Important Note

Just Stay With Me


I just wanted to thank 000095 and Faith12 for the amazing posters! I will use them both equally throughout this story!!

I'm sorry this wasn't an update I promise to try to update tomorrow if I'm not busy because I have to plant some flowers for a project tomorrow and things have been chaos!

Thank you for all the comments, it has seriously made me so happy and I will update the 2nd chapter on this A/N so stay tuned!

Thanks for all your patients and I'm sorry I can't update fast it's just I only get inspiration every once in awhile and if I rush it i'll have a break down and likely delete this. I don't want that to happen!


Thanks all! Love you guys. 


p.s I love you yeobo grace.

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Chapter 3: I was cleaning out my subscriptions and I came across this story. Do you remember when I used to jump on you and beg for an update? Not literally of course. :3 I hope you remember me. e u e That sounded creepy.
Ahhh this is soooo good, you just earned yourself a new subscriber :]
Mehehe. Only story that's not complete yet! I've read all of your stories. Please PLEASE update! I need to know what happens next!
Please update soon!!!!!
This is so cute o^o
Yay! You updated!!!
I LOVE IT! update soon~
OmO plz update soon
LollyTrolly #9
Hi,I love your story!!!Please update soon :DD
I made a poster for you:
Hope you like it (: