
Remember The Town
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A/N: Really, really looooonnnnnnggggggggggg update ahead. Brace yourselves and please comment too :]  I said I would follow the voting results but not to worry - there will be a side chapter + epilogue after this. But instead of 10 comments, let's try and bring it up to 15 for the bonus chapter to be revealed <3

And because it's Mother's Day, don't forget to wish all your mum's too :) 


Two weeks.

It's been two weeks since the accident.

Two weeks since Irene has been in a coma. She suffered a couple of broken ribs, a broken wrist and a failing kidney; the doctor did warn that Irene might never regain full use of her hand ever again. The nerves in the broken wrist had been left in an exposed state for too long, and the operation didn't do anything to help that part although Irene can still move the hand to a certain extent. On top of the already terrible news, the one thing no one expected the doctor to say was that Irene required intense physiotherapy... which might mean sessions every day.

Physiotherapy every day, which also means Irene practically has no other way to live her life the way she likes anymore. She can barely be guaranteed another shot at life again.

“Seulgi-unnie?” Yeri calls out softly, patting the sleeping woman’s shoulder. She can only imagine what Seulgi must be feeling at the moment; her best friend just got hit by a car to save her life. Yeri doesn’t want to think about that from Seulgi’s point of view. “Unnie… you need to get up and have breakfast.”

Seulgi practically lugs herself up from her uncomfortable sleeping position, her eyes devoid of all the life and happiness from her past. She can’t bear to stay away from Irene for more than a few hours; her best friend is in this state because of her and her carelessness when crossing the road. Her tears have run dry and her eyes are swollen to the point of almost no return. It suddenly seems as if life has gone downhill and there doesn’t seem to be any sign of stopping this descent into the seventh degree of emotional hell.

“Unnie? How are you feeling today?” Seulgi asks, bending down to dab the damp cotton bud upon Irene’s slightly chapped lips. “I dreamt of how we used to go to work together every day and meeting at the noodle shop during our break.”

As the stories went on, Wendy finds herself awakening from her own sleep with tears rolling down either side of her face. She didn’t want to listen so she pretended to sleep but it seems all her efforts are futile after all. While Seulgi had wonderful dreams about Irene, Wendy had the exact opposite – all she could see in her dreams was Irene walking away from her in that white, flowy dress of hers with feet that barely touched the floor as she moved. It brings back the worst memories of the lot, the same way Irene walked away because she was afraid.

Wendy turns away and remains lying down, her tears slowly unleashing their full potential. She clamps her hand over when she feels sobs threatening to leave her lips. No matter how much Wendy tries to deny it, she will always have that soft spot in her heart for Irene. 


When the doctor first revealed to them the complications after Irene's first operation, Wendy didn't think she'd make it to the next morning. 




“Someone bring me the blood bag! Now!”

The heart rate being displayed on the monitor keeps fluctuating, and it's an extremely risky procedure. Operations are always risky and have a success-failure rate, though this one has to be one of the most dangerous. One major organ has been shut down already, and the impact of the blood loss is becoming clearer to the surgeons.

“Oh God. CPR. NOW!”


“I’m s-sorry. U-Unnie pushed me away…”

“Hush, baby,” Wendy whispers to her weeping girlfriend as she presses a kiss against her forehead, trying to hold back her own tears. She could feel Seulgi’s entire body shaking in her arms and she hates that – it hurts her too. “She won’t blame you, okay? It was an accident. Stop blaming yourself for it.”

No one noticed the tiny droplet slip out of the corner of Wendy’s eye. 

Wendy didn't even get to hear Irene's side of the story for that many years because she never wanted to see her ever again. She didn't want to see the person who caused the biggest heart break for her; the same person who took her first everything just fled because she was afraid. For the same period of time Wendy used to heal herself, she also found a new love interest and definitely got her heart patched up a little. Yet, thoughts of Irene - no, Joohyun - entered her mind every day without fail, the good and bad came to remind her that she'd always live on in her heart.

“It’s a miracle Miss Bae only suffered those injuries because the impact of the accident would have caused a lot more fatal ones… and it’s even more surprising to say that she came out of that operation alive.”

Seulgi falls back into her seat in relief, tears gushing down her cheeks as she sobbed loudly. She doesn’t even realise the sigh of relief coming from her own girlfriend; or the way Wendy continues asking the doctor questions about Irene’s condition and how it’ll be like going forward. She fails to see the way Wendy's hands are balled into fists as the younger continues bombarding the doctor with all her clarifications and constant worries. Her mind is so clouded by the information that Seulgi misses all the tell-tale signs right in front of her. 

