Fast Forward

Just Stay With Me

Fast Forward ►► 

The year was 2014. The month was June. The day was the 3rd.

Can you believe it... almost 4 years has passed since the last time I saw Taemin... The next day it was all over the school... The news about his leaving, they were shocked some people were even crying. It's funny what reason did they have to cry over him? It was a lot different after he left but of course the students had to learn to get over and accept the fact that he wasn't coming back. So of course the school year went on, we all graduated as planned. It wasn't like it was the end of the world. So why did people act like it was? Did taemin really have a big empact on everybodies life? I learned to move on.... and I did. I went to college like any other student, I even dated a bit. It never really worked out though... My relationships. They all told me I seemed off, dazed. No.. I refuse to believe he made me like this. On that very day he left I swore to move on. What choice did I have? So back to me...

It was a warm June day. I had already packed all my stuff ready to go back home for the summer. My mom had called earlier that day she told me how excited she was to see me, how much she missed me.... You know all that stuff mothers say to their kids who come back from college. "______." I heard a knock on the door. I looked up and smiled. "My parents are here." Nana, my roommate said walking up to me. I got up from my bed and hugged her tightly. "I'll see you?" I said as she nodded. "I hope you have a fantastic summer! Don't forget to call me and webcam me and text me and any possible thing! Even write me letters if you can't do all that!" She rambled on making me smile on how happy she seemed. "I'll be sure to call you at least 20 times a week!" "That's my girl!" She laughed and hugged me once more. "Be happy ______, okay? have a really good time and make wonderful memories!" We both said our goodbyes and soon after she left.  Nana was a sweet girl. She always knows how to cheer me up. We've been rommates for the passed 2 years and I've trust her enough to tell her most of my past. She was a hopeless romantic so she believes that one day I'll find my 'one true love.' Sometimes I wonder what goes through that girls head!

Ring Ring

"Hello?" "______!" The voice of my little brother boomed through the speakers. "Give me the phone... YAH YAH UMMA! CALM DOWN! STOP IT! OMO! hello? Hello?! UMMMAA! WHAT THE HECK?!"  "Hello?" "Oh! _____." My fathers voice replied. "Your umma and brother are in a bit of a dispute, anyways we're down in the lobby do you need me to help you with your bags?" "I can manage, see you in a bit dad." I smiled and hung up. To be honest I never missed my mom and brother's fights more then I do now. I was finally going home... Who knows maybe something interesting might happen this summer? 

I made my way down to the lobby to be attacked into a giant hug by my mother then slapped really hard on the back by my little brother.... Man! when did he get so strong? The car ride was quite amusing, of course my mother and brother had another little fight, they questioned me about any boys and my father talked about his job and how good it was going. Soon enough we were home. My father helped me with my bags as we made our way inside the house. "It's good to have you home ______." He blurted helping me with my last bag. I smiled at him and hugged him. "It's good to be back appa."

The rest of the day went by pretty fast, my mom had made a big dinner to welcome me home, she made a lot of my favorite foods. Oh! and I also found out my brother has a girlfriend... that little booger is growing up so fast. Next time they hang out I am so going to embarrass him! Hehe... I'm getting excited thinking about all the evil things I can bring up. Like how he still sleeps with a stuffed animal even though he's 15! Oohh yeah he's going to be so embarrassed!

"Yah! why do you have that stupid weird expression on your face?" I looked up to see who interrupted  my thoughts... Speaking of the devil! I just glared at him. "Hey ching, mom wants to talk to you after you get that stupid expression off your face." He smirked. That little ! I gritted my teeth. He walked off as I glared at his back. You just wait you little turd!!

I walked into the kitchen to see my weird smiling mother. "Hey umma, you needed me?" I asked sitting down on a stool placing me elbows on the counter. "Actually I have a favor to ask...." She began. I looked at her waiting for her to go on. "Well... you see your father is having a business party and I was wondering if you'd please go with us!" She looked at me with puppy dog eyes. "You mean one of those fancy boring parties where I have to dress up and talk to all there well mannered kids?" I rolled my eyes. "No thank you!" "______! Please! For your umma! don't make me go alone please!! My beautiful daughter who I love!" She pleaded. Annoyed after awhile I agreed. "YAAAAY!" She squealed happily. "Tomorrow we're going to buy a dress and get your hair done and nails! I'm so excited!" Oh man.... I started regretting ever saying yes. It seemed like she was way more excited then I was.... What did I get myself into?!

I figured I already made her happy so I guess I can go a long with it for just one day. Sighing, I made my way to bed. Tomorrow was going to be one heck of a long day.





So... here was as you can say... a sneak peak. I thought it was unfair so I wrote this. My back is hurting... It's 2:14 am and I was suppsed to be asleep a long time ago. Like I said this was a sneak peak there is still A LOT more to go... So I hate to say this but the wait will have to be a bit long because I have decided to make fast forward one long chapter so it wont confuse my readers, a lot of is going to happen. Excuse my language I'm being a pottey mouth. Thanks for reading and tell me what you think of my plan!



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Chapter 3: I was cleaning out my subscriptions and I came across this story. Do you remember when I used to jump on you and beg for an update? Not literally of course. :3 I hope you remember me. e u e That sounded creepy.
Ahhh this is soooo good, you just earned yourself a new subscriber :]
Mehehe. Only story that's not complete yet! I've read all of your stories. Please PLEASE update! I need to know what happens next!
Please update soon!!!!!
This is so cute o^o
Yay! You updated!!!
I LOVE IT! update soon~
OmO plz update soon
LollyTrolly #9
Hi,I love your story!!!Please update soon :DD
I made a poster for you:
Hope you like it (: