"I Thought I am an Exception."

Make Me an Exception

Minho is confused.

He's tall. He's good in sports. He's good looking. He belongs to the fourth category. He has everything. But why is Taemin avoiding him? What had he done wrong?

Taemin is pretty. Like, seriously pretty. And Minho had been falling for him for more than thousands of times already. Taemin always tells him that he hates boys, without knowing how much he had hurt Minho every time he said that. But everything was fine after what had happened last two weeks. Minho still remembers how he had pinned the younger boy to the wall and kissed him on his lips so early in the morning, where the sky was still dark. And he still remembers when Taemin said the line.

"You are always an exception, hyung. You're special, that's why,"

Minho was in heaven when he heard that. And Taemin proved how special Minho is. Even though "I hate boys," always come out from his mouth before, he accepted Minho's invitation and they went on a date.. scratch that. They went on dates almost every day that week. 

They walked together in the green garden nearby, holding hands, eating ice creams on Tuesday. They went to a pet shop and bought two goldfishes, one for each of them, on Thursday. One was named Minho, and is now in Taemin's little aquarium in his room. Another one was named Taem, and is now staying with Minho. They went to the mall together and bought couple shirts on Friday. They are not awkward at all in public. They look like brothers; Minho as the hyung, taking a very good care of his dongsaeng. But they are not brothers, and only both of them know that.

Taemin's mother was out to visit her friend on Saturday, so Minho went to his house and cooked him lunch, and stayed there till dinner. They talked a lot, and shared about almost everything. Minho learned that Taemin's father is not dead like what he always thought, but he left. Sometimes, he will come back asking for money. Taemin hates him, and now Minho hates him too.

They had a really good time together, and Minho was never that happy in his life. He thought Taemin is feeling the same but now he doubts it. 

Taemin was still smiling and comfortable around him last Monday. He even agreed to meet Minho at the school gate and walk back home together. Minho waited for almost an hour in front of the school, and Taemin didn't show up. Since he promised his mother to help her with shopping earlier, he has no other choice but to stop waiting and walk alone back to his house. 

That night, Minho sent quite a number of SMS to Taemin, but no reply came, and Minho was so disappointed. He tried to call the boy, but his call didn't get through. Maybe Taemin's mobile phone is out of battery or something. Minho felt somewhat kind of relieved at that thought. "Taemin is not replying to his SMS because his phone is dead." sounds much better than "Minho is ignored on purpose".

The next morning, Minho is waiting for Taemin at the usual place they always meet before walking to school together. Like the previous day, Taemin never came. By that time, Minho already knew, something is wrong. He went to school alone, and decided to drop by Taemin's class later.

"Taemin is absent today, hyung," said Taemin's classmate, Yejun, when Minho asked. 

"Absent? Do you know why?" he quickly asked, widening his already big eyes at the same time. 

"I thought you will know better, coz you are his.. his .. uh," Yejun sounded awkward after that. Well, since he's Taemin's best friend, it is not a surprise if Taemin told him about his relationship with Minho. At that time, Minho felt so guilty. Yejun is right. Minho should know better about Taemin. He can't forgive himself for not knowing what had happened.

Minho went straight to Taemin's house right after school. It was his mother who greeted him after he knocked on the door.

"Taemin is having quite a bad fever, and he doesn't want to see anyone,"

Minho knows Taemin's mother for years already, and she never acted this cold to him. Minho wondered if he had done something wrong to Taemin, now that he feels like Taemin's mother doesn't welcome him to their house.

Minho bows and gives her a smile back before continuing his journey to his house. He faked the smile, of course. How can he be happy with this kind of situation? Taemin refused to walk with him for two times already, not replying any of his SMS and call, being absent in school without telling him, and now is having a fever and not wanting to see him? Minho can never digest all these.


Minho is waiting in the school café. Yes, for Taemin. He sent the younger boy an SMS asking for a meeting. He needs to settle everything down. He is troubled by this problem. Taemin is back to school yesterday after his absence for three days in a row. But he's ignoring Minho, obviously. He even ran away when Minho called for his name from afar, leaving Minho, with his heart seriously wounded.

