Truth or Dare?

kitten kisses









“So, what’s so exciting about this place?” Baekhyun asked as he looked over the span of greenery and woodland.


“Its better when the other schools get here.” Luhan explained, throwing his arm over Baekhyun’s shoulders.


“How many schools come here?” Baekhyun asked, looking at the vast flat area.


“About 6 from the surrounding area.” Luhan shrugged. “Oh and St Worham but I wouldn’t worry about them they don’t interact with us.”


“Who are they?”


Luhan pursed his lips. “These posh pricks who board at an all-boys school about 20 miles from here, they don’t pay any attention to us so don’t worry about that yeah?”


Baekhyun nodded, making a mental note to stay clear.





“I can’t believe you don’t know how to put up a tent.” Luhan groaned, rolling his eyes at Baekhyun’s helplessness.


“I’ve never been camping before, how would I know?” He defended, crossing his arms over his chest.


“Oh god here it comes.” Luhan grimaced, shielding his eyes from the sun and looking past Baekhyun to a coach full of around 30 St Worham boys.


Baekhyun turned, he couldn’t make out any of the faces but the way they walked told him everything he needed to know. He turned back to Luhan, who had just finished putting up the tent.


“Why do you hate them so much?” Baekhyun questioned, shielding his eyes from the scorching sun. Luhan looked up, pointing to the flock of males in suits.


“Do you think people like that have any worries in the world?” Luhan’s words came out bitter, causing Baekhyun to flinch. The blonde walked over to Baekhyun’s side, putting a hand on his shoulder as he followed Baekhyun’s gaze to the bus in the distance. “People like that don’t mix with people like us. Just how it is.” Baekhyun detected a slight hint of sadness in Luhan’s tone but brushed it off, getting the impression that the latter wouldn’t want to talk about it.







“How long do we have to sleep here again?”


“Just the weekend Sehun, grow some balls.” Jongin laughed, pulling his suitcase out of the bus. “Oh, what’s caught your attention Yeol?” he smirked, watching his tall best friend stare at a small gathering of tents about ten meters away.


“What school’s that?” Chanyeol asked, ignoring Jongin’s question.


“No idea, why?” Sehun frowned, squinting to try and figure out what Chanyeol was staring at.


Chanyeol dragged his eyes from the petite pink haired boy staring back at him. “Because they’ve got the best spot. Let’s set up near there.”


Jongin put his head to one side, the area was flat, there wasn’t really any good areas but arguing with Chanyeol was useless. Jongin shook his head. “Privileged .” He muttered while pulling his luggage towards the group of tents, Chanyeol following, hands in pockets.


“Are you sure about this Yeol?” Jongin asked as they neared the spot Chanyeol wanted. “Because that one looks like he wants to kill you.” Jongin tried to hide his laughter at the blonde stranger’s disgusted face.


“What are you doing?” The boy spat, attracting the attention of the others around him.


“Are we not allowed to set up here?” Chanyeol crossed his arms, smirk evident on his face, the smaller scoffed. “I’m surprised you want to be near us. You’re Park Chanyeol aren’t you.”


Chanyeol raised his eyebrows, clearly amused. “Are you a fan?”


“Chanyeol shut up, lets just go somewhere else why do you always insist on being difficult?” Sehun grabbed at Chanyeol’s shoulder, trying to turn him around but the taller’s attention was concentrated on the small figure that had emerged out of the blonde boy’s tent.


The taller watched intently as the short boy’s eyes ran over him and his two friends, pushing some of his light pink fluffy hair out of his eyes and squinting due to the sun. “Lu, what’s going on, I heard arguing.” His voice was soft and sweet, too bad his words were not directed at the mesmerised male and rather the scowling blonde boy who looked like he wanted to skin the three of the alive.


“Nothing Baek.” He turned his attention towards the shorter male. “Just some bastards thinking they have the right to everything this world has to offer.”


Ignoring the comment Chanyeol put on his most charming grin, reaching his hand out to the beautiful confused male. “Hi I’m Park Chanyeol, you probably know me.” He grinned, not forgetting to wink subtly.


