Chapter 2

Hello Teenager! Super Junior Edition

Its already been two days after the idols had found out they were going to be on the show and they had meetings on what to do when she got to South Korea.

"I want to bring her to the hot springs we have here!" Donghae called out. Sungmin wanted to take her around to the temples they had, Eunhyuk and Shindong wanted to teach her how to dance, Ryeowook and Hankyung wanted to teach her how to cook Korean dishes, Heechul and Yesung wanted to sing with her, while the rest were at loss on what to do.

"We'll figure it out later when she gets here. We still have time." Eetuek assured the others. So the rest of the members went on with their business since the manager gave them the three days off to prepare for their daughter. They chose to clear out a room in Heechul and Hankyung's dorm for her to be living in. But the day before they were supposed to meet, a letter came.

"Eh? What's this doing here?" Siwon asked. A white envelope was given to him from the desk downstairs. It was addressed to Super Junior and it looked like a doctors note. Being worried that someone in Super Junior was sick, he contacted Eetuek who called all the members together for a meeting. When the members came into the kitchen, Eetuek finally announced about the envelope.

"I don't think anyone went to the doctor for the past few weeks so it couldn't be any of us." Ryeowook piped up. He didn't see anyone sick and if they were, he would've noticed right away.

"Then who sent it?" asked Shindong. Unnoticed, Heechul snuck behind Eetuek before snatching the letter. Feeling the envelope slip from his grasp, Eetuek sun around to see a smirking Heechul, waving the envelope in his face.

"Instead of thinking about who it is, why don't we actually open it up and read it?" After saying that, Heechul ripped open the envelope before taking out what looked like a hand written note from the doctor. Taking that out and leaving the other papers on the kitchen table, he read out loud what it said:

Dear Super Junior,

                    Ms. Lee has a serious medical condition and must take pills four days a week for treatment. Please make sure to give her pills after breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Below is a pill chart for the amount and colored pills you are supposed to give her:


  • Three pink pills after breakfast. two white ones after lunch, and one black one after dinner. Before going to sleep, you must inject the liquid medicine into her system.


  • One red pill after breakfast, three white ones after lunch, and one pink after dinner.


  • Three red ones after breakfast, two white after lunch, and one black after dinner.


  • Inject the liquid medicine into her system before she eats breakfast and then one pink pill after breakfast, one black pill after lunch, and then one white before she goes to sleep.


                        You will be sent the pills this week. Thank you for your cooperation. 

The idols sat there after the reading while Kangin snatched the letter and began to read it again. 

"Well, at least we know that none of our members are sick." Eunhyuk spoke up, breaking the silence that loomed over the idols. After that comment, the members all filed out of the kitchen and off to do other things but not a single one forgot to think about their daughters medical condition.

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Lucy97 #1
Oooo~ I'm excited <3 ft is my fav!
theplayfulstar #4
please read my fanfic too!! hihi... *sorry for advertising here* :)