He waited for 30 minutes, and there is no sign of Taemin showing up. Minho sighed, accepting the fact that Taemin is really avoiding him for a reason that he really wants to know. He stood up and walked slowly to the school library. Library is always Minho's choice to sit and relax his mind.

Minho was in between the big shelves when he caught sight of Taemin, who is browsing for books in one of the shelves. He seems so absorbed with the books he didn't notice Minho's presence not very far from him. Five days without Taemin, Minho had been missing the boy more than enough that he quickly made his way to him. He was about to touch the boy's shoulder when Taemin finally realized his presence and quickly put the book he was holding just now back to the shelf.

Taemin was about to run away again but Minho grabs his arms and pins him to the shelf harshly, obviously mad with Taemin's actions for the past few days.

"Let me go, hyung," Taemin said, throwing his glare away. Minho then realized how he had been missing that soft voice of Taemin. He missed everything about the younger boy. Minho leaned down a bit and gave Taemin's long hair, which is covering a part of his face, a soft blow to reveal his baby face. Taemin tried to push Minho away but Minho who was tired of waiting for Taemin's explanation, decided not to let the younger boy go this time, and he quickly forced a kiss on Taemin's lips.

Unlike their previous kiss, Taemin seems to hate it and tried really hard to push Minho away. Minho is not that stupid not to realize how the kiss had made Taemin suffer as he can feel the boy struggling underneath him. The struggle caused some books to fall from the shelf and Minho knew he should stop. He let go of Taemin's soft lips, giving the younger boy some time to catch his breath back.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Taemin suddenly snapped after a few seconds, still not looking into Minho's eyes.

"I love you, Taemin," Minho said, his deep voice a bit shaky. He wishes this suffering moment will end soon and they both can be happy again, like last week.

"I don't love you, hyung. Now leave me alone!" Taemin said the line heartlessly and quickly made his way to the front door. Minho eyed the younger boy, and he then spotted a long scar on his arm, thanks to his short sleeved shirt for PE class. He chased after Taemin and grabbed that arm of his, and that act of his seemed to hurt Taemin when he saw a painful expression on the younger boy's face, so he quickly let go of that skinny arm.

"What happened to your arm?" Minho quickly asked, though he doubts Taemin will answer him.

"I fell," Taemin give him a short reply and fixing his hair, obviously using his long hair to cover his face. He never did that before. He never let his hair cover his face like that.

"I know you're hiding something," Minho said, and without further notice, he lifts Taemin's face by his chin and he tugs Taemin's hair to his ear, revealing some bruises on his face.

"Where did you get these bruises..?" Minho knows right away those bruises are not a result of falling. Taemin quickly steps back from Minho.

"This is why I always hate boys. You think it's okay to know everything about my personal life, hyung, and I hate it!" he snapped as he walks off, leaving Minho behind. 

Minho's heart is not fragile. Minho's heart is not easy to be broken. But Taemin had hurt him again and again for so many times already Minho finally got tears in his eyes, just for thinking he is losing the boy he really loves.

He understands it completely when Taemin said he hates boys just now.

And Minho thought he was an exception.

Minho knows he's wrong.

He was never an exception for Taemin.

Thank you so much for the comments you guys dropped for me :)
I really love them ^-^ I am in rush now, sorry I can't do the personal replies..
Wait for the final shot, ne :) -hugs-


p/s : Please welcome fcuz's Yejun as a cameo, lol XD

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Chapter 3: in many fanfictions or in their real life, minho is always an exception for taemin :'') pure love <3
Chapter 3: i was reading this while listening to SHINee's always love... and i think the song goes really well with this story... =)
I really like it and I found it very nice and cute when Minho gives Taemin his first kiss :)
I cried :') You shld write more of these ^-^ (y) really... srsly... really touching :">
To be honest, I love this <3 It's all about pure love, admiration and dedication <3
I always love everything in your stories <3
GOD! such a beautiful ending..
*crying of happiness*
so sad!!
of course MINHO is an exception..
he is CHOI MINHO, the one u LOVE Minnie!!!!
Cilover #9
Beautiful...loved it <333
So beautiful T^T