Jongin rolled his eyes. “Jesus Christ get over yourself.” He muttered under his breath.


The boy took his hand cautiously, awkwardly smiling at the overly confident giant. “Never heard of you but I’m By- Kim Baekhyun.” He corrected himself quickly, smiling nervously before his hand was ripped out of Chanyeols grip by a very angry looking Luhan, who scowled at the taller.


“Baekhyun? I like that.” Chanyeol let the name roll off his tongue, where had he heard that before?


“Is that all?” Luhan asked, raising his eyebrows. “If so then please leave, you’re blocking the sun and Baek looks uncomfortable.”


Chanyeol turned smugly to the pink haired boy. “Do I make you uncomfortable Baek?”


Baekhyun’s eyes shot up at the sound of the giant calling him by his nickname. “N-no.” Baekhyun inwardly cursed for stammering. He felt so small under the intense stare of the taller, sending light shivers down his spine.


Chanyeol grinned cheekily. “Oh perfect, so we’ll set up right here as Baek doesn’t seem to have any objections.” He caught Luhan’s eye.


Luhan made a disgusted face. “’Baek’? Do you think you’re close enough to call him that?” He challenged, making Baekhyun shrink back into the tent, regretting ever coming out in the first place.


“I’d like to be.” Chanyeol winked at Baekhyun who was peering at him through the doorway of their tent.


Baekhyun felt heat rising to his cheeks. What did he mean? Surely he was just joking.. Yeah that must be it he nodded to himself, hearing Luhan sigh in relief that the three boys were busy putting up their tent and not annoying him.


“Can you believe them?” He asked and he joined Baekhyun in their tent. “They think the entire world revolves around them its crazy.”


Baekhyun hummed softly, thinking about other things he could’ve said to the giant.


“Well hopefully that will be the last time we interact with them.” Luhan laughed, rolling out his bedding.


“Yeah..” Baekhyun agreed, feeling a twang of sadness at that.


He was pulled put of his thoughts by an over excited Lay bounding into the tent. “We’ve made a campfire.” He grabbed Baekhyun’s wrist and dragged him out of the tent, leaving a confused Luhan and a glaring Chanyeol.


“Ohmygod why does everyone love him?” Luhan shouted in annoyance after Lay as he emerged from the tent to walk to the campfire.






“I’ve never seen you so obsessed with someone Yeol.” Sehun laughed as he watched his friend searching ‘Kim Baekhyun in every search engine he could find.


“Its like he’s never been on the internet before, there’s nothing.” Chanyeol threw his hands up in defeat, looking over at the campfire several meters away, Baekhyun was sandwiched between two guys that were both far too close for Chanyeol’s liking.


“Or he gave you a fake name.” Jongin piped up, his grin dropping when Chanyeol shot him a glare.


“Yeah it did sound like he was going to say something else and then changed it.” Sehun shrugged, trying to remember the beginning of the name Baekhyun had retracted on. “Beom?”


“Beom Baekhyun.” Chanyeol searched, looking down the page. “Nope, not that.”


“Maybe the Baekhyun part is the fake part.” Jongin suggested.


Chanyeol sighed audibly. “Okay, name suggestions. Go.” He pointed at Sehun who was cut off by Jongin.


“You want to search every Korean name in existence until you find him. Why not just have your dad do a background check on him.”


Chanyeols eyes lit up. “Oh yeah.” He chuckled. “Sometimes I forget I’m rich.”


Jongin made a face. “No, you don’t.”


“But I need a photo.” Chanyeol concluded.


“Well take one then.” Sehun shrugged, Chanyeol rolled his eyes.


“No, you idiot, I can’t just walk up to the guy and ask to take his photo. I’m going to ask if he wants to take a photo with me, he’s not going to turn that down.”


Sehun frowned, finding a serious flaw in Chanyeols plan. “Pretty sure he didn’t know who you were until an hour ago.”


Jongin tried to hold back laughter. “Out of all the people that have thrown themselves at you, the one that you like isn’t interested.”


