre series that I loved. (That’s how they chose to spell vampire.) It was the House of Night series. I got to the 5th book or something & then I couldn’t go on because an adorable & innocent character was killed in such a brutal manner. (Lots of character deaths & revivals in the series but I think some spell was cast so that he couldn’t be revived.) I read the death but I couldn’t bring myself to go further as then I would have to read his boyfriend’s reaction to it – WHY COULDN’T THE INNOCENT GAY KID LIVE? He wasn’t my favorite character but he was precious.

I also have the Veronica Mars books but I have yet to finish them……….technology is hard to break away from.

TINA: Favorite Dress code?
AMARA: The random dress codes that Jaejoong uses for his concerts, they entertain me.

TINA: Comfort or Fashion?
AMARA: Comfort, my body is not suited for the fashion that I would actually want to wear.

TINA: Favorite designers dress/shoes?
AMARA: Designer dress shoes…………I’m not big into shoes. I own two pairs of Vans that I got back in 2011. I am very loyal to Vans as they make quality shoes. My sister once got her foot run over by a speeding car, her shoe came off but was only scuffed & her foot wasn’t sprained or broken.

TINA: Personal style statement?
AMARA: Black, baggy, maybe with a joke thrown in there somewhere.

TINA: Dream destination?(fav place u want to go)
AMARA: Japan, but not for vacation – but to live there….again.

TINA: Favorite perfume?
AMARA: I’ve only owned one perfume before (the rest have been cheap body sprays.) It was the Curious perfume from Britney Spears within a couple years of its release.

TINA: Branded or Generic clothing?
AMARA: Generic.

TINA: Hobbies you are involved in?
AMARA:  Writing either in fics or roleplaying, watching movies/tv/youtube.

TINA: Ideal man /woman?
AMARA:  As per kpop& ideal types, the idol that most closely resembles what I want is Cha, Hakyeon from VIXX. If I were to get more specific then a mix of Junsu, Yunho, &Changmin. Junsu’s adorable brighten up the room nature & his lack of interest in alcohol + Yunho’s caring tenderness especially towards kids + Changmin’s sense of humor.

TINA: Have you ever been attracted to the same ?

TINA: Who and when is your first crush?
AMARA: I didn’t realize this until high school I think but my first crush was on a female classmate in first grade.

TINA: Natural hair and eye colur?
AMARA: Blonde hair & brown eyes.

TINA: Beauty according to you is?
AMARA:  Fleeting, in both appearance & personality. With age & experience, people seem to lose beauty in both departments. It is more obvious for appearances but I think many people lose good aspects of their personality. Life takes a lot out of people & for many, it kicks their really hard which can then leave a lasting impact on them. There are people that get more beautiful personality wise with age, I don’t think I will be one of them. Past experiences will haunt me & I doubt that I will look back on life feeling proud of myself. I think there will be many regrets & probably a lot of self-hatred. I don’t really expect to get much out of life& don’t really think that I truly deserve much either.

TINA: What’s in your purse?
AMARA: Advil, tampons, wallet, pen, & pencil.

TINA: 2 things you cannot live without?
AMARA: Other than food & water as actual necessities – internet & indoor plumbing.

TINA: If u get to meet one celebrity either dead or alive who will it be and why?
AMARA: I think I would be too self-conscious to meet members of DBSK or VIXX. I guess…..Alyssa Milano. She played my favorite character on Charmed which is a show that I literally grew up on from 1st through 8th grade since its first airing of the pilot. Either intentionally or unintentionally, I ended up being a lot like Phoebe. There are still differences of course but I do feel that her character has had a long & consistent influence on my life.

TINA: I am obsessed with______ fill it?
AMARA: Detective Conan.

TINA: I am Passionate about____________ ?
AMARA: Moving back to Japan.

TINA: Motto in life:
AMARA: You’ve still got you wanna do, so power through.

TINA: If u get stranded on a isolated island .name 3 things you want ?
AMARA:  Food, water, & to somehow have reliable internet access – easier to get help that way. lol

TINA: Proudest moment ever?
AMARA: My proudest moment ever, I was not even conscious for so I didn’t get to see it for myself but other people did. Outside of that, taming feral cats to make lovable. It makes me so happy to see a cat evolve from “, I’ll cut you if you touch me” to rolling around on their back asking for belly scratches.

TINA: Most embarrassing moment?
AMARA:  Before moving to Japan, my Japanese teacher was talking to entire class about my moving & then asked my crush (who was sitting beside me) if he specifically would go visit me in Japan. My teacher had assumed he was my boyfriend, I can understand why she thought that. He had driven me alone to our field trip location earlier that semester & when he was running late for class he texted me to tell her. Thankfully the lights were off in the classroom so no one could see how I was blushing. For the first time in my life, I was legitimately blushing. Imagine the insane blush you see on anime characters, that is what it felt like.

TINA: One day you open the door and find Yunjae on your door step?
AMARA: I’d feel really self-conscious about my the appearance of my house both inside & outside. I’d also hope that there’s not random cat , piss, or vomit anywhere on the floor that they could see. Damn cats & their surprises.

TINA: If you are to write your life story what will the title be?
AMARA: goes from 0 to 100 real quick…..then back to 0.

TINA: Goal in life:
AMARA: Become a mother & raise good children. I realized a couple years ago, that what I wanted most in life was to become a mom & have a close relationship with my kids like I have with my mom. The various careers I have thought of, I didn’t want any of them like how I want to be a mom. Even the career that I am working toward right now, I don’t really want it – it’s just an easy way for me to move back to Japan. I’m hoping that I can still achieve this goal of becoming a mother, I’ve been doubting whether I’d ever get to. It’s sad that I think that it won’t happen or that I’ll somehow jeopardize my chances.

TINA: How do you describe yourself?
AMARA: Twisted, broken, sarcastic, erted, & of average intelligence.

TINA: Lastly feel free to include anything else u wants us to know.
AMARA: Remember to learn from your regrets for past actions or inactions.



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Chapter 3: Thank you for the interview, it was a lot of fun! ^_^