Bonus: How We Began (JoyGi)

Remember The Town
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A/N: This takes place before WenRene's child was born :)


Walking out of the hospital after so many months has never been more relieving for Seulgi: they've been sticking beside Wendy in Irene’s ward as the latter undergoes all sorts of continuous checks and surgeries, along with physiotherapy to exercise her limbs. Months of juggling her job and visiting her friends, focusing on how much pressure both Irene and Wendy are under because of their hospital bills. It's a miracle that Wendy managed to find a well-suited job that pays well. Now that Seulgi gets to leave with a relaxed heart, she will definitely take the opportunity to release some pent-up stress and frustration. 

“Finally…” Seulgi stretches her arms out, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. She can feel the wind hit her face and it feels extremely good to be out in the open again. “Let’s get some ice cream to reward myself, yes?”

A reward, indeed.

Everyone knows it was the most difficult time for Seulgi, considering she had to let her own girlfriend go because she finally found out about Wendy and Irene’s past. Technically she didn’t have to, but what was the use in having Wendy by her side when it is obvious that Wendy has never once forgotten about Irene? The typically phrase: ‘Just because there’s a goalkeeper doesn’t mean you can’t score’ – it isn’t something Seulgi believes in and she sure as hell won’t do the same to others. Hell, Wendy deserves to be happy with the person she genuinely loves. Even if Irene hurt Wendy in their past, they still deserve happiness and it's up to them to resolve it on their own.

“Welcome! What flavor would you like to try today?”

Seulgi’s eyes glaze over the array of unique flavors in the display counter, clapping her hands in mild excitement. She was on a strict diet before any of this happened but to hell with that damn diet; ice cream is the best consolation for her. Inevitably, her eyes land on Wendy's favourite flavour sitting comfortably in the corner. 

“Can I have a double chocolate chip, please?”

“Sure, give me a minute and I’ll bring it to you!”

Taking a seat right at the back of the tiny little ice cream shack, Seulgi looks around the prettily decorated place. She has always liked cute places like this; they always give her extra warmth and has a rather cozy interior. In fact, this place reminds her a lot of their two maknaes. While Yeri loves making new friends in the same shack, Joy was the one who introduced dessert shacks to her. Most of them have an entirely separate tummy for desserts but the true munchers are both Joy and her, which is why they always manage to find loads of places with amazing food. Those food dates have never once been disappointing - except once where Joy got so enchanted by this girly looking idiot selling perfume outside the shop. 

Seulgi never really noticed how much time she and Sooyoung spent together before, even during her relationship with Wendy; being best friends always meant something different... it's terrible, but Joy brings so much happiness to her. 

“Here’s your double chocolate mint! This is also for you, an Oreo milkshake!”

With a confused expression, Seulgi looks up and stops the overly-excited waitress from leaving. “I didn’t order this milkshake though. You must have delivered wrongly.”

The waitress simply smiles at the question filled with overwhelming curiosity, pointing her hand to another table in the other corner of the cozy shack. She usually gets creeped out by such actions but the other customer's gaze when looking at this cute, bear-looking one holds nothing but affection and even admiration if she's not wrong. Ever since Seulgi stepped into the empty shack, she got a good look at Seulgi’s expression and instantly knew the girl definitely needed some good ice cream. Perhaps she had the intention of getting Seulgi's number but the moment the other customer stepped in with that worried gaze, she knew she had absolutely no chance against that gorgeous specimen. 

Seulgi’s lips curl at the corners, spotting Joy with a book held up in front of her face. She giggles to herself – Joy should have at least changed her clothes from an alps-looking girl if she wanted to hide her identity. That fashion is so typical of Joy: always looking like a real lady while Seulgi gets to look like a complete tomboy beside her; not that she's complaining, just that people always think they're a couple. 

‘Come here,’ Seulgi mouths, making a come-hither motion with her index finger. She, however, can't keep her smile hidden when Joy walks to her table with flushed cheeks. It isn't a common sight for her best friend to be this shy around her either. “So… you’re my secret admirer sending me free milkshakes, huh?”

Joy shrugs in response and takes the seat opposite Seulgi, planting a sweet smile on her face. Seulgi can feel her jaw beginning to ache from how wide she is grinning too; it's been far too long since they've come out together on their own like this. Thinking of it now, Joy doesn’t remember the last time Seulgi asked her out to have a meal or even go shopping. She misses times like this because they spent so many years together, going through thick and thin together. Although Joy had multiple school committments at once, Seulgi always made sure to take care of her meals and reminded her of how important maintaining her health was even during busy periods.

Compared to every single person out there, Seulgi was always special. She didn't care about popularity or status, neither did she pay any attention to the social hierachy in here. Seulgi herself was pretty high up in the hierachy, coming from a decent family along with a talented persona. Joy did gain some popularity, but it was only after she found solace in joining the performing arts club.  

