You Can Hide But You Can't Run

kitten kisses






Baekhyun managed to catch his breath as he pulled his sleeping bag over his body, his mind racing. Taking the photo was a mistake, letting himself get caught up with Chanyeol was a mistake. He just had to hope that the photo sat on the taller’s phone, untouched.


He glanced over at Luhan, he was asleep, filling the small tent with the sound of soft breathing. Baekhyun had never listened to someone else sleep before. It was oddly calming for him. He wondered what Chanyeol sounded like when he was sleeping.




Said boy nearly jumped out of his skin at the presence of the giant.


“What are you doing here, you’ll wake Lu!” Baekhyun whispered urgently, unsure of what the tall male wanted from him.


“Come outside then.” Chanyeol suggested, holding the tent door open for the smaller.


Ignoring his gut instincts Baekhyun slipped on a pair of trainers and followed the taller outside, making sure to close the tent door so Luhan wouldn’t get cold.


“What is it?” Baekhyun asked, staring at Chanyeols large almond eyes that seemed to sparkle even in the dark.


Suddenly unsure of himself, Chanyeol scratched his nape, trying to stall as much time with the sleepy boy as he could.


“If there’s nothing then I’m going back to bed.” Baekhyun said softly, rubbing his eye as he turned around.


“No wait!” Chanyeol almost shouted, spinning Baekhyun round to face him. “There is something.”


Baekhyun looked questioningly at the taller, putting his head cutely to one side. “Okay then wha-“


Baekhyun was cut off by a soft pair of lips on his, he froze. He’d never kissed someone before, let alone like Chanyeol was kissing him, fierce and desperate. A few seconds in Chanyeol pulled away abruptly, frowning at the shocked Baekhyun. “Why aren’t you kissing back?” He asked, no one had ever passed up on an opportunity to kiss Park Chanyeol before.


“I-I don’t know how.” Baekhyun admitted shyly, not able to meet the taller’s eyes, which were gazing down on Baekhyun like he was the cutest purest thing to grace the earth.


“You’ve never been kissed before?” Chanyeol asked softly, absentmindedly combing his fingers through Baekhyuns soft pink hair.


Baekhyun shook his head, his gaze finally meeting Chanyeol’s. The taller raised an eyebrow. “I find that hard to believe.”


Baekhyun’s eyes widened. “It’s true! I should have lost my first kiss at my wedding.”


Chanyeol looked at him strangly. “What wedding?”


Baekhyun slapped his hands over his mouth, this was bad and he blamed Chanyeol entirely. “I-I’ve got to go.” Baekhyun panicked, pulling awau from Chanyeol’s hold and back into his tent, making sure the locks were on the zipped door to the tent.


He knew he wouldn’t sleep that night.






Chanyeol walked back to his tent, his mind full of questions and clouded with untended lust. “Kim Baekhyun why do you do this to me?” He asked aloud as he pulled open the tent and slumped down onto his bedding, pulling out his phone.


“Woah, what put you in such a bad mood Yeol?” Jongin asked, peering at his friend over the top of his manga.


“Piss off Jongin.” Chanyeol muttered as he searched through his phone for his fathers contact, he rarely contacted his dad unless he needed something but that was Chanyeol’s philosophy with most people.


Sehun peered over his shoulder, raising his eyebrows. “Still going ahead with the stalking Baekhyun plan huh?”


“We can’t call it that we don’t know his name is Baekhyun.” Jongin reminded him, getting a glare from Chanyeol.


“He said some weird things tonight.” Chanyeol spoke aloud.


“Everyone has secrets Yeol. Maybe its for the best if you don’t know Baekhyun’s” Sehun spoke calmly, watching his friend type an urgent and slight angry text to his dad, as well as attaching the photo he took of Baekhyun that evening.


“Why do you suddenly seem so against this?” Chanyeol frowned. “It’s like you know something I don’t.”


Sehun shrugged. “I’ve just got a bad feeling about it.”










Dawn couldn’t have come sooner for Baekhyun, he couldn’t sleep for even a second last night and was starving.


“Lu!” He shook his friend lightly by the shoulder, not wanting to startle him.


Luhan groaned, pushing Baekhyun’s hand off him. “Baek what the I was sleeping.”


Baekhyun rolled his eyes playfully. “I know but I can smell campfires and I’m hungry.” Baekhyun dragged his whining friend out of his sleeping bag. “Let’s go!”


“Okay okay calm down!” Luhan slipped some shoes on and followed his friend over to the burning campfire, surrounded by their classmates.


Baekhyun sat down next to lay on the edge of a log, looking past the fire over to Chanyeol and his friends collecting firewood with their school, Baekhyun felt bad leaving Chanyeol standing there like that without an explanation, “Now he probably thinks I hate him.” Baekhyun sighed under his breath, drawing shapes into the sand with a stick.



