New life

kitten kisses

Chanyeol ran his hand through his dark tousled hair, squinting at the bright blaring TV of his boarding house. He mindlessly stared at the depressing headlines, choosing to be oblivious of the chaos of boys getting ready for school behind him as his brushed his teeth carelessly.

“And finally, we have caught word that the heir to Byun industries has stepped down and been refused any right to the large inheritance being left to him, the reasoning is unknown and his grandparents are yet to speak out about the new-found controversy.” The news anchor stacked up her papers while the ending scenes played out of the CEO of Byun industries and his wife showing no emotion to the press pestering and buzzing around them.


“Idiot.” Chanyeol scoffed. “Why would you give up your place at the top without a reason.”


Of course, Chanyeol knew there had to be a reason, he knew of Byun industries, everyone did. They were one of the top richest families in the world, why would a 17-year-old boy want to leave that?



“Oi, Park did you hear about little Byun? Strange huh?” Jongin frowned, throwing his arm over his friend’s shoulder as they walked out of their boarding house towards the green. “He’s nobody now, they’ve never released a photo of him, must be -ugly to be kept locked away like this.”


Chanyeol shrugged. “He’s the same age as us, he would have had something to fall back on.”


Jongin nodded in agreement. “I still pity him, must be having a real tough time on his own after being protected and spoilt for years.”







“Annnnnnnnnnd that’s 5 to me and 1 to you I should think.” Baekhyun shot his stepdad a wide grin at his victory, who scoffed and dropped the controller on the carpet in defeat.


“Go easy on him Darling, he’s new to all these video games you play.” A slim dark-haired woman sat on the sofa behind the two males who were sprawled on the carpet with a bowl of crisps and two xbox controllers. She smiled lovingly at the scene. She hadn’t expected her son and new husband to hit it off as well as they had.

“That’s his fault for challenging me.” Baekhyun flicked some strands of newly dyed baby pink hair out of his dark puppy-like eyes.



This wasn’t the situation Baekhyun would have expected to ever happen a year ago, living in the iron grip of his grandparents and father was tough. To the outside, being born into one of the wealthiest families in the world was a dream come true but to Baekhyun it was daily torture. He wasn’t treated like a human being; all his decisions were made for him and his whole life was planned out.

But worst of all was the bloodline rule, Baekhyun was already engaged in the eyes of his family, it was a business plan and he was being used as a business tactic.


His Mum had him young, 18 to be exact, she came from a middle-class family who owned a farm out in the British country-side. She had everything going for her, beauty, brains and she loved everyone. Even Baekhyun’s grandparents, who had flicked her away like dirt the moment they had laid their eyes on her.


If kdramas happened in real life then you’d probably expect for Baekhyun’s dad to fight for her and their unborn son. That didn’t happen. During the divorce settlement the Byun family were given full custody over Baekhyun, only allowing him to see his mum through skype.



Baekhyun was pulled from his thoughts by his mum’s soft voice. “I forgot to tell you that your uniform has arrived.” She smiled, more excited than her son. “You’re going to look so cute in the woollen jumper.” She cooed, holding up the royal blue cardigan against Baekhyun’s chest.


He squirmed at her comment. “Muuum I’m not cute, I’m almost 18.”


The woman smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “You’ll always be cute Baekkie.”


Baekhyuns step-dad laughed at the scene. “Leave the boy alone Hyelin, he’s grown a lot since he’s been away.”


Baekhyuns mum shot her husband a warning look, not liking to bring up Baekhyun’s past.


“Try it on sweetheart!” She pushed the bundle of clothes into her sons arms and ushered him off into his room, closing the door.


Baekhyun stared at the clothes in his arms, his mum had already washed them, he could smell the sweet fabric softener she used, he felt himself smile. It was little things like that which really made him realise what he had been missing.






The first day nerves were really starting to get to Baekhyun, he had never been to a school before, let alone a state school. He was sure that he would get beaten up within the first few minutes of entering the large brick building.