Joy pouts at Seulgi when she isn't offered a single thing. “Why aren’t you offering me some? You’re supposed to share good food!”

“The counter’s right there, Sooyoung,” Seulgi replies, eyes focused on her ice cream instead. She continues savoring the sweetness of the chocolate dessert, oblivious to Joy’s blatant ogling. “Go order some if you want. I don’t mind getting one more too.”

Oh, for God's sake.

Why does Seulgi pay more attention to her food than actual living people?

When Joy finally jumps up from her seat in slight annoyance and goes to the display counter to order herself her own cone, Seulgi looks up from beneath her eyelids: her best friend hasn't changed a single bit from the time they got to know each other. Joy might express her feelings easily but there is a barrier aorund her heart that only certain people can bring down effortlessly. Whilst Joy has made it very clear that she was never interested in any of the guys in school, she was very open about her relationships with girls. Those girls take the definition of thirsty to a new level, always gushing about Joy's good looks to each other in the open without a hint of shame. 

“Miss Park, you could have asked nicely if you wanted a scoop of my ice cream,” Seulgi teases, knowing fully well that Joy has already ordered her one.

Joy makes a face at her, sitting down with a huff. She knows Seulgi is just teasing her now; the latter always gets a huge kick out of it, for some reason. Sometimes, Seulgi would intentionally pretend not to know her on the street and end up receiving a huge smack on the back for that. Seulgi smiles when the younger continues to ignore her – it never lasts for long – they do have a rather peculiar friendship after all. She continues taking her time with her own ice cream (she ordered a double-scoop), peeking up at Joy from time to time. Joy was still sulking and in her own world, gaze in her eyes drifting into the distance. 

It is only when Joy finally snaps out of it on her own and finds Seulgi staring at her with what seems to be a love-struck gaze. She knows it’s impossible but Seulgi is making things hard with the way she looks at her.

“Stop it.”

“Stop what?”

“Staring.” Joy’s voice suddenly drops a notch in volume, face turning pinkish when she still feels the burning gaze. She knows Seulgi is as stubborn as a mule but even now, in a public place at that? Joy isn’t up for that embarrassment. “You’re going to look like a complete idiot… not that you aren’t already.”

Seulgi’s eyes widen in disbelief at the sudden transition from embarrassment to an insult. She doesn’t think she’ll ever get used to Joy being so witty and quick with her words; Joy wasn’t always like this. In fact, the younger one was a lot more bashful and shy around people she didn’t know because she didn’t trust them easily. Let’s not just refer to Irene, even Seulgi thought Joy wasn’t friendly or nice when they first met in school. Joy always walked around with a resting face and looked as if she was about to kill everyone while Seulgi was a literal walking teddy bear who smiled all the time.

Complete opposites that collided and became the best of friends – how often does this happen in reality?

Joy assumes she wins the tiny debate, until Seulgi’s hand reaches out and caresses her cheek out of the blue. “Y-Yah… what in the world are you doing in a public place?”

“Nothing… just,” Seulgi feels as if there’s something caught in . She can’t break the eye contact with Joy, and it’s making her extremely tongue-tied. With another sigh, Seulgi retracts her hand back to her side, “nothing…”

Disappointment is visible in Joy’s eyes when Seulgi doesn’t say anything afterward; she had expected some sort of confession-like response but there isn’t anything, not even something to break the damn silence. She stares at the cup of butterscotch-flavoured ice cream in front of her, finding it a lot more interesting now. Honestly, anything is pretty much better to look at than Seulgi herself after that moment of false hope. It happens all the time... doesn't Seulget get tired? Joy can’t understand Seulgi at all: the latter always hesitates after starting a topic but pulls back immediately when she feels it’s not good to talk about it.

It’s not just annoying, it’s painful to know that Seulgi would kill of a topic completely just because she isn’t sure if she wants to take a risk with her. After multiple attempts to break through Seulgi's wall, Joy is getting tired as well.




Irene lays on the sofa this time, one hand below her head and the other rubbing her very pregnant tummy. She’s been lazing around in different areas of their apartment the entire day because Wendy doesn’t allow her to go anywhere, not even to work or buy necessities. Irene doesn’t get all the fuss, especially since she’s not even in her third trimester yet. Although her work is no longer at the old fashion brand, she is now a full-time kindergarten teacher. She doesn’t understand how stressful working with kids can be, because it does help her nurture motherhood in some way or another. Wendy, on the other hand, always nags at Irene for being so stubborn when it comes to staying home.

“Son Seungwan!”

“What is it now?”

“I want some ice cream!”