“Wow no fair that school gets to travel here in cars? I would kill not to have Jackson falling asleep on me every second.” A boy near Baekhyun whined. Baekhyun followed his gaze to three black cars parked a few meters away, two men got out of the first one, wearing black suits and Bluetooths which they seemed to be speaking into.


Baekhyun frowned, had something happened?


“It’s sad how Chanyeol gets his security guards to protect him in the middle of nowhere, and as if anyone wants to touch him.” Luhan snorted, raising an eyebrow at the parade that had just arrived.


“Those are Chanyeol’s?” Baekhyun asked, he knew Chanyeol was rich but not rich enough to have body guards.


Luhan nodded and then frowned. “Technically no, they protect his father but if anything happened to him in their presence then they’d be dead.”


Baekhyun nodded, he had his own body guards when living with his Dad’s side but no real danger ever came to him so they weren’t really needed.



Baekhyun watched as Chanyeol ran over, talking into the rolled down window of one of the cars, he looked confused, then angry. Baekhyun wondered what he was being told.








“Yeol your dad’s here.” Sehun pointed behind him, his eyes were first drawn to the small beauty drawing in the mud before he realised three of his dad’s cars had parked right next to Baekhyun’s school. He frowned, his dad hadn’t even responded to the text he had received so Chanyeol presumed nothing came up or he couldn’t be bothered.


Chanyeol jogged over to where the cars were parked, he felt Baekhyun’s eyes on him but he couldn’t react, his father wouldn’t approve of him dating someone like Baekhyun anyway.


He watched the car window roll down to reveal his father, a look of amusement on his face. “Afraid I’m going to have to cut your camping trip a bit short, get in the car.” His tone turned deathly serious at the end, beckoning Chanyeol to get in the car.


“What why? Did something come up?” Chanyeol asked, not wanting to leave Baekhyun this early.


But his dad could see right though his empty questions, he knew Chanyeol didn’t really care if anything had happened in the company. “If you’re worried about leaving Baekhyun then don’t worry.” His dad smiled knowingly.


Chanyeol froze. So Baekhyun was telling the truth about his name. “What are you going to do?” Chanyeol asked through gritted teeth, trying to calm himself down, his dad had ripped apart his friendships before if he didn’t like them, he made people lose their jobs, homes, children. Chanyeol didn’t want Baekhyun caught in any of the his father dished out to people who got in his way.


“He’s coming with us.” His father snapped in a cold tone, beginning to roll the window up but Chanyeol pushed it down, stopping it.


“Is this your reaction to finding out about my uality?” Chanyeol asked, sacred for Baekhyun and angry at himself for being so stupid.


His father looked him dead in the eye, raising his brows. “You really think I didn’t know?” His dad scoffed, rolling the window up again. This time Chanyeol let it go all the way up, staring at his reflection in the -out windows.



He felt himself be lead off by a security guard to the other side of the car, opening the door for him. Chanyeol looked out of the back window at Baekhyun, he looked scared as two of his father’s body guards approached him, he looked like he was crying but Chanyeol couldn’t be sure, he watched as Baekhyun willingly got into the back of the car behind, not raising his head once.


Chanyeol turned to his father, his rage on another level now. “Why did you do that? What did Baekhyun do?” Chanyeol shouted, his father showed no emotion to his scene. He just sighed, his lips curving into a smile.


“Why are you angry? Its pretty amazing you managed to pull this off, maybe a detective would be a better career choice for you.”


Chanyeol frowned, beyond confused. “Dad you better start making sense right now or I’m going to carry Kim Baekhyun out of that car myself.” Chanyeol growled, his gaze dark.


His dad looked even more amused at his, raising his eyebrows and trying to hold back a smile. “Who’s Kim Baekhyun?”


Chanyeol let out a sigh he didn’t realise he was holding in. “God dad its not like you to make this sort of mistake, That’s Kim Baekhyun so you’ve obviously got the wrong guy, I was getting mad then, I’ll go apologise to Baek.” Chanyeol felt stupid for getting so worked up, of course his dad wouldn’t care about innocent little Baekhyun.


“Are you sure?” His dad asked, clearly amused.


Chanyeol turned again. “What aren’t you telling me.”


His dad pointed to the car behind. “Not Kim Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun.”



Chanyeol felt as if someone had punched him in the gut as hard as they could.



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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 3: Wow that was unexpected. Does this mean chanyeol 's family and baek's family knew each other? And will chanyeol dad make baekkie as a ransom to do something to baek's family?
Poor baekkie, he must be so afraid..... Oh i am so excited for more....
Chapter 1: Promising first chapter! I’m really curious what will happen during the camping trip..... Can’t wait for the next update! Very well done!