“What makes you say that?” Chanyeol’s eyebrows knotted as he closed his laptop.


Jongin squinted. “Could it be because he actually got back into his tent to avoid talking to you more?” He shot his friend a -eating grin.


“I mean he’s got a point Yeol, why don’t you just choose someone else?”


Chanyeol raised an eyebrow. “And where’s the fun in that?”







“You missed Baekhyun getting hit on by this posh prick.” Luhan informed his friends, watching Baekhyun’s cheeks heat up.


Kris stiffened as the word left Luhan’s mouth. “Who?” He asked darkly.


“Park Chanyeol.” Luhan made a puking noise that made Baekhyun frown.


“I didn’t think he was that bad, plus he wasn’t hitting on me he was just being friendly.” Baekhyun argued.


Luhan stared blankly at his oblivious friend. “If I didn’t drag you back he would still be holding your hand now.” He scoffed. Baekhyun tried to hide his smile, getting a mental image of Chanyeol holding his hand.


“Why did he hold your hand?” Lay asked before shoving an entire smore into his mouth.


“You’re disgusting.” Luhan grimaced, watching Lay frown in confusion. “What?” He asked, spraying crumbs all over his lap.


“My point exactly.” Luhan retorted. Turning his attention back to Baekhyun. “So for your sake in locking tent and urging you to wear 5 extra layers.”


“It’s going to be cold at night?” Baekhyun asked, worried, he felt the cold a lot.


Lay chuckled. “You’re so innocent its crazy Baek, never let anyone taint you.”


Bakehyun frowned. ‘taint?’ That sounded painful and Baekhyun wanted nothing you do with it.


“Especially not Park Chanyeol.” Kris spat, looking behind him to see the three boys crowding round a laptop screen. “Do you want me to sleep in your tent tonight in case he tries anything?” Kris asked, his gaze softening when he met Baekhyun’s.


“N-no it’s fine I don’t think he’s a violent person.” Baekhyun assured them.


“Its not violence you should be fearing Baek.” Lay explained “Chanyeol goes to an all-boys school and no offence but you’re very feminine, he’ll use that in his advantage.”


“But if he wants female friends than surely, he’d just go and talk to the girls from our school, so I’m fine.” He smiled, thinking he’d cracked the code.


Lay shook his head, eyes on Baekhyun. “You oblivious idiot.”





“Stop staring or you’ll inflate his ego even more.” Luhan rolled his eyes, watching his friend stare helplessly at the tall male laughing with about 8 boys infront of his tent.


“He’s got good teeth.” Baekhyun commented, turning to Luhan. “They make his smile look amazing.”


“Probably gets them whitened every Thursday.” Luhan retorted, trying to distract himself by reading.


“Do you think he’s single?” Baekhyun asked absent mindedly.


“No.” Luhan snapped. Causing Baekhyun’s smile to falter.


“Y-yeah that’s what I was thinking I mean he’s tall and confident what girl could resist that huh?” Baekhyun rambled. Swallowing down the disappointment.


“Hm. Pretty sure it’s his heavy wallet that draws them in.” Luhan pursed his lips, looking up. “Oh god speak of the devil.”


Baekhyun whipped his head around to be met with Chanyeol’s warm chocolate eyes. “H-hi.” Baekhyun stammered, he could almost hear Luhan rolling his eyes.


“Evening gorgeous.” Chanyeol leaned on the tree next to where Baekhyun was sitting, studying the smaller. “We’re playing truth or dare, care to join us?” Chanyeol held out his hand for Baekhyun to take, his smile warm and inviting but his eyes were full of mischief and something else that Baekhyun couldn’t quite pick up on.


Every bone in Baekhyuns body was telling him to stay put, out of all the games Chanyeol and his friends could be playing this was the most unfortunate for Baekhyun’s situation. Under diferent circumstances Baekhyun would have turned down the idea, as it would be putting himself in danger. But Chanyeols eyes were so mesmerising Baekhyun found himself nodding dumbly before letting Chanyeol take his hand and lead him over to his tent. Ignoring Luhan’s shouts.