Wendy clamps down onto her lower lip; this is the third time today Irene has intentionally made requests when Wendy is doing something at the same time. It is pretty normal for pregnant women to make requests due to their sudden cravings but Irene doesn't usually have many of those. The only time it increased in number was when Wendy made sure she stayed at home to take care of her pregnancy. Wendy can’t understand why Irene finds it so difficult to obey some things when it’s for her own good – shouldn’t pregnant women want to stay at home and relax while their partner does the work?

With a sigh, Wendy goes to the refrigerator to get some vanilla ice cream as per Irene’s request – They're only left with vanilla – Irene already finished all their chocolate ice cream two days ago. Food cravings are natural, yes, but the amount of sweet things Irene has been consuming is crazy and unhealthy.

“Here’s the ice cream, Your Highness,” Wendy bows, mimicking a servant servicing her mistress. She is in absolute disbelief when Irene simply grabs the cup, ignoring Wendy. “Y-Yah! I brought you the ice cream. Can you thank me at least?”

Irene giggles at the sight of her pouting wife; Wendy always looks so much more adorable when she’s not the independent, super breadwinner of the house. Irene is so used to Wendy doing everything for her of her own accord; it makes her scared of taking the latter for granted again. Although they talk things out from time to time and Wendy assures Irene that things won’t go that way ever again, Irene is terrified of losing her. Perhaps it is because Wendy is practically a perfectionist when it comes to taking care of Irene, the latter always feels as if her love will never be enough to match the love Wendy can offer. 

“Thank you, Love.”

Wendy smiles pridefully, the smug expression taking Irene’s breath away effortlessly. Irene finds it really endearing when a look of pride is plastered on Wendy’s face, because the latter rarely finds anything to boast about. Most of the time when she does, it's either because she won against Irene in something, or Irene did something to make her proud. Irene doesn't like the fact that Wendy doesn't boast anything about herself: everyone has something they're extremely proud of themselves for but not Wendy. It makes Irene worry: this might eventually cause Wendy's self-confidence to keep depleting with time. 

Before Wendy can excuse herself to the kitchen, Irene grabs hold of her wife’s wrist. She grunts as she forces herself to sit up comfortably, leaning against Wendy’s side. When she feels Wendy’s arm go around her waist, Irene immediately snuggles her face into the crook of Wendy's warm neck.

“Stop being so amazing for one second and sit with me,” Irene whispers, pressing her lips against the side of Wendy’s jaw. She plays with Wendy’s fingers, not minding the rough surface from all the washing detergent. “You don’t have to work so hard, you know? We already have enough money to last our lives.”

Wendy shakes her head in slight denial, running her fingers through Irene’s chocolate-colored locks. She loves this color on Irene and she’ll never get tired of saying it, though Irene looks beautiful with almost anything. Hell, Irene could have a freaking mohawk and Wendy would still be praising her to the ends of the earth. There are so many things Wendy loves about her wife, even more now that Irene is pregnant with their little jelly bean. Irene even changed her initial decision of not having children after knowing how much Wendy loved children. There's no way Wendy would choose to stay out when her pregnant wife who loves her so is waiting for her to come back from work every day, regardless of the time. 

Changing jobs for one that allows her to work from home is the best decision Wendy has ever made. It allows her to take care of Irene and accomplish some things from work simultaneously – a practical, feasible win-win solution. She isn't just a career woman; Irene is her wife and she will take care of her over anything else. 

“How can I stop working just because we’re doing well right now?” Wendy asks with a chuckle. She knows it’s the pregnancy hormones talking because Irene is always fussing about their expenses and Wendy is relaxed about it. Wendy’s right hand lands on Irene’s tummy, rubbing the surface tenderly, “I will continue to work so we can give a good life to this little cutie right here.”

“My baby is all grown up now…”

In a blink of an eye, Irene has tears rolling down her cheek due to an influx of emotions. She can’t express how proud of Wendy she is, going through so many hardships and emerging as a perfect spouse. They’ve returned back to each other, their very first love – how often does this happen? It doesn’t make sense. Irene herself thinks about this all the time; she wonders why Wendy chooses to be with her when there are better people out there. No matter what Wendy says to assure her, Irene knows for sure that her position wouldn't have been secured if there wasn't a ring on her finger right now.

Wendy bursts out laughing, hugging her poor wife closely in obvious glee. She knows there are bound to be emotional bursts like this but this is a new level of unpredictable. Irene always hides her feelings so it’s not necessarily a bad thing for Wendy.

“Oh, you’re such a baby now,” Wendy smiles.

Irene’s tears and sobbing stop abruptly as she pulls away from Wendy’s embrace. She can’t believe that just left her wife’s mouth without a single ounce of hesitation. 

“So I’m a child now? YOU SLEEP ON THE SOFA TONIGHT!”




“Yeah, can you believe it?”

