t w o

different || soonhoon




his eyes slightly opened when he heard the loud ringing of his alarm clock go off, realising that he had just left it on due to fatigue of producing the night before. he groaned soon after, knowing that now, after three hours of sleep, he won’t be able to go back into the moment he enjoyed oh so much.


deciding to get up and brush his teeth is he wasn’t going to go back to sleep, he walked down the corridor to the smallish bathroom he had, did what he had to do and left to go back to his room. 


he looked at his computer screen that had joined the club that the alarms were in, and saw that he had a notification room from skype, from hoshi, asking for the two to call, and by that he meant that he would show his face, and ‘woozi’ wouldn’t, but instead just talk to the male. 


over time jihoon had realised that the butterflies in his stomach were not from nervousness whenever the two were about to call each other, but instead a small crush of sorts, he liked him, and he was okay with that. he knew of his uality before he met the male, so getting a crush on a boy that was somehow adorable and hot was unavoidable, and he didn’t try to dodge it.


the two talked for hours, either about upcoming projects or whatever came to mind, and how much hoshi wanted to dress up this random cat he saw on the street 3 days ago. it was a nice time for both sides, talking freely with each other without any care about people knowing who they were.


in the middle of their conversation, woozi could faintly hear a door creek and make a small slamming noise as it closed. after making the conclusion that his roommate was there, since hoshi went to a boarding school that wasn’t quite a boarding school.


he heard them ask “hey soonyoung, who are you talking to?” and jihoon took a minute to work out that he didn’t actually know the boys name until now.


“woozi, why? wanna say hi?” he questioned the boy back while jihoon let out a grunt, he hated talking to people he didn’t know. so when the boy agreed and came over to where soonyoung sat, it was weird, so he let out a small hi before his mother actually saved him, calling the boy downstairs.


he ended the call with hoshi, and walked down the carpeted stairs so see both his parents sitting down on the sofa, a piece of paper in their hands and looking intimidating. he sat down across from them, along what they wanted. 


his mother placed the paper down on the table, while saying thy some changes were going to be made in his life. he was surprised, like anyone would be in that kind of situation, and that he didn’t like change in the slightest.


he saw is father sigh before opening his mouth to say the change that jihoon had been expecting.


“you’re moving schools jihoon, but it’s not a local one, you’ll be living at the school while you attend it, you gotta scholarship there jihoon” 


it was a lot for the boy to take in in one go, having to deal with two things he hated the most in one day, new people and change.


his eyes stayed wide, before he asked when he’ll be moving, and to make the entire situation worse than it already was 


“monday, so you need to start packing all of your stuff now, sorry for it being so sudden.”


jihoon now knew, that his life was e d 



after packing the majority of his clothes, he walked back over to his computer and types out a message to the elder.


hey, hoshi, sorry for leaving so suddenly, but i just got told im moving schools so life isn’t great ya get me



get you lol it’s fine, good luck there tho, your prolly gonna need it. 


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berrymilk #1
Chapter 2: It's cute and interesting, why ppl didn't subscribe this?
I love how the progress between jihoon and soonyoung flow naturally
And jihoon's small crush is cute >.< (I bet sonnyoung too tho)
I think you shud set this story as subscribers only, so ppl won't just read and go as they please :)
Keep writing and fighting~ see you on next chap!
Chapter 2: Ohuhu I have a feeling that this new school of jihoon's is going to be were soon young goes! Can't wait to see if they do meet!!