All the signs that point out Wendy's feelings that had already been hidden away and locked in a corner of her heart, are now being re-surfacing because of the accident.


End of Flashback.


“Unnie? Irene-unnie! What’s wrong with you?”

It’s Joy’s screaming that snaps Wendy to her senses and she springs off the sofa in a hurry, only to get shocked by the sight in front of her – Irene has her eyes open and her body convulsing non-stop, body slamming back onto the bed as she tries to breathe coherently. Irene doesn't seem to have control over any of her limbs; her intact hand flailing to reach out to someone. The others are too shocked to do anything, but Wendy strides across the room confidently. She can't bring herself to care about the stares she's getting now, not when Irene's in this state. 

Wendy bends slightly and cautiously offers her hand to Irene, eyes widening when Irene grabs it. “Yes, Irene? Yeri has already gone to call the doctors… don’t worry. You’ll be just fine.” Wendy says all this with complete confidence, almost as if there’s no option of Irene being in danger. She finds her hand starting to sweat when Irene’s breathing begins slowing down, her eyes drawing to a close. The moment her hand falls limps, Wendy's tears obstruct her vision.


The others watch as Wendy shakes the unconscious woman; their emotions a mix of both flabbergasted and confusion. Neither of them remember Wendy and Irene getting close during any of their meetings.

When doctors start piling into the room with their equipment, it takes more than just Seulgi to pull her girlfriend away. She doesn’t know if it’s the slight ache in her chest from witnessing something that Wendy hid from her that’s making her weak or not. No matter how hard Seulgi tries, Wendy just won’t budge from her position. Wendy seems to be more upset than any of them that Irene's in such a terrible state; a state where she could leave them any moment. Not there’s any reason for Wendy to be worse than the rest, because she isn’t even close to Irene in the first place. 

“No…” Wendy finally loses control over her emotions, crying into her palms. She doesn’t have the energy to pretend that she doesn’t care about Irene anymore; how could she when the memory of Irene’s eyes softening when they look at her keep entering her mind? 

Seulgi's expression is unreadable and her eyes are abnormally dark. She can't bring herself to go near Wendy because all that's running through her mind is that Wendy most likely has a past with Irene; one that wasn't ever supposed to be exposed. It also brings up a question that Seulgi wishes she could answer but she can’t, because Wendy has never talked about her past relationships… save for one (which is probably the only too). And the story goes like this: Wendy fled from her first love because her partner couldn’t be brave or even be proud to have her.

Similarly, Irene also never dated after her first relationship. If the story aligns so easily, then Seulgi would be the careless one. She knew both sides of the story but didn't take notice of it. The truth really comes out only when one is about to lose their other half... in this case, their first love. 

Joy tries not to stare too hard at Seulgi or Wendy; she has many questions that need to be answered but she’s more concerned for the poor bear sitting in the other corner. Her best friend is always clear of her feelings and she’s just like an open book but this time it seems as if this is diary that was lost has once again been found. Only this time, Seulgi is neither of the two books just like at the beginning of this all; she’s turne into a stranger that picked up the lost diary and is reading the missing pieces of both Wendy and Irene’s past.

She turns to Yeri this time, only to find the younger silent; no tears, no frown – blank. Yeri’s eyes look absolutely dead if anything, and Joy hates it. She hates that they’re suddenly into this situation because they’re all helpless.

“Wendy-unnie,” Joy starts, gaining everyone’s attention. She offers out a hand to Wendy who’s still in the midst of bawling. “Shall we take a walk outside to catch some air?”

The ombre-haired woman nods and decides to step out too; her guilt is already filling her entire chest and it's making her uncomfortable. She doesn't realise how pained Seulgi is too, especially now that a bomb has unintentionally been dropped on her. Both her best friend and girlfriend have hid things from her, even though there had been no ill intention initially. Irene must have hid their past from Seulgi too; if not this wouldn't be too big of a shock. In all honesty, Wendy expected Irene to blurt out the truth after their meeting at the apartment a few days ago. 

Having some fresh air right now feels amazing. It really off-loads their stress and confusion together, though Joy still feels the uncontrollable urge to get some answers right now. Her nerves feel just as unstable as Wendy's and it's clear that the both of them have something in common right now.

