Chapter 1

Hello Teenager! Super Junior Edition

It was peaceful and quiet for the first time in the Super Junior dorms. Everyone was sleeping peacefully in their own bed (or in Kangin case, his mattress). Until the manager came in.

"BOYS!! GET YOUR BUTTS OUT HERE!!" Kangin groaned and pulled the covers over him before he felt his manager pulling the blanket away. He opened his eyes and sleepily glared at his manager who glared at him back. An all out argument was about to erupted from the two when the other members trailed out of their room s sleepily, some holding pillows and some holding stuffed animals.

"Yes, manager hyung?" Eetuek asked, rubbing his eyes. He really didn't want to clean up the mess those two were surely going to have. Besides, it was their first day in months that they had no schedules. Everyone had come over from upstairs to have a party and they drank till late at night. Waking up with a hangover and having to endure an arguement wasn't how he wanted to wake up in the morning.

"You boys heard of Hello Baby, right?" the manager asked. Most nodded while others(namely Kangin, Ryeowook, Kibum, and Kyuhyun) fell asleep on the sofa. 

"Well the PD wanted something new so they came up with Hello Teenager and want you guys to be the new stars." It took a while for it to sink into their brains before someone spoke up.

"Hello Teenager, hyung? We're going to be on Hello Teenager?" Siwon said. 

"Yes, you guys are going to be on Hello Teenager." their manager said. it was silent before the manager continued.

"You guys are to meet outside of the building in half an hour. We'll be driving to KBS to talk with the PD and the staff about the show." With that, the manager walked out, leaving thirteen confused idols in the middle of their living room. 

"Are we going to take care of a teenager?" Donghae broke the silence with that question and everyone turned to each other.

"Well, obviously if you haven't heard the title." Heechul scoffed from his spot on the wall, leaning against Hankyung who laid his head on Heechul's shoulder. 

"Well, excuse me hyung." Donghae said, sarcastic. Heechul would've stomped over there if it wasn't for Eetuek who came between them and Hankyung's arm wrapping around his waist to hold him there. 

"Alright, we're all cranky and pissed because we have to get up at" He looked at a nearby clock."Nine in the morning but you guys heard manager hyung. Sungmin, wake up the others. Everyone, we only have half an hour to get dressed and leave. Now go!" Eetuek ordered. The members all groaned before finally moving from their spots. Sungmin woke the others up (although he had a hard time with Kangin) and they were all ready by the time half an hour was up.

While in the car, the now fully awake members discussed about the show.

"Is it a daughter? Or a son?" Shindong asked. 

"I want a daughter!" Heechul cried, raising his hand.

"Me too! Me too!" Sungmin, Ryeowook, Donghae, and Kangin cried.

"I want a son. Easier to talk to." Kibum spoke up. The rest of the members agreed. 

"We're here." the manager announced. The big KBS building loomed over the idols as they stepped out of the car and went inside. Within a few hours, they were ready for the show to be announced.

"Super Junior, we have your teen's profile here." The PD gave them a folder and the Eetuek took it and thanked the PD. Opening it, everyone crammed together to read it.

Name: Lily Lee

Age: 16

Talents: Singing, dancing, playing the piano, cooking

Origin: England,Europe

Languages: Spanish, English, Korean,French

Likes: Books, music, and animals

"She's from Europe?!" Heechul exclaimed. The PD explained that she was from Europe but she is half Korean and could speak to them fluently.

"How come there's no picture that comes with it?" Eunhyuk asked. The response they got was that they had to find her at the airport themselves. 

"Aish, how are we going to find her if we don't even know what she looks like? Out of all the people going to be at the airport?" Kangin asked. The rest of the members thought while the manager and the PD looked on.

"Three days from now, you'll meet her at the airport. That's all." the PD announced before leaving. The idols were at loss before finally Kyuhyun sighed.

"We should worry about this later. Just focus on that she's European so she has to come out from the gate for the plane from Europe so we should search for her there. We'll figure it out along the way, hyungs." he said. All of them sighed before following their manager to the car.

"We should buy her a present." Yesung announced once they got in the car. Heechul scoffed from his place next to Hankyung who was playing with his PSP.

"I already know what to get her." He smirked as the others paid attention to him.

"Well, what are you going to get her?" asked Siwon. Heechul only put his finger to his lips before sitting back and laying his head on Hankyung's shoulder. The others knew that he wasn't going to answer so they sat back in their seats and thinking about their daughter.

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Lucy97 #1
Oooo~ I'm excited <3 ft is my fav!
theplayfulstar #4
please read my fanfic too!! hihi... *sorry for advertising here* :)