
Remember The Town
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“Hi, you must be Irene.”

Irene felt extremely light-headed at the similarities with the person who owned all her memories of college. She barely managed to prevent herself from behaving too suspiciously; though it is fairly obvious that everyone has their undivided attention on her odd behaviour right now. Her wit and charm were all gone because of someone she has apparently never met before, her housemate's girlfriend aka Wendy.... who bears a striking resemblance to Seungwan? Honestly, there is nothing more Irene wants than to vanish from this awkward meeting although it happens to be an important day for her precious housemate of almost two and a half years. 

Nevertheless, Irene shook Wendy’s outstretched hand with a smile; this whole memory game would have to do be accounted for much later when the person who’s causing it isn’t around. This would be a cruel game that fate is playing with Irene if that's the case, and if Wendy was really the Seungwan she knew.... Irene would have lots to make up for. 

“Baby,” Seulgi broke the awkward silence and leaned in to guide her girlfriend away from the weird introduction. With one hand on Wendy’s waist, Seulgi made sure to pay her housemate’s shoulder – they needed to talk later. “I’ll bring you to familiarise yourself around the apartment.”

Wendy blushed at the endearment and followed behind the taller woman, trying not to pay heed to Joy’s expression. She knows almost all of Seulgi’s friends and their personalities because of the little stories she always tells her.  

Joy happens to be the straightforward, blunt one, even when the topic happens to be dirty. Irene is the cold-looking one, though the warm radiates itself on its own when they become more than just acquaintances. Yeri is none other than the little Squirtle, cheeky and mischievious towards everyone even with the difference in their ages. Seulgi is unbelieveably proud of her friends, whether they embarrassed her in public or not. She could remember when she first graduated from university, the trio came to the campus with bouquets of flowers and bags of drinks to celebrate at the dormitory. It sounds crazy and wild, but that's how they made sure to celebrate together.

“We’ll be back in a short while, just need to show Wendy around.”

Joy isn’t always an observant person, and she never takes time to analyse a person’s emotions even though she’s capable of doing so. She doesn’t only have herself to thank for this though, because if a certain someone isn’t so obvious, then this predicament wouldn’t have arisen in the first place. She crossed her arms over her chest and watched Irene closely, trying to decipher the look in the elder’s eyes.

“Unnie,” Joy started cautiously, not wanting to offend Irene unintentionally. After all, it is none of her business but she just wants to prevent any drama that might come. “By any chance… do you know who Wendy-unnie is? Or have you seen her before?”

The hesitation in Irene's eyes had already given her emotions away beforehand, but she flat-out denied the question since she wasn't sure about the woman's identity. Although they did look identical if they were talking about appearance alone, Wendy and Seungwan are worlds apart in everything else. Seungwan wouldn’t pretend to not know her, right? Irene didn’t think it would be possible for the latter to ignore her when they didn’t have any closure. Then again, the amount of pain that has been inflicted on Seungwan was enough to scare the girl into never seeing her again; it hurt Irene just as much as it did the former though.

“Alright, Unnie. We’ll wait for them before ordering dinner.”

“Sure, Sooyoung.”

In the room stood Seulgi, blushing uncontrollably as her girlfriend walked around the room to look at her childhood pictures. She tried to stop Wendy but was responded with a smack on the , hence the red face. It's kinda endearing to see the love of your life adore your baby pictures but Seulgi's pictures are so unglamarous, and they look so odd compared to others. Seulgi could remember how her mother would take pictures of her with a fresh pair of diapers on her head, or when she was playing around with her toys in the bathtub. Those pictures are the ones that are being displayed atop the cupboards and table as of now. 

Wendy burst into laughter when she caught sight of the photo Seulgi wanted to hide forever; the one of her in her spotted underwear when she was a baby. She felt her heart warm at the adorable picture, finding nothing different about the baby’s and the woman’s face.

“What a cutie!”

“Oh, stop that.”

Seulgi looked away and hugged the Pringles stuffed toy tighter to her chest, not wanting to be embarrassed even more. She pouted to herself, making a mental note to change the placing of all the pictures as soon as possible. It was bad enough her friends loved teasing her, now her girlfriend too? Geez. Well, Seulgi isn't angry or upset, of course, just... insecure that her girlfriend who looked so beautiful is dating a meme like her. Wendy has mentioned that it's actually one of Seulgi's greatest traits and the trait she loves the most but still, it still showcases an embarrassing part.

Wendy sighed and plopped herself onto Seulgi’s legs, wrapping her arms around the other’s neck. She needed to make sure her precious girlfriend knew she was still the best in the world. 

“Kang Seulgi,” Wendy mumbled, leaning in to plant a kiss on the other’s forehead. She can’t help the smile growing on her face though, seeing how stubbornly cute Seulgi is being. “You’re so much cuter in real life, though you were born as a meme baby.”


Seulgi glared at Wendy as the younger cupped her face, caressing her cheeks in an attempt to appease her. She knows all of Wendy's tricks in the book and this happens to be the mere tip of the iceberg; use aegyo to make sure Seulgi doesn't stay mad. There hasn't be a single exception thus far, and Wendy remembers to pull out her trump card, which is none other than tempting her precious girlfriend. There's no way she can be resisted. Well, they're definitely more of a fluffy and soft than y couple but they're no saints either, they definitely get down to business when they're in need. 