“I know what you’re thinking of,” Wendy cuts Joy’s train of thoughts as if she’s been reading them all this while. She rests her hands on the railing in front of her, eyes gazing into the distance. “How I know Joohyun – I mean, Irene – but there’s always an explanation.”

“I promise, I didn’t know Irene and Seulgi were friends at first. I knew Irene as Joohyun years ago… and I never thought that we’d meet again. I was so stubborn and failed to think about how she felt when we were dating, which is why I ran. I only met Seulgi back in my hometown a few years after that incident, and we started off pretty rough. We didn't talk about our past in great detail because y'know, it's all in the past and not the future. I only found out about Irene last month when Seulgi visited me in Canada; I saw her for myself when I met you guys.”

That took a bit of weight off Joy's chest at once; at least she now knows that nothing was planned and Wendy didn't have any ill intention. The story makes her feel pity for Wendy and Irene more than Seulgi actually; imagine trying to leave your past behind only to have it slap your face years later. 

Wendy chuckles to herself; even her ill fate takes advantage of her. She just wanted to forget everything about her past so why didn’t she? Why can’t the Gods up there let her be and kill her in an accident so today’s events would be different? Perhaps she wouldn’t have met Seulgi at the bakery; perhaps Irene won’t be in this state now. It’s pretty much fate’s work to have the three of them being played. At this point, their lives have been intertwined to the point of no return. This eventual result is already showing some obvious outcomes of their relationships; Seulgi and Irene might never be that close again.

“I just hope you don’t blame yourself for this totally,” Joy pats Wendy’s back tenderly.

It’s a bit too late.


‘So that’s why Wendy’s so worried… what kind of girlfriend am I when I take her at her word when she tells me not to ask about her past? I should be wanting to comfort her instead of ignoring her.’

Unbeknownst to both Wendy and Joy, Seulgi turns her back and starts making her way back to the operating theatre. She followed them out because she was worried Joy would hit her girlfriend or something but to think she'd find out the truth she's been wondering about. To think Wendy once loved Irene and vice versa; their relationship never ended because Wendy fled after getting her heart broken. Irene never got the chance to make it up to Wendy either and it's obvious she's not over Wendy; staying celibate for years is proof enough.

If even fate, which is almost everyone's nemesis right now, tries to screw Irene and Wendy over once fails miserably, who is she to stand in the universe’s way? There are plans for them, and Seulgi plans to step aside for their second shot at happiness. Everyone deserves to be happy, especially soulmates who still find their way back to each other no matter the circumstances. 

With a determined smile on her face, Seulgi starts walking back to the operating theatre with a much lighter heart and soul. She starts realizing that ever since she fell in love with Wendy, she’s never been truly secure. She has always been afraid of losing the woman, even though they started on clean slate. Being scared of Wendy not wanting to be with her after some time; it never came true but something else has become her awakening. Wendy is still going to leave her in the end, and Seulgi will see to that personally now. 




“– The good news is that she’s finally out of danger and should be waking up anytime soon. As for her hand, well, I hope you can give her some comforting words and make sure she doesn’t strain it. It needs to recover before she goes for therapy too.”

Wendy squeezes her eyes shut, swallowing deeply to keep her emotions in check. She can’t explain the gratitude she’s feeling to the doctor coherently so she smiles before taking a seat. It's also right then that she realises how worried the others must have been; after all, they spent so much time together after Wendy fled. She can see the worry and anguish driving Yeri crazy; with the of 8 years between Yeri and Irene, the two get along extremely well and know each other inside out. A special relationship that only they can understand. 

“Seulgi-unnie! Where have you been?” Yeri runs up to the older, engulfing her in a bear-crushing hug. She rubs Seulgi’s back tenderly, as if knowing whatever the latter found out just now. “Irene-unnie is out of danger now so we can wait for her to wake up soon.”

As if on cue, Seulgi and Wendy’s eyes meet, both gazes having the same dilemma present. They really need to talk things out as soon as they get the chance but for now, their focus will have to shift to Irene's condition. There's no need for more emphasis, because Seulgi can tell that Wendy's about to get a ing if Irene doesn't wake up like the doctor says. Now seeing it for herself, Seulgi would have laughed if it wasn't for the solemn atmosphere between them. She has never seen Wendy so nervous over anything before - this is another first.

