Birthmarks | JIKOOK


"This is a story of our story" 

a JIKOOK fiction


Hi, I'm Justine!

I've been thinking of writing this story since last year but I did not know yet if I should use random characters or BTS characters especially my ship - Jikook. 

Now I finally made the decision to make this a JiKook Story.

Here are some reminders:

° I'm not that good in english so there may be some sentences where I will be grammatically incorrect (like this sentence)

° Feel free to tell me if there's something wrong with the flow

° I will see how will I update since I'm always busy in school, but I'll make sure that I won't leave this story behind (like what he did to me, no jk)

° Oh and BTWWW, this story won't start with Jikook. Meet the characters of Jungjung and Nimji!

enjoy reading!


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