Baekhyun watched the bottle spin round in the middle of the group of guys, landing on an unfamiliar face.


The boy who he now knew as Jongin grinned mischievously. “Okay Kyungsoo, truth or dare?”


“Truth.” Kyungsoo grinned, ignoring Sehun’s chant of him being too boring.


“Okay.” Jongin began. “Kyungsoo if you had to bed one person in this circle who would it be?”


Kyungsoo’s eyes darted over the guys around him before smiling. “Chanyeol.”


Baekhyun swallowed. Did Chanyeol and Kyungsoo have a thing then? He felt his insides knotting at the thought.


Chanyeol laughed it off, reaching to spin the bottle as Sehun raised his eyebrows. “Someone doesn’t seem too happy with that answer.” He smirked, his eyes on Baekhyun who immediately wiped the frown off his face before Chanyeol saw, offering Sehun an awkward smile and catching the eye of Kyungsoo who looked less than happy with this new-found information.


Chanyeol spun the bottle, trying to hide his excitement when it landed on a certain pink haired beauty sitting next to him. “Alright Baek, truth or dare?” He asked lowly, his eyes sparkling.


Baekhyun thought for a second, he remembered Sehun’s groans when Kyungsoo picked truth.. He didn’t want Chanyeol to think he was boring right? “Dare.” He nodded. Getting a whoop of approval from Sehun.


“This is the part when you dare him to kiss you Yeol.” Jongin chuckled at Baekhyuns red face.


“Not with all you bastards here thanks.” Chanyeol retorted, Baekhyun could feel Kyungsoo’s eyes burning holes through his but he refused to meet them, knowing that it would just intimidate him.


“Take a photo with me.” Chanyeol ordered, getting his phone out.


A boy who Baekhyun didn’t recognised scoffed. “What sort of dare is that Chan?”


Jongin and Sehun exchanged knowing looks as Chanyeol got his phone ready putting his ram round Baekhyun to pose for the photo. Baekhyun knew that if this photo came up online then he would be tacked in a matter of seconds but Chanyeols arm around him was just too nice to pass up on. He was so close to the taller that he could smell his cologne mixed with the smell of campfires, he concluded that Chanyeol was even more perfect up close. His eyes scanned over his perfect skin and tempting lips, he could’ve stared forever if it wasn’t for the sound of a photo being taken, causing him to drag his eyes away in embarrassment, moving away from the taller as he admired the photo.


“Wow Baek you’re staring at me pretty lovingly here.” He whispered into the smaller’s ear so that no one heard, causing the younger to shiver at the hot breath fanning his earlobe. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you had a crush on me.” He smirked, causing Baekhyun to look away so he wouldn’t catch him blushing.


“I-I should go back now.” Baekhyun murmured, getting up and walking as fast as he could back to his tent.


“You guys saw that too right?” Chanyeol asked excitedly once Baekhyun was gone.


“What? Him blowing you off to go and sleep? Yeah we sadly witnessed that Yeol.” Jongin sniggered.


“Yeol would love Baekhyun to blow him off.” Sehun smirked, causing Chanyeol to flip them both off.


“No, that was definitely an invitation.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.


“You’re so at reading body language Chan.” Hwanhee raised an eyebrow. “The boy looked scared, you should probably leave him alone.”


Chanyeol got up and fixed his hair. “I know what I saw.” He grinned before following the path that Baekhyun had taken.






Author's note:


Just a quick disclaimer that this hasn't been proof read (you can probablly tell) as I wanted to get it out as soon as I could so sorry about that I will proof read asap. :)

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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 3: Wow that was unexpected. Does this mean chanyeol 's family and baek's family knew each other? And will chanyeol dad make baekkie as a ransom to do something to baek's family?
Poor baekkie, he must be so afraid..... Oh i am so excited for more....
Chapter 1: Promising first chapter! I’m really curious what will happen during the camping trip..... Can’t wait for the next update! Very well done!