Wendy watches with bated breaths as Seulgi starts walking to her, unable to react. She is half-afraid and half apprehensive of what Seulgi might do to her but Seulgi isn’t that kind of person. The Seulgi everyone knows won’t even hurt a fly and the Seulgi that Wendy knows, is likely to let her go without asking for anything. 

“She’s going to be okay, Wendy.”

Seulgi wraps her arms around the shorter woman, caressing the latter’s hair lovingly. She can tell Wendy is about to break down in relief and she wants to be there for as long as possible. After Irene wakes up, there won’t be any more opportunities for her to do this for Wendy anymore. 

“You’re a saint,” Wendy whispers, her fingers digging into Seulgi’s back. She already knows what Seulgi is planning to do but Wendy can’t stop it; her heart is literally in pain whenever she thinks about Irene’s condition. “I love you… I love you so much, Kang Seulgi.”

And I will always love you, Wendy Son.


The dark, stormy night is torturous. The pin-drop silence in the room is enough for them to overthink and it’s also sufficient for tension to rise because of their overwhelming emotions. It’s been one and a half hours since the doctor informed them of the improvement in Irene’s condition. It’s also been one and a half hours since Joy began to stay downstairs in the cafeteria. No one noticed (or so she thought) that she wasn’t in the room so she’s currently enjoying her private space to herself. There’s plenty of time to connect her thoughts properly.

Right now, the triangle between Seulgi, Wendy and Irene has already been revealed – likely result to be the original pair of soulmates. She doesn’t blame Wendy or Irene for this at all; they didn’t expect to meet each other ever again but... her heart hurts. She can feel a dagger stabbing her heart repeatedly in the same position whenever the picture of Seulgi getting hurt enters her mind.

“What kind of messed up is this?”

“Love, I'll bet.”

Joy looks up with her face displaying death and she a brow when she finds a stranger sitting in front of her. She scans the woman opposite her and starts to find her a bit odd – why in the world is this woman eavesdropping on her own thoughts? Well, maybe Joy should start smiling because the woman in front of her is clearly older, probably by one whole generation. One more thing that's creeping her out incredibly is the fact that this woman reminds her of someone else; someone with a cold charm but extremely expressive eyes.

The woman suddenly smiles and rests her arms on the table, “I’m Kim Hyuna. You can call me by name if you like.”

Joy smiles sheepishly, “instead, is it okay if I call you formally? I don’t think calling elders by name is a good idea.”

Hitting it off with someone almost twenty-five years older is something Joy has never even bothered to consider; neither does she expect to be talking about relationships so openly to a stranger. In fact, this woman has got to be one of the most extraordinary of the older generation - she's been going on and on about how people in South Korea should be accepting love between all genders, whether or not they think it's right. Joy wants nothing more than to agree through and through but it's weird; no other person from that generation seem to be okay with it. 

Joy is in the midst of telling her everything has gone down between Wendy, Irene and Seulgi (without their names involved, of course) and is starting to get worked up about how things have gotten so messy.

“Well, love is love. It comes at the wrong timing all the time; I’m both sorry and amazed by your friend’s courage to let go. It’s sad but there’ll most likely be someone else for her – someone else that has been watching over her quietly.”

The words hit Joy a lot harder than she expected them to. She hasn't mentioned a single word about someone else liking Seulgi or anyone in particular but that woman just concluded everything for her. With absolutely no hint or mention of someone else other than the three directly involved in the love triangle of some sort… who is the other person? Joy can’t think of anyone at the moment. She wonders if the person in front of her has been in a similar situation before, because the woman knows everything she's feeling and wanting to do. 

Another smile crawls upon the woman’s face; she adjusts her hair and collar before standing up. She can’t help but giggle when Joy starts to look like a lost puppy.

“I have been in the same situation, only… my husband and I were interfering with my daughter’s love-life unconsciously. It's been a couple of years since they've been estranged and I don't want that anymore. We missed out so much of her life... that's not the way to be in a family.”

That being said, the woman starts walking off towards the direction of the main reception. She knows whatever she said will have some impact on Joy, judging by the look on the young woman's face.  Whatever she just shared with Joy? It’s all personal. She already knows that the trio, whoever might be involved will find happiness. The worry and pain in Joy is pretty clear too, that’s why she is fairly relaxed about the whole issue. Thoughts about her own daughter run through her mind like a broken player as she holds back her tears. 

Never again.

