"You're Always an Exception."

Make Me an Exception


Sometimes we lie to the ones we love because we are afraid.
How often has this happened to you? 
Well, here is the final shot for you guys.
And perhaps you might understand lying is never a good solution.
Like Taemin did in the previous shot.

Minho looked at the face of a boy whom he had been with for a long time. He was his childhood friend, they know each other for almost ten years. He was always in love with the younger one, but never have the courage to tell him. 

Last month, he finally able to let Taemin know his feelings. It was a bit awkward in the first two days, but everything is heavenly beautiful after that. Taemin is all he wants and Minho nevel feel ever so complete, until seven days passed. Minho was confused when Taemin suddenly avoids him. Minho was dissapointed when Taemin ignores him. And he shed his ever so precious tears when Taemin told him he hates him.

Minho staring at his only love now. Taemin is lying on the hospital bed, unconscious. 

"He's back.." Taemin's mother is sobbing besides Taemin's almost-lifeless-body when Minho asked what had happened the moment he reached the hospital. Thanks to Yejun who quickly give him a call. He couldn't bear looking at that skinny body, full of bruises here and there. 


"My husband.."

Minho remembers when Taemin told him about his bad father. He's jobless and haven't done nothing good to his family. He's never at home, gambling somewhere, Taemin said. Will only be back to ask for money.

As Minho looked at him, love and sadness can be seen in his eyes. Worried that something bad might happen to him. 

"Taemin, please wake up." the words that he kept repeating in his mind, over and over again

"Why did he .. he torture Taem like this..?" Minho asked, his fingers tremble as he reach for Taemin's face. His babyface is now ruined with those bruises and scratches.

"He always beat us. That drunkard need no reason to hurt his family. He only use Taemin's relationship with you to abuse him even more," and she is crying even harder.

His relationship with Taemin is the cause for this boy to be abused? 

Out of guilty, out of love, Minho never leaves Taemin's side, no matter how many times the nurses were trying to shove him away. He is there when the doctor is cleaning all the blood and cuts. He is there, witnessing everything, waiting, from the first day until now, after an exact of 14 days, and Taemin never open his eyes.

"I'm so sorry.. Please open your eyes.." Minho whispered as he lean down and kiss Taemin on his forehead.


Three days before Taemin was submitted into the hospital

Minho was eating ice cream together with Yuri, a noona he got to know at his dancing school. He used to go there with Taemin, but since Taemin had been avoiding him, and even told him how he doesn't want to be close to Minho; he hates him, Minho decided to spend his times with this pretty noona. 

"Are you still thinking?" Yuri suddenly asked.

"About .. about that?" Minho stops his ice cream, turn to face Yuri.

"Well, yes.."

Minho likes Yuri. She's very friendly and nice, too. But he always hope Yuri will never talk about that again after he told her his decision when she confessed last week.

"Noona, I'll never change my mind," he said again, for the third time this week.

"But he hates you, Minho. Why can't you give me a chance?"

"I decided to wait," Minho said. Not wanting to talk about that matter anymore, Minho stood up from the bench. He was about to walk to his dancing class when Yuri grabbed his arm and force a kiss on his lips.

No, he's not enjoying the kiss. He's just too shock with Yuri's action he remained silent for a few moments. The moment he came back to his sense, he quickly pushed Yuri away.

He was about to apologize to the noona for treating her that way, but he saw Taemin, standing not very far from both of them, staring at him. And Minho see nothing but hurt in his eyes. Right that moment, Minho knows Taemin lied that day. Taemin never hates him. He will not be that hurt if he hates Minho. He loves him.


"Taemin!" The boy heard his name. He turn back and he saw his only love, Minho. Raindrops start to pour, so Taemin thought it is a good excuse for him to run. To run from Minho.

Minho tries to catch up with the younger boy, running in his school uniform, dripping wet. But as soon as he reached Taemin, the younger acted as if he didn't even hear his voice, nor knew him for who he was. 

"We need to talk..." Minho said, panting.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone!" the other boy shouted as he turned to face him.

"I can't do that!" Minho replied. 

"Go away," Taemin said as he turn his back against Minho.

"I'm sorry.. It's not like what you think, Taemin,"

Taemin says nothing. He chose to listen.

"I already told her I will never change my mind. I will wait for you, no matter how many times you asked me to leave.."

"Do you think I care, hyung..?" Taemin asked.


"I never care about you and Yuri noona. Never," and he left Minho alone. Again.


"Sir, you had been sitting here for hours. I suggest you go to the cafe now and eat something. The nurses can take care of him for now," the doctor suddenly appears and pats on Minho's shoulder.

"I want to be here," Minho gave his short reply. He wants to be there when Taemin open his eyes.

Giving up, the doctor left. Minho stays there for a few more minutes before his eyes caught the red roses he brought for Taemin yesterday are wilting.

He stood up and walks to the washroom together with the vase. He took longer times in the washroom, staring at his reflection while refilling the vase with fresh water.

"So that you can see a beautiful sight of these roses when you open your eyes," Minho said as he place the vase on the small table, as if Taemin were asking, "why did you refilled the vase with fresh water, hyung?"

"Hyung.." Minho suddenly heard a soft voice calling for him. He turned to his right and saw Taemin, half-awake. 

"What are you doing here?" he asked. His voice sounds so weak.

"I...came here to...see you.." Minho replied as he took Taemin's hand in his. He had been waiting for this moment for 14 days. He thanks God so much for bringing Taemin back to him once again.

"Hyung, I'm sorry for hiding things from you," Taemin said, and Minho put his finger on Taemin's lips.

"It's okay, it's okay.." he said with a smile, holding his happy tears as hard as he can.

"I lied when I said I don't care about you and her," the younger boy said again.

"I know you lied.. I know," Minho said, cupping Taemin's face.



"You're always an exception. I never hate you.." and the younger boy shed his tears with that confession. Minho lean down and kiss his tears away.

"I love you.." he said before he planted a kiss on Taemin's lips. He's happy than ever now that Taemin is back. And he is always an exception, no doubt about that.

The End

Yay! It ends now ^^ and it's a happy ending too :D Please tell me what you think about the final shot, okay? To the readers who subscribes to my other stories, I just want you guys to know that I'll be busy starting from today till 15 February. I'll get back to them as soon as I'm done with the International English camp.

So.. thank you everyone for your comments and supports. If you have times, please check out my other stories, too ^^. LOTS OF LOVE FOR YOU GUYS! Thank you again ^^!

Much love,

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Chapter 3: in many fanfictions or in their real life, minho is always an exception for taemin :'') pure love <3
Chapter 3: i was reading this while listening to SHINee's always love... and i think the song goes really well with this story... =)
I really like it and I found it very nice and cute when Minho gives Taemin his first kiss :)
I cried :') You shld write more of these ^-^ (y) really... srsly... really touching :">
To be honest, I love this <3 It's all about pure love, admiration and dedication <3
I always love everything in your stories <3
GOD! such a beautiful ending..
*crying of happiness*
so sad!!
of course MINHO is an exception..
he is CHOI MINHO, the one u LOVE Minnie!!!!
Cilover #9
Beautiful...loved it <333
So beautiful T^T