“Just keep your head down and you’ll be fine.” His step-dad told him, keeping his eyes on the road as Baekhyun twiddled his thumbs in the back.


His mum gasped, hitting her husband on the arm lightly. “Rob! What sort of advice is that?” she frowned disapprovingly before turning in her seat to face her son. “Just keep smiling, you have a beautiful smile, you’ll make friends in no time.”


Baekhyun nodded, ignoring the worry in his mother’s eyes as they reached the gates of the school. “Make sure to call us if anything happens and Ill come get you.” Rob called as Baekhyun got out of the car onto the concrete floor of the carpark. “We love you sweetheart, enjoy yourself.” His mum squeezed his hand lovingly before the car started moving out of the carpark. Baekhyun watched it go, feeling more alone that he had ever been.


Looking down at his feet he kicked a small stone by his shoe, lifting his gaze to watch the hundreds of students flood into the main entrance of the school, clutching his bag straps he followed the crowd, trying not to bump into anyone or make any eye contact at all.




It took him no time to find his first class as the rooms were in order going up the corridors, Baekhyun thanked whatever angel was looking over him that there was an empty seat at the back of the English classroom. He tried to ignore the eyes that followed him up the class as he walked to his seat, keeping his head down and eyes on the ground.


Now his only hope was to keep that up until he graduated and he’d be good.


That plan was shattered when the teacher beckoned him to the front, her eyes smiling at him like he should be happy that she made him centre of attention. Oh, she had no idea.


“Class, this is Baekhyun Kim, he will be joining us from today onwards hopefully so I want you all to make him feel welcome yes?”


Baekhyun chose not to correct her mixing up the order of his name but instead kept silent, wishing for the blank stares of the class to stop.


“Now I’m entrusting you Luhan to look after Baekhyun, you must have a lot in common, coming to the UK from Korea.”


The small blonde boy or ‘Luhan’ frowned, putting his head on one side. “I’m Chinese.”


“Oh yes of course, well I’m sure there’s still a lot you can teach Baekhyun about the UK and the schools here.”


Baekhyun kept silent still, choosing not to correct her on the fact that he had lived in Britain his whole life. Luhan offered him a small smile, catching him off guard,


“Anyway.” The teacher ushered him back to his seat. “I’m Mrs Grant and I will be teaching you all English until the end of the year.”






“So, Korea huh?” Luhan asked he strolled out of Mrs Grant’s classroom, Baekhyun keeping up.


“Actually no. I’ve only been once.” Baekhyun confessed as they sat down at a spare table in the dining hall.


Luhan frowned. “So where are you from candy floss?” He asked, ruffling Baekhyun’s baby pink locks.


Baekhyun reached to smooth out his fringe. “I was home schooled in London.”


Luhan made a face of disgust. “Ugh gross! So, you’ve never been to a proper school before? Wow that’s some mean girls right there.” Luhan scoffed, fishing an apple out of his bag and taking a bite.


“Mean what?” Baekhyun asked, watching Luhan’s mouth drop, displaying the half-eaten apple.


Before the blonde could attack Baekhyun with a pro mean girls rant a dark-haired boy sat next to him, offering Baekhyun a sweet smile which showed off his dimples. “Hi I’m Yixing but call me Lay.” He grabbed Baekhyun’s hand, shaking it before pulling his lunch box out of his bag.


Luhan turned to Lay, leaning on the table. “I’ve got a bone to pick with you.” His rage towards Baekhyun long forgotten.


“Hm?” Lay asked, his mouth full of the BLT he had just taken a bite of.


“Heard you promised Kris you’d sit with him on the bus this weekend.” Luhan clicked his tongue, waiting for Lay to finish his mouthful.


“Yeah, so?”


Luhan’s jaw dropped, looking at Baekhyun to make sure he was indeed seeing what he was. “Are you serious?! You also promised me dip!”