“Of course, I can. She’s pregnant, Wan-ah.” Seulgi laughs, her phone sandwiched between her ear and shoulder. She isn’t working today because she needs to clear up her own apartment, plus Joy is supposed to come over too. “You know you don’t mind her mood swings anyway. Don’t make a fuss.”

Seulgi can't help but release a few laughs and giggles when Wendy continues to whine, wondering why she receives the full brunt of Irene's unstable emotions. She finds her friends' predicament very comical; it's so difficult to imagine Irene whining and behaving like a spoilt child in front of Wendy. Irene is always classy, prim and proper around everyone else - others can go crazy and hyper - she is the calm one. The fact that the pregnancy has changed Irene's personality a hundred and eight degrees is amazing, also making Wendy into a such a responsible adult. The two of them have become such a strong couple together, which is a huge burden off Seulgi's shoulders.

“Anyway, she loves you to the ends of the earth,” Seulgi ends it off with a firm tone. She knows there isn’t any room for discussion when the amount of love is being talked about. “And let’s not pretend you aren’t whipped for her, okay? You’re only too happy to be bossed around like this.”

That being said, the call doesn't take too long to end with Wendy eventually giving in to her wife's continuous demands, not that Seulgi doubted that would be the final result. Everyone in their circle is aware of how whipped Wendy is, and it's only going to become worse when their baby is born. Irene has Wendy practically wrapped around her little finger; there's no doubt that Wendy won't stand a chance against both Irene and their baby. Also, let's not forget that Irene has her wife at her beck and call with every demand. Their lives are only going to get easier with the amount of money they have made already.

Seulgi sighs enviously at the thought of her best friends having a child of their own; she wants to have children of her own too, perhaps a pet in addition to their tiny home. What is she even saying? She doesn’t have a girlfriend or a wife yet.

Speaking of that… where is Joy? 

Knock, knock.

“Seulgi? I’m here!”  


There is a skip in Seulgi’s step and she doesn’t even realize it; the thought of Joy and her spending some time alone together makes it all the more exciting – this is coming from someone who hates cleaning. When a person who hates cleaning starts liking it because of the person who is coming to help her, there is obviously another meaning to this.

Joy simply smiles at Seulgi when the door opens, finding her best friend adorable with that little bun atop her head. Seulgi is a complete beauty on her own, whether or not she’s wearing make-up or not. Joy considers it a blessing to be able to see Seulgi’s bare face all the time compared to other people; Seulgi is a pretty private and conservative person, after all. There are some who like it when Seulgi is made up all pretty compared to without and some who don’t even get the opportunity to see her bare face. Those who don't are truly missing out on a goddess' looks, but Joy isn't complaining since she'll remain special.

“You’re a little late, huh?”

“Well, I was caught up at the café,” Joy replies nonchalantly, her eyes scanning Seulgi’s neat living room; the latter must have started with the biggest room of all. Joy can’t understand that, since junk is usually moved to the living room first. “The cashier was pestering me for a date again.”

Seulgi's shoulders stiffen at the mention of someone pestering Joy for a date, she cannot say anything because she doesn't have a relationship with Joy. They're only best friends and as a best friend, Seulgi is supposed to support Joy with whoever makes her happy. Anywa

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Egifsetiawan 11 streak #1
Penasaran sih tapi ini kayaknya angst
Chapter 3: I'm a minority here but I didn't like that the endgame is Wenrene and the accident was just an excuse to enhance Wendy's feelings to choose Irene when it's obvious that it's going to hurt the world if someone she loved is about to To die. maybe I didn't like Wenrene because in the first chapters there was a stable and very loving Wenseul. if I had seen Wendy wavering, insecure or thinking about her ex all the time maybe if I would have bought the Wenrene
now i'm used to the fact that whenever there are love triangles, Wenseul is never the endgame
chchcn #3
Chapter 4: They have a long journey, i am glad its a happy ending
Favebolous 14 streak #4
My favorite ff of WenSeul
Chapter 3: the amount of plottwist in this story is amazing lol
but aww the last chapters is so satisfying because everything untied and falls into places with fluffs everywhere. a truly happy ending <3
Chapter 4: Wenrene fan here but was it bad that I wanted Wenseul to happen here? T______T

Anyways, I enjoyed the story though.. thank you author ssi :D
Chapter 4: Joy joy joy joooy.. JOYGI!! XD
Eririn #8
Chapter 4: Joy going to the library over Seulgi's house. Wow she really wants to avoid her. Wendy is such an amazing partner. Irene gotta treat her right. Thanks for another awesome story =)
Eririn #9
Chapter 3: As much as I feel bad for Seulgi, I can never say no to Wenrene. Seulgi will find her own happiness one day.
Eririn #10
Chapter 2: So Wendy pretended to not know Irene. This usually can't work unless It's in Korea since people can look so much alike =x