Never again will she be the stupid woman that followed the ways of society without supporting her daughter. 

“How can I help you, Miss?”

“The hospital contacted me earlier. My daughter, Bae Joohyun has finished her operation."


Seulgi sits beside Irene’s bed, holding Irene’s cold hand tightly. She feels a lot lighter now that she has made a decision for the good of everyone else. Yes, it still hurts for sure but brighter days wait ahead for her and that’s just facts. Whenever a dark patch falls upon her, she always believes that things will look up for her if she deserves it. If Wendy and her aren’t meant to be, then the pieces of the puzzle fit perfectly together. Another thing that has been going through her mind is Joy taking the initiative to talk to Wendy first, on behalf of Seulgi herself actually.

For once in her life, Seulgi wonders; has she been missing out something, or someone that’s always been there?

“You know, Joohyun,” Seulgi whispers, mindlessly tracing circles on Irene’s palm. She doesn’t feel mad about how the two have practically hid their past from her; they never meant for this to happen. “I always knew I would lose Wendy one day… I just didn’t know who it was going to be to. I promised myself that if that person could bring Wendy more happiness, I would let her go in a heartbeat.” 

If only Irene and Wendy managed to stick together in the past, she wouldn't have gotten a chance to experience being in a relationship with someone as amazing as Wendy. Even though her happiness is short-lived, Seulgi can safely say that she was the luckier one between them. Wendy has uncovered many aspects of herself that never used to be there over the span of almost two years and that in itself is mysterious. If Seulgi can say so herself, Wendy helped her to find herself more than anything; it's because of Wendy's own actions that Seulgi realises so much more about herself.

Because of that, Seulgi also knows it's no longer her place to be with Wendy. She is not the kind of person who'd keep trying just to make sure she doesn't regret it. There's no point in trying because Wendy's heart effortlessly flew back to its rightful owner. 

“Hey, Seul?” Wendy enters the room with a bag. She tries to smile when she sees the brightened gaze in Seulgi’s eyes; it’s so hard to let go of their memories. Handing over the bag to Seulgi, Wendy ruffles the older’s hair, “eat something, will you?”

“Thanks, Wendy.”

Silence ensues for the nth time between the two of them, both silently watching over Irene's peaceful self. It's actually one of the weirdest relationships they have. There's an odd sense of security washing over them now that they've cleared things out. While Seulgi always felt she'd lose Wendy, Wendy always had a sense of foreboding that this would happen. For Seulgi, Wendy has always been the most beautiful person in the world and with her heart of pure gold, Wendy was so, so perfect. Now that Wendy is in front of her trying to look okay, Seulgi thinks it’s an amazing feat.

Wendy’s heart is probably crying out for help and for Irene to be okay but she’s holding it back. It’s moments like these that mak

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Egifsetiawan 11 streak #1
Penasaran sih tapi ini kayaknya angst
Chapter 3: I'm a minority here but I didn't like that the endgame is Wenrene and the accident was just an excuse to enhance Wendy's feelings to choose Irene when it's obvious that it's going to hurt the world if someone she loved is about to To die. maybe I didn't like Wenrene because in the first chapters there was a stable and very loving Wenseul. if I had seen Wendy wavering, insecure or thinking about her ex all the time maybe if I would have bought the Wenrene
now i'm used to the fact that whenever there are love triangles, Wenseul is never the endgame
chchcn #3
Chapter 4: They have a long journey, i am glad its a happy ending
Favebolous 14 streak #4
My favorite ff of WenSeul
Chapter 3: the amount of plottwist in this story is amazing lol
but aww the last chapters is so satisfying because everything untied and falls into places with fluffs everywhere. a truly happy ending <3
Chapter 4: Wenrene fan here but was it bad that I wanted Wenseul to happen here? T______T

Anyways, I enjoyed the story though.. thank you author ssi :D
Chapter 4: Joy joy joy joooy.. JOYGI!! XD
Eririn #8
Chapter 4: Joy going to the library over Seulgi's house. Wow she really wants to avoid her. Wendy is such an amazing partner. Irene gotta treat her right. Thanks for another awesome story =)
Eririn #9
Chapter 3: As much as I feel bad for Seulgi, I can never say no to Wenrene. Seulgi will find her own happiness one day.
Eririn #10
Chapter 2: So Wendy pretended to not know Irene. This usually can't work unless It's in Korea since people can look so much alike =x