Lay frowned for a second before his eyes widened in realisation. “Ohhh yeah sorry.” He chuckled. “But now you can just sit with Stephanie.”


“Who?” Luhan frowned.


Lay gestured to Baekhyun, who was lost in his own world trying to peel an orange.


“One, his name is Baekhyun and two, I don’t even know if he’s going.” Luhan explained, pinching the bridge of his nose.


“Going to what?” Baekhyun asked, putting a segment into his mouth.


“It’s a field trip this weekend, camping.” Lay explained.


“Oh.. I don’t think id be allowed.” Baekhyun scratched his nape.


“Why?” Lay laughed


“He’s been home-schooled his whole life.” Luhan shook his head at Baekhyun, the two stared as if he was some strange artefact.


“Wow, that’s ed.” Lay scoffed.


“I know, don’t spread it, I’ve kinda been put in charge of him, if anything happens I’ll get the blame.”


“Thanks.” Baekhyun mumbled, getting a wink from Luhan.



The silence that followed was broken by a tray being almost thrown onto the table next to Baekhyun. “Is it illegal to cut a teachers hair with safety scissors?” The voice asked. “Because this school ing thinks so.” The boy sat down next to Baekhyun, reeking of aftershave.


Baekhyun went back to eating his orange, aware of the eyes that were scanning up and down his body. “Woah Lu who’s this?” He asked, Baekhyun turned his gaze towards the taller, trying to read his expression.


“He’s called Baekhyun. He’s been home-schooled but don’t spread it Kris.” Lay replied, getting a glare from Luhan. “Oh, so he’s your friend now huh?”


“Not the only thing I’d spread.” Kris spoke in a dangerously low tone, Baekhyun was confused to what the taller meant. Oh of course, Kris had a sandwich which he needed to spread butter onto. Makes sense. Baekhyun offered him a smile before going back to his orange.


Kris raised his eyebrows at this. “Oh, so that’s something you’d be into?” He smirked, his hand finding its way onto Baekhyun’s knee.


The smaller glanced over at Kris’ tray. “No thank you, I don’t Like tuna. Can you show me where room 34a is Luhan? I have class there next.”


Kris frowned. “Huh?” He watched, bewildered as Baekhyun followed Luhan out of the dining hall, he turned to Lay who was trying to conceal his laughter. “I think he just called you tuna .”






“Come on Hyelin, he’s almost 18 now.”


“I’m just worried about him! Anything could happen whilst camping!”



Baekhyun leaned against the wall of his bedroom, listening to the argument in the kitchen, it didn’t look like he’d be allowed on the trip at this rate.


Sighing, he climbed into bed, curling up and hugging his pillow to his chest.






Baekhyun felt someone shaking his shoulder lightly. He opened his eyes and sat up. “Rob?”


“C’mon and eat, you’re leaving in an hour.” He walked out, leaving Baekhyun’s door ajar.


Baekhyun frowned, it was 5am, struggling out of bed he opened his door, rubbing his eyes due to the light.


“Eat up sweetie. Coach journeys are awful.” His mum smiled, putting a plate full of pancakes on the dining table.


Coach journey? Baekhyun thought for a second before running at his mum and throwing his arms around her. “What made you change your mind?”


She sighed, leaning her head on Baekhyun’s shoulder. “You’re old enough to make the right decisions. We trust you.”



“Call if you need anything okay? We love you!”


“Love you too!” Baekhyun shouted back as he handed his suitcase to a teacher to put under the bus.


“Wow I wish my parents were that loving towards me.” Luhan scoffed. “They don’t even know where I am.”


Baekhyun’s eyes widened. “Then you have to tell them! Oh god its almost breakfast time they’ll know you’re gone.” His tone laced with worry.


Luhan stared back, confused. “You eat breakfast with your family?”




Baekhyun followed Luhan onto the loud bus of people. “Okay just look for two empty seats, doesn’t matter where.” Luhan shouted to Baekhyun who nodded.