Wendy sighed when her eyes landed on Seulgi’s lips, her resolve to make Seulgi smile crumbling again. She didn’t know which part of it finished it but the next thing Wendy knew, her lips were already against Seulgi’s. 

“You could have just said you wanted a kiss instead of annoying me and tempting me, Wandy,” Seulgi teased, nipping onto her girlfriend's lower lip. 

“Oh whatever…”


Dinner just happened to be pizza and chicken for the evening, especially since their refrigerator had barely anything to cook a meal for four. None of them were complaining though, fast food was everyone's best friend anyway. Maybe Irene didn't fancy eating chicken but pizza was still acceptable (though she forced herself to eat because Wendy had been enjoying the food). Whether everything Irene had been doing this evening was to somehow impress Wendy, no one knew for sure. All Irene knows is that she canot afford to let go of any chance; if Wendy happens to be Seungwan, they need to talk as soon as possible. 

“Is it to your liking, Wendy-unnie?” Joy asked good-naturedly, her smile widening when the older continued to munch like a true shikshin. She now sees an even cuter similarity between the couple. Joy made sure to nudge her best friend teasingly, “Gosh, you two are such big shikshins. Another plus for this big muncher here, huh?”

The slight frown on Irene's face might be a tad bit obvious, because another pair of wandering eyes had caught sight of the tell-tale gesture unintentionally. She swallowed another bite of pizza with much difficulty, trying to ignore the lovey-dovey actions in front of her very eyes. Of all the people in the world, why did her housemate have to date someone who looked so similar to her... memory of the past? It isn't supposed to affect Irene this much anymore, considering the number of years that have already passed since then. It was too suffocating for Irene to even think straight; her eyes kept going back to the blonde sitting there.

“Unnie, are you feeling okay?” Yeri asked all of a sudden, reaching out to pat Irene’s hand. She knows the eldest unnie is not a big fan of fast food because her stomach doesn’t deal well with it. “I can go out and buy some porridge for you if you want.”

This exchange probably caught Wendy’s attention, seeing as the other woman flinched a little. It might have been a split-second reaction but nonetheless, it attracted attention from the one person that should never ever dig up the past.

Seulgi stopped munching on the meaty drumstick and turned to her girlfriend with a gummy smile, “I hope you like the chicken too, Wendy-ah. The pizza might not taste as good as it usually does but the chicken’s better!”

Wendy couldn’t care less about the chicken or pizza when her baby was busy telling her all about food with her lips having smeared sauce. She knows the beauty and charms Seulgi possess but her favourite moments of her girlfriend are mostly this: Seulgi rambling on and on about food and her love for it. The latter definitely adores food; probably lives to eat instead of the other way around – again, Wendy loves the fact that neither of them feel the need to diet or skip meals around each other. So many women do that because they don't want their significant others to get scared off or whatever other sad reason that exists. 

“Well, you’re definitely enjoying it even if I am not,” Wendy teased, wiping the sides of her girlfriend’s lips with her fingers. She chuckled when Seulgi started to turn pink at their blatant display of affection; the older trying her best to pull away from Wendy. “Aigoo, at least let me wipe your mouth properly before you try to hide from everyone here.”


Everyone turned to face the eldest, who was starting to find difficulty breathing because of the choking sensation. She grabbed at , trying to free her airway of the food stuck there. While Yeri rushed to the kitchen to get a glass of water, Wendy, being a certified doctor, leaped to her feet and moved behind Irene swiftly. She placed her hands atop the approximate position of Irene's diaphragm and pulled tow

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Egifsetiawan 11 streak #1
Penasaran sih tapi ini kayaknya angst
Chapter 3: I'm a minority here but I didn't like that the endgame is Wenrene and the accident was just an excuse to enhance Wendy's feelings to choose Irene when it's obvious that it's going to hurt the world if someone she loved is about to To die. maybe I didn't like Wenrene because in the first chapters there was a stable and very loving Wenseul. if I had seen Wendy wavering, insecure or thinking about her ex all the time maybe if I would have bought the Wenrene
now i'm used to the fact that whenever there are love triangles, Wenseul is never the endgame
chchcn #3
Chapter 4: They have a long journey, i am glad its a happy ending
Favebolous 14 streak #4
My favorite ff of WenSeul
Chapter 3: the amount of plottwist in this story is amazing lol
but aww the last chapters is so satisfying because everything untied and falls into places with fluffs everywhere. a truly happy ending <3
Chapter 4: Wenrene fan here but was it bad that I wanted Wenseul to happen here? T______T

Anyways, I enjoyed the story though.. thank you author ssi :D
Chapter 4: Joy joy joy joooy.. JOYGI!! XD
Eririn #8
Chapter 4: Joy going to the library over Seulgi's house. Wow she really wants to avoid her. Wendy is such an amazing partner. Irene gotta treat her right. Thanks for another awesome story =)
Eririn #9
Chapter 3: As much as I feel bad for Seulgi, I can never say no to Wenrene. Seulgi will find her own happiness one day.
Eririn #10
Chapter 2: So Wendy pretended to not know Irene. This usually can't work unless It's in Korea since people can look so much alike =x