About half way down the bus Baekhyun got pulled back by his wrist. “There’s a spare seat here.” Baekhyun turned to face Kris. “Er.. I promised Luhan.”


“He’ll be fine.” Kris shrugged but Baekhyun wasn’t convinced, turning to see Luhan shooting him a confused look. Kris sighed, not loosening his grip on the dainty wrist. “Take it or leave it babe, you’re holding up the line.”


Baekhyun looked behind to see a teacher trying to see what the hold up was. “Okay.” He sat down next to Kris, who looked way too pleased with himself.




The majority of the coach journey was silent between the two boys, Baekhyun could feel Kris staring though and at one point taking photos but he couldn’t be sure.


“So what made you move to y’know.. a normal school?” Kris asked.


Baekhyun knew this would come up at some point so it was a bit stupid he hadn’t thought up an appropriate answer.


“My parents are divorced, I came to live with my mum my stepdad.” Okay, that was good, a half-truth.


Kris nodded understandingly. “I know what that’s like, I haven’t seen my dad in years.” Kris took a deep breath. “But that’s okay, he wasn’t a good guy.”


“Oh.. I’m sorry.” Baekhyun smiled weakly, trying to clear the tension.


“Nah its fine I’m over it, besides everyone has the same sort of going on right?” He laughed bitterly. “Like that Byun kid.” Baekhyun felt his blood turn cold.


“T-the what?” he gripped his hands together in a fight to stay composed.


“You haven’t heard? Pretty much this rich kid gave up everything and he’s on the run somewhere, he was registered as a missing person this morning, unfortunately there’s no photos of him, just a description.” Kris pursed his lips, not noticing the atmosphere that had surrounded Baekhyun.


Why would his grandparents file a missing persons report? They never wanted him anyway, and why now? He’d been gone for a week.


“You okay? You look kinda pale.” Kris observed.


“N-no I’m fine don’t worry.” Baekhyun forced a smile. “How long until we get there?”








“Clear pale skin, dark lidded eyes, thin light pink lips, straight dark hair, sometimes wears glasses, slim. Wow this guy sounds quite cute.” Jongin exclaimed, trying to interest Chanyeol.


“You can’t tell from that, it’s so vague, there’s no hope anyone will find him from a description alone.” Chanyeol scoffed, putting his feet up and looking out of the bus window.


“It says here he’s only 5.7 feet tall.” Jongin cooed, ignoring Chanyeol’s previous comment. “I know you like smaller guys.”


Chanyeol frowned. “I’d rather die than be acquainted in any way with that privileged wit.”


Jongin looked up from his phone. “Chanyeol, you’re a privileged wit.”


Chanyeol smirked. He knew.


“Says here they’re offering one million pounds if someone finds him, could be worth our time.” Jongin raised his eyebrows.


The taller of the two closed his eyes, his eyebrows knotted. “You want to go on a wild goose chase to find a boy who’s probably out of the country or dead in a ditch.”


“Correct.” Jongin nodded. “And when I find him and bring him home safely he will be so grateful and overcome with awe due to my good looks that he will beg to marry me.” Jongin smiled at the image.


“He ran away.” Chanyeol ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t think he’d be too happy to be brought back to square one by some deluded creep.”


“You think he’d fall for you then?” Jondin scoffed. “You have the worst track record with relationships maybe ever.”


Chanyeol smirked, cross his arms over his chest. “I get bored which is why I’m only agreeing to this if we split the money 40:60.”


Jongins eyes lit up. “You’re in?”


“Only if I get 60% yeah.”


Jongin held his hand out. “Deal.”

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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 3: Wow that was unexpected. Does this mean chanyeol 's family and baek's family knew each other? And will chanyeol dad make baekkie as a ransom to do something to baek's family?
Poor baekkie, he must be so afraid..... Oh i am so excited for more....
Chapter 1: Promising first chapter! I’m really curious what will happen during the camping trip..... Can’t wait